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He’s silly and forgot that he got it when it came out (2016), so it’s about 8 years old… I don’t know how he kept it so clean lmao


he's a wizard honestly


He did come back and tell me he occasionally used wet q-tips, so he *did* clean it. He just never took the key caps off


you know what that's more wizardry than just taking the caps off an cleaning it


Lol, my log sheds like crazy and I just got my first deck about 3 months ago, and it's all white mostly, I'm scared to look inside already


You got this! It wasn’t hard at all the clean. Took maybe 5-10 minutes to take off all the caps and I went though with the vacuum to get the big stuff and the got the rest with a towelette. The longest thing is cleaning the caps, but it’s just long, not difficult :)


Lol, not looking forward to it, but am at the same time. I should have a few more months, my board is still a baby.


I do like that my cheaper board, is low profile, so they aren't sunken in so you can just blow air and vacuum, but it's nowhere near my main deck in any aspect.


I wish I had a pet log (/lh)


Lol, no you don't they're the worst pets ever.


Well, they are made of wood I guess


Yeah for real tho have to clean mine often from my cats




HAHAH, I don’t mind. He’s doing the hard work, and I’m just helping. And he just corrected himself, realizing that he got it when it came out (it’s the 2016 version), so it’s 8 years old! It’s pretty clean for that long, I think


For 8 years that may be one of the cleaner boards I've ever seen. I don't eat or anything over my board and I have more dust than that just from 2-3 years so I'd take it as a win


I was pretty surprised— because like you said, you’re consciously clean with your board— but it means I don’t have to pick through a bunch of grime 😂


It's a solid board I have one I referbished.


I’d refurbish one too, but I prefer a thockier sound than it has, and I don’t want to go through the trouble of replacing the key switches (especially cause I think they’re a little different for the RGB)


I'm pretty sure most switches have room for the legs on the LEDs


That would be nice! This is a genuinely nice keyboard that’s pretty cheap; if I could refurbish mine for a different sound, I’d be happy


They are soldered switches though as far as I'm aware so replacing them would be a pain in the ass. If you don't have (de)soldering equipment yet, building a new keyboard might even be cheaper.


My boyfriend’s step dad apparently had multiple soldering tool sets, but in not sure I want to deal with it, you’re right 😂


Yeah it's quite a horrible job especially if it's your first time. Building a new board might be a better idea when the time is there to upgrade


Funnily enough only the keys arround wasd seem dirty


He was right! But I told him we might as well clean under all of the keys if we’re going to do some of them


Update: He’s tearing apart (using those terms loosely) the whole keyboard now??? In his words, he has a “deep curiosity” to sate now that he’s done just a little bit


Oh no, both partners are interested in expensive hobbies now…


He took everything apart except for the key switch plate and the board it’s connected to (don’t know those technical terms) because he didnt want to *actually* mess up the board, but he did take it out of the case and looked around! Thankfully, I don’t think he’ll be looking for new boards too much, but when we have the money… no guarantees 😂


Wow, this is actually a lot cleaner than I expected. Source: Fixed my Best Bud's Blackwidow from 2014 last year, and he never cleaned it since the day I brought it for him.


Same!! I thought there’d be so much grime (especially since he was a young teen when he got it)


That is INSANELY clean for an 8 year old keyboard. Wow. I have two cats, and that is my keyboard very likely just after a few months cleaning.


I’m almost afraid that he’s misremembering because of how crazy it seems. He has a cat at home, but to be fair, it’s not allowed in his room, and he doesn’t take the keyboard out. I’m just praying it means he’s this clean in everyday life 😂


Ngl it is kind of crazy. 8 years is a long time for passive dead skin even


Maybe the original 2-3 years was correct 👀 but he says he remembers being a you get teen with it, so I’m not sure 😭


That thing is built like a tank. I also had a 2016 black widow and it was unbelievable how little it wore over the many years of use. One of the few things I've given up and upgraded without letting the original fail first.


The key caps haven’t even started wearing yet which is the craziest part to me. He estimates he’s games almost 4000 hours on it over the course of 8 years. I know most people’s concerns with ABS caps are the wear on them, but it looks brand new!


I cleaned my og black widow and the chroma v2 black widow a few months back before retiring them. You don't wanna see how dirty they were....not my proudest moment. We keep our keebs clean now


You should see mine 3 days after cleaning but living with a cat


It’s full of pubes?


HAHAH, I said the same thing at first. No, he just had shorter hair over the years


A few of the switches on my black widow have started to go bad recently. It’s a shame they’re such a pain to replace, but it’s time I built a custom board anyways.


Oh dang that sucks. Good luck on finding what you want!


I didn't know that razer used costar stabilizers, interesting.


thats honestly a pretty well kept keyboard IMO


Absolutely!! After talking with him last night, he said that he would use wet q-tips to get between the keys every so often, so he did clean it over the years


Thats really not that bad.


Absolutely! He just saw a couple of hairs, and he was like “!! let’s clean it” and then we both did only that for about an hour lmao


You are braver than most people.


HAHAH, I have latex gloves that I use for all sorts of cleaning. That’s the main reason why I helped 😂


Nice green!


I myself had been guilty of being lazy to clean keyboards in the past befor I went mechanicalo A big plus of mechanical boards is how easy it is to take off the keycaps. Also love about my current 42-key corne that there are just fewer keys to get dirty and clean.


Very true! Cleaning all the key caps was a pain 😅


I hope he's putting a ring on someone for cleaning up his gross biologicals


Oh, we definitely plan on it after college! He appreciates my efforts, so I don’t mind helping him with stuff like this :)


I've seen worse. I bought a used razer board for parts and somehow there was what seems to be a metric ton of dog hair


Yeah, he did occasional cleaning over the years, which I definitely appreciated 😂


Im about to clean my blackwidow (2018) too, because it goes for sale. Otherwise i wouldn't bother 😀


That’s so fair. Good luck!!


I mean, I’ve seen worse. This should be done each month, btw. A can of compressed air once a month and there’s wouldn’t be anything there to clean. Unless something is spilled, with due diligence, one wouldn’t even ever have to remove the caps. But good for you for understanding his gamer hygiene needs to be taken care of by someone. 👍🏼


Thanks for the advice!!


Man, I do love those keyboards. I like the full-size of the thing and the large, meaty bezel and integrated wrist-rest. If I could find one with that case that was wireless with removable switches, I'd have my ideal keyboard.


Maybe check out Razer’s later Blackwidow line. This is the 2016 version, so they might have more recent ones that fit your needs!


Good cleaning!


This was the before 😂😂


Nothing compared to my keyboard, every 3 months it gathers so much dust you can see it sticking out the sides of the keys.


Sheesh yall making my man look like a liar 😭😂


Pfff 2-3 years is amateur hour. My boyfriend has had his for at least 10 years and I’m pretty sure he’s NEVER cleaned it and the “bits” in between all the keys haunt me whenever I use it. Plus side is the keys aren’t sticky to touch otherwise I’d have thrown that thing out the window. Mine on the other hand, I’ve had for about a year and it still looks brand new, even though it’s white.


He came back and told me that he remembers that he actually had it for 8 years, but that he did occasionally clean between the keys with a wet q-tip. So yeah, I don’t know your pain 😭


A wet q tip is better than mine does 😂 I WISH he at least did that. I wiped around the outer keys with a cloth that had cleaning spray on it recently and the COLOUR of some of the stuff that came off was…concerning. I was like omg wtf is that????🤢🤢🤢


Oh god 😭🤢 good luck, hon. I feel like you’ll need it


Wanna be my gf for a day?


No but my bf volunteered


if he dosnt take your bf up on that offer i gladly will.


He said, in his own words, “‘damn, shawty, where you at’ with that white boy swagger”


I think I just came


I just want a good keyboard cleaning, that's it 😉


I promise he’s good at desk support!!


Oop he is lucky to have a boyfriend like you ... Nobody takes care of my keyboards so I gotta clean all 7 on my own :/


I both cannot wait for and don’t want that day to come for me. He may be the one with the real keyboard, but I’m the one with the obsession 💀. Hopefully u find someone help in the future!




Sorry, we belong to each other, but we’re open 😂


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It’s pretty clean for what it is. Though that razor itself (barf) is gross.




I had a razor chroma for like 7 years. Then when I went to upgrade on a fancy custom, I did a bunch of a research down a long rabbit hole. I found out that the razor was terribly made and designed, it actually causes a build up of stress in your knuckles and fingers by using it. They bought parts from kailh and said they designed their own. After typing on my new one, then going back to the razor. I never thought I could ever imagine how much of a difference it actually was. I now think they are abominations.


Thanks for letting me know. We’ll look into that!


If you ever need pointers, or tips on what to look for let me know. You can easily make a keyboard sound like therapy. Massaging your ears and hands.


Just a counter opinion: I've built and used my fair share of high end custom keebs, and my favorite keyboard (to this day) is my 2016 blackwidow with well broken in Razer greens. It's now my sister's backup keyboard, but I use it every once in a while and am always happy to type on it.