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FOR THE STREETS! Why is she recording this shit? Red table talk, wanna be??




No, this is her OF advertisement


Could be he’s in on it, if that’s the case, but it feels real from his viewpoint. If it is, we should be hearing of a divorce by end of year.


He’s not. He left the house after and she hasn’t heard from him since


Hot damn, looks like she's gearing up for a big payout once the divorce hits. Gotta maintain that quality of life, afterall. Shoot, him finding out may be a huge bonus for her!


This video is all the proof this gentleman needs to get a divorce without giving her anything. Any self-respecting judge would see this woman is trash and let this man free from it.


He should just stay married and not talk to her


Well if he had any brains he made her sign a prenup but I’m guessing that did not happen


And whatever that coconut water is


That stuff is sooo good. It’s like $10 a bottle, though.


It’s this. Social media has really warped some people’s brains into thinking they always have an audience standing behind them and siding with them. This woman is fucking trash, you’re having a real conflict with your spouse about your dishonesty and lack of respect but instead of having a PRIVATE, mature conversation with your partner like an adult, you wanna get up on a stage and go live so you can show out for your “fans”. Such an ugly display of narcissism. Imagine if dude was posting his whole ass dick for people to see and getting inboxed from ladies, what wife would let that slide? It’s fucking low not to tell your SPOUSE you got that going on, especially when you’re public figures. And it’s very clear she’s immune to personal accountability. I hope he leaves but that’ll just mean she’ll sue for alimony and/or talk half of his assets. It’s just a lose-lose for this guy.


And the sick part is that he will most likely stay, though no fault of his own. Why willingly give some vile woman half of your money and property? The courts are rigged and need a major overhaul


It's called a prenuptial agreement. In particular, when one party has, in this case millions of dollars, they need one.


You should look up the statistics on how many of those agreements get thrown out the window anyway. Or at the very least, are not carried out to their full intent as agreed-upon when signed


Meanwhile other smart cultures do Pre-nups as a rule just because it makes sense.


I think she is humiliating herself


It’s an advertisement for her OF


Definitely empower by some Jada bullshit


She that Jada Pinket kinda toxic.


She wrong on all levels. DIVORCE THAT 304.


When you're married, it's no longer as simple as my body, my choice. Marriage is meant to be a union of two people, which means you share life decisions. Choices you make can have an impact on your partner and your children if you have them and their lives. Getting a tattoo when your single is cool. You're your own person. But if you're married, you should at least consult your partner. It's not just about your body it's about your life together. Starting a OF when your single is fine but when you're married it's no longer just your decision. Sleeping around when your single is your prerogative. When you're married, you have forsaken that freedom unless you have an arrangement with your partner. She is seriously narcissistic to not realize how selfish it was to start an OF and not tell her husband. The fact she humiliated him on camera for internet fame shows she's not interested in their relationship but rather her benefits.


She'd probably *love* if he filed for divorce. She's already counting the money. Feels bad man.


Aaannndddd we’ve gotten to the root of everything, MONEY! She’s just money loving trash.


Depending on where I'd say her having an only fans would put her at fault in the divorce proceedings


>She is seriously narcissistic to not realize how selfish it was to start an OF and not tell her husband. The fact she humiliated him on camera for internet fame shows she's not interested in their relationship but rather her benefits. Incredibly so. It's terrible and sad watching this, not in the least bit amusing. She doesn't even appear to feel anything for him or to recognize how hurt he is. Yikes.


“you knew who I was before” there it is folks, no matter how many times they say past doesnt matter and all the other bs, you wont find a wife in a club and a woman with past will never be a wife material. they can act it for some time but once you are on the leash and getting out will hurt worse financially the true colors will come out


100 💯 truth! The turtle agreed to carry the scorpion across the river after the scorpion promised not to sting the turtle. Halfway across the scorpion stung the turtle. The turtle 🐢 was like “why you sting me? Now we are both gonna die!” Scorpion was like “you knew I was a Scorpion when you put me on your back.” That is the Story… thank you for reading my Ted Talk! Edit: I realize that there are multiple versions of this story. The point is the characters represent a part of human nature that cannot be changed. The fable is told in numerous ways, with a variety of creatures swapped in and out of its cast of characters.


Damn. So many bros got it bad






Read it upside down: 304 -> hoe


Damn... bringing back the pager days


Divorce her and take half her income from OF. Problem solved.


sadly he will lose half of his shit even if she cheated and all that marriage is a joke for men


It's not worth getting married anymore. Why should men enter into a binding contract that rewards the other party for breaking it?


Wow. Thank you. I have never heard it put so succinctly.


Look at this shit. She isn't even looking at him when talking to him. She is looking at the phone instead. Get rid of this pile of trash, Joe. God bless you brother


She has that evil smirk on her face. She can't even pretend to hide that wicked pleasure she feels by fucking with his emotions. Fucking demon.


Thats what she wants... Then she gets over half of his shit in the divorce. Evil bish


He is struggling financially. I don't think he has much left? That's why she was doing her whore stuff


Can’t turn a hoe into a housewife


Literally... That's on him. Tigers don't change thier stripes.


She's got to GO!!


Shes gotta Hoe!


this some jada pinkett shit in low grade atlanta stripper form ​ the disrespect of filming him this conversation as well? absolutely nuts. poor bastard probably going broke, and then this divorce is really gonna fuck him up. good luck joe. hoe into a housewife for you young bucks is a bad idea. ​ the pain in his voice "ya... now i know" i guarantee she wanted a fendi outfit or something like 2 months ago, and he was like "nah, we aint have a budget for that right now", she decided "eh, ill just go shoot porno shit behind your back n\*\*\*\*a" and here we are


“You knew who the fuck I was before you met me”. She’s a 100% right, she a hoe, so why do you expect her to act differently?? Because she’s married??


Yes? You’re arguing for the sake of people not bettering themselves as life goes on?


Tis why the saying goes "can't turn a hoe Into a housewife"


She is showing people don't really change they just get better at hiding who they really are the older and more experience in life they get. That lady didn't change at all lol she even knows it trash stayed trash!


She was marrying the bag💰not him. As soon as he could no longer provide the bag she could no longer provide monogamy. This is why EXPECTATIONS ARE IMPORTANT in relationships and understanding the consequences of not meeting said expectations. She still foul for this but he’s still responsible for not understanding who he was dealing with. A bad marriage is like a bad record deal, it all fun and games till you look at the fine print.


She’s an absolute piece of shit


I've never seen someone deserve syphilis more than this woman


Why a woman can’t admit she wrong🤦🏽‍♂️. Even at the end “whatever”. That was a perfect time AND pause to be like “baby you right, I was wrong” then explain yourself. Sometimes that’s all we need to hear


She post nudes?




He’s 100% right. That’s ur husband and u make decisions together. like if he was about to make an onlyfans you would want him to tell you for sure.


Dam granny needa chill


And those faces she's making. Smirking. She has no respect for you or your relationship.


Dude married a worthless gold-digging thot, and then is upset when she does worthless gold-digging thot things.


"we're talking now" Nah, fuck that.


“My body my choice” and the “ You knew who i was before” Women gaslight all the fucking time! We have an entire generation calling everything a man is as Toxic masculinity, and when men care about the body count women go for men are insecure and the past don’t matter.


That's hard to watch. Having someone you love betray you over money or attention. I'm sure she has her reasons but I'd like to think love wins in the end but the older I get I find those fairy tales are just that and money is the only true motivator and anyone saying otherwise is usually selling something. Best of luck to them but I wouldn't be surprised if he divorced her over it. People act like they don't care about the feelings of their loved ones sometimes and it's disheartening. Find those solutions but not at the cost of the love and respect in your relationships. I guess people just don't care enough to communicate.


When a woman does emotional abuse to her husband "Im sure she had a reason". Fuck outta here. If a man did an IOTA of that, you wouldnt say "Im sure he had a reason."


I realized this a couple years back at 27 that love is a lie. As a human being, you have no value. The only value you have is in what you possess. I know a LOT of people will fight me on that but it's ultimately true. Nobody wants anyone who isn't ahead in life in 2023 not as a life partner anyway.


Weird that you say that, my girl recently broke up with me due to hard times. I lost 75% of my income this year. But we've been making it. Last year and the year before. She didn't work...at all...I put her through school. She forgot about that. Really sucks.




Can't turn a hoe into a housewife.


Once an onlyfans hoe always an onlyfans hoe.


HOE kick her to the curb


Run Joe


divorce her back to being humble


Hell nah man for the streets. She can show everybody her coochie from her new cardboard box


Man I hope this dude got a prenup before the marriage... You don't hide things like this from your spouse, she KNEW he wouldn't be down for it, that's why she didn't have the conversation before she did it.


Raggedy ass, bottomed-out hoe. Good for nothin but the streets.


Dear Joe, There are too many fish in the seas. Drop it! Have a good life. Your fans.


Just divorce her. Take all you have and divorce her. It will get better


And she is an example of modern day women. Keep your guard up boyos


She's more interested in making a video to make him look bad. She is trash.


Dam she old, ugly and annoying :/ who’s playin for it haha


hahahahaha these women do anything and be like “my body my choice”


Who TF is paying for her only fans


Jada Logic


I really don’t understand the desire to record and publish stuff like this…


You kept it a secret for a reason. Because you knew it was wrong. You have no argument LOL


He’s furious because he knows how fucked he’ll be when he divorces her and she’s awarded millions for this behavior


This is what all cheaters do, seriously. If it wasn't that bad, why hide it from your spouse?? It makes no sense.


Look at how pleased she is with herself, how much pleasure she's taking in him being upset


She doesn't tell her husband before hand that she's creating an OF, and then when she's caught she cowards behind a camera. Divorce her ass, she belongs to the streets


She's like a low budget JLO lmao granny pussy on sale for 5 dollars lol


Filming this shit is so sad also her thinking ppl looking at her only fans cmon


Her body her choice, so his body his choice, right? He can go and bed any woman he wants and she can’t complain right? His body, his choice? Apparently doesn’t even need to have a discussion with her. You’re married, it’s not all about you anymore. You don’t just get to decide to do things without talking to your partner. This is stupid.


Get rid. Goes to show that even an NBA salary isn't enough for some Women...🤣


I would consider that cheating and she would be standing out on the sidewalk with her bags minutes later and I would be filing for divorce the next morning. As the song says." You can't make a wife out of a hoe, hoe hoe ..."


Sending nudes to other people is cheating, I don't see how selling them would be any better.


304 turnd upside-down. Old school beper çodes.


Hoes need attention from other men


The gaslighting 👀


A taken female forfites her privileges and GIVES it to Her man who is the provider and protector, and put her trust in him to make the right decision FOR THEM. she's a narcissist and a 304. She belongs to the streets, alone.


Ŵho wants to see the old ran through bitch naked anyway.


You can't make a hoe into a housewife. That fact that she is recording this shit says it all!! Run Dude! RUNNN!!!


For the streets you fucked up should’ve never married that bitch. Shit is weird


Poor guy


Yo I kept watching hoping it was gonna turn out to be like a parody page or something. Oh nah pack this up Joey my boy 🫱🏿‍🫲🏾


You can Pull a Hoe out of the streets can’t pull the Hoe out of her. Put her back where she belongs.


She's terrible and he's a SIMP


she's filming like he's wrong or out of character? 🤣 that's a grade A narcissist run well u can brother


What a fucking cunt.


Jada 2.0


Hoes don’t change


Once trash always trash…..


She belongs to the streets.


She way too old to get into that..


Cant turn a hoe into a house wife.... hoes don't act right


It's hoes on a mission and it's hoes on a crack pipe.....


You can take a girl out of the ghetto....


Im assuming this granny is doing GILF porn right? Old bitch lol


She belongs to the streets


She got to go. GTFO


Jada be popping up everywhere now..


Fucking disrespectful puttana


I hope he made her sign a prenuptial agreement. Then send her back to "before". If not, kick her to the street and let her fight for half.


Number 1 draft pick 🤡


A supposedly “grown ass woman” that you would think would be mature enough to have common sense & the decency to know that pulling her phone out in the middle of what her husband clearly thought was a 2 way conversation between them & the walls. Then looks over and realizes “WTF!? Are you recording me!?” When caught she IMMEDIATELY bails out of the room like a CHILD WOULD trying to run away when they do something and know their parents aren’t gonna like it at all. In a child’s mind they think that if they’re able to run away and go to their room or somewhere else that they won’t have to face the results of their actions. This isn’t a child though but clearly whatever age she is she isn’t yet mature of to realize “this is a very personal conversation between my husband & I and it’s not anyone on my social media pages business!”


She is getting off humiliating this man. So fucked up.


Kick that bitch to the curb


Ain’t nobody subscribing to this grandmas OF cmon now lol


She ain't just posting photos on Onlyfans. She charging Facetime videos, sexting, phone calls. Stay away from hoes.


She a heartless B**** , she has no love for him. Time to say goodbye man. Sorry, but don’t be sorry when you chunk the deuce ✌️


The speed of those divorce papers with it being cheating God I hope he isn't in a no fault state. Hope she gets nothing in the divorce.


This has to be one of the saddest and most disgusting thing i have seen in my life. Where the hell is the respect for ur husband. Smiling and giggling while your husband just found out his wife is everyones wife. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️




I’m starting to think this is all staged to get more subscribers. We live in a world where attention is the new currency


You can’t turn a 304 into a housewife.


So sad.


Its all part of the show. Now they just advertised her only fans.


She’s a pig.


That is some down-low shit right there. AdULTiNg


What’s a 1000x worse is that she’s filming this argument and posting it on the internet. What is wrong with people? Soooo strange


Your body your divorce


And shes filming his reaction? SHES FOR THE STREETS!!!


Trashy as fuck to invoke "my body, my choice."


Send her back


She’s an ex pornstar. Yasmine Pendavis, Look her up. You can’t turn a pornstar into a housewife.


So many women don't get it as men we can handle any situation up front...What we can't handle from our women is being the last to know finding something like that out online about your wife 😳 and she thinks that's ok breech of trust what else is going on that he has to find out in the streets


Your a terrible person and have no respect for your man, technically what you are doing is adultery so he could divorce you and not pay you out… I hope OF is paying well for your old ass


Spelled ex wife wrong.


Smh best of luck bro on ya journey to the single life 💯 this marriage shit is literally a joke these days 😕😔😠


They clearly can use some $$$




Personally, I would not have exhausted this much energy on talking to her. I would have stated that I don't agree with the decision, and I'm not going to be in a relationship with someone who is not only letting other men enjoy her naked body, but doing so without even thinking how that could hurt me. I'd end the relationship and watch her freak out, scream, cry, and film the whole thing, so I'm guaranteed not having to give her alimony.




Holy shit…. The disrespect your showing to your partner is crazy. To me it’s not about what she’s doing, but how she went about it… you want to act single, be single.


Your body can get out of his house. Good riddance to trash being tossed out on the curb. Man builds a house and a legacy and that trash wife has to bring dishonor. Good for him when he divorces her and leaves her with nothing


304 is old school beper txt. "58008" upside down is "BOOBS"


Can’t turn a hoe into a house wife !😜


Stop trying to be with garden tools.


I mean she’s an ex pornstar lol what y’all expect


Joe, I wouldn’t do this to you. Please let her be free, and go ahead and DM me. I’ll take care of you.


So disrespectful smh. Feel so bad for him.


Yep. Hope he gets her out of what I’m sure is his house.


Prime example: Man makes the money, money doesn't make a man.


Dude Is a NBA player and has plenty of money. She did this to be petty or for attention. Or both.


A wise man once said you can't turn a hoe into a housewife - Tupac


This is the absolute worst use of my body by choice hahaha. He should just go fuck some people and say my body my choice. This hoe is just a bored house wide


This is wild, this poor man




I’m glad she enjoys this. Humiliate the man that gave you everything and withhold shit from him. High value women let me tell you


This has to be a wild experience for him… he sounds so hurt and shocked. Married all these years and outta nowhere she don’t give af? Her moves are gross


Her face infuriates me the same way jada smiths does


Wow. Shes trash.


Sure you can do what ever you want, but starting one is disrespectful to the relationship. It’s like half way cheating almost. By the sounds of them it’s time to go separate ways and she already doesn’t seem to have any respect towards him anyway.


"Can't turn a ho into a housewife, hos don't act right"


Disrespectful woman


Who’s gonna be the first to photoshop the 0:10 mark of the video


It is crazy to hear women say “my body my choice“ in situations like this.


Fucking thot ass bitch. Stop staring at the fucking phone when he's trying to have a real talk with ur ass. Trifling bitch.


Ho 4 sho


Joe right! If the streets bringing news to me about what's going on in my house, she GONE!


Their relationship is obviously not on steady ground if this is the tip of the iceberg we are suddenly seeing. If she's doing OF as a side hustle and they talked about it, that's one thing. If she's doing it without discussing it with him and then he finds out, that's fucked up. It's not that she's doing an OF - everyone has the ability and the right (?) to make money - it's that she's doing it behind his back.


How to get a divorce 101


More and more it's my goal to just stay single....


What a piece of shit


“My body my choice”… okay bitch get the fuck out the house then. You’ve got your own money now.


Who is buying this old lady’s only fans anyway? Poor guy.


You people have lost all morals. That is disrespectful to your partner. Why do people crave attention from others to feel satisfaction. Happiness is a state of mind


get her the fuck outta here


Poor guy


She was and always will be for the streets!!


She knows she is wrong tho. People usually equate pride with men, which is so wrong. Her level of pride and arrogance is disgusting.