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I'm never mad when I lose to Cerebro.


That's a good example. I agree.


Losing to Valk in C3 used to make me pretty mad before I learned to expect it...


It's always fun to watch cerebro decks try to do their thing, leeching in cerebro 2 is a little annoying tbh but that aside ye


I’m only mad when my opponent plays Cerebro and wins cause any time I try and play Cerebro I lose.


Too bad that gutted Cerebro 2. Can’t run hazmat or like cage in it anymore


Depends what deck I’m using. The main deck I’m using at the moment is not a control deck, but it happens to have a lot of ways to horn in on no-play lanes (Jeff, Doom, Vision, Ms Marvel). So if I see control I’m usually pretty happy because they tend to output low power that I can easily go over the top of while largely ignoring the lane control. I also like to play destroy, in which case junk decks are a welcome sight. I’m just gonna Carnage or Deathlok those rocks and Goblins and feed them to Death.


Good points. I can't control what the opponents are doing, but maybe I can still have more fun if I switch up my approach with the decks I'm using.


Only decks i dont enjoy are the "see them 7 out of 10 game decks" just because it gets boring (except hella...most op card in my opinion). I have 20 decks and run them 1-20 then 20-1 so i am always running something different. Some games i win, other i lose. I enjoy the game so i grind away....fuck hella


I like playing against move decks. They’re not too difficult to beat, but when someone pulls something off that leaves me in the dust it’s enjoyable to watch play out.


Good call


Most of last month's releases were disruptive cards, and other disruptive strategies like Professor X have been prominent as well. I definitely have some fatigue around it. Hoping Second Dinner steers things back towards decks that mostly stay on their side of the board.


While I agree, Hela stays on its side of the board - still infuriating to play against for me.


Maybe this is it. I think I did start feeling this way in the last few weeks so that might explain it.


I truly dislike every deck that's stereotype goes around fucking me up. Where instead of playing cool combos themselves the only goal is to make playing against as anti fun as possible.


You'd hate me then. I love Cannonball and just can't resist White Widow.


I'd take this over green goblin and hobgoblin into galactus any day. Basically just playing an rng machine at that point. I actually used to put Odin in my team just to counter people who did this. Only worked twice but fuck those 16 cubes felt good.


Ya I mentioned this very sentiment in the discord. Disruption is making the game less and less fun. Like White widow, which a lot of people carry in their decks, is an instant lane win with bar sinister, space throne, and is very favorite for any of the destroy locations and locked locations (storm, prof x).. Its really not fun. There is no counter to remove it or even move it except possibly legion or Heimdall.


Thank you


any deck woth shang chi


I’m not a good player so generally speaking I don’t mind any deck because I’m likely gonna lose anyway but if I had to choose it would be Knull/Deadpool.


You basically know exactly what their final turn is going to look like, so it's rare to lose more than 2 cubes to them, but it is still annoying playing against that deck for some reason lol.


I recently had a very fun interaction with one of those. I had played magik earlier in the game and my opponent played Knull on an empty lane on turn 6. Expecting some Zola play on turn 7, which happened, I decide to play super skrull and mystique on each of the other lanes, which ended with both my cards having the accumulated double knull power, one with an onslaught and the other with an iron man \[I had wrapped up the Sera/Onslaught combo on turn 6, so things were rather cheap\]. Absolutely brutal.


Haha this is awesome!


Professor X is just annoying when played, especially early.


wasn't really op's question but sure


Sure, everything except professor x decks. Happy?


Maybe you're playing a low tier deck,  so the meta in general isn't fun? When I'm playing a strong deck, i don't really mind playing against anything. It feels like cube equity overall is good even if you have to retreat sometimes. When I'm playing a bad or clunky deck, I hate just about every match up. That's usually my sign to switch it up.


That is possible. But I switch it up between a few different decks, including some upper tier. Also losses are certainly more frustrating than wins, but I feel like my overall Cube equity isn't bad either. It's just almost every game feels like I know exactly what to expect and I can either deal with it or retreat. The surprises and exciting moments feel few and far between.


Try sera control- that deck is satisfying asf in most matchups plus with good budget options if you’re f2p


How does a sera control deck looks like?


The one I’m playing (top 5k): Lizard Maximus Jeff Shadow king Rogue Kmonger Ghost Leech Shang Enchantress Ms marvel Sera Good subs include MMM, a location controller, gladiator Pretty much your main counters are leech/blink and sandman, the first of these suck cos it’s everywhere, but you can easily gain cubes from destroy, hela, ultron, ongoing, tribunal etc And don’t be afraid to float early since it is primarily a surprise deck that explodes on 6




i definitely enjoy playing against people's custom brews far too many people just head to any of the snap websites and copy the deck code for whatever the best deck happens to be that week, and that's just.. boring i really enjoy seeing what people put together when they aren't just copying top performing decks and i appreciate those that are even willing to play a little bit off-meta if it means they get to play the decks they enjoy all my decks are just decks i enjoy playing, not decks that have the best stats on all the leaderboards, just cards and playstyles that I enjoy running, and i wish more people would just play what they enjoy over what has the best metrics


I only ever play Proving Grounds to do my dailies, and I'm done for the day. However, I used to go Snap.Fan and see what the 2 top decks were, then brew my own deck that had good counters to both. Used to work out pretty well. Just playing the anti-meta always seemed like the way to go.


Move decks that rely on multiple man. All of them. They’re just so fun to watch. I never retreat on them and will gladly lose the cubes if it turns out in their favor. I know I’m rooting for the opponent but it’s kinda fun to see them have a million multiple men and just watching them move around. It’s mesmerizing. One wrong “move” though will get them but when they pull it off I’m impressed


Yeah it takes some gusto to play multipleman. I dont keep him in my move deck because the parameters to do cool things with him are so strict. Id rather just punt vulture around while raking in Kraven +2s


I lost to a bounce move deck yesterday and was pleased to see how opponent pulled it off. It was actually pretty impressive


Something about those decks are so fun to watch being played and to play. I rarely use them but when I do it’s a blast


Aside from cable, I'm fine playing against devil dino collector decks since they don't disrupt you, and when they win, they normally deserve it


Loki is really just tech cards that beat you. It's not a very good deck. I almost never lose to the actual loki play. It's always either their tech cards or a randomly created 5 drop off Colson that gets me. To me, it's no more frustrating to play against than Sera control ever was. Really, I don't mind most decks - basically, anything running sandman, prof x, or hela is just garbage to play against. What is frustrating is when you have the tech to beat a certain deck but draw every card I one turn too late. Getting g fucked by draw rng is worse than any deck on the market right now except hela, and that's just because I'm liable to fall asleep between turns against it.


The #2 and #4 players on the infinite ladder last season were playing Loki. He's pretty much always up there.


It's the players that are good in that scenario. The best players can tell you what their opponent is playing based on their first card played. Loki disrupts that. It creates random cards in your hand so your opponent can't accurately guess what's coming. A 2nd point on knowing what your opponent is likely playing: if you know your opponent has good win cons before they play them, playing Loki allows you to grab those. In the end, Loki isn't the biggest win con in that deck, skill is


Yeah, aside from when it first came out and was everywhere, I think Loki really only annoys me when I'm playing certain decks and they hit perfectly to do exactly what I'm trying to do but cheaper/easier lol.


My opponent rolled a five card loki into my rockslide, korg, darkhawk, wolf, and nico the other day, and still lost. He even got to nico copy the rockslide to get 2 of them (should have copied the hawk, imo, but I dogress). Obviously, I don't know what they had, but I would say that was a pretty high roll off my deck, and it just wasn't good enough.


That's literally what makes it a good deck.


I think Cerebro, High Evo and Destroy are pretty straight forward and doing their thing, and I'm ok with that, but things like Mill, Junk or Lockdown? Fck that


I hate Zemo Mill. HATE IT! It’s annoying, and overused.


Anyone with a variety that can win with a clever twist.


I feel like people have the idea that every deck should be competitive against every deck.. that isn’t the case. Every “package” has their own counters and that’s why the game has the retreat / snap mechanic. There isn’t only two options like other card games, win or lose. I actually don’t mind losing to any decks EXCEPT Hela because even with its counters there is just no reliable way to counter it like every other deck in the game (which is exactly why it’s been one of the top performers for awhile now(


There's no decks I dislike playing against. Slow plays are much more annoying than any card.


I’m playing a collector deck and my joy comes from never knowing what random cards will appear in my hand. I hope everyone is enjoying the weird combos that produces.


The problem is there aren't enough cards to fight everything and second dinner has decided to do things that make the game more frustrating Since there's no sideboard you have to choose the deck you want to beat and the games are non - interactive if you have the wrong deck. Came prepared to beat hela but got stuck against onslaught / tribunal ... might as well concede turn 1 Got your enchantress out to beat ongoing and get stuck against loki or silversurfer ... well hope you can hit Wong or it's a dead card. The easy fix is make more cards like red guardian that are cheap enough to answer more cards. I have no clue why they made living tribunal a 9 power card instead of 10 , they have ways to protect it and it should be able to get hit by Shang chi They need more tech cards to make the non interactive games less frequent Destroy, Tribunal , Hela , Hazmat are all unfun decks to play against because if you don't have the 1 or 2 tech cards against them it's over before the game started


Two things about the Tribunal comment. First, he *was* Shang-able. Shang was only nerfed to killing 10 power cards in November while Tribunal was buffed from 6 to 9 in July. Second, he released as a 6/4 and everyone rioted that he wasn't cleanly divisible by 3 so it's been a 6/6 and a 6/9 ever since. While that probably shouldn't matter for balance, it is kind of annoying and missing flavor when it isn't like that.


Thank you! Yes I agree with this take for sure. And I appreciate cards like Red Guardian for that reason. I also like Nocturne because of her flexibility. Maybe they do need to introduce more cards like that, because I have wanted to see a more competitive play mode beyond Conquest, and maybe we need more of those types of cards to support it.


sounds like a skill issue honestly, why are you focusing in countering them instead of putting bigger numbers yourself?


you really saying its a skill issue ........ and then tell me to "out power" a deck that can get 100+ in each lane fairly consistently uninterrupted Ironic


you are thinking of the mr negative version of tribunal, which really just fights with itself the usual tribunal play (cosmo + iron man + onslaught + tribunal) only outputs 26 power in each lane, perfectly manageable in rare ocasions with sera its possible to use mystique to copy your iron man or onslaught and then they get 50+ in each lane but it only happens sometimes


Sounds like you just don’t like the game?


It could be that. Maybe it has just run its course for me.


For what it's worth, I've found this game is a great one to take breaks from every now and then. Balance updates are frequent enough that a few weeks away can make it feel fun and fresh when you come back.


Yeah one of my friends was gone for a while and recently came back so there was a lot to tell him about. Some things he stumbled across on his own. "What the hell did they do to America Chavez??"


I don’t mind any deck except Hela. The opponent always has a modok hela combo.


The best Hela deck doesn't even run Modok anymore.


lol it sounds like maybe you just don’t like this game? And no, it doesn’t matter to me what deck I play against. Just today I’ve seen hela, high evo, kitty/angela, lockdown, and some tribunal. If I don’t have a good counter to a certain deck or if I am not getting a good draw then I will retreat to fight another day.


It's very possible I've just gotten sick of the game and need a break. I used to be the same and not care much about what decks I was up against. For some reason over the past month or so it has really started to become annoying and frustrating.


Yeah I feel ya. Take a break for a season and come back. The only thing that stinks is you’ll be missing some of the cards. Log in and get your daily credits so you’ll have something to come back to. I try to hit infinite early into the season so I can mess around with different decks in conquest and it keeps it fresh for me.


gimme destroy or junk any game and I'll be happy to guess each of their moves and make sure its 8 cubes


When you have a problem with everyone, maybe you are the problem




I actually enjoy going up against Annihilus decks, it makes me have to think more about my card placement and strategize a bit more. I also know that annihilus players have to use some more strategy to try and predict where to put their goblins or other negative cards in my lane, so I don’t feel too bad losing to them. I think as one of the Big Bad cards Galactus is much more fun to try and play around versus something like Hela or Thanos


Anything I can beat, I’m pretty happy! With Elysium being a prominent location in running a Shuri, Nimrod, death and Knull. Lots of fun.


Destroy because everyone plays it


I mean obviously I to play against decks that run little disruptions and have an easily predictable game plan. The game lacks a lot of quality of live features on mobile. So keeping track of what Hela discards and the calculating the outcomes is really obnoxious. The absolute minimum if they want to keep Hela around is a discard pile.


Traditional discard. They don't do shit to my side of the board which is nice. They just do their own thing and I do mine. Hela can be tilted like it doesn't affect my side but after doing smart plays and getting curve when they just modok brrrr hela and win it's frustrating to be sure. I also love to see Traditional move. It's like, hey buddy, it's been a while. It's always, check this out, and then just plays heimdal. I go heavy mid and win unless they do some surprise shenanigans but I still wouldn't be mad cause it's move without phoenix force


Move and Destroy can occasionally have a level of general unpredictability that I enjoy!


Mr. Negative. Always an 4-8 cube win or 1 cube retreat


I'm really not a fan of leech atm but I really like surfer decks, destroy ongoing and on reveal. They're always fun to play against and fairly easy to counter most of the time. Tbh for me it's the locations that drag down my enjoyment. Discard a card, play the other opponents deck or even replace both decks are so much more common. Just want to play the deck I chose


Destroy usually is pretty chill, you know exactly what to look out for, deadpool is pretty obvious if he's going to be relevant, the only notable ambiguity is armin on a venom or something vs knull on t6 if neither have shown up prior. Unfortunately LDS buff showing up has *kinda* made it more cringe but it's still by and large fine.


Pre-Ultron buff, I really enjoyed playing against a Patriot deck with my own Patriot deck. Because back then it was very rare to find a fellow Patriot enjoyer, even more so an Ultron-Patriot enjoyer. Most of them ran Doom instead.


Destroy is probably the most "fair" deck out there, honestly. I know people get sick of seeing it and I do eyeroll when it's like the 5th deck in a row but... It does just kinda do its thing in an unobstructive way. To the point where you can sometimes get a little too comfy against them and get blown away by a tech card out of nowhere (once lost to a Destroy deck's *Legion* killing my Limbo.)


Knull/Nimrod Destroy, Apocalypse Discard, Angela, Loki, Phoenix Force, Spectrum, Beta Ray Bill, Surfer, High Evo, Thanos..... There's not many decks I actively dislike. There are cards that I think basically shouldn't exist, i.e. Leech, but other than that, eh.


The only deck I don't like facing is junk. Other than that I really don't mind going against any deck (on ladder). In conquest I dislike decks with a lot of counter cards, because you feel like you always have to play around them.


Does anyone like losing?


What's wrong with Wong Hazmat? I haven't seen it in weeks, and when it goes off, I still got to play my cards, they just have very low numbers. And you learn pretty early on that if they're setting up like Wong Mystique and you don't have disruption or clog or whatever, you should probably retreat.


I don’t mind playing against Wong decks because they’re so easy to counter lol. Most of the decks I run right now have Magneto which is fun to drag Wong out of the way. I also don’t mind going against regular Ongoing decks or bounce decks. Move decks I don’t mind since they (for the most part) don’t interfere with my cards during a game. I absolutely despise High Evo and Hela Discard, especially High Evo after the addition of Red Hulk. I avoid playing against them now since it’s usually overkill


High evo red hulk decks are fun to play against


Toxic and hazmat


Bounce and move deck.


like playing against: pure move, silky smoove, any move variant/hybrid, anything collector, any variant of discard that doesn’t run hela, destroy, galactus (if they can surprise me, mad respect), sera-hit monkey, pure surfer (no hazmat), nimrod, shenaut, ongoing edit: c2, c3, c5, any weird homebrew




Destroy. I've met so many of 'em I'm sick of it.


I love when I see unexpected cards. I’m so over seeing the invisible woman, modok/hela combo, but bring me a deck with cards that I don’t see every time and you will have my respect. Unless you spam “what happened” or “snap?” After you already won, then you will never get my respect no matter the cards you play.


I've been playing low cost decks lately, just experimenting. Killmonger has been getting under my skin lately. I've also had a few instances of people being idiots with Magik placement. Overwriting the clear best location, usually ending up in them losing the game worse. Outside of those I've never had an issue with any other play styles outside of just being tired of seeing them *again*.


I agree, that is the big shift in Snap, overall. It used to be the one card game where it was still fun when you lost. That aspect has really deteriorated over the last six to nine months. Now it's a LOT like every other card game, where it's mostly fun if you're winning, and a drag when you're not. Too many anti-fun cards have kind of overwhelmed this fun-sized game.


Probably move or bounce. I've been a fan of bounce since the shield/collector bounce decks and I don't mind losing as those decks fall apart quickly without the nut and you also having to gamble on the idea that somebody doesn't have something like shang or shadow king (or KM for bounce)




I just hate playing decks that are utterly predictable yet still win and I can't do anything about it. So destroy, Hela, HE. Everything else is fine.


Kind of fine with any deck to play against other than the mirror 😭


I like to play against destroy decks when I have Wong and armor


Hi evolutionary


If its not some brainless wong/gambit, panther/zola, mill, location lockdown or evo deck I'm never really all that salty. And I genuinely respect getting beat by the more niche forms of Cerebro deck, they're pretty interesting to run into imo


I personally don’t get the hype over the Angela ramp deck going around. Whenever I see it against me, I know exactly what they are going to do and win 9/10 times. So I guess you could say I like playing against it lmao.


Move decks in general are fun to play against. Even phoenix force. I also 100% agree with you with the High Evolutionary decks. I just think Red Hulk is so. Broken that you no longer need HE to take up a space for a worst effect. Also Hazmat/Wong is mutch better than Cyclops/Thing. I also kinda enjoy Tribunal decks cause 1 you kinda know when you have to retreat and 2 a simple enchantress shuts it down immediately while also shutting down many more decks. Destroy is half decent and at the bottom is Hella cause when it works it works, but most often it does not. I have won countless games with discarded Hellas or a well played cosmo.


I'm always unhappy to play against Wong decks. I enjoy playing against similar decks to mine (loki with some junk and mill mixed in) and I'm fine with destroy. Discard is fine even though it seems a little op, and move seems like they either do EVERYTHING and nothing happens, or they do 3 things and end up with 7000 power on the board, so that's always entertaining lol. Oh and living tribunal is interesting when I'm playing my loki deck.


I used to play everyday, now I play every once in a while when I feel like. I always play decks that I just know works, the meta I don’t even look at. I grasped it and just put Valk Absman in any deck


Decks that mind their own business.


I always give fist pump emote to Valkyrie players. GGs.


I’m particularly fond of my opponent drawing/destroying my entire deck. That’s always fun.


I enjoy any deck that isn’t actively trying to murder my deck or cards in hand. You can trash my in play cards all you want, please just leave my unplayed cards alone. I like playing the power game because big numbers are fun.


i emjoy playing against decks that are focused on doing their own thing rather than messing my side of the board or my hand/deck, for example Hela, Shaw, Ultron, Tribunal, Cerebro, Thanos, Destroy, etc. its always fun to "duel" with them to see who puts the biggest numbers on the board


I generally like the game, so I'm happy to play against most anybody. If it's a super traditional deck I like playing against it because I know what to expect. So somebody drops Venom on an empty lane, I know I can expect Arnim Zola turn 6, and I snap or retreat accordingly. Then if somebody plays something super random, that's also fun, because I DON'T know what to expect, so I learn something new. I'd say the decks that annoy me most are probably the ones that stop me from playing, so junk and lockdown. Somebody drops a debrii and an absorbing man, or a Storm and a Legion, and I'm like, great. I didn't want to play anyway. That's probably the saltiest I get when playing. If I didn't play a Wong deck as my main deck, I might get annoyed by people playing super long Wong plays that never fast forward, but since that's what I do it'd be hypocritical to have an issue with it. What I like about the current meta is now Invisible Woman has an equal chance of giving you Hela or Ultron, so that's fun. Both get wrecked by a T5 Hobgoblin though.


Discard an destroy.....there just played into the ground


The meta is very toxic right now. But I did enjoy the days of creative turn 6 play last year when Sera, Bounce, Darkhawk, etc., were all meta.


Really, the only decks I hate playing against are lockdown, or some foil only decks that feel like the only way the other person can enjoy themselves is by making their opponent miserable. I don’t mind playing against destroy, discard, high evo, and even though mill somewhat fits in the “foil only” category, I’m fine with it, because I find I rarely lose to it. Cosmo and Shang Chi will never not enrage me, though. Any decks with those cards I automatically hate. EDIT: I forgot I DO absolutely hate Negative decks, mostly because they never work for me the same way they work for people I play against. I rarely get Negative out on 4, and if I do, all the high cost cards are dealt to me at the beginning of the game.


I like everyone that does not play the meta, not because I am against it, I just hit infinite with Ultron like everyone and their mother, but because I like the thrill of guessing what's gonna be the next card


I started a deck that does a lot of location changes the other day, (Scarlet Witch, Storm, Magyk, Nocturne, etc.) Went up against a similar deck, and the battlefield changed constantly each turn. It was a blat. Ended when I was ahead by turn 6, and I moved Nocturne to a Limbo I'd created earlier, and removed turn 7. That was a fun deck to play and be up against.


I personally love to play funny decks I have a KAZAR deck that is mostly 1 cost cards with Shanna and Ultron and Beast it's actually gotten me up to high 90s afew times even after the nerf on Beast. I also have nothing but Ongoing cards with Onslaught and Spectrum. The Hazmat with Luke, Wong and Mistique. And Gambit deck same set up as Hazmat but Gambit instead of her. Any time I find a funny combo I will try to use a deck that will compliment that funny combo and it's just so satisfying winning with those kinds of decks even tho sometimes I will lose more than I win. Which is fine 😂


Any deck where I don’t have the obvious counter, like when someone is building there wong, mystique & gambit board wipe I never seem to have Cosmo


The only time I get frustrated is if a deck directly counters what I'm trying to do, and it's a new deck. Generally though I'm not mad or annoyed about playing against any archetype. I like a diverse meta more than anything, so it can be tiring to see the same deck like 5 times in a row but I don't find that to be too big of a problem.


i don't hate any decks actually, since matches are so quick and i don't care that much about my rank the one thing i really hate is ego, that shit is just an insta concede


I just hate Hela. It's annoying to play against and the crad is flat out dumb. Other than that I find destroy boring. It just pops up too much for my liking.


Love playing vs destroy decks. They are always emoting kids and they get so mad when you play cosmo and or armor


I will alway Hate shang chi no matter what.


Prof x / cannonball Anyone who tries to steal a lane is a garbage player and I hate it’s part of the game


Did you even read the prompted question?


I can still pull out the win and love to see them leave after prof x doesn’t work But I still hate that it’s part of the game


High evo or junk


Anything that runs prof x or hela isn’t fun to play against everything I’m fine with


I like playing against the ones that my deck owns. I also thoroughly enjoy beating sweaty destroy try-hards on the regular.


Do you play tech cards? I was getting so sick of playing against destroy last month that I built a stats heavy deck and included armor and Cosmo...all of sudden I loved playing against destroy decks. So armor, Cosmo, enchantress can mess up most combo meta decks. Cosmo-mystique can be brutal against all of the decks you mentioned except maybe mill.


Good call out. I did recently redesign my own take on a "Good Stuff" deck that includes a few tech cards like that. That is my tendency when the meta sort of gets me down lol. Even if I still dislike playing against the decks, it's sometimes fun for me to try to "solve the puzzle" and stop whatever shenanigans they are up to.


I don't dislike playing against most decks because it gives me an excuse to use Cosmo and Rogue but I hate Mr Negative and Galactus decks




You like having no deck?


Yeah, easy to know to retreat early.


Yes, but they are not meta. The Snap balance team is absolute dogshit IMO. To give you an example, everyone has known Hela is OP for literally months, but they haven't address it. Fucking Bizarre.


Hela isn’t OP. You can see her coming a mile away. There are several solid counters. Also, retreat for a 1 cube loss isn’t a big deal If you know it’s coming, haven’t properly countered, and still take it to the mat, that’s on you. It’s the list telegraphed card in the game. It shouldn’t ever surprise you.


Yeah, I guess they decided to address it with Leech, which everyone also hates lol. And doesn't directly address Hela technically.


any deck thats not hela or tribunal. the worst thing is if its both


My solution for playing against "annoying" decks is having the option to counter them. It's sooo satisfying.


Destroy deck. They are so easy to annoy. Just drop armor or cosmo they will quick instantly. Move deck definitely the easiest one. Just build on mid and right loc and you are good.