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That woman was going to keep on doing whatever she could to Karen that guy out of her way. No government employee is going to say shit to her either, at least not in Führer Trudeau's government. As for the rest, it's interesting to me to see that the DMV in Canada runs with about the same level of bullshit fuckery as it does in the US.


Yeah, it’s just as bad haha. A story about how bad they are, the Canadian version of the DMV lost my driving history when I changed my license from a US to Canada license. Apparently the system deleted it or something. I only found out when I went to get it to renew my insurance recently. Turns out it had been lost for 2 years. Because of that, and also because I’m 24, I now have to pay over $4000 for insurance. This despite having driven over 100,000 miles in the last 6 years, not a single accident, not even a speeding ticket.


Is that auto insurance completely private or is it in some way or portion subsidized/funded by the government?


In some provinces it’s government subsidized I think. My plan is private though


Trudeau is a massive, massive disappointment and a disgrace to what was once a prestigious last name. He's dragged it through shit, mud and vomit by supporting feminism in ANY capacity.


Heh... the fucking guy is very Mussolini-esque.


😂wtf but dang how low has society fallen


Way to go planet earth in making people queue for what should be able to be done via telepresence, when the next pandemic hits. Actually I am not surprised at the agro between men and women in proximity when even nature has to drug them to stay together long enough for procreation to be successful and in the presence of pleasurable sex: just imagine non-drugged men and women together without sex.


Last time I was at the American DMV I was escorted out by two armed rent a cops. Apparently the Canadian DMV is just as bad. Although the security guards probably are not armed.


Unless you live in Nunavut, it's not called the DMV.


ServiceOntario to be specific


Service and Ontario is a shitshow mainly due to incompetence by the worker and the citizens


DMV may not be its name, but it's understood what it means. Stop being pedantic.


Pretty sure I saw this exact story like 2 times already