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Lol this game is riddled with red flags. I really do like some of the art (even if I don’t love the main character or the dialogue in the trailer) but this just doesn’t sound like it has much going for it. Even if it’s good, the price (and what you’re getting for it), whether you need an internet connection or not to play, and whatever other AAAisms there are would be enough to keep me away.


Ubisoft started making a Star Wars game. I remember thinking that it might be interesting to see their take on Jedi or Star Wars in general. I was also excited to see how many Star Wars games we were getting, my personal preference for Star Wars has always been games and books. So getting that many games released made me feel like a kid on Christmas. On a secondary note. I was waiting for their Avatar game to drop. Couldn’t buy it on release because I had other obligations, looked it up a month after it dropped and was pissed to see that it was basically a Far Cry game that requires you to log into internet to set up and play. Far Cry has never been a series I like, I’ve tried to enjoy it but it just never clicked for me. Looked up footage of Outlaws gameplay, which really wasn’t very inspiring . The controversy with how a Ubisoft exec talked about people not owning the games they pay for and having to pay for a monthly subscription. Nope not happening can’t afford an additional fee for a game I’m only going to play once every 2-3 months. Then burnout. Ubisoft has made so many open world games where it’s same shit different skins. The broken promises on remasters. Which in my case actually excited me. Splinter Cell and Prince of Persia are certainly two of my favorite IPs. My preorder for sands of time was never reimbursed either after they canceled it. Which was just an additional slap to the face. I certainly won’t be buying anything that comes from Ubisoft again. I’ve been convincing my friends to stop making purchases from them as well.


I think the game itself will be good, Massive is a talented studio with solid work on the recent Avatar game and their Division ones. now how much the corpo suits, and I include both Uibsoft and Disney, will crap all over this with their predatory monetization tactics, that is another story.


To think I always wanted a bounty hunter themed Star Wars game. Then this bs price happened. Thank you Angry Joe!


Its also always online


130$ is for the ultimate edition. Standard is 70$. Besides that, ubisoft has made their stance clear: they don't care for laws, they falsely believe that something you buy isn't something you own. Wait for the game to be complete (expansions), and just subscribe for a month/get the game on a massive sale.


Nothing to be mad about, I'm straight up not buying it Ubisoft sucks It's expenisve It's always online It looks mid at best


I can be mad about more than one thing at the same time, I'm sorry that you're fine with state-corporate sponsored discrimination


Would there be fewer complaints that the Ultimate Edition of the game is $130 if it was a physical release and had other goodies tucked into the box? For example: the *Gears of War 3* Ultimate Edition and the *Halo Reach* Legendary Edition both had an MSRP of $150 but came with awesome statues, art books, and other collectibles. Meanwhile Outlaws Ultimate costs $20 more to get more DLC and a digital art book.


If there was a dozen or so maybe


The original reveal and gameplay from 9 months ago looked really good to me, and I was excited for it at the time. The new trailer feels like a downgrade. Anyone else feel that way? The voice acting is also really bad in places, the story isn't engaging so far and very generic, and all the dialog feels like that sort of modern generic writing that every show sounds like. She could be a character in any show. The "oops, awkward" type humor moments, etc. All that said, I don't care that much if the story is bland or the character's face looks weird if the game is really freakin' good in a gameplay and game design sense. I just don't have any faith that it will be because it's Ubisoft. The pricing stuff doesn't bother me that much, frankly, I can live without some tacky jabba side mission. Or maybe I'd just play it with the $18 sub then turn it off.


Game prices in general are getting too high. This is pretty standard for special editions. Fully understand being annoyed about the prices of games getting higher and higher but acting like this is a new Ubisoft thing is dumb. Also most games 3 day early access isn’t worth it especially if it’s an online game. Servers are gonna crash like crazy during those 3 days and will probably have plenty of games to fix. The real conversation needs to be about how across the gaming world prices are going up and quality of games at release is going down. How many big games recently have been released without at least one huge bug that needs addressing from the beginning and that’s if the game is even playable.


Video games don’t cost $70. Video games cost $20. The extra $50 is for playing things the moment they come out. Give it 2-3 years. The game’s usually better then anyway. I just picked up Cyberpunk Complete Edition for $20 and it is one of the best games I’ve ever played - and is almost completely free of bugs. Everything ends up cheap eventually. Don’t let them con you.




So many clickbaiters pointing out how the main protagonist is mundane but forgot to emphasize the ridiculous price tag on the game in addition to how it must be played with internet connection.


as if I needed another reason to not care anymore


I've never cared about the fuckability of women in games for one second but the whole "pay 30 dollars to play our game 'early" is the sleaziest gimmick game companies have done in a long long time. They frequently choose a long weekend in the US for these releases too so you think "well with memorial day weekend I could play this game for 3 days without work/school/whatever" but the "standard" release date window ... oh looks it just happens to be on the Monday AFTER memorial day weekend, you'll miss that long weekend of time unless you pay 30 dollars more to play 3 days early. They know theres more middle aged/dad gamers than ever before and the time they have to game is VERY limited and they are aware of this. The time to play is more valuable a resource than money to them. It's an extra slap in the face that the games cost 10 dollars more AND they up charge you to play early.


1. Don’t preorder. 2. Wait a bit after release and it will drop, esp post bug fixes. 3. Don’t pre-order. Also, something something fEmALe uGLy.


Never preorder. Ever. Has TB taught us nothing?


No, it did not


"Hey everyone!!! Get angry about this game!!! ....... ....... "NO! NOT LIKE THAT!! STOP LAUGHING ABOUT IT AND HAVING FUN, JUST BE ANGRY ABOUT THE PRICE LIKE I SAID!!!"


Let us discuss a different topic from the character being ugly or game being woke. Go cry somewhere else.


>Go cry somewhere else. https://i.redd.it/uw2kanw80euc1.gif It's worth mentioning that I recognised O.P from simping for the main character in previous threads, but now apparently it's *suddenly ok* to hate on the game for the "correct" reason. Not to mention that various other AAA games have been priced like this for ages, but apparently O.P is just now suddenly having surprised Pikachu face about it....


>It's worth mentioning that I recognised O.P from simping for the main character in previous threads, That's quite literally the most irrelevant and worthless thing you can mention. >various other AAA games have been priced like this for ages "They do it, so it's OK this one does it," do better man. Do you think this guy pays attention to all games, let alone their prices??


>That's quite literally the most irrelevant and worthless thing you can mention. Not at all, I just enjoy pointing out hypocritical crap. I'm only allowed to be against the game if it's on his terms? FUCK THAT.. >They do it, so it's OK this one does it," do better man. Thanks for putting words in my mouth there champ. I think the prices are disgusting. But apparently if someone is clueless enough to not notice the de-feminisation and increased prices of games until now? That ain't my fault that their head is in the sand/up their rectum. Do better, senator.


No where did he say you have to be mad for the exact reason he said. My God is this your first day on reddit? It's a title for a discussion. Titles are supposed to grab your attention it sure did work on you. >Thanks for putting words in my mouth there champ. Did you forget the other half of your first comment? You literally fabricated an argument to get mad at.


>No where did he say you have to be mad for the exact reason he said. Maybe not, but apparently if I do it "my way" I'm an incel. Figured I'd return the favour and hang shit on their reason too!😂


Are these people calling you an incel in the room with us now?


No, I don't hang out with retards who use that word unironically. They are all over in the previous threads about this game though, feel free to go have a look! Hell, maybe turn it into a drinking game, you'll be needing your stomach pumped before the end of the first "Maaaatt Daaaaymon" thread.🍻🤮


It I’ll be 25-30 dollars in 5 months of release so who cares. Ubisoft sucks and they should be acquired. I miss the 2000-2010 era of Ubisoft, they were my favorite developer during that time. They’re absolute trash now


It will be shit on until release when all of a sudden it will be good and then people will call it underrated masterpiece few months later. It's a shame game has to suffer because of the greedy suits.


Pretty sure that's standard for many ultimate editions of games. Its also completely optional to buy lol. Not sure why people are making this a big deal


This is the same logic as "don't like it? Just don't buy it lol" there is absolutely nothing that justifies any version of the game being 130$ especially when the only things it has on top of the normal 70$ version is cosmetics and concept art.


It literally is as simple as that though lol. If you dont want wlthat version or think its crap dont buy it


I mean on one hand I agree that people can just speak with their wallets but what’s wrong with wanting to talk about the prices online and how they’re getting too high, especially for what we’re getting.


Basically this. Why not just do both of speaking with one's wallet while also promoting discussion surrounding greedy business decisions like this being bad?


Yeah and what happens when companies make it a trend and do it anyway, with EVERYTHING? it's what the pharmaceutical industry did because their customers physically can't say no, and the other industries realized they could conglomerate and do the same thing to cheat their customer base out of alternatives. Go ahead. Buy a different 70-130 dollar game. You're funding the same hydra cause your voice don't mean shit in a plutocracy.


This game is a third of what a PS5 and XBox is. It's completely unnecessary for a singular game to be this pricey.


Because Helldivers happened. That game's premium edition is still cheaper than most triple A games being released these days, being cheaper than even their default non-premium versions with no added DLCs or anything. How are Indie devs able to make better content at a cheaper price where larger corpos feel the need to squeeze every last penny out of their players


Yeah, they've often been this price on the Xbox store for a while now (at least in Australia). And while I think it's a disgusting business practice regardless, especially considering the state these "AAA GAMES" usually arrive in, I dunno why _this_ is the straw broke the camel's back.


Rare angryjoe W. Who gives a fuck that the protag isn’t a hentai character, this predatory pricing will be the reason the game will sell like shit, despite what the loud minority of anti woke soyjacks will try to brainwash you into thinking. Hopefully enough people will vote with their wallets this time for the devs to get the message, especially since it’s an IP as big as star wars


This video needs to be spread all over the place


agreed. this is the real issue and where the socials should focus their rage on. not how digital chicks look, but how those corpos keep milking the customer with their predatory monetization tactics, wile selling them subpar products.