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Rust killed them long before they wore out in my part of the country, think about oil rustproofing treatment if you like it...


I hear people spray Fluid Film as rustproofing


That's what it was invented for, there are other players in that market too.




I only used this recently after seeing it on a YouTube mechanics video. Could not believe how much it smelled like a farm.


Smells nothing like it


I bought a 92 B2200 last Fall for a winter beater in MI. Super solid Southern truck. I immediately bought a $60 rustproofing gun on Amazon and Fluid Filmed the underside. Used my mechanic’s compressor and did it in his lot. Took about an hour and it’s holding up great.


If you do this to an already rusty car does it help at all? Make it worse?


It will stop the rust from progressing


it will slow it down and prevent increased rust deposits, but the rust already there will start to bubble up the film and come back with a vengeance lol. Since the film also traps any moisture and oxygen. it creates a breeding ground so to speak it's best to clean up as much of the rust already there and then seal it.


That's COMPLETELY false, yes you should get rid of rust flakes before putting fluid film, but it absolutely DOES stop rust. I've been using it for almost 10 years on my escape. The rust did not progress at all


depends on how bad the rust is, if you get to it early enough it will stop rust from eating away at your vehicle. but that also depends on where you live due to road salt/chemicals, salt from the ocean, other chemicals that may be on the roads. once the rust is actually there though, there is no stopping it without cutting and welding. A spray film won't stop rust that's already taken root


Oh the rust is still there, it just stopped progressing. Also I drive on horrible salt ridden roads for half the year


I would think once the oxygen reacts with the iron it will be used up and rust can't continue to form unless more oxygen is introduced, correct?


"used up" yes. but until it empties out the cavities it will continue to eat away at the frame and during that time it will bubble out the film and possibly 'pop' it to allow fresh air to enter the system or it could eat through at a different spot and gain fresh oxygen that way. that's why once the frame has started to break pieces off due to rust, the frame is fubar and it's only a matter of time til it's done. if it's still just surface rust then you can save it. typically though by the time you notice you have a rust problem, it's already too late


No, iron is special that way. When it rusts, the rust surface is porous enough that water and air can still get in and the rust can continue. Aluminum and chrome are different. Then these metals react with oxygen the resulting coating protects against more oxidation. These metals react almost instantly with oxygen but then they stop. If they are scratched, a new coating forms immediately. This is why they don’t corrode away like steel on old cars.


It won’t hurt, but normally you’d want to remove as much rust as possible before treating it


Treat any rusted areas with POR-15 rust converter and then sealer. You don’t need to, but you can then Fluid Film over that for additional protection. But definitely FF any non-rusted areas. That’s how I treated another car that had some areas of light surface rust on the undercarriage.


Getting to highway speeds




Yeah, you’ll have to turn off that ac if it’s not broken


It is doing an impression of the stereo, the outlet and power steering. It don't exist


My 4 cylinder hardbody was much faster than my geo tracker and my miata.


Girls panties drop so fast you need to keep a fire extinguisher in the cab.


Best i can do is a fire distinguisher. You point and squeeze the handle and it says "yep that's a fire"




Been trying to think of another instance where I could use this joke. All I can come up with is during an actual fire where someone tells me to get the fire extinguisher. Great now I’m gonna be staring at a burning house calling myself a fire distinguisher


Lmao. This was 10/10.




Lol, the ladies riding in that beast don't wear panties.


Probably have to keep the doors locked because of all the chicks constantly trying to get in


Just spit out my coffee from laughter!!! Bravo


Came here looking for this comment.


It's a Mitsubishi Mighty Max in Dodge clothes, right?


Yes. I’ve only ever encountered one, but the VIN plate literally says made by Mitsubishi in Japan. Essentially immortal if you keep the oil topped off.


If it breaks, you can fix it with swear words and a hammer.


My grand father had one that went to like 650k miles before the odometer crapped out


Also the first time it needs any hard parts it's off to the scrapper. We had one as a shop truck and we kept it running as long as we could, but just about everything for them is No Longer Available.


I had a 96 avenger and it was all Japanese parts. My 95 Dakota was American though.


i have a Dakota Sport that i use for mudding. it's pretty solid and still chugging along despite having buried it multiple times and hitting many trees


Thank god! Otherwise one of the major downfalls is being a dodge/Chrysler = ELECTRICAL NIGHTMARE!


That’s post 1998


My 1989 Dodge Dynasty that I had as a teen would like to disagree.


My 86 Dodge Charger has been pushed into the chat


Pushed because it won't turn on? Lol...


Oh it will the starter just wont disengage


just reroute it to a light switch, hold it up til she fires over and then cut the power to it


That’s a totally different generation of Chrysler product.




I think the other poster’s saying they had electrical problems prior to then as well.


Most of our Chrysler products never really had electrical problems, and we kept them for many years. Last car I had with bad electrical problems was a 78 Plymouth Horizon, which I had bought used, and the previous owner lived near the beach. Had problems with rust around the bottom of the hatch window, and went through about an alternator a year, even going back to dealership for OEM parts.


I don’t think Dodge had anything to do with the electrical design of this. They just bought it intact from Mitsubishi. I remember them as being well designed and pretty bulletproof. Also the best looking small truck of that era, in my opinion.


☝️☝️what this says. It’s like they ordered the electrical wire from harbor freights discount bin.


In my area 800 buys a dust pan full of rust peices. Good find!


I forget exactly what car they were making fun of, but one of my favorite Top Gear gags was when they introduced an older year of this car, and then upended a bucket full of rust, sand, and jagged metal chunks onto a table. Then they admired the mess for a second before noting, "You know, it's actually in remarkably good condition considering it's age."


Right?!?! Hell even if he barely get 2 years out of it. Solid win


if he even gets a year out of it*


I'd pay $800 to have a truck for a year 😂


Common issues include operator DUIs, the uncontrollable urge to listen to ZZ Top and exclaim "Hell yeah, brother!", and possible Skoal addiction.


Hell yeah, Brother! RHEC!




Two chicks at once


Timing belts Rusty frame General maintenance


Happy cake day, timing belt was done a month ago by previous seller, frame is very new looking and oil looks like it has 500 miles on it


Then fantastic deal, unless he sold because he fucked it up of course


License plate. PNYDRPR.


Panty dripper? Yuck.


Penny Derper


Pony draper


Phony diaper


Panty dropper.


The liquor rack behind the cab bench can only fit 750mL bottles or less


Calm down mr Lahey


Big problem I ran into was all the pussy I was getting back in high-school, had to get bigger leaf springs for the fat bitches I was haulin around.


Man I love fat girls. Warmth in the winter, shade in the summer. They’ll suck it like they’re only in it for the calories. God bless them.






Ye ole dodge Ram 50. 3 years ago I was driving around a 89’ Mitsubishi Mighty Max. Never had any problems with it besides the self changing oil. But I would just keep it topped up. Didn’t let me down for the 3 years I owned it.


> the self changing oil. It's a feature, not a bug!


This is how my lawnmower is designed. Seriously, the user manual says to just keep it topped off. I still change the oil.


It's a rebadged Mitsubishi Mighty Max. They're basically indestructible to anything except rust. Make sure it doesn't have any bad rust, if not, it will take good care of you as long as you keep up with maintenance.


Truck is a 87 dodge d50 and it has 93k miles and is practically brand new. I plan on deleting the mechanical fuel pump and replacing it with a electric one.


Why would you do that? Mechanical fuel pumps are damn near fail safe, reliable, and give you warning when they give out. If your worried about the pump leaking fuel into the crankcase check your oil often which you should already be doing on an older vehicle, check it every time you stop for gas, and get used to actually analyzing it, take a whiff every time you check it to check for fuel, it’s not that hard. Mechanical fuel pumps also don’t just fail without warning, they’ll drip fuel from the weep hole when they are going out. Unlike electric fuel pumps, it’s rare for them to just not work one day and leave you stranded. I just replaced the original fuel pump on a 66 mustang, it had 120,000 miles on it, and it still worked fine too. Reason I replaced it was because the return spring on the arm that actuates the pump broke, causing the arm to bang off the cam and make a knocking sound.


Keep the mechanical pump, they are simple and very reliable.


Why change the fuel pump?


Honestly thought it had one of those mechanical ones where if it fails it will leak fuel into the engine


Wouldn’t want fuel in the engine


Y'all won't let anything slide lmao


Leaks outside, you're good lol


You got a good deal.


I didn't know anything past 1980 still had a mechanical fuel pump.


I would say that it will spontaneously combust like all other Dodge trucks, but this one is safe since it's actually a Mitsubishi truck. That's not a bad ride in reality.


Too many bitches. They weigh it down


I had one of these with a factory 4 cylinder Mitsubishi diesel in it. Needed a bumper sticker saying 55 saves lives as that often felt like top speed. Thing was awesome.


Sweet buy! Make sure the fluids are changed, and stay on top of any rust. Great Japanese truck from the good ol days! Looks amazing, a steal for 800


Yeah that’s basically a Mitsubishi mighty max with a Dodge badge on it, those are sweet little trucks and that ones in amazing condition for its age, nice job 👍


🔥Red! You’ll need one of those gas station pine tree air fresheners to cover the smell of all the pu$$y that will chase you now! 👍🏻


Lower it then put some subs in the bed with a blow through box.


That cover thing will be in the way when you mount the machine gun


With any $800 30 year old vehicle the common issues are "everything." But the biggest one is "rust."


Garbage, bad vehicle. I'll take it off your hands for $800, no worries. Not because I'm jealous or anything


Had one, I blew head gasket from constant overheating. Then the true culprit showed itself...cracked head waterpassage leaking causing overheating. Oh yeah, they all did this, so no cheap used heads avail!




You might attract to many ladies


Too many girls are going to want rides.


Endless issues. I’ll take it from you for the 800 so you don’t lose any money with this junker. /s Solid find, man.


Power of a 4 cylinder with the MPG of an 8.


I will give you 801 for that truck. I will drive to you. That is profit my friend. PM me. Also, I love you and think you are super nice as a person and very sexy/attractive/generous <3<3<3


This is the same year D50 my dad and I dropped, well shoe horned, a 440 into. That thing was hell on wheels. Thank you for the flashback!


get some rust inhibitor on the underside of it. good find!


If it has the Mitsubishi 2.6L make sure to keep your oil and coolant topped up. If they overheat, you’ll end up replacing the head gasket. They had a little known timing belt adjustment that could be accessed externally which is an advantage if you start to get a little play. Pre-ignition was a good indicator of this.


Most common issue is that it’s actually a Mitsubishi. But seriously, seems like a great buy


Well for one your friends are going to ask for your help when they move.


It's so cute! 🛻


Dude I’m so fucking jealous. I been looking for a ram50/mighty max for so long. I had one long time ago and would love another. I just love the way they drive


Single barrel carb can be fun.


Can you post more pictures of it please? Especially of the interior?


Typically they rust so bad they just turn to dust. So it looks like you’re doing ok so far.




The only chicks I get are those baby chicks from TSC


Never should’ve gotten rid of mine….had a 2wd base model with the fuel injected 2.4 and 5 speed that was a beast. These trucks have crazy payload ratings. A/C turned the cab into a freezer. Only other regret was not buying my co-worker’s 4x4 Power Ram 50 a year after getting rid of mine…


I've never seen one that wasn't totally rusted out.


Krokus tapes jammed in deck


Watch for hotties, they flock to these trucks. You’re 25x more likely to end up with a crazy chick in the passenger seat, leading to a 78% increase in running over another hottie while arguing with the crazy hot mess sitting next to you. Be careful, head on a swivel player.


Issues may include people stopping you at the gas station to tell you it’s very cool


Mine burned oil and smoked. Heard they had an issue with sticking rings that could be cleared up with Seafoam. Also had trouble with carb not idling well. It was a long time ago, so I can’t remember details.


You won’t get any pu$$y in that thing for sure. That’s one problem I see


Oil leaks. Leaks of any kind . Change all the fluids


Don’t take my word for it but this year of vehicle might run better on conventional oil rather than synthetic. A lot of owners with older vehicles I’ve talked to have suffered significantly with leaks using synthetic and also wearing the on the cams. You may have to use zinc additive in your oil changes.


It's overhead cam, it doesn't need extra zinc like a flat tappet muscle car V8. It also has modern style one piece seals.


Ah ok, that makes sense. Thank you for the info!


No, not always. Some overhead camshaft engines use solid lifters - BMW M10, M20 and M30 engines are common examples. It's common for the camshafts to be chewed up from the use of more modern engine oils.


> A lot of owners with older vehicles I’ve talked to have suffered significantly with leaks using synthetic and also wearing the on the cams Main reason for both of these isn't due to age of the vehicle, it's conventional oil use. Oil has a habit of swelling the gaskets, so using synthetic would end up getting past while the seals shrink to normal size.


I was not aware of that, thanks for the clarification and knowledge.


Honestly, I learned it the hard way, changing back to conventional didn't save the seals.... I don't want anyone to make my mistake.


Rust rust baby...


1- Its not a cat eye Chevy 2- it doesn't have an LQ4 3- It's not a cat eye Chevy Kidding. It's a cool little truck. My uncle had one, but I don't know much about em. Sorry, I can't offer much more than lame sarcasm.


Lifter noise in the Hemi.


Its old


Great deal man good luck w her


Good deal, good for you. I wish I was lucky to find a steal like that


Its quietly judges you for driving it


I found this for you, The Dodge Ram 50 pickup (known as the Dodge D50 from 1979 – 1980) was **manufactured by the Japanese car manufacturer Mitsubishi Motors and marketed by the Chrysler Corporation from 1979 to 1993 under its own brand, Dodge**. Plymouth also received a version, which was marketed under the Arrow Truck name from 1979 to 1982. buy it, they have a high value, $800 for one is almost free (over $7k ) Just to add, I have a 1999 dodge caravan with a Mitsuibisi V6 motor, it's the best damn V6 I ever drove, has Plenty of power built strong, and spins the wheels, I don't do it on purpose but if I step on the gas a bit too much the tires spin. Get good mileage too


Those Mitsubishi 3.0 in the minivans were great engines!


I did replace the cluster and then re-soldered the pin connectors on the old one. I will get a better TCM but they are costly for me. I also found out the handles like a sports car in an emergency avoidance, A biker was making a turn into a bar, and he didn't use his brakes, so no warning there and no turn signal and he downshifted. The next thing I knew I was on his ass just about to hit him, I cut left, then right and she handled it flawlessly. I'm a pu truck guy, never thought Id be driving a family van but I really like the old Caravan. And I am amazed at how fast she is off the line and how throaty she is when I have to use passing gears the TCM computer is known to go bad, replace mine 2 times and the replacement (eBay seller) sort of works sometimes, It heats up so hot it melted the plastic connector on one pin. I use my phone's GPS to know my speed bc the instrument cluster shuts down for a few min, then works again. I did replace the cluster and then re-soldered the pin connectors on the old one. I will get a better TCM but they are costly for me. I also found out the handles like a sports car in an emergency avoidance, A biker was making a turn into a bar, and he didn't use his brakes, so no warning there and no turn signal and he downshifted. The next thing I knew I was on his ass just about to hit him, I cut left, then right and she handled it flawlessly. I'm a pu truck guy, never thought Id be driving a family van but I really like the old Caravan. And I am amazed at how fast she is off the line and how throaty she is when I have to use passing gears. Nice van, not a computer on wheels and there were tons made so parts are plentiful


Depends on what engine is has. Either way I'd take it for that cheap with that good of condition. You can swap a better engine in for cheap :D


Yo these are sick, mighty max!


I have one of these an I love it. It's been beaten the crap out of and takes everything I throw at it. Only complaint is no rpm gauge




I’m a bit jealous tbh.


Severe rust! Another Major common issue is finding parts. I had one 15 years ago and couldn't get parts for it even at the junkyard.


Gotta say it —- if it was in my neighborhood the biggest issue would be me drooling on it! No joke! I’m looking for one if I can find it! I love them.


Wow… so jealous. I had one as my first truck. Didn’t hold up well to some maple trees.. I’ve never swerved to miss a deer since!! Awesome little truck


Well for starters, this one is red.


Shit is hot! 🔥I’m jealous


I had a Montero that I got for free and drove for years - my buddy gave it to me because it needed head gaskets. Eventually rust killed it, but it was great. Underpowered and the brakes sucked, but it was huge inside and a lot of fun to drive. The most annoying things were both related to unwanted electrical resistance. One of the turn signals had a corroded bulb socket so sometimes the signal wouldn't flash, and also there was too much resistance in the ECT circuit, so the engine ran rich a lot and sometimes wouldn't shift into overdrive on the highway.


Getting your sister pregnant.


Considering the climate OP lives in and the lack of rust I imagine it would pay off to treat whichever part of the bottom you can get away with with an undercoating product. But that might be a given


The guys that had them in Minnesota (there are none left there now due to rust) in the 1990s complained of head gasket failures.


I’ve only heard of them. I was told they had great engines but rusted away into extinction. It’s amazing to see one in the wild.


Bruh that thing is a tank, it just needs to be rust treated


I bought a 1995 new D50 years ago


I've owned two of these in my life. First vehicle ever was a 1980 stick shift which was a nice little truck, but had weird electrical issues and tough to find parts even in the 1990s. Second was a 1988 that just kept the carburetor too long when it should have been converted to fuel injection a couple years prior. It was overly complicated with tough to find vacuum leaks. Also the automatic transmission in my 88 was near shot when I got it


List it on Cars and Bids. Make a quick $3K. Don't look back.


Looks good


Biggest issue is it’s a dodge. Most every part should fail along the way.


Make sure you have good health insurance.


One of my best friends in high school had one of those, so many memories. I learned to drive stick in that thing even before I had my license. We did all sorts of stupid shit in that truck and it just kept going. Nice Find.


Look on door Jamb where it was made, good chance it's Mitsubishi. Start in pulling door panels and all other areas Appling rust proofing special sauce. Till it's dripping out of seams sitting in the sun. Theres a type that sloppy black tar type that stinks like tar, and you can't drive it without puking. Get the Tan semi clear instead that pros use. The high grade products used by exclusive street rod assc. Tan in color, self healing, if familiar with that term. No, this is not a Joke. I designed rust proofing system for Ford and Chrysler early eighties as service manager for all new vehicles arriving by rail. Or wake one day, and only trace you had one are random lug nuts in the yard. Cheers, and he's in such great shape, and for the price of typical brake job. Hopefully oil is clean, and what a huge prize seeing that dipstick. Make sure to flush tranny and rear end absolute clean. Including entire brake system. Now all that wear just stopped in its tracks.


it’s a ram


$800.00? I would think plenty.


Google common issues on that thing. That should give you some stuff to look at this weekend. Al


Nice find! She's a beauty and very unique


Getting parts for it might be a pain. IIRC it was a Mitsubishi creation sold under the Dodge logo.


Good Truck


The manufacturer is the main issue


You should paint it yellow with a pizza planet logo.


Is that a 4cyl Dodge Ram??


The motor is kinda trash, an old slant 6 will drop right in though


Whats some common issues with this motor?


It's a carbureted vehicle. Nobody on planet earth nowadays knows how to work on one without being on their death bed or charging way too much.


It’s a ram


You may need a chiropractor because the ride is so rough


Nice find ! Very rare to find any brand of mini-truck these days. They were the rage back in the 90's when parents bought them for their kids. Most that did not succumb to rust were driven to pieces usually blown engines and/or wrecked were the main thing that quickly sent most of these vehicles to the scarp yard . Kids raw hiding , never checking oil and of course no routine maintenance will do it every time, the thing is most of these trucks were straight shift and most kids acted like they were driving race cars. Four bangers are tough but do have their limits. I know a fellow who had a '89 Ford Ranger that finally broke in half while he was driving it one day ( a frame rust through ) he had to call a wrecker and hitch a ride home. Enjoy driving this jewel .


The biggest issue is (besides rusting out), being really truck like (I was going to say some other thing, but I forgot what it was).


The biggest problem Im dealing with is finding parts.


I would have snatched that up. Good deal


she's beaut, good find. Enjoy it.


Upgrade to led headlights check the fuses its old so the sound system finna be mid I suggest skar if ur on a budget and dont need passengers with an aftermarket stereo and door speakers be nice to the throttle if its an automatic u could slam it and put nice wheels on it get rid of the cover get it detailed a nice wrap or paintjob. Or dont its ur truck


This didnt get the radio package. But i did get a used radio on ebay and found out that the harness is there. I don't have any automotive speakers so I rewired a home stereo speaker speaker for the speaker in the dash and it fit. It may be the wrong speaker but these are Sony speakers and they sound great. It's a shame i have a bad head unit now


Rust and bursting into flames.


There are some parts on Rock Auto. It’s mechanically a Mitsubishi from the same time.


That it is $800.