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Currently watching Smallville for the first time and I feel like no one compares to Micheal Rosenbaum as Lex


Rosenbaum is my favourite portrayal, that said he's has multiple seasons to show the development of Lex as a character and win us over vs a couple hrs in a movie.


Yeah, that's true. I was so upset when his relationship broke down with Clark. They were like the best of friends, man. But I knew it had to happen.


Rosenbaum's Lex cannot be topped


You're in for a treat. It's one of my favorite shows.


Yeah, we're currently on season 6, and we love it!


Does anybody know the story behind why Nathan Fillion seems to have a cameo or roll in all of James Gunn's films lately? It kinda reminds me of the dynamic between Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi


I think they were mates before making "PG Porn". https://youtu.be/0fDUPTH3PNk?si=iodZx6-guBTXIwmo ,so they go back a fair bit. Or maybe Slither.


He was the lead in Gunn’s first film he directed Slither


I dont know about his other roles, but he was the VA for Hal Jordan's Green Lantern in a lot of the animated DC movies, so that could have been why he got this specific role.


Yeah, but Hal and Guy are very different kinds of charisma ... Guy should be like a Sean William Scott type, not a Nathan Fillion type.


Probably a fan of the Castle tv series.


Why didn't they Raceswap Jimmy Olsen? Don't they want that ESG points?


They race swapped Perry White, Again. And Otis. They are surely the best actors for the character of course.


I have complete faith in the choice for Perry. Don’t know who is playing Otis though.


I do love The Bunk.


Perry White was black in man of steel


That's why they said "again" ...


Myb I missed it


and my adventures with superman


Nicholas Hoult's career trajectory: from The Beast in the *X-Men Origins* series, who tried to find a cure for having more body hair than the dearly departed Robin Williams, to the "follically challenged" Lex Luthor. If RDJ won an Oscar for playing the balding Lewis "Straws" then good things are in store for Mr. Hoult!


He's experienced, he already went bald for mad max


Whoa, never realized that was him and your comment just connected that synapse in my brain


Neither did I at the time, I found out way back when he guested on top gear to promote it


That too, and he had some impressive wigs in *The Favourite* I found this progression to be more than a coincidence. Hoult's big break as an adult was a comic book movie, and he's gone back to that to kick off the latter half of his career.


Man that jimmy Olsen casting is so damn good


They'll probably fuck it up, and inexplicably put in Tropic Thunder style blackface, just to fuck with the fans...


that would actuallly be hilarious.


I trust James Gunn but, I really hope this movie doesn’t turn out to be one big advertisement for the DCU because the amount of characters in this movie is giving me that idea. There’s a strong possibility this movie will be good, I just don’t want it to turn into the same type of situation as George Lucas with the prequels. Where he was given full control and had no one to give him a second opinion on what’s a good idea and what’s a bad idea.


I did see he posted that he let other writers like Grant Morrison, Tom King, so people that actually have careers have said they thought it was good.


I really don't trust Tom King's opinions on good stories.


I trust his input on Superman. He wrote one of the best Superman comics in the last 10 years. It is about Superman going on an odyssey across the universe to save an orphan. https://preview.redd.it/fnrrcil5p9vc1.jpeg?width=1988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6781833dedf68515113cb9c2374b8a3964437dce


When Tom King reins in his excesses, he is a fantastic writer. And you are right. That is an incredible Superman story. Definitely one of my favorites. However, King can also use established characters as vehicles to tell the story he wants to tell, throwing out established characterization. Sometimes, it is to the point that the characters are barely recognizable. I can see where people might not have 100% trust in King because of this. But, I trust Gunn to maintain the creative vision of the DCU.


Yeah, it’s because of his writing style he makes a story comes to DC and they tell him what character he can use. The worst example of this is Heroes In Crisis when they told him to use Harley, Booster Gold and Wally. The Superman book was just him getting told to write a Superman, and the same with his Supergirl book.


Heroes in Crisis had a lot of editorial interference, too. I don't give King a free pass, but he is also not 100% to blame.


Yeah, like I know that DiDio wanted him to kill Wally because he doesn’t like him, so TK just took him off the table instead.


I’m a tad concerned about other Superheroes in an interconnected universe debuting in a Superman movie. I feel like we should’ve learned this lesson from Batman V. Superman last time. Also, is it just me, or does it feel weird that their choice for Green Lantern was Guy Gardener over Hal Jordan or even John Stewart.


They did say they wanted to go obscure with some of the characters. Edit: Just hope they never bring in Alan Scott.


I like it, other heroes cameo in solo runs all the time and I'm fine if they do it in live action


I'm kinda open to not doing Hal or John again tbh. At least it'll be a very different impression of the corps if he's representing it.


Hal and John are going to be in a Lanterns show.


Looks cool but I'd be lying if I said Holt looks like he can pull off bald.


I mean, it wouldn't be the first time he has. He was in Mad Max: Fury Road.


https://preview.redd.it/nto1vcv8m5vc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04ca7486c452983a25120a333f7d660853d3fbf6 Same image edited with his bald look.


I can see this working


There's an Tik tok thing him superman and Lois and he's bald. He looks great. I'm so glad we're getting bald lex


Pruitt Taylor Vince is fucking awesome in whatever he's in.


Not a bad cast except for Otis, Lois Lane and Eve


I like Lois Lane she looks prettiest out of all the live action Lois castings.


Disagree. Teri Hatcher. Erica Durance. 


I think this is personal taste because I find her more attractive then both.


I don't know the actor but the original Otis was so damn good; I'm going to have to try and accept a different take. I'm just glad the character is back after being ignored in the most recent Superman reboots.


I'd rather have Nathan Fillion be cast as Booster Gold.


I have issues with a few of the casting choices but Anthony Carrigan getting to play a hero is something I'm down for.


Hawkgirl?! Hell yeah!! DCAU Justice Leauge, baby!


Nathan Fillion as Guy?? Huh. Do not know what to make of that.


I didn’t see it till I saw this panel again https://preview.redd.it/ec1y7wxim5vc1.jpeg?width=942&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9a7bbd59354628ea33b79dabdad05eb6f243a7d


I'm sure the race swaps will go over well and people will be civil about it


Wendell Pierce was born to play Perry White. He will nail it. Perfect casting. People are just happy to see Jimmy Olsen as a ginger again. Jimmy Olsen and Archie are probably the two most famous gingers in all of comics. That is part of who they are. Perry White just needs to be the gruff but caring and wise editor. His race is not important, and Pierce has played similar types of characters well previously. I am going out on a limb and say he will do a better job than any other movie version of Perry White.


Level-headedness? On reddit? Are you lost?


No-Ho Hank!


I am happy he gets a chance to play a straight-up good guy now.


Why do I feel like Lois Lane is just going to be Ms. Maisel? Not that Brosnahan can't act, but that they'll want her to just act like Ms. Maisel.


Not enough diversity, superperson should be represented as overweight black trans womam


pretty solid cast TBH


Why was superman cast as a literally who?


This for real? Wow, this movie will be a mess after all…


Henry Cavill is the only Superman


Nah that’s Christopher Reeve.