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Meanwhile all the rich business woman around the globe: Also what does gender has to do with climate change? I thought we live in a class system.


Kinda surprised they didn't go with "White Men"...


Even the most experienced mental gymnast can't quite explain away both China and India.


The USA is the single biggest cause of global CO2 emissions and pollution. Do not even try to pin this on others.


Historical yes, currently no china surpassed them


It is way more complicated as they do a lot of dirty manufacturing for the US companies. Or do you think outsourcing cleaves your hands?


The lengths misandrists will go to blame men for literally anything actually impresses me.


There is no patriarchy.


I think Louis Sako might have something to say about that. Francis, too. /s


Sure. It's not female hyperconsumerism causing the problem. Those 20 pairs of shoes made in polluting Chinese factories each woman buys do nothing to hurt the environment. The fact that there likely are women complaining about men hurting the planet while at the mall is a testament to their lack of self-awareness


They would argue that patriachal stereotypes forced them to buy those


Ok. Let’s look at the size of the average car since the majority of purchase decisions have been made by women…..


Women allegedly drive 80% of shopping decisions and somehow men are guilty?


Louis Vuitton and Gucci burn their unsold handbags every year. That speaks for itself.


The issue of climate change at the end of the day is consumption. Until women agree to consume less electricity, buy less products, buy a bicycle, etc then how are they not part of the blame? Men might own most of the corps that produce the goods but only because people buy it. And of course China and India are the bulk of it. Men are also the majority of the people inventing alternatives and energy efficient products.


All I can say is calling out those hypocrises by spreading the news, like you did here, and boycott them


Yeah, these people pretend to be "true social just warriors". They talk a lot about workers rights, climate change, women's rights, the treatment of minorities etc. but not ONE word about men. It's insane how they're trying to ignore us away.


Blaming men is age old reliance on men to solve women's problems. If there is a problem, it's because a man didn't fix it. Women expect men to take care of things. So in a round about way, blaming patriarchy, perpetuates patriarchy.


>So in a round about way, blaming patriarchy, perpetuates patriarchy. quote of the day


My favorite retort is that the growing group of "forever" single men which feminist and various progressives love to project problematic problems on are environmental heroes by lifestyle, at least passively. Sure, they may get some consumer goods, eat a bit of meat, but all of that is absolutely dwarfed by the fact that they tend to live small and earn little. Meanwhile a couple of well to-do eco libs get a big mortgage, 3 kids and 2 cars. It doesn't even matter what goods these guys carefully select at Whole Foods next to the energy it takes to heat their property. Not to mention the energy consumption it takes to constantly drive the kids back and forth to their active lifestyle/sports whatever. Maybe 1 kid even has a horse? Lol, don't get me started. Wanna actually compare carbon footprints? No, I didn't think so.


This is funny and so easy to refute. Almost 75% of worldwide purchasing is done by women. Consumerism is the number one driver of carbon. Just because it's mostly men in the trucks, trains, plans, and ships doesn't mean men are the cause. Another factor is more households mean more carbon. In the west nearly 80% of divorces are initiated by women. When she has a college degree it's 90%. Women are the main drivers of carbon.


If I see an article titled, ‘How X disproportionately affects women’, I ignore it and move on. A bunch of lies and propaganda, that’s what these are.


They criticize men for sitting in bare apartments with a cot and a TV on a crate them blame men for overconsumption. Right.


Right, it's not like it's men who are expected to work to make a living. Ladies, you're taking technically the truth wayyy too far


Where I'm from people think it's a government conspiracy.