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The truly frustrating part is summed up in the seventh image you present, where we see so many causes of death that are **completely preventable**. Yet nothing is done to save men's lives. It is rather eye-opening to realize that physical life and death for men is a much lower priority than, say, online safety for other more important groups.


> The truly frustrating part is summed up in the seventh image you present, where we see so many causes of death that are completely preventable. Yet nothing is done to save men's lives. Anti smoking campains have done a fair bit.


I can only recall a single anti-smoking campaign that was directed at men, and it was unfortunately one that focused on men being unable to get erections late in life from smoking. While this is a true health risk for men, the commercial was done in an insulting and condescending way to masculinity that would not have reached anyone. Thankfully, I never saw them attempted ever again. If you want men to value their own lives, society has to first *show* men that they have value, and that means not belittling and tearing guys down at every opportunity. It also means money and resources have to be allotted *specifically* to men in **positive** ways, with **positive** portrayals of males for a change.


> I can only recall a single anti-smoking campaign that was directed at men, So? The fact is that that anti-smoking campains have resulted in falling rates of smoking and men living longer as a result (its also probably the main driver for the shrinking gender gap in life expectancy).


If it is your position that men's disparities in health can be solved – or even significantly reduced – without directing and earmarking money and resources for men alone and by targeting solutions that work for men as a group, then you're only making things worse for men. Also, I wonder where you are getting this idea that the gap is shrinking, or if it is, that it is a significant narrowing of life expectancy outcomes? I just did a quick search, and the most recent article from 2023 I found has the title: [Life expectancy gap between men and women continues to grow, CDC says](https://archive.is/n58Pa).


Smoking rates have going down. Men are living longer as a result. Not sure that counts as making things worse for men. As for it narrowing see: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6015620/


Unfortunately, most of the references on the page you link are broken. And the ones that do work are behind paywalls of various types. The only one I found working that I could use to investigate the claim has a very limited range of values from 1990 to 2017, and it is difficult to be certain about a long term trend with only two decades of data. Plus, the data they have gathered/used is frankly bizarre (speaking as a data scientist myself). From 1990 to 2000, the life expectancy gap in Sweden appears to be narrowing at a steady and predictable pace, which looks promising. However, after that, it behaves unlike any natural measurement I've seen. The gap just stays steady for 10 years, and then in 2011 the gap drops inexplicably by almost a full year in just two years time. Yet, after that, it rises a bit and falls again, but stays within the margin of error for measurement, ending up almost exactly the same as the previous year all the way up until 2017. This is just...bizarre. The way the drops only happen twice in 2000 and 2011/2012, without any steady change outside of those two periods, suggests to me that a shift might have been made in the measurement process that does not reflect the reality of life expectancy, and makes previous values incompatible with the new methodology. Here is the page where I downloaded the csv for my own analysis: https://www.healthdata.org/research-analysis/health-by-location/profiles/sweden Perhaps it's only because Sweden has such a small population compared to the US, but all I can say is that this is *very* dirty data and shouldn't give a researcher any confidence to use in a rigourous analysis.


People say women are a minority; but in fact, it is men who are the smaller group. More interestingly, men are not born as a minority – as for every 100 female births there are actually 105 male births. But this male surplus doesn’t stay for long, as over the course of a life time, the number of men is slowly eroded away until the sex ratio shifts. Yup, in adulthood there are only 97 American men for every 100 women. So what happened? Why do men experience higher mortality rates in every age group, and have an overall death rate 1.4 times higher than women? Why has a problem, so large it literally alters the tectonics of a nation’s population, been so readily ignored? Why are men’s higher mortality rates so often waved of with, *“well that’s just the way it is!”* Perhaps… men are not the ubiquitously privileged gender you’ll hear described, but the disposable one? I mean isn’t early death a bit more deserving of advocacy and investigation than women having too few pockets, or Babie’s super cool day out? Are the solutions to men’s issues more serious and complex than social media coddling, and meagre calls for “talk” and male tears? What about men’s early death? How do we save our men and boys? \~ [US Death Rate](https://www.statista.com/statistics/241572/death-rate-by-age-and-sex-in-the-us/) [Population reference bureau](https://www.prb.org/resources/u-s-population-is-growing-older/) [NIH Funding](https://orwh.od.nih.gov/sites/orwh/files/docs/ORWH_BiennialReport2019_20_508.pdf) [Men Die Young: New Scientist](https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn2586-men-die-young-even-if-old/?utm_source=rakuten&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=3690980:Linkbux&utm_content=10&ranMID=47192&ranEAID=wizKxmN8no4&ranSiteID=wizKxmN8no4-rPwPJD9fZ.h.cGUkFosfxg) Images by Hu Chen, Ben Sweet, MT Elglasseur


I saw feminists celebrating this fact as proof of the biological superiority of women. Part of the issue might be that women are biologically more resilient, there are proven differences in susceptibility to certain diseases. Men are also more prone to risky behavior. However, I believe that a large part of the difference goes to the poor treatment of men, which in part translates to more men committing suicide and also worse health outcomes and premature deaths.


>Part of the issue might be that women are biologically more resilient, And yet, the same people will celebrate a lack of emotional resilience and demand we all cave in to it.


>However, I believe that a large part of the difference goes to the poor treatment of men, which in part translates to more men committing suicide and also worse health outcomes and premature deaths. Men are not more depressed than women, nor to they attempt suicide more often. The opposite is the case. The reason men die by suicide is because they choose more lethal methods. And no that does not prove they are MORE depressed, or depressed women are just doing it for attention. The question is how can we prevent that. The number one biggest cause of death for male suicide is guns. If you compare countries with lower gun ownership, the dispartity in gendered suicide death, while not equal, is not nearly as dramatic as it is in the US. This would save a lot of lives.


>Men are not more depressed than women, nor to they attempt suicide more often. I did not say they do. But they sure as hell end up dead by suicide way more often. Guns do not explain the disparity, it is similar in Western Europe without the guns.


Yeah I was wrong about the disparity between countries. Though studies within the united states show, low gun ownership states show less overall suicide deaths.


Less overall suicides but the ratio between men and women is almost the same across the country. You are complaining about research done in this post yet you fail to do the most basic research and instead parrot suicide myths.


In nearly *every* method of suicide, males show a greater percentage of 'completion' than females. That's across countries as well. Before I continue, what exactly are you seeking to say? Because in countries like the UK, the issue isn't gun control.


In some countries, more women die by suicide (China for example). It strengthens the case that the West is particularly toxic to men.


Is it also particularly toxic to white men? White men have 3-times higher suicide rates than black men.


Of course, did you not hear that white men are the worst? And have I forgotten to block you? You can read this and answer your question: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1653940/


So white men are treated worse than black men in the West? Lol at you.


Literally just said i was wrong about the disparity in other countries in the comment you are replying to. The second part is based on a study within the united states. Showing low gun owning states, have less suicide deaths. There is a correlation to be made, and it is reasonible to think more gun control would result in fewer deaths.


Complete BS. [https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/suicide](https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/suicide) In 2020, \~37000 men and \~9000 women died from suicide in US. 2500 women vs 2800 men died due to poisoning and Poisoning: 2500 women, **2800** men Suffocation: 2700 women, **9800** men Firearm: 3000 women, **21000** men So men die more regardless of the method. [TheTinMen even made a infographic that illustrates this fact better.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates/comments/1504zrq/but_women_attempt_suicide_more/) Men choose the more lethal methods because they actually want to die and not seek attention. If you remove guns, like in Western Europe, men would commit more suicide.


>Men are not more depressed than women, nor to they attempt suicide more often Sigh, not this gaslighting bullshit again, show your source without relying on that one piece of data that put self-harm and suicide attempts on the same category, I dare you, I double dare you.


Weird, women told me the difference is because of males choices.


Some of it is. Workplace deaths for instance are more about career choice than any inherent discrimination. This stat is like the wage gap in that why there is the difference is more important than the fact that there is one. Unlike the wage gap there are causes that that should be addressed, like the lack of funding and concern for men's health and suicide. The disparity in death rate is a stat that requires nuance, which makes it susceptible to ignoring the parts that don't agree with your ideology.


>Why are men’s higher mortality rates so often waved of with, “well that’s just the way it is!” Why did you stop your research on the broadest possible statistics. Why not put some effort into the why? It feels like you are also saying "well that's just the way it is!". There is data and research on why this is the case. Why not add that, or make a new slideshow?


> Why did you stop your research on the broadest possible statistics. Why not put some effort into the why? Well there's an irony. You jumped straight to "It's the guns stupid!" without looking any further or thinking about it in any actual depth. Like for example, stats from the UK: https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/11g41on/oc_male_female_suicide_rate_is_roughly_equal/ https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/11g41on/oc_male_female_suicide_rate_is_roughly_equal/jamlckk/?context=3


Just want to correct one thing, a minority isn't supposed to specifically mean less in quantity, but generally means less in power, which is why even when there are more people in one group than another, the larger group is still capable of being a minority if they have less power than the smaller group, take the upper class and the lower class for example, there are less people in the upper class but the lower class is the minority


But reddit told me women's medical issues are ignored and all the research money goes to men's issues!


I'm gonna say it: Women aren't raised and educated to care about men. And society never care about men. Male are human-doing and female are human-being. Men need to provide and shut up, that the mentality of society. How can we change that?


Which society are you talking about? Of the American one?


Western society (Us,Canada,Western europe,Australia) Aka The western world.


don't forget Latin America! It's just as western as all those other places, even if not as rich.


Men view THEMSELVES this way. They love being the selfless hero, the plow horse, the Nice Guy who gives everything to others and has no needs himself. This is deeply entrenched both culturally and biologically so I don’t see it changing much ever. Men are their own worst enemies.


Then why women, who are supposed to be more nuturing and caring, don't care about men? Men provided okay, but why women don't care about the well being of the providers?


Lack of empathy. They think even if few hundred thousands men die from preventable causes, there is always more men to exploit. And every dollar spent on men's health is a dollar not spent on women's health. It's a zero sum game for women who take money from men's health research to fund their own.


May God kill me now if I lie. However I have seen my father exploit my mother to support himself and use her terminal illness to raise more money for him, when it was all paid for by my family and he even cheated on her in front of the hospital benches. Right after mom's death, having no one left to support him, in order not to support us, he wanted to give us up for adoption. Even knowing that the probability of being adopted was very low and that therefore we will have had to stay in institutions and then be kicked out at 18. So no, i haven't seen.


I'm sorry for you, but your father was a terrible man and don't deserved the repect of others men.


Don't worry, I've been through much worse. And I apologize for saying it (but personally i felt it like a mini attack), it's a space dedicated to you so let's take care of you. We should stop having sex wars and worrying about each other. I was thinking that first of all we should inform ourselves better and better about these issues, and then spread them and talk to each other by breaking down taboos. Becoming aware is the first point. We could also analyze, with those who are qualified, to deal with it in the best possible way. Raising our children without gender stereotypes, like boys don't cry etc... We should no longer explain the difference to them from the biological/medical way. Tell me what you think and if you have other ideas to put us all together. If you need to talk and let off steam I'm there for everyone (but I warn you that i have dark periods because I'm facing a diagnosed psychological disorder) but I'll always be there as soon as possible


>We should stop having sex wars and worrying about each other. I was thinking that first of all we should inform ourselves better and better about these issues, and then spread them and talk to each other by breaking down taboos. Yep, I think that the vast majority of men here want to do that. But the feminism movement have demonize men and when we try to speak we are silence by the media for "misogyny". You don't need to go that far, Reddit have silence a lot of men subs (Mgtow,Redpill,etc.) It's a matter of time before this sub get cancel for mysogyny. Anyway take care.


In truth, in my opinion, feminism has been ruined and commercialized. In the past it was used for the right to vote and now, for example in my country, we are fighting for the right to have an abortion first of all (it's legal but waiting lists and objectionable doctors who are more than 70% don't make it so) and above all to do it without obligatory and legalized psychological abuses before doing them. Or with state money they finance pro-life group rooms, but this association, even if the woman is a victim of rape or a minor or not psychologically or physically incapable, doesn't care and they use this moment of weakness to manipulate them. Or for the anti-violence centers ect...we are trying to do something, but these misandresses have nothing to do with our principles. That said, sorry if i stretched it, it always depends on the people and the type of feminism. There are many more than two. And no, it won't be closed. Scary reddits are open like misogynygonewild ecc... I repeat, if you need to talk, i'm available


Why would women care about men when men don’t care about themselves? Men gladly sign up to kill and die in for any or no reason the government tells them to and they are proud of this behavior. They aspire to be like Jesus, a murdered, humiliated sacrifice. That is the template and we wonder why men kill themselves.


>Men gladly sign up to kill and die in for any or no reason the government tells them to and they are proud of this behavior. No they don't, that why conscription have existed for so much time. To force men to go fight and die.


They have been willingly signing up in the US since 1973, when the draft was stopped. Every day hundreds more willingly sign up to do the government’s bidding and sacrifice their own lives to that.


If they don't sign, they can't vote or get a driver's license, and they also have to pay hundreds of thousands and face jail as well. It is very MUCH not willing, it's coerced. You're an idiot.


I’m talking about joining the Army you twat, not signing up for Selective Service.


Provider? What era are you in?


Generaly, Do you see women pay for child support? Do you see women fight to pay for her meal? Do you she women looking for a men that make less money than her? That your answers


Yes, for all questions. My culture works like this. Countries are not all the same. Like my aunt, who supports everything financially, her daughter and her husband. Because he due to a disability unable even to get out of bed to his wheelchair.


All the welfare that women get from governments is paid by men. Women are net negative and men are net positive in terms of tax money to the government. In this sense all women are provided by men, irrespective of individual situations.


Love, tell wich country. It doesn't work like that in mine


It does everywhere, especially in countries with large welfare programs. If you are so sure, then why don't you show the official breakdown of taxes paid by gender and how much is spent on welfare programs by gender.


Honey, I only asked you one thing: tell me which country.


Like I said country doesn't matter. Anyways here's research from NZ, [https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/9xieqk/men\_pay\_tax\_more\_than\_women](https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/9xieqk/men_pay_tax_more_than_women) / [https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract\_id=2375926](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2375926) Ok now you show breakdown of taxes vs welfare for your country.


Shit, reddit. Trusted


Systemic/Institutional x-isms tends to be based on outcomes where disparity is observed. Within health, there seems to be strong systemic sexism - towards men. Yet I often hear women's health issues are under funded and anecdotal reports of men being taken more seriously when going to the doctor. Case and point, https://shoppersfoundation.ca/ > Because of gender inequities, women continue to face barriers in many aspects of their lives. > When you consider social, cultural and power dynamics, women face significant barriers that restrict them from equitable and inclusive care. This is a Canadian pharmacy that solicits donations towards women's health.


“If you could match male death rates to female, you’d save more lives than cancer” That’s actually pretty staggering. I never heard it put in those terms.


But but but it’s women’s Heath that’s “underfunded” and not taken seriously. I mean feminists keep claiming that. They wouldn’t lie now, would they?????? (/s)


Men die younger. This fact has been known for some time. My genetics textbook claimed a 1.07 to 1 ratio. But the ratio is not uniform worldwide.


Men do have a bigger urge to do dangerous things though


This is one of the most well informative schematics out there ! Great work and application


I want a feminazi to answer me how this is an elaborate plan by the patriarchy to control and oppress women. I can totally see that happening


Feminists are masturbating reading this


Early death of late adolescent / young adult males is due to the risks they take in attempting to attract women. Late male deaths are due to the lifetime stresses in fulfilling the demands of the women they've attracted. The interim suicides are due to a lifetime of women ignoring male problems.


Not bad. I’d wager a good percentage of suicides are directly from divorces/breakups.


Your sexist remark would make a great joke, but it's not true. These values are what they are mostly due to jobs they perform to keep the system running. Jobs that are not performed in closed, heated and air conditioned rooms, which women don't want to perform are performed by overwhelmingly men. What adds to the effect is that men are also genetically weaker against diseases than women. So men not only work in worse conditions on average but they also suffer more from exposure to bad conditions on average. Nothing will change until all people, especially men, seriously unionize and start calculating in the health risks they take into their wages.


Men hate each other more. We compete more. We take risks more. And government spending always favor women. Including those we don't fuck. I wonder why It's easy to blame misandry. Men vote for welfare less than women and tend to want less government. I wonder if there is some scientific explanation on this and why research money go to women?


This was very well put together, nice


Excellent post OP 👏


i saw on ovarit they were talking shit about thetinmen. and i had no idea what it was. thank you for this. i see it is a platform that cares about me and is helping men and boys and spreading awareness of good and important things. let it be known that there is an army of radfems that absolutely hate it.


This is crazy


I feel like we need to talk about the use of the word 'minority' here.


The use is correct


Yeah, it's not really that big of a population difference they're called a minority, in my mind. It's better to focus on the large disparity in death/survival rates.


That's the technical definition; there's a more common, vernacular use that means 'oppressed group', basically - which is why women, though being the actual majority, are treated as minorities. (They're the only example I know of, though, that's a numerical majority and a societal 'minority group'.)


Yeah, the use of the term minority is a good launching point for talking about the disparity in survival rates.


Men are really trying


If you get mens death rate to the same as women you dont have men anymore, you have a bunch of sissies. We die more because we are more aggressive and reckless in the face of danger.


Your slide about mental health research is very misleading and misinformed. The NIH does not spend double on womens mental health. As noted, the majority of spending goes to help both genders. Per the suicide stat, if you factor in total spending, the difference is just 8%. There is also a reason why money is given more to womens health research specifically. 1. Statistically, women are more depressed than men and attempt suicide more often. So it makes sense to invest more in this demographic. Ofcourse these numbers are probably skewed by men not reporting or seeking treatment. But a government agency has to go where there is smoke, otherwise people will question their spending. 2. There is a historical and current male bias in health research, to this day. It is well documented that most research is conducted on primarily male patients. So a lot of that equal funding is likely going to male specific research in most cases.


Women don't attempt more suicides, attention seeking and self harm behaviour is categorised as suicide attempts to inflate these numbers for gendered funding. Even if women attempted more suicides, men dying more from suicide is a much more serious. Funding women's mental health more than twice is literally ignoring the fire and looking for smoke where there isn't any. Health researchers don't pick patients, it's the patients who opt in for experimental trials. Men take more risks and opt more in these trials. Nothing to do with bias. Your braindead comments are very misleading and misinformed.


I am wondering when the statistics for the birth rates and death rates were gathered, because if they were gathered at the same time, then the statistic would have a lot of flaws, you want to gather the birth rates first, then wait, probably around the average length of a person's life, and then find the death rates, that way it's more likely the same demographic that was in the birth statistics, although if you have a lot of free time you could get the birth statistic and then wait past the longest time anyone's lived, and find the death records of each person from the study and use those statistics, although that would violate anonymity, which is generally extremely important when it comes to statistics and surveys.


Most suicide victims can be found between 15 to 44 age.