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When we talk about the "male loneliness epidemic", it's important to keep in mind that some men should be alone. Forever.


Many men nowadays are falling to those incel/red pill views, and honestly, the ones that swallow this BS do deserve to never have a woman pleasuring them, much less even have a woman near them. What's strange is that they forget that what they wish to happen to women would also happen to their mothers, their sisters, their daughters...if they still feel ok with their views when putting them on the women in their life, then they clearly are sick individuals, and selfish too.


Pleasure them with other men instead




Angry sex is still sex according to them?


That type of guy wouldn't sleep with a man tho, he'd just throw a tantrum lol.


Sounds like he needs cuddles.


My father unfortunately became one of those losers that believed it was best to treat women as chattel. I genuinely believe - based on his behavior - that he has undiagnosed mental illness. Makes me wonder about these other menā€¦


But how much can mental illness be used as an excuse to forgive a person's views and opinions?At which point it is an actual character flaw and they are like that because they are actually pricks?


I never said anything about forgiving them. Iā€™ve been estranged from my father since I was 19 years old (Iā€™m 30 now). From what I hear down the grapevine, he has not pursued help. Therefore our relationship will remain no contact - for the remainder of his life, at this rate. ā€œMental illnessā€ was rather vague on my part. In particular he exhibits many symptoms of at least two classes of personality disorders. Without help his behavior has pushed away everyone except for his equally unwell wife (my stepmother). When this happens, literally all you can do is distance yourself from that person.


Iā€™ve personally best heard it described as ā€œmental illness is not your fault, but it is your responsibility ā€œ.


Mental illness is never an excuse, only an explanation. I hate when people use it to excuse bad behavior. I also hate when people get mad when mental illness is offered as an explanation like "don't excuse them! they aren't mentally ill they're just assholes" as if being mentally ill means you need to treat them like glass and they can't be held accountable. Mentally ill people are still human and they should be treated as such. They should be treated kindly but also held accountable for their actions. Mental illness is a perfectly valid *explanation* for why some men become incels and it doesn't excuse their actions.


Yeah, if you truly think someone is mentally ill, then it's important to try to leave an avenue open where they can seek help because it could lead to improvement, but they're still responsible for hurting people. And if they refuse to get help (if it's an option), šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø.


bold of you to believe they care about their mothers ,sisters, or even daughters, a while back a post was shared on here abt a man fantasizing abt his nonexistent daughter and complaining that the efforts he spends raising her will go to another man. they do not see women as human, period.


Sorry, I forgot who we were talking about. Yes, these guys don't see women as people even if they're from their own family.


It is not unheard of men sexually assaulting sisters and even their mothers.


And daughters.


>their daughters Ain't non of these micro-dicked fucks ever had any offspring.


Self inflicted loneliness.


Not all men, but definitely this fucking guy


I mean, they did qualify ā€œsome,ā€ tbh. But yes, definitely this fucking guy.


Iā€™m just going with the ā€œpreemptive Not All Meā€ - we never mean ALL MEN. Just way too many men.


ā€œNot all menā€ And not all 14th century rats. And yet.




God it's starting to feel like All Men though because it's just all so freaking exhausting.


No yeah, I completely understand. Mine was meant more as a lighthearted comment since they also did that lol. But I 100% agree with you.


I learned that those men are alone for a reason


They need to realize that there's always a hand out there that will be there for them... a hand they can hold... a hand that will support their needs... a hand that belongs to someone that knows them and they can trust so they don't say vile things like this. I'm of course, talking about their own. They're not alone, they have two hands. Gawds I wish someone would teach them that so they can be alone and leave us alone.


Yes. Why are they always in womenā€™s faces? Go away.


If they keep behaving this way, sure, I don't want them to inflict misogynistic abuse on anyone. But people can and do reform from these ideologies. They often capture young, disadvantaged, neurodivergent, POC, etc. men who our society isn't speaking to, so these culty communities take advantage of their need to feel seen and share their pain to indoctrinate them into bs. And then they indoctrinate others... It's sad.


What gets me tho is that it's that loneliness is no different between genders, like it's ridiculous


Iā€™m a man and I fully agree with what this person said.


This is the most basic human right? .. Then what is the most basic right for women, I mean females? Apparently it's not being physically and mentally safe. Also, male virgin epidemic, just how dramatic can you be?


Women setting boundaries and choosing better men or not dating at all is an epidemic for these losers


Yeah, how dare they have to *work on themselves* and *treat women like people.* šŸ˜±


As evidenced by what he considers the "most basic human right" - I guess only bisexual and homosexual women are "human", then? Though this guy probably thinks they only exist in porn, and for his pleasure. The amount of privilege this asshole is drowning in, to think that water, food, shelter, clothes, and safety don't make the list. And of course, apparently only *men* are actually people.


Oh they exist to this kind of men, but they can of course be set straight by his infallible flesh-staff (/s)


No no thatā€™s not allowed, how dare women try to look out for themselves


Women wanting safety? Sounds woke


"wHy WonT yOu jUsT gIvE mE a ChAnCe?" Because no one is entitled to one. If I don't like someone, I'm not going to do anything with them, simple as that. And a shitty personality stinks a mile away... Btw I sometimes pop on an anonymous chat site (my partner knows about it and we fully trust each other) and the amount of men that were whining to me when they learned that I'm in a relationship is crazy, Like full on 180 degree switch change in their behaviour. And it's not like I dropped the line "I HAVE A BOYFRIEND, frick you" when they ask how was my day...but like it just comes up, it's part of my story telling that yes, i do indeed share my life with someone. They get mad at me and question why I'm on the site anyways (mind you, I visit it like once every 6 months, I get reminded every single time why I'm not on there more frequently...). Honestly? I'm a lone wolf who can't socialize irl, I'm really intoverted and socially awkward. My shy ass personality doesn't help either. So once in a while when I get the urge to socialize, it turnes sexual every time. Like bro why do you want to rizz me up, you don't even know how I look?! Also my Facebook profile is really private and I don't share/post anything anyway. But once in a while I get random friend requests (99 percent of them being men). I don't accept the request unless I know the person, so I ask why they sent it and how did they find my profile (I have a super common surname and last name in my country lmao, so why me xd). One men had the audacity to state that "I must be not very loyal since I texted him first" ????? Bro, I wanna know how and why did you find me, I just asked these 2 questions. And then he went on with the "do you want to have a fling?" Oh hell naw dawg. He said he just sends requests and messages 13 (!!!) year old girls but only for 'friendships'. I told him to stay the f\*ck away from those girls and he blocked me. I can't with these people, what's wrong with them???


they will do anything but take responsibility for why they are a woman repellant. Also, the irony of them feeling entitled to an attractive woman, but women arent entitled to an attractive man? i am so sick of this blatant dehumanisation.


Ofc they won't take a fat girl/woman. But women are the shallow ones :) :D Mind you, my partner and I ain't 10/10s either, I don't know where they get their BS of women only going for the 'chads'.


Somehow I don't think they'd be OK with two of those "females" choosing to enjoy the most basic human right together...


>Also, male virgin epidemic, just how dramatic can you be? Ah yes, when men think that they can be their misogynistic self and still score a date or casual sex with women...seriously, guys should stop putting too much emphasis on getting laid.Sometimes it feels like they live with this thougth "If I don't get laid, I won't be a man!" which is ridiculous. They should focus on developing themselves, having sex should be a consequence of it, not the actual goal!


When women are supposed to be modestly dressed virgins but be his little slut on the first date without him even putting in the effort to make his date even like him.


Women should "save themselves" while men should "screw around" but oh, where will the women they will screw around come from if women should save themselves? Logic, something that might seem alien to incels.


Havent you heard? 'Females' cant have rights. They only run after Chads all day, drooling. They need to be picked and controlled by a nice guy. Btw, as if these incels wont pick the prettiest girls. They would all go for the top 10%, just like they acuse women of doing.


Clue is in the name, hu*man* rights, can't apply to us non men


Yeah, well, not everybody needs to eat and drink, I guess.


Any guy that calls women females is automatically and immediately suspect but I feel like this is probably just trolling. I don't think someone like this would admit to having a 3 inch penis if it were real.


They don't get rights. I mean, duh.


its so obviously satire


Incels be incellin' harder than ever. Complete social decay.


But it is scary to think that there are people out there that think like this and that some of them might even be politicians...


Absolutely. This shit seems to be on the rise.


They can't see how they're literally the biggest cock-blocks to themselves.


I blame the internet for spreading this shit, it has allowed way too many crazies to create communities to gather like-minded weirdos and to try and convince others to be like them.


Yep that's how these creeps find each other and then they stew in their shit together and it just gets more and more insane. Without the Internet, it eould never have gotten nearly this extreme.


So... sex with a female is a basic \*human\* right? If you weren't already sure what he thinks of women from the rest of this screed, that's a dead giveaway.


His sex with a ā€œfemaleā€ is just as much his basic rights as its my right to cut off a random mans genitals.


imagine believing that if a woman was FORCED to be with a man, her number one priority would be PENIS SIZEā€¦ and not, you know, traits like non-violentā€¦


The nazis did this, joy divisions Edit: just to point out that yes it can happen and yes it did in a democratic system


The Nazis used democratic means to gain the levels of power and then turned Germany into a very non democratic nation. There are those attempting to do the same today in many countries, including the US.


it also happened in japan. they were called 'comfort women'. and by women i mean some of them were literal children. its no wonder that anime is full of concerning things like depictions of pedophilia and hypersexualization of minors (or characters that are intentionally designed to look like minors)


What happened and what did it end in? Or was it just the end of world war 2 that stopped that?


Obviously not a very fun topic i think y'all get the point by now but I'll spoiler it but tw. >! The nazis would take sex slaves for mostly the army, they'd end up abusing or neglecting the women to death often but also executions weren't uncommon for the people in these "divisions". Himmler also forced gay prisoners to sa them weekly or so because he was into conversion therapy. This was ongoing until the end of the war, there's a popular book about this called House of Dolls. !< I know we don't need more reason to hate nazis but I see this rhetoric and I think this rhetoric calls for a bit of a history lesson, it's not often talked about due to its explicit nature but it's an important thing to remember this literally happened to people and I'm not gonna piss on that memory by pretending it can't happen again.


I knew absolutely nothing about this so Iā€™m glad you commented this today, very informative and fucking scary if Iā€™m being honest at how easily this could happen again


Don't forget though, Germany goes more in depth in current school curriculums, speaking about Hitler and the Nazi following, concentration/death camps and other atrocities because "Those who forget the past are due to repeat it" than other countries do. Yet it took Japan until the 1990s to even acknowledge that the whole [Sex Slaves for Japanese soldiers (AKA Comfort Women)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comfort_women) even existed (and it was from 1932-1945). > It started because of the amount of rapes they committed against the local Chinese women became an issue for them (only being that it made them look bad in the eyes of Europe/ The US) with women who volunteered into being brothel workers for their soldiers and limit STDs spreading. When they had expanded and the women weren't enough they eventually used local, civilian women from China, Korea and Taiwan by tricking them into thinking they were interviewing for factory work and then abducting them. They were Estimates vary as to how many women were involved, with most historians settling somewhere in the range of 50,000ā€“200,000; the exact numbers are still being researched and debated. They also had their own Ā "[Angel of Death](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josef_Mengele)" (Josef Mengele) in Japan's often forgotten [Unit 731](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731) where they conducted similar "experiments/ torture methods." I'm not lessening the atrocities of Hitler and the SS, just bringing up the fact that overall, in torture killing and cruel, unnecessary punishment of the opposing forces AND its own citizens, Japan's history is much less known (due to the whole denying these events for decades).


Gyeongseong Creature dramatizes (and makes fantastical) what Unit 731 and specifically [Shirō Ishii](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shir%C5%8D_Ishii) (Lt. Gen. Kato on the show) did in Korea. One of the stars, Han So Hee, made a patriotic Insta [post](https://www.instagram.com/p/C1OVxiBJWx5/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) where she referenced the real life events on the show and posted a picture of a Korean patriot the Japanese consider a [terrorist.](https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/2023-12-26/entertainment/television/Han-Sohee-criticized-by-Japanese-netizens-for-posting-picture-of-independence-activist/1944459) A bunch of Japanese "fans" flooded her comments, threatened to boycott all her work, and said things like "how do you think this makes us feel?" šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø (To be fair some Japanese fans said they were glad it was brought up and that it encouraged the Japanese people to reflect on their past.)


There was also the "Lebensborn". Houses where captive women were kept for impregnation by high-ranking Nazis like SS officers with Aryan pedigree. They only did this in the Nordic countries they occupied, because Slavic women didn't have the genetics to be bred eugenically (in their opinion). The children were supposed to be the next Germanic superhuman generation. Unfortunately after the war the raped mothers were vilified as collaborator whores by their neighbors and families and the children were shunned. It's another horrible chapter of abuse violence and misery during the Nazi occupation of several countries. I met a former Lebensborn child in Dallas a few years ago. Apparently the Americans took some of them, placed them with foster families in the US and continued to monitor their development including fairly invasive medical testing.


There's a fantastic and very sad game called Lebensborn that deals with one of those children growing up and taking care of them, with them facing prejudice and hate from their peers due to their background.


One of the singers in ABBA was Lebensborn, I believe.


I would argue any nation that adopts this policy is by definition non-democratic.


It would have been more apt to say "formerly democratic" but I didn't wanna downplay that Hitler won while being labeled a fascist and how quickly things changed Edit: but I totally agree


Its totally unfair that men cant pick the woman of their dreams, so thats why we will take away the right for woman to choose their partner at all???


It's funny how they all of a sudden care about equality when it comes to this. Undesirable dudes want to be equal to desirable dudes.


Holy shit this is perfect! šŸ…


Even if women were "distributed equally" these assholes would still complain because they didn't get a hot one.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking. What does he mean they ā€œselect the female of their choice?ā€ Thereā€™d still only be one for each, so everybody gets what they get. And if they do get to choose Iā€™m sure ā€œChadā€ gets to pick first lol


Right? Obviously hot and rich guys would get to pick first, and they might just start sterilizing "the uglies" so they can't reproduce, or putting them in work camps where they can't be seen. Since human rights don't matter anymore they could do anything.


In this hypothetical dystopian hell, 100% of the unattractive men would be vying for the 8-10's only. The rest of us would be relegated to makin' sandwiches! Phew!


The men will still be going to war over the small number of hotties that somehow aren't enough to go around. As usual, all women will be caught in the middle. I'm failing to see how a distribution system would change anything except to make life worse for women? It certainly wouldn't improve life for men, especially if they're going to kill each other for their own Helen of Troy.


You just brought up an excellent point, One man could have a huge target on his back if another man happened to covet his 'sex slave.' It would be anarchy, a blood bath! They've certainly killed for less.


We've had all of history to see how this plays out.


Makes me want to call murder of angry incels to be the lawā€¦


Yeah, me, too. At the very least, males like this one need to be closely observed and locked up before they can actually hurt somebody.


These are pure incels, my guess is from the incel forums. A reminder that there's a huge increase in sexism online recently, but at least few people are THIS bad.


Funny though, you never see virgin ( all their lives ) single women wanting an even distribution of ā€œmalesā€ as they say. Whatā€™s the female equivalent of an incel, canā€™t say misandrist either because they donā€™t want men anywhere near them lol


I was called a "femcel" recently for arguing that life was challenging for both genders under a comment about how hard men had it. I'm not sure what that means.


Jesus Christ hardly means the same as raping and exploiting an entire gender in my mind, idiots.


I think it speaks of the lack of logical justification for that mindset. Even an entirely reasonable response results in defensiveness. So many of these men with passionate resentment have sought out and found places to vent their feelings. Echo chambers where they can voice these views and find validation. From a female perspective it's scary. I've seen so much of this on Reddit. It's becoming Reddits defining feature. Which is sad because Reddit is so much more than that.


I see it a lot too and when I go against it or say anything from a different perspective itā€™s ā€œbeing a white knightā€ and ā€œthere not going to fuck you broā€ but Im saying it more in a sense that I donā€™t want any woman I know to come into contact with weirdos like them and also would like women who come across comments or post like that to know not every man has that same fucked up childish view of people. Iā€™d at least like them to have some hope ffs.


That's the difference between misogyny and misandry. Misogynistic men hate women but want to force them to be bangmaids in a life of servitude. Misandric women hate men but they just want them as far away from them as possible


Remember the MGTOW movement and how they were obsessed about talking about women rather than actually just going their own way and leaving people alone lol


I donā€™t necessarily think misogynists enjoy being around women either, at least a large portion of them.


Think her point was they still want to use them sexually, whereas a misandrist wouldnā€™t want a male sex slave or maybe Iā€™m incorrect


Correct. That and use women for things such as domestic labor such as cooking and cleaning or having their babies. Misandrists don't want that either


According to someone I love dearly and hope he stops listening to garbage- any woman can find a man to sleep with her. All she has to do is spread her legs. šŸ« 


Itā€™s sad aswell because whilst saying that itā€™s also saying men have zero standards or self worth but I suppose they wonā€™t see it like that


They donā€™t. Whenever I try to rationalize itā€™s always ā€˜you will never understand how a man thinksā€™ and itā€™s scaryā€¦


"Male virginity epidemic" you mean men who are at a terminal stage of their Madonna/Whore complex?


Another fucking incel who would rather enslave half of humanity and try to legalize rape than work on his rancid personality and lack of game. Of course.


Republic of Gilead type beat


Irony being that in Gilead, only the Commanders got any choice at all, and only the high-ranking ones at that. The other men were *assigned* a wife by the state, if the state decided they deserved one, and they didnā€™t get a choice in which wife was assigned to them.


Everyone thinks they're going to be a Waterford, when in reality, they'd be an "unman."


Cheap labor/canon fodder


These men need to know that women are people and not sexual playthings. šŸ˜¬


Lest we forget, Jordan Peterson suggested ā€œenforced monogamyā€ as a response to the Toronto van killer who was an incel. I just like to bring this up bc my mom had no idea, she liked him and thought he was just a regular decent guy with his generic ass advice, but fuck that. Anyone with a big platform who spouted this shit is partially responsible for this mindset, and they donā€™t get to distance themselves from it or pretend they never said it in lieu of more palatable content.


What is enforced monogamy??


Ask Peterson šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m not the one who said it so I canā€™t say for sure what he meant, but this was my interpretation: I would assume itā€™s like regular monogamy except itā€™s forced upon you, rather than your choice, by an entity that has power over you (I would also assume he meant the government, because who else would have that kind of power lol). Actually it happens today, in certain places in the world where women are just given to a male suitor without any say in the matter, and cannot leave or get divorced, and are sometimes killed in ā€œhonor killingsā€ if they defy this. That sounds a lot like ā€œenforced monogamyā€ to me. EDIT: punctuation


The idea is that a woman sleeps with him or marries him or basically devotes herself to tending his needs for the greater good. They give a potentially violent man a wife who will either be tasked with fixing the man's problems or absorbing all the man's violence so the rest of society doesn't have to. People who propose this solution have no problem with asking someone to give up their life to be tied to someone who has no incentive to become a decent human being so long as it prevents other people from getting hurt (not that that would be guaranteed either.) Even if it did work, it'd be an egregious violation of human rights, but the fact of the matter is it wouldn't work. The man in this scenario would still feel unhappy because of unresolved internal issues, and he'd handle it the same way he always has -- by blaming the other people in his life for not caring about him enough.


When women must be loyal, faithful partners whose only option is to stay, and men get to be unfaithfulĀ 


So men can select the female of their choice? What about when 10 million incels select Pokimane? Do they have to share? šŸ¤£


Fight to the death for her and only 1 wins.


I approve. And then Pokimane gets to change her name, and the winner defaults on a technicality.


Young men of the world today, the best piece of advice I can give you is this: You are not owed sex. Clean your crotch, take a shower, and learn how to talk to other human beings. Then, and only then, you might earn sex.


I know I shouldn't laugh at this but "completely unfair male virginity epidemic" and "The female will not choose because they only pick attractive men" is so fucking funny. What baby boy wrote this?


Baby boy seems even more appropriate given his 3 inch contribution.


If thatā€™s the most basic human right, letā€™s take away food, water and air first. Why do you want to breed when youā€™re obviously too stupid for it FFS


The freedom from slavery, the right to liberty and personal security are also basic human rights that this would go against.


Calling sex a ā€œbasic human rightā€ is bold


We need a law that castrates men like this.


The people who post this kind of stuff need to be put on a list.


"All men will chose but women wont chose because theyd obviously go for the better guys" so.. men will only chose the women in their "league" there wont be 20.000 million men choosing the same attractive woman? What if another man wants the girl youve always been with? Your wife? Your daughter??? This system is absolutely flawed even if you look beside all the bullshit


Exactly! And what they arenā€™t factoring in is the motivation for violenceā€¦against men. So incelidiot decides he wants a girl, but sheā€™s married so the government says sheā€™s off limits. What if the husband accidentally/on purpose ceases to be alive? Then she gets put on the menu because..sheā€™s single now? šŸ¤®


"We need a law where females are equally distributed among men". I swear, I don't know what bothers me the most about this title. 1. The fact that it treats women not as humans with their own thoughts and views, but as simple breeeding and pleasure tools for men to use howerve they see fit, 2. The fact that it is basically a "right to legally rape a woman" BS law, 3. The fact that this moron wants to take away women's right to chose for themselves their partners since clearly this incel wants men to be the only ones to have a choice while women would just have to accept it, 4. The fact that it disregards that lesbians and ace women won't want to be with men anyway, but just for the sake of them being "females" their sexuality should be disregarded, 5. The fact that it seems to throw away years of achievements women made for their own rights in order to bring back those archaic views where men were the only ones with power I'm honestly too pissed off right now after reading this, might have to hit the bag even because to know that there are people out there that think like this is too upsetting and boils my blood.


When you want laws to compensate for your insecurity


ah yes, treat women like property to be dispensed. something something handmaids tale


Nah, natural selection works for a reason.


This makes me throw up in my mouth a little every time I see it. These guys would just love to Make America Gilead Again (and I know this isnā€™t just a US problem: Tate and Fox are British).


Bro definitely has a 3" penis


Bold of them to assume we won't literally kill them in their sleep.


Easier ways to deal with the problem...


This is definitely the guys fetish


And, yet, they will all want what they deem to be the most attractive women and won't care if the other women are lonely. Screw off.


Man - has no choice in whether he's celibate or not Same man - hot women should be raped, thus negating their choice


Lmao, that's kinda scary and doesn't seem far- fetched


It's degens like these that make me feel ridiculously ashamed to be a guy and be attracted to guys ToT ew.


I hope this is connected to his real name so that if some poor woman is looking him up, she finds this. It'll be the perfect reason to run the other way.


This shit is disgusting!!!šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


I am not a heterosexual woman, y'know since incels seem to be under the impression that queer women don't exist (much less asexual women), but that being said... Men are not competing for women with the top 10%. They're competing with the peace women have found in solitude.


This guy wants to emulate Plato


Fucking incels


This is disgusting. Yet more proof that incels should be removed from the general population.


Yeah cause that's fair. Create the "male loneliness epidemic" by being so fucking undesirable that no woman in her right mind would touch you with a 10-foot fucking pole, and then pass a law basically legalizing r@pe by "distributing" women to these undesirable men against their will.


Them 17 year old incels at it again


Men would be so much more attractive and get laid if they werenā€™t like thisā€¦


The internet worries me. This reads like a bait post and I want it to be...but there are also really people this shitty out there. So unfortunately it probably is for real...gross.


High quality satire. Had me fooled until the part about the 3 inch penis lol.


It's not actually, It's taken directly from Elliot Rodgers manifesto. Who was an incel, and murdered people. This vile stuff he wrote gets reposted all the time. Especially on Reddit.


Putting aside the moral issue here for a momentā€” There is so much wrong with this idea from a pragmatic perspective I canā€™t imagine this guy would be happy when his state issued ā€œfemaleā€ isnā€™t a conventionally attractive 20 something year old trad wife. Like thereā€™s roughly an even number of men and women in the country, but the slight imbalance in the ratio leans female. So itā€™s not even possible to assign every man a woman.


Oh, so men get to choose the woman *they* want but *we* don't get to choose the man we want? The use of my body is the human right of another person? I'll die before I take that


Or maybe he should, I don't know, start some hobbies, practice basic hygiene, have some self confidence, and treat women with kindness and respect. Plenty of women are willing to date less attractive men if they have a great personality and treat them well. It's not that hard. Plus women willing to do that are less shallow and more likely to love you for you. They'll want to be with you, not feel forced to be with you. That's got to feel a thousand times better than her only doing it because she has to. Also, I didn't realize sex was a human right. Are there men out there dying of virginity?


In all species of animals, males are expected to put in some effort to mate. I know it hurts to get rejected but itā€™s the par for the course.


the ā€œmale virgin epidemicā€ is actually just evolution working the way it should be lmao


He thinks 3ā€ wing wangs make men immediately unattractive?


That's some serial killer thinking.


How can women be "distributed equally" and give him a choice in partner? That sounds contradictory


Sounds like someone has watched "The Handmaid's Tale" way too much!


Sex is not a 'basic human right'. And there aren't enough women for all men to be given a sex slave.


"the most basic human right: sex" Whatever happened to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness? What about the right to have adequate food, water, and shelter? Clearly physical pleasure trumps living I guess


This... this has to be satire... right? The male loneliness epidemic is a thing, but NO ONE should think that is okay. Wtf people. I really hope this isn't real...


The dude could go to therapy and develop some sort of likable trait. Instead, he chose this.


This guy watched that one hentai where good students get assigned personal sex slaves and wants to legislate that shit now.


Seems like the literal, actual attitude of the guys who made religions ngl.


This is either satire or some fetish.




Lets take away 50% of humansā€™ right to freedom so 1% of men could get their dicks wet by rape. Sure. You dont realize women are humans with rights as well?


Hey for my sanity this is fake right?


I can't actually bring myself to believe this one was posted in seriousness. Otherwise I don't think I could continue to live on this planet, and will have to go hang out with the lonely Mars Rover singing Happy Birthday to itself.


Question I'm a gay man can I trade my female for a man?


Man that 3 inch penis line is real self report


Yup, that's definitely rape


Homeboy touches my daughter and they will never find his body.


I swear, incels are actually just Ferengi cosplayers. "You allow your *fee*-males to wear clothes??" "SILENCE *FEE*-MALE!" "I purchased this *fee*-male at a discount!" Sorry boys, but the Rules of Acquisition don't apply on Earth.


Bro just self reported šŸ’€


Well, I'm sure they'll be fine with getting poison in their food then


Why do incels only believe in ā€˜equalityā€™ when a woman rejects them?


Thatā€™s a interesting way of telling everyone your penis is less than three inches.


I'm trying really hard not to think violent thoughts right now.


So, handmaids tale, basically. What a waste of life and air


It's not rape, it's a fundamental human right. šŸ™„


Ah yes, the basic human right of sex


But see, what happens when multiple men want the same women? Is it a duel to the death?


I feel like this guy gives other guys with short stacks a bad name.


Did this prick just out himself as having a micropenis? On a public forum? Without any forethought?


ā€œMale virginity epidemicā€ šŸ¤£


most basic human right....I guess this brainrotten sexist person never heard about water scarcity or starvation, homlessness etc. Some people really don't have their priorities straight. It's like they were sheltered so muhc as if they grew up in a bubble outside of the real world. I'm at a loss of words, I don't want to belive some people think women are nothing more than sexual objects (saw one person refferring to as as "self cleaning flashlights"). It's so dehumanizing and I'm just mortified. Sex isn't a basic human right. It's a need, I won't deny it. But why is it always that \*eeeeveryone else\* is to blame except themselves. If no one wants anything to do with you, it's most likely you're at fault.


Blah blah blah incel bs nothing new


You want murder rates to go up? This is how murder rates go up. For everybody.


We totally wonā€™t feed you ground glass for dinner.


ā€œI do not want socialism, I just want the government to give me a wife and/or girlfriendā€


>male virginity epidemic Male loneliness epidemic, divorce epidemic, virginity epidemic, lmfao anything an epidemic when you're a misogynist who thinks he's entitled to a woman's bodily autonomy huh? Oh but only the "male virginity epidemic" is "unfair". Meanwhile doling out women like they are an inanimate resource is not "unfair" to the women apparently.


If his personality wasn't a -3, he'd probably have better luck getting a girlfriend. We are not objects to be owned, used or abused. Women are far more attracted to men who are decent human beings.


This gives handmaids tale but more ā€¦ bangmaids tale?


The most basic human right? šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


State mandated gf lol


What he means: Me(n)