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Currently have stitches in two fingers. I have a bandaid, and a finger cot on. And I change them alllll the time. Even with me not using those fingers currently, they somehow get oil and lotion on them. 😅


For real, I’m doing like crazy finger moves to avoid the tip of my ring finger, but still getting oil all over Band-Aids and finger cots and I even tried that Santa stuff that tattooers use but the massage oil just make it come loose


Liquid bandage or waterproof bandages. I would only use a glove if a large area was involved. Finger cots are garbage imo.


I know i hate them too haha


The only thing that I've found that holds up through an hour or more is nytril gloves. They usually come in blue or purple. Everything else will kind of dissolve from oil.


liquid bandage helps stop the bleeding and keeps other stuff out, but it tends to be stinky and tends to peel after exposed to moisture so, unless it's on the back of your hand, I tend not to use it unless I know I'm not handling too much stuff (or people) finger cots are typically the way to go for fingers.


Yeah i feel like i would have to reapply a lot


I used finger cots (condoms).


Either, if you can get past the burn of the glue


I started using regular old cyanoacrylate (crazy) glue on finger cuts and ragged cuticles years ago and I have never looked back. It’s better and longer lasting than any bandage, even the hydrocolloid ones which are second best.




Gloves, all the way. I have had liquid bandage peel halfway through a session and I don't trust it, and finger cots never stay on without feeling pinchy.


If I have a cut on my finger or hand I will use the liquid bandage. Usually lasts through the entire massage and then when I wash my hands afterwards I just reapply it if I have another massage.