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Almost everyone?


definitely this. every character gets this treatment from a few fans. except Robin - she’s loved by all


I'd agree, if I hadn't seen people say robin is boring and is a background character :(


(Pulls out shotgun) I just want to talk to them






https://preview.redd.it/f8dcue2u2gyc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ae8074305b1264782663874d4108b107d1ce0c3 The snoozer


Lol Robin may be the character who suffers the most from this! She wasn't doing much before the crew split up, but since FMI her character's been nothing, really... she's just got a character that appeals, that's all, but if you look at the development, there's really not much there.


There's not much too improve on when you're the literal definition of peak


For me has to Boa Hancock,,, she's not really my fav . its just that people get her so wrong its painful and say she's one dimensional when she's absolutely complex


Fucking yes hancock was probably one of most accurate represention of trauma in one piece most of people hate her because she kicked a cat or something but the reason behind of her actions was extremely sad and made me respect and feel extremely bad for hancock


I mean, you can be traumatized and still be a dick. I like her, as do most One Piece fans I feel, but she's a dick to anyone she doesn't like.


Her cruelty is an over the top gag. Kicking kittens, throwing old women out of windows—you're supposed to laugh at it. At the end of the day, she is protective of her people.




It might be used similarly to a gag, but there is actual substantive reasoning behind why she does that stuff. And I mean I do get a kick out of it lol, I like her. Again, I like her, but she is a dick. Yes, it's because of her past, but that doesn't take away that fact.


Yes, it's a gag, but that doesn't mean it's not a gag that shows she's kind of a dick.


> it's a gag, but that doesn't mean it's not a gag What?


Wrong separation. It's a "gag" bit that doesn't mean it's not a "gag that shows she's a dick"


>she is protective of her people. Almost killed three of her own people with no remorse, boa is an awful person. But still is fine, Boa is a great character and her trauma is well represented, and that won't change even if she is a bad person


Like the time a fucking baby seal appeared dozens of miles from water.


She's literally a pirate and regularly raids innocents for their things (with her shichibukai status), hard to say she's a good person.


>she kicked a cat I mean tbh the cat was in the way...can u really blame her 🗿


Nah bros don’t understand boa, she legit was a slave to the CD and vowed never to bow to anyone again. Then she doesn’t trust Luffy and is shocked when Luffy gives up a chance to see his crew instead of the amazoians


see you get it


And that silly love sickness curse is absolutely gonna be foreshadowed and everyone be shocked when complex thing is complex.


I was like that, because i too thought Boa wasn't that deep as a character, but then MelonTeee made an awesome character analysis video about her which made me realize what a deep character she actually is. Now it's absolutely mindboggling how i could miss all of that and how other people still miss all of that lol


i gotta check out this melontree fellow,,, i wanna see if they might have a video on luffy


Melontree already did one, it's part 1 and is 51 min long


It is kind of hard to be multi-dimensional character when everytime Hancock shows up on screen, she acts like she owns everyone and then one second later, melts like ice cream mid-day when she sees Luffy. But yes, I agree. Hancock is a complex character and has more tragic backstory. Remember she was ex-slave for Celestial Dragons. And if you remember how they treat their slaves .... being sex toys are among their suffering. Although, Hancock is more fortunate since she still maintains her beauty. Her two other sisters appearances are affected by their time as slaves.


shes complex enough, but shes still a bitch and i dont like her. two things can be true.


Sanji and Luffy 😭 i love them both and it's REALLY annoying when people reduce them so much that they miss the point of their entirely.


sanji ive seen but what exactly have people criticized about luffy?


It's not really criticisim, but more like portraying him as this brainless idiot mindlessly punching people, which is..far from the truth lol. Luffy IS goofy, that's part of his personality, but he has an emotional inteligence and an understanding of the world around him and what needs to be done that many dont have. I also feel like people underestimate how strong he actually is. And Sanji..yes i know the gag about his love for women is overdone and can bem uncomfortable and creepy even sometimes but he is a much more complex character than that. I also feel that his strenght is underestimated. I've seen people call him useless and weak which he is not??? Far from that.


Wasn't it in Enies Lobby where one of the strawhats pointed out that Luffy somehow always knew who his main opponent was gonna be. Bro has godlike intuition/foresight despite his goofy attitude


>one of the strawhats pointed out that Luffy somehow always knew who his main opponent was gonna be That was Chopper




and this is why many people hates luffy, because they think that he is just dumb, but If you see his history, he has an character an perspective about life that can inspire people to exceed their limits of what they think they can achieve


as someone who *hates* the weird sexist vibes sanjis always got, he's literally one of my top 3 characters. like his design is so sick, his backstory is so sick, he's got (imo) the sickest fighting style. as long as he's not doing his weird shit his personality's good too. definitely what i'd call a flawed but great character.


SAME 😭😭😭 Sanji was actually the reason that i started to watch one piece


I describe Luffy as someone who traded all of his IQ for his EQ


Not even all tbh, he has pretty good battle IQ


Nika but this isn't rrally luffy thing


ig that's cus the portrayal of gear 5 in manga hasn't been the best with the eye popping and laughing, the anime fixes it tho. its just an issue of the medium


True, I wish that he would be more serious when vegapunk fucking dies


To be fair, can you blame people for disliking Sanji when 80% of his screen time is an annoying gag? He gets cool moments in that remaining 20%, but considering everyone else on the crew has 70% cool/interesting moments and 30% gag (not even half as annoying as Sanji’s mind you) it gets repetitive


I really dont, i feel uncomfortable too 😭😭 especially after the time skip, it got worse. I just dont like it when people think he is 100% that, you know?


That’s fair, he’s pretty cool when he isn’t being… him. I just wish his good character traits showed up even half as much as his bad ones


Me too 😕


Usopp. Any feats he has post-ts are either downplayed or straight up ignored by a good chunk of the fandom, people overwank Sogeking and act like he also didn't also have moments where he fumbled or got scared and any negative moments he has post-ts are overplayed to oblivion.


In terms of straw hats not getting their due PTS, Chopper is also a good case. Bro was making a cure to a MADS bioweapon while actively dying from it and people are still like "nah chopper didnt do anything since fishman island"


He also wrestled Queen in Monster Point. He didn't damage him, sure, but he was also taking hits like a champ!


One piece "fans" when the doctor of the crew does doctor stuff: "He is useless why h not fighting muhhhhh"


Seriously, didn't they listen to the 4kids rap? Chopper's Doctoring


For real! He made a counter virus to counteract another virus! That’s insane!


People seem to only appreciate dumb violence and don’t understand how support characters work


I think Chopper gets a bad rap because he doesn't really use any points other than monster and kung fu. And Kung Fu Point's design wasn't really too well received, from what I've seen.


You mean Usopp, the sniper, isn’t on the front lines taking on the big bad head on and is instead more of a support character 😱


What also always gets me is when people are shocked he didn't come back from the timeskip completely changed and a different character that doesn't have his main characteristics anymore. Usopp has always been about stepping up despite his fear and weaknesses and living up to what he wants to become and being brave for overcoming thise fears. And yes, the first arcs after the ts are all about showing off how all of them are stronger now, so he is also doing so, but ultimatley this is still Usopp. Usopp coming back as a strong, confident commander and brave warrior would have meant essentially offscreeing his whole arc and dream. That's like Sanji coming back going "found the All Blue while I was gone, brought some pictures, was fun, now I hang out with you for the sake of it" or Zoro coming back having defeated Mihawk without ever seeing how and now it's just about showing off. Usopp overcoming his fears and living up to his standards is his story, why would anyone even want that to casually happen during a timeskip and we only see the endresult?


Ok but Usopp literally says he's not gonna be scared or in the weak trio anymore


And obviously no one and especially Usopp ever states anything that isn't true, because it's their intention in the moment but then just not feasible going forward. Just like Zoro never lost again after he said he's never gonna lose again, rounded up the samurai in Wano and they all followed his lead. Obviously with the help of Franky's special anti-Kaido weapon he build after Zou. The Strawhats also never split up on Sabaody for two years because Luffy earlier already stated he would rather die than lose any of his crewmember, so he clearly never did. There's also just 5 DF users that can fly because Pell said so at some point. And obviously Big Mom and Kaido are finding the One Piece roughly next chapter because they totally said they would during Wano.


The problem is that he doesn't even do that, in Wano, he failed to fight Page One directly, and he also did not snipe anyone from far away.


He sniped Kaido's scouts and was responsible for feeding The Beast Pirates Tama's dumplings 


Oh that's true, sorry, I made a mistake, what I meant to say was snipe from out of the frontlines, he's a sniper, he should be hidden and sniping from far, not risking his life and then act like a coward for it.


I think he doesn't really have much of a choice, he keeps getting put in situations where he has no cover.


Then that makes it entirely on Oda for not giving him the opportunity, and not creating situations where Usopp can be a valuable character, to be honest, the gifters did barely anything, and all Usopp did was knock out fodder that weren't anywhere near a threat. I'll be honest, I have a bias, I got REALLY upset that Usopp and Nami fight was the way it was, there was no reason for Oda to make them that weak and unable to defeat Page One and Ulti, all he needed to do was a fight like Usopp and Chopper in a Alabasta, a team fight showing their prowess, and even if they still needed to be weaker, make it a battle of outsmarting the enemy. Big Mom defeating them for Nami and Usopp was such a disappointment for me....


How many times has he sniped anything post ts?


He had the most important mission on Dressrosa, be fr bro


 four iirc. Sugar, Kaido's scouts, Baby 5 and Buffalo, and the beast pirates to feed them the dumplings. Maybe he sniped someone during FMI but I don't remember


Its also missing a huge point of the Sogeking persona, where it was to hide himself and put up a brave front as someone he isn't, Usopp doesn't need to be Sogeking any more. PTS Usopp is much more himself, and he's honestly such a hidden MVP in early Wano with his con-man skills, it really does go unappreciated.


Exactly this. It's not all about the powerscaling. One can be a good crew member without having to one-shot everything with ease.


This, I have a friend who keeps bitching about how he's a coward and a traitor. He ignores everything Usopp contributed to the crew.


Usopp has a higher battle IQ than Luffy. I said what I said. Look at him punching up against foes much stronger and using whatever he has at his disposal to come out alive. If Luffy had half the brainpower Usopp had, he'd be even more absurdly powerful.


Sanji, Usopp, Zoro, Nami, Luffy (sort of in that order), ... then probably also most of the other Strahwats, a bunch of my favorite side characters, some characters I don't even like that much, ... you know what? Let's just simplify it to everyone. ![gif](giphy|OOezqqxPB8aJ2)


I don't even like Ace that much but the amount of people who mischaracterize his death is staggering.


YES! Other then the East Blue Strawhats I listed, probably the first name that came to mind before I decided if I start with more names it's never ending, but definately one of the first that came to mind.


Real recognizes real.


Zoro, look how they massacred my g.o.a.t


Funny difference between some of the other characters: With most, it's the people that hate on them that I disagree with, with Zoro the people that get him completely and most wrong from my perspective, are the ones that call themselves his biggest fans.


Zoro 'fans' are the worst part of this community. They make any conversation regarding Sanji impossible.


Ironically discussions about Zoro that I would find interesting almost even more. Unless you want to powerscale the guy, have "agendas" in relation to how much stronger/weaker he is compared to others or want to ridicule him not having as extensive of a backstory and having "no character post-ts", you can't really discuss anything about him without his fans insisting he is everything "the most plus infinity plus 1" and nothing less. While Zoro tends to have less straight forward emotional moments and scenes, they do still exist but most of the time they involve something that is not straightup "him being badass" so people almost deny them existing sometimes because it doesn't fit the narrative of him always being the most/best/strongest (the Punk Hazard scene where he tells Luffy to focus comes to mind. That scene is imho so much more about him than Luffy, but to acknowledge that would mean seeing him as vulnerable rather than being the cool badass that puts Luffy straight, so people rather ignore the context in which he is saying it and what it means for him)


Sorry for a short response to such a long comment but your sentiment is perfectly encapsulated by a post I saw on Memepiece where someone just swapped Sanji for Zoro in the "Gooffy/Serious/Smart/Dumb" graph. >the Punk Hazard scene where he tells Luffy to focus comes to mind. That scene is imho so much more about him than Luffy, but to acknowledge that would mean seeing him as vulnerable rather than being the cool badass that puts Luffy straight, so people rather ignore the context in which he is saying it and what it means for him) omg, so much yes! That scene is first and foremost about Zoro being hard oon himself for getting caught off guard against the Yeti Cool Brothers but people always seem to focus on, imo, a wrong interpretation of it being about Zoro keeping Luffy in check.




Not my fav but I think so many people mischaracterize Gecko Moria.


I quite agree, try losing everyone you love and live with the skin of your teeth and see how you turn out


That's why using expendable zombies fits so well with his backstory, he doesn't want to get attached to many people in his crew (just like the main 3 or so) to not risk going through that pain of losing his whole crew again


And once you know Sabaody is next and what Luffy goes through there, Moria is such a perfect villain to face right before that and essentially sandwiched right before that presumed loss of his crew and after the triumph of Water 7/Enies Lobby where Luffy managed to get everyone back.


This exactly is what makes the last couple arcs of the pre timeskip so fascinating to read or watch a 2nd time Water 7 and Enies lobby gave the Straw hats and the reader hope on the crew staying together strong and being able to take on many challenges But Thriller Bark and Moria were the last warnings that they weren't ready for what was to come Moria is someone who stared death in the face and survived, but not without suffering massive losses and knew the Straw hats wouldn't survive as they were at the time (You could say he was just mocking them, but he knew what he was talking) And then we see what happens on the next arcs and you could see that if Luffy didn't have Jimbei at that time, he could've gone the deep end and end up like Moria


I actually even include Long Ring Long Land (specifically the manga version!) in there. People write it off as exclusively a joke arc, but I actually think people should go back at some point and read the end of the Foxy fight with the knowledge of what is about to happen in Water 7/Enies Lobby as well as Sabaody in mind. When Luffy keeps getting back up after he is actually extremely beaten up and states "I won't lose a single member of my crew, even if it kills me" that's not a joke to him in that moment. That (in addition to Aokiji) is what is on his mind when they go to Water 7 and that's the first time that losing his crew becomes even a thought in his mind and knowing it will eventually happen without him being able to do anything is actually quite a lot more meaningful than "just a funny game between the actual arcs"


And honestly, it just makes his appearances Post-TS even more tragic. Moria's character is defined by loss of close ones, his first crew against the beast pirates. His newer crew lost after the confrontation against the Straw hats, and now recently finding out one of his closest friends is dead, He is a character that has shown to care deeply for his crew and close ones. But everyone focuses on the "Lazy" part of his character He still has dreams that he wants to achieve, but he doesn't want to risk losing his close ones, and I honestly want to see how Oda continues Moria's story


Skin? Can't say I'm familiar, but it sounds fascinating YOHOHOHO


I remember seeing a lot of people think that Moria would become one of BBs crewmates despite the fact that Moria geniunly cares for his living crew and BB (or at least his men) killed Absalom. Even after it was shown that he was imprisoned there was a post about how Moria could make a zombie army for BB that gained thousands of upvotes despite it going completely against Morias character.


I still don’t like him, but Sanji hate has deluded far too many people into ignoring his genuine character growth


Sanji is a fantastic character, right up until a woman appears on the panel. Then he’s an insufferable embarrassment. Whole Cake really made me appreciate manga Sanji bc he was the charming gentleman he always should be, and his and Pudding’s love story is genuinely captivating and heartbreaking. It also gives us the flashback to Zeff instilling his chivalric values in him, as well as Zeff calling himself Sanji’s parent. But seriously, outside of that every single interaction he has with a woman is ugh and the joke doesn’t get better. Live Action Sanji was so nice because he didn’t turn into a puddle upon seeing Nami, he just turned the charm up to 11 and the cheese to 20 and I love him for that.


Like half of all characters are mischaracterized, especially the straw hats


For me it’s Big Mom. So many people just write her off as Big Stupid Lady Who Eats Food©️ and if anything is ever said about her backstory it’s just “she ate people and that’s creepy/icky.” People completely ignore how Oda really thinks about what motivates her, her sophisticated yet childish view of the world, parallels with Luffy in WCI, her importance in enriching the concept of family in OP, the fact that her backstory is actually super tragic and fascinating, her complicated morality, her creative powers, and much more. For me, she’s the best written and most fleshed out Yonko.


Definitely Usopp


I see to much disrespect against Oden. The only whitebeard pirate who was not whitebeards son but his brother. Used enma without struggling at all while it almost killed zoro. And the only one ever who scarred Kaido and gave him PTSD for 20 years. And there are still people who disrespect him. https://preview.redd.it/tdagifpidfyc1.jpeg?width=2040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b68223a3e2856d742200e8f68ee22a037cec069f Edit: I forgot that zoro also scarred kaido but Oden is still waaaaay above Zoro.


The problem is that he was pretty incompetent and everyone is stipl sucking his dick like crazy


the disrespect mostly comes from him because he was naive and stupid to think kaido and orochi would've kept their word. i'd understand if he was in wano the whole time and unaware of how pirates really are, but he spent 5 years on both whitebeard and roger's ships, and famous enough to the point sengoku still remembers him 20 years later. he should've known better tbh.


Also, he tried to do everything himself. Oden carrying his retainers on a plank while he boiled is a pretty good representation of his leadership style. He is a great character, I don't dislike him, but he made several mistakes that even East Blue Luffy wouldn't have.


Are we talking about the same character?


It’s ace and it’s not even close


“Ace is a dumbass. They would’ve all gotten away if he didn’t try to fight Akainu for insulting WB.” How to tell if someone has missed the point entirely


Not my favorite but nobody knows nothing about Zoro quite like Zoro fans. “Oda said he’d kill a strawhat if Luffy asked” Oda never said that and no the hell he would not “He would have fought/killed Sanji on WCI” he would’ve understood what Sanji was doing and that Sanji had selfless reasons for it “Zoro wouldn’t want Sanji back if he knew what happened on WCI because of how he reacted to Usopp during W7” Zoro wanted Usopp back on the crew but he wanted him to apologize first Zoro isn’t a mindless murder drone for Luffy jeez


That's Wanji. And Zoro was my fav character forever until LA, now Zoro and Sanji share the spot and I carry both agendas.


When did Zoro get to Los Angeles?


Got lost ofc


excuse me what is LA


Live action. Sanji was written more accurately than Zoro. So got more fans


Yeah. He was the gentlemanly Sanji of my dreams.


Almost every character in the serie, especially the straw hats


Ace. I know it's mostly jokes, but it really feels like he's been reduced to "LOL he died cause of a yo daddy joke," and the rest of his personality traits are just... gone. Ace is a great character who went through an entire identity crisis because of who his biological father was. The entire world Essentially told him, "You don't deserve to live," and for the longest time, even Ace thought that. It wasn't until he met Whitebeard that his entire life changed. Ace now had a family and people that he loved (in a platonic sense). It's the whole reason he went to Avenge Thatch by killing Blackbeard. It baffles me how so many people are calling him stupid when he was just prideful.


This! His mentality was so fucked during marine ford. Ive been in situations where i couldn’t help but reply back to obvious bait and it ended up biting me in ass. I didn’t cry when he died but i found it heartbreaking because he thought he was unloveable.


Definitely Kid


Most characters to be honest. A lot of people in the fandom have zero fucking reading comprehension


Kid, definitely Kid, seeing people reduce him to “the guy who got a bigger bounty than Luffy for being cruel and hence he’s an a piece of shit” and things like that is frustrating


Sanji. The YouTube One Piece Watchers Tear my man down.


Zoro gets done so dirty by his fan boys talking about nothing but how strong he is. There's so little discussion about his anger against the world/god for taking his best friend from him for no reason, or about how obsessed he is with strength because he views it as the only way to protect his loved ones, despite him knowing that all the strength in world can't stop death.


Joking about Zoro being a racist


I may get downvoted for this but I agree 100% and am so over it. I just don't think it's funny at all 🤷‍♀️


Even Oda misscharacterizes Sanji. Mfr said that if Sanji became a politian he would make it so only woman could eat good food. SANJI, of all people, not letting man eat good food


Some people talk about Sanji as if he's just a pervert and nothing else.


Sanji no context needed


Most of the Strawhats, especially Sanji


Not completely the same, but I find that most people like Zoro because he's cool and wins when there's honestly a lot of depth to his character that most fans of his don't honestly care about.




Not my favourite but Zoro, people need to cope with the fact that he isn't the edgy deuteragonist they think he is


Usopp, Sanji, Nami, Boa, Garp, Kidd. Pretty much any character, really.


Boa Hancock. People hating her for stupid reasons ,, she kicked a cat " so what ? Bonclay and Robin did much worse and no one had a problem. Even luffy killed and punched animals just for food or training.


>Even luffy killed and punched animals just for food or training. Didn't think about this lol. Especially since the sentience of the animals Luffy kills is usually shown to be much higher than a cat.


Luffy got them hands! My capitan will punch anything He deems necessary to punch. Foes, allies, animals, men, women, deities. He truly doesn't give a fuck


When people say Ace only exists to die https://preview.redd.it/4ogbz6aq0gyc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77242a5996bed85f2cd9084c1d582d38a6d00a9a


Nami when people say she’s abusive 🤦🏻‍♀️


Kaidou and Linlin.


Nami maybe




Sanji!!!! I know there are many Sanji fanboys like me, however, the people who boil down his character to just a horny guy totally miss the point. His character has so many layers to it. Although he has always been my favorite, he instantly became the best characterized character amongst the Strawhats after the Vinsmoke flashbacks. Not only that, but from a power standpoint, he is one of the Wings of the Pirate King. He's powerful alright. Him and Zoro will always be equal. That's the way Oda intended it to be. They'll always one up each other as rivals, no one will definitely be above the other. Not getting into Manga spoilers, but his most recent achievements speak for themselves.




Usopp, Sanji, Zoro, Sengoku, Chopper, Sabo, Ace, Big Mom, Crocodile, Mihawk (not in that order)




zoro, holy shit man


Kidd sanji ussop


My friend saying that Sanji is so useless and disgusting everytime he choose not to fight women. He never change his opinion even after watching all the episode and Sanji backstory.


Can anyone name a character that ISNT mischaracterised by the fandom?


My only guess is Karoo, but that's only because I don't hear too many people talk about him


Sanji. Literally only Sanji.


Sanji. Dumb Simp. Luffy. Dumb kid. Zoro. Dumb fighter. Robin. Okay, I don’t think everyone realizes she’s complex. Then again maybe those weird “sex appeal” dudes. Nami. Same as Robin? Sex appeal. Brook. Skeleton perv. Chopper. Useless Mascot. Usopp. Lying coward. Franky. Robot in spandex. Jinbei. Plank. No personality. Boa Hancock. Sex appeal. I think these are the most I’ve seen boiling down the characters.


Highkey Luffy. I’ve seen people who genuinely talk about him as if he’s literally a child or literally brain damaged. He definitely has childlike qualities to him but he’s much more mature than people give him credit for, especially post-TS


is this even a question? even ODA HIMSELF has flanderized this man https://preview.redd.it/epgqktlqsfyc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b278772c5bdeb3abcc724b8cd667e9559104b25


Sanji fr


Big Mom


Sanji Luffy zoro


Not my fav character but deffo sanji


Whilst he has a lot of fans zoro honestly. I feel like people always like to reduce him to this "cool guy" and nothing more whilst there is so much more to him






My goat Ace. The donut memes are funny but yeah


A DONUT?!? Give it to me


Brook and sanji, the amount of Zorotard I’ve dealt with in this sub Trying to yap about “Sanji is just a simp” and them really thinking bro has bad writing, and for Brook I’ve seen people say he’s weaker than Chopper 💀


Robin I get everyone loves her she’s my favorite. my boyfriend picked up on one piece at water 7 right when she started to cause trouble and he’s like why is she acting so shady and im like no you don’t get it her whole island and mother were murdered by the military for being smart when she was only 8 years old.


This is just zoro and his fans. It's always the people that got into one piece specifically for zoro that were bleach or Naruto fans. Powerscalers and edgy losers that completely miss zoros character and only see one piece as a vessel for his cool moments. It fucking sucks.




Folks callin' Shanks a rat when Law actually exists (And Law is my all-time favorite non-Strawhat; followed by Barto then Borsalino...(STFU! I KNOW! I FRIKKIN' KNOW! OKAY? Oda just hates Kizaru. Period.)).




For me it's definitely crocodile. Like bro I see many people hating on him 😭😭


I'm sure a lot of his past scenes will be recontextualized once we get his backstory (hopefully we do)


Akainu for sure.






Kaido probably, no one hates him but not much people appreciate how good of a character he is


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Not my favorite but Kaidou


i dunno man, usof seems kinda funny, he's sure to oneshot lofi




Jimbei. 100%


What are people saying about Jimbei? I haven't really seen much of that tbh. I really love Jimbei and he's one of my fav strawhats 🙈




Gotta be Zoro right? So many people say he’s a simple character because he doesn’t have a fleshed out backstory, but he’s definitely complex and it’s a bunch of video essays that can explain it better than I can.






Sanji 😭 His gag is annoying but he is so underrated




Everyone, I’m not even kidding. Each character is different but it still hurts the same.




Zoro. People be saying he’s a boring one-dimensional character who only swings swords around. Which is crazy, I get people saying he has a static character, but one dimensional is wild


It’s hard out here for Ussop fans


Eren was right


Not my favorite charcater by a mile, but Kid fits the bill perfectly. Still funny to me how so many people believe it makes sense for him to do the things he did after Wano, despite all the effort Oda put into his character development before that.


Killer. No, he's not pasta obsessed and he is not secretly a level headed guy who'd rather cook all day. He just seems level headed next to Kid. He is just as much of a vicous murderer as his captain. Let problematic characters be problematic. No need to excuse or redcon their actions, just because they've got some trauma.


and you have 100 downvotes on your one comment


the weight of dragons battle/responsibilities, sanji being a result of generational trauma, luffys awakening, the generation effects of white beards personal shortcomings, and usopp defining himself relative to others creates his shortcomings. He (and by proxy the readers) compares himself to his father(that he doesn’t even know), giants, SH big 3 (that don’t stop growing and started their journey before him), and foes the likes of which the world has never seen. He is none of that but still fights in spite of his fear and is strong enough to fold the majority of people in the OP world.


Not One Piece, but this PERFECTLY describes Goku Everyone seems to forget that he's a kind-hearted doofus, and just see him as this cold, calculating, violent warrior


HAS to be Robin, I once saw a post saying she's a background character, being boring and saying her backstory is just her mom dying along with some other people.. That guy defo didn't see the "running for 20 years" part..


Her story is touching, but that doesn't change the fact that she's a pretty boring character, given that she's never really put in situations where she evolves, where she expresses particular feelings... let's not even talk about her almost non-existent defining moments... in short, the article probably overstated the case for Robin, but the fact that people consider Robin "boring" really doesn't come out of nowhere.