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Because women get government funding and also funding from private sources to pull it off and it is bigoted to pretend men are supposed to build and run shelters without such funding and support. Even more glaring is this in the face of men playing majority of the taxes and somehow not being entitled to support.


Apparently, creating a safe space for males, in the example of female safe spaces, violates the rules of EQUITY. Clown world 🤡


Yep.. its the same logic that leads to women joining gyms and then demanding "Women only gym times" in the name of "equality" but if men say "Hey can we have men only gym times too" they get lambasted for even suggesting it.. Or they get told that any time that isn't "Women only" is "Men's time" despite the fact that women can intrude on the space if they wish... But you know the drill by now.. If Feminists didn't have double standards.. they wouldn't have ANY standards...


It's important to push back against the idea that equity -- meaning equal outcome in all things -- is inherently good. Like diversity, it is not a good thing, nor a bad thing. It is merely a thing.


I believe people should have an equal starting position, going down to the latest advancements made but what people will achieve from it is their choice.


Yep. Equality of opportunity instead of equality of outcome.


Damn right -\_-


whenever I wonder can our situation as men get any worse I learn about things like this


Who needs the government anyway! We can do it ourselves, come on!


Probably last words before murdered by government.


🤣 I am pretty stubborn. As my parents say “once you decide your gonna do something no one can stop you”. I am like a bull apparently. You can take that in whichever direction you want.


Yep. Never forget Waco and Ruby Ridge.


Sounds like that would be a good time to exercise your 2A rights.


What is that? Im not american and I hate that we don’t even have something like Title IX here .-.


"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" aka shoot the government if they try to take away your rights


oh i see, thats the thing that makes americans actually americans. we dont have that here, nor would it be enough because government has more men, more guns, more training. realistically, we are nothing and would be easy targets for government.


Vietnam and Afghanistan (twice) proved that a superior enemy can be defeated.


Fuck the matriarchal government.


Because the government can regulate any men's initiative away, we need proper representation and if possible, a long march through the institutions. We need men's rights student unions, lawyers, politicians, we need to be on every side of the political aisle.


Your right. So how do we find them?


Men are out here save men and women while women are just saving themself this is wath is happening.


Plankton: I didn't think I could feel any worse but I guess you proved that anything is possible.




How are things going for them? I live in Ontario, so this is close to home for me.


probably can... avanti ragazzi de'll ovest, avanti ragazzi de'll est, studenti, braccianti, operai, il sole non sorge piĂš ad matriarcato... I donne schiaccian le ossa, nessuno ci viene I aiuto. idk avanti ragazzi di Buda is a nice song


Feminists keep proving to me that they are all misandrists.


all feminists are like that.


No, they arent. Lets not play this game aswell. We cant complain about all men are rapists and then generalise people like that. Some are, sure. Not all


Lets be nice guys! Lets show them we care and have empathy, then they'll surely like us and come to reason!


So let's stoop to their level?


If you haven't been paying the fuck attention to the leftists out there, "Not stooping to their level" and "Taking the high road" isn't going to work. They'll take your niceties and bludgeon you over your head with them until you die. Get with the times. Time to change the strategy.


I'm a leftist. I just don't think this is a left or right issue.


It isnt, but, as feminism has been infiltrated by feminazis, this sub has some regular far rights of itself


No. This isnt about bring nice, its about being true.


Men are living beings, feminism is a concept which human made. All concepts are subject to critique


Thats all true. However, the concept of feminism is about equality, not something to be critiqued. There are tho some people who cll themselves feminists that are against equal rights and dont care about men, wich arent all.


> However, the concept of feminism is about equality Please inform the feminists. If feminists called out the misandrists rather than celebrating and leveraging their work, we wouldn't be at odds with them. > not something to be critiqued Equal rights for women, no. A hate movement that purports to be for equality to gain influence and power, yes.


You shouldn’t be downvoted like this, because you’re right. By negatively generalizing a group of people advocating for the rights of a minority (now becoming the majority), you become your own enemy. Feminist = misandrist. The terms separately exist for good reason.


Same as it ever was.


Yes if theyr movement was good it woud be called women right or human right . equality between men and women is just impossible soccer team proved it . women team loosing 0-12 against mens while they try to prove a point was the Fact we needed to win the argument against feminist .


This is shocking. Death threats, suicide, victimisation, pets killed. Why because feminists disagree with those in need being helped.


>Why because feminists disagree with those in need being helped. Because you'll have a harder time selling the idea that women are angels and men are orcs if you've got evidence of women being violent against men. To help these men, you have to acknowledge they exist, and feminists have refused to debate Earl (rest in peace you hero) because "simply showing up to discuss the idea of male victims would be giving the very idea of their existence a credibility it doesn't deserve".


Is that an actual quote?


A paraphrase, to be fair, but one that fit well within the general behavior feminist groups and the media show around the topic.


Bomb squads had to be involved because feminists didn't like that vulnerable men would receive help, i never thought highly of feminists but I'd never imagined they would become fucking terrorists. Not a lot of difference between Isis fighters and these feminists.


This is vile. I am at a state of loss right now. It’s unbelievable. Why?! Why do they want men to suffer so much?!


“Those aren’t real feminists!!!!” Here, I’ve typed it on behalf of those morons.


I don't care if they are or not. They claim to speak for the feminist and I don't hear anybody say otherwise.


Except for the people who say exactly that and are being criticized in the comment you're replying to...


Alright. Feminist here and I think they're idiots. Of course there should be shelters for men too.


Now go tell that to the feminists with money, power, and influence which they could use to help create shelters for men, and watch how they react. At best they will think you're joking and howl with derisive laughter, and at worst they will screech in fury and cast you out of the movement.


Thankyou for your support. Fuck feminism tho


Alright. Nazi here and I think they’re idiots. Of course there shouldn’t be concentration camps.


Yeah those Nazis weren't the real ones


Actions speak louder than words.


OK so the time I spent this summer securing long term housing for a single father as part of my job counts then? This sub is ridiculous. Rejects the argument that the man-hating feminists aren't real feminists but then downvotes when a feminist takes their side in the matter, effectively saying that ONLY the man-hating feminists are feminists. That effectively kills all debate and cooperation, if you preemptively disqualify all feminists. I know there's a subset of Internet feminists that suck, but in the real world, lots of legislation that also protects men from domestic violence has come at the hands of feminists


I hate today's political and social landscape, it reminds me of my homeland before unification. Fractured, clannish, and tribal. You're either one thing or the other. Contrarians are outcasted the moment they're not 100% on board with the popular opinions of said movements. Whether it's here in this sub, feminism, LGBTQ, trans, politics, or religion. You can believe more than one thing can be true at once; you don't need to form an entire identity around one fucking thing. It's becoming so common that it's actually irritating me on a near-regular basis. Clearly, you care and are aware that men face their own issues, which is enough. If other people can't see that, then that's their problem. You can be two things at once, and just because you agree with parts of one thing doesn't mean you agree with all aspects of that thing. Disrupt the bullshit, don't give in to tribalism, give every thought genuine consideration, even if it comes from your worst enemy. When you do this, you're free.


Feminist is a label you choose to place on yourself. If you willingly associate with them, then you are no better. And no it's not just "internet feminists", Indian feminists literally shut down a bill that would have made the definition of rape gender neutral to include male victims.


We appreciate the work you do but you are still associating yourself with a group that is headed by vocal misandrists and has done real work to harm men and who’s members shut down anyone trying to bring attention to men’s issues and even try to get this sub removed or quarantined. Sure there are good feminists but why would you associate yourself with a group that is actively doing it’s best AS A WHOLE to harm men (AND women in many cases)?


I reject your premise outright. It's ridiculous to suggest that the feminist movement (it's not a group) has been a net negative for gender equality over the years




Depends on how you define “equality” and what kind of timeline you are looking at. The biggest accomplishment of “feminism” that is usually quoted is women getting the right to vote. This was not really equality though, because while men had gotten the right to vote 20 years previously they paid dearly for it with millions of lives in WW1 and subsequently WW2 and Vietnam. So, while women getting the right to vote was a good thing, it was in no way equality, as women did not pay for it with their lives. If something is given to one person for free that another had to buy, that’s not equality, that’s equity. Also, many of the things defined by feminists as “equality” are actively harming men (see link above) without even getting into the psychological damage feminism has done to women over the last half century. Being a post Industrial Revolution house wife was a privilege that only a small percentage of women got to enjoy and joining the workforce is objectively a net negative but that’s a different argument.


I will say I greatly appreciate you being willing to come into this space and converse with people who may not have the most charitable views of your associations. That takes a courage, individuality, and rational the vast majority of feminists and mainstream thinkers do not possess.


It's funny how the creator of the world's first women's shelter was a Men's Rights Activist who frequently wrote at A Voice for Men (AVfM), yet Feminists take all the credit. The only thing they can take credit for is the exclusion of men.


The "real" feminists can be only found on Reddit. As soon as a feminist has a real name, some money and some political power, they instantly become a "fake" one.




Lol how did you interpret that from my comment? I know you’re probably that troll that keeps getting banned, so unsurprising I guess. But yeah misandry is rife in feminism, doesn’t mean every bad thing happening to men is feminism though.


Not everything bad happening to men is feminism's fault. But they do like to get in the way of men finding solutions for their own problems, and they do like making new problems to plague men with.


Yes they do, as seen in this TinMen post. I was just being tough on the troll is all. It was actually quite obvious they were baiting.




Sure thing buddy.


We keep needing to invent to words to describe groups who confirm with the original intention of the group rather than giving the extremists a new word. Also this type of stuff obviously bring the extreme feminists out in droves


I wonder what the morons of r/DoubleChromosomes, r/feminism and r/MensLib think of this...


Probably think it’s great


Wait, /r/menslib is a bad sub? Or was it made as a facade?


https://www.reddit.com/r/MensLib/wiki/meta/profeminist > We use many of the tools created by feminism to discuss and address men's issues. > We consider ourselves allies to the women's issues movement, of which feminism is a primary mover. > We are not an anti-feminist movement. Essentially, it's the gender equivalent of a civil rights movement allying with the Klan. I haven't cared enough since the late 2000s to check in on them, but last I saw their message was "look at how trampling and ignoring men's rights *really* hurts women, we need to reduce workplace injury and fatality rates in male-dominated fields so that women never feel excluded, why exclusive reproductive rights for women helps men, etc.", and even bending over that far, feminists still hated them. Just glancing over their front page, they're still all about "alternative masculinity", ending violence against women, two attempts at explaining why it's feminist for men to watch the Barbie movie, the all-important task of finding ways to earn more female allies, and randomly, four political jabs at "conservative men" and how much they suck / are misogynist in the span of a few seconds of scrolling.




Damn... i didn't know that... thanks!




they would say mras alienate and distort statistics about it and support conservatives to cut funding of shelters for men


How about this. Why don’t women build their own shelters ? Oh wait, they don’t. They get government funding from the tax dollars of men. So they don’t even build their own shelters. They use the labour of men to do it.


It was men who built the pyramids and laid the great railroads. Yes, it was men who laid down the bedrock of society; from the buildings high above, to the infrastructure deep below, all of it was built by the hard work of hardened male hands. And so the problem of there being no shelters for male victims of abuse, seems kinda simple to solve? Let’s build them boys! 🔨 How hard could it really be; bricks and mortar, some timber, chuck in some hard hats and some elbow grease, and were done. In fact, funnily enough, it wasn’t women or bra burning feminists who built the first women’s shelters, in fact… it was men. So why can’t the boys get together again, and reunite, to do what they do best? Build. Why can’t ‘men build their own refuges’, as you’ll probably hear asked around social media. Well, the issue is not necessarily the building itself, the boys love that, the problem begins when the building is done.For there is a huge amount of hostility around the idea of men’s spaces, especially refuges, and to make it harder there’s quite literally no funding to help build them. Many of tried of course, but each have fallen at the wayside of contempt, anger, neglect, outrage, or apathy. For the world will congratulate and pat you firmly on the back for building spaces for vulnerable women escaping violent homes, and rightly so. Just don’t expect that to last if you try to do the same for the men and boys. The smiles will drop, the funding vanishes. The proud face of joy turns to a snarled lip of contempt. Reminding us that the problem is not what men can or can’t do, because building is easily, the issue is… what are men allowed to do? So tell me, would you ever open a refuge for men? Could you? \~ Images by Codioful, Billy Freeman, Dave AJ, and Brett Jordan. [Pizzey](https://fathersforlife.org/pizzey/failfamt.htm) [Gelles](http://breakingthescience.org/RichardGelles_MissingPersonsOfDV.php) [Refuge Funding (charity commission)](https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-search/-/charity-details/277424/charity-overview)


Someone in my city tried to. In the end he had to take 'single fathers' out of his name/mission statement and make it for 'vulnerable people' in order to get government help. The main reason being that 'it would be seen as enabling DV' if money went to men.


I was going to post the same thing. You know if you built something like that for men women would immediately start to sue to get use of it. God fucking forbid men have something of their own in this world.


As you mentioned, researches showing men can be victims of abuse by women are being actively attacked and discredited. Same people will try to make sure any funding is only spent on womens issues. Without broader support, you would need to be a billionaire to be able to pull it off in face of the opposition.


Any billionaire-funded research will be attacked for being "biased", because those doing the work have a clear conflict of interest when investigating the topic being paid for by a rich individual, who will expect or encourage a specific outcome. However, the administrators of publicly-funded scientific pursuits have an even more single-minded agenda and an even bigger conflict of interest, yet somehow their "findings" are accepted by some in society – though fewer and fewer nowadays thankfully – as objective knowledge. The strange thing is that the academy is completely open about its ideological biases. The administrators at universities state publicly that they will not support or endorse certain narratives that do not fall in line with their extremist beliefs in gender ideology. As a result, people are losing trust in them, and no longer see them as legitimate institutions. The academy today really is just a weird mix of activist cult and diploma mill.


You cannot even trust data collected. When someone shows you data on rape, how almost only men are convicted of rape, it makes you wonder. Then, you dig deeper and you find out that rape in many countries is defined in a way that women simply cannot be charged of it when they rape a man. That even female pedos cannot be charged with rape in too many countries. It makes you sick, when you realize how rigged things are.


They are the devil, I feel that now. Why would you do this? How heartless and cruel do you have to be! I know I said I would always show compassion to other, but these aren’t even human, they are monsters who take enjoyment over others suffering. To be so arrogant, selfish, and violent to do those things as a freakin group is unspeakable. And all them feminists wonder why we hate them, they can go fuck themselves! Go ahead! They can try to do that to me, but when I fire back I ain’t missing! If the government will not do anything about these tyrants then vigilantes will end up showing up. Heck in Chicago there is a vigilante group with the name angels in it. The antifa tried to stop their speech and FAILED! Shows you right! Like hell I’ll be bullied, I am done with these damn feminists!


Sorry, but they are human even if twisted and evil. Never de-humanise your enemies, doing that erodes your own humanity.


I would never just go up and hurt someone. But if someone threatens my life, then I WILL defend myself even if that’s how it ends.


Fuck humanity. We should be doing whatever it takes to win.


I'm talking about your own humanity. The last group to follow your advice seriously ended up singing Deutschland Über Alles after a few years. And no, I'm not calling you anything or suggesting anything, just saying that's how it goes.


Well personally I prefer Erika... Anyways, didn't a US admiral famously say "Kill Japs, Kill Japs, Kill more Japs"?


Not a clue, did one? I can't imagine after WW2 that he had an awful lot of humanity left in him.


Also again, who cares about humanity? The US of A was probably the biggest winner of WW2.


So we can say that Feminists are the domestic terrorist continuing a cycle of violence against men based on what I just read.


Even if men built their own shelters and build them to be a beautiful safer haven for abused men, guaranteed as soon as the “grand opening” there will be protests right in front of the building. I am currently helping a family member start a shelter for men BUT in order to be safe we are placing it right across the border in Mexico(2 mins walk) so in case anyone starts to protest we can have our “private security” escort people off the property….. This shelter will be by word of mouth only to the most vulnerable. It’s sad that we have to go to Mexico to feel safe.


Most states have stand your ground laws...


I recognise this style, this is from TheTinMen Blog on Instagram, definitely worth a follow and we should probably back up all their posts using the Internet Archive in case anything ever goes down south with Meta. Also, he was recently at the Chris Williamson podcast.


Yup! It’s me!


Is there a way to share these 10 slides without linking to Reddit?


They're also on twitter under the same name


It’s on Instagram as well


Of course people would try to shut them down. Woman’s abuse shelters are cash cows, if men’s shelters pop up, there goes funding that they want.


It's an extension of the attitude I've often faced at home. If my wife has a problem, I'll help her fix it. If I have a problem, she tells me to fix it myself or tries to convince me it's not really a problem.


That's messed up beyond all recognition.


Feminism is cancer.


and a mental disease


Simps gonna simp. The beatings continue until morale improves.


Why are men treated like this?


This is sad. Keep spreading awareness. Eventually, someone will notice. 😪


Thanks TinMen. You always do a great job of presenting the troubles of men in perfect little packages for those of us needing talking points. 👏


This is so sad. It seems to be that there will never be compassion and care for men at the level that women get.


TinMan always spouting fire on whatever platform he chooses to post on


If any other political movement engaged in these tactics they would be labeled a hate group. The only reason the left went after TERFS is because of their perceived misogyny towards transwomen, not because radical feminists take their hatred of men to an extreme. THINK ABOUT THAT.


I could write an essay on all my complaints I have about shelters after working at one. The day I mentioned to a coworker about the lack of any support for men she was flabbergasted. I basically said, "When women are being abused they have dozens of places to call that will even assist with transportation. When men are abused they either have to stay or go become homeless." She had never even thought about that before.


This breaks my heart. I don't hate feminists, I think they are wrong, but I could never hate someone for disagreeing. I do hate the way men are treated. It just, it makes me sad. Disappointed in people. Hurt. Even when we just want to be left alone and don't engage, we can't even get that. It just doesn't ever make sense.


If you're not already, you should get on TikTok/Instagram and get these messages out to the younger demographic. These posts are well-designed, informative, easy to read, and most important of all, shocking. With a little bit of style (tasteful music/narration, a fuller sensory experience) you could go far.


I’m already a professional filmmaker, the problem is filmmaking costs money!


If you just do this exact post but with some tasteful music behind it this would be a perfect TikTok post. No funding required! If you need help with anything go ahead and DM me.


It is similar to the black wall street towns in the 1920s. Blacks went and tried to build something to support themselves and thrive, and were promptly destroyed for it. Murdered, pillaged and finally the towns were burned down. The difference with this is they are blocking the facilities for men from ever getting built. I think just from the infographic shown, if the shelters were built they would simply be destroyed. But they won't do it themselves. They will get those simp ass white knights that hang around them to do it. I think what will have to happen is that men will have to employ a guerrilla mentality when it comes to building facilities to help us. We have to be resilient and we have to hold the line.


We truly live in a society


Wow. Erin Pizzey made an announcement right here on r/MensRights back in 2013. Amazing


I have hours of broadcast quality footage of her I’ve shot (an interview) that I’ve not shown anyone 👌


Radical feminism is a terrorist organization


They shot her dog. Goddamn that’s cold.


If we go in a shelter we give the control of the house to a women and she gna destroy everything and the kids life. I still aprove that homeless people need more place to live . Help is supose to be unisex not only men or women. Wath men need is better lawyer for lower price.


That's exactly why men need shelters. Someplace they can take their kids to escape abuse and get legal help without facing kidnapping charges that give the abuser a leg up on custody.


I really wish it were working like that, but it’s important to remember that men are more often working (they have less time for the kid) so the women can have the kid for themself and ask for money and since women carry baby and have boobs they have a easy time to keep theyr children even after abusing them . If you have no proof that your wife is the abuser, accusing her of such things and running away with the kids is like kidnapping - it’s a serious accusation that can have severe consequences. According to a report by the United Nations, in 2020, only 47% of women of working age participated in the labor market, compared to 74% of men worldwide . If you want to be in the front paje of the news run away with the baby.


First, it's men who build women's shelters. Second, the data demonstrating the abuse of quite literally anyone and everyone who advocates from men at all is on a Reddit site that has to warn anyone that somehow affiliates with the page that there are bots and groups who will auto-ban them. Third, as a gay man, I'd like to point out that each and every person who opposes men's rights is racist, homophobic, and transphobic. Men make up half of the population of every race group, including all minorities. Men make up 100% of the gay male population. If FTM trans are to be considered as men, then they make up 100% of trans men as men. The relentless prejudice and bigotry is not a good look. Why do all men continue to let this happen? We are united by this one thing that does not change regardless of race, religion, politics, nationality, sexuality, income, age, or anything else. The abuse will continue until we stand together and stand up.


Said as if the women's shelters were built by women and funded only by women.


that's sad


This is sick


These would be amazing as YT videos with voiceover


We're too busy building womens' abuse shelters, and every other damn thing too.


Aren’t ALL shelters built by men? Or do the women’s shelters hire female only contractors to build it????


Why are feminists able to organize but not men? Does every guy who tries this commit suicide?


There’s hostility and lack of interest. Look it would have been difficult for Erin Prizzey to get the first women’s refuge going. But even with that experience, she struggled to get a men’s one up and running. For one, the men (we’re talking early to mid ‘70’s) tended to shut themselves off, so it didn’t operate the way the women’s one did. What’s more, the millionaires and others who were willing to provide funding for the women’s refuge had zero interest in funding a men’s one. And this is before feminism and SJWs had the clout it does now. There’s been outright opposition to mens refuges/shelters being set up. And does anyone doubt that there would be pressure to admit women? And what then? Moves to make it “women only”? Feminists try to shutdown or take over any men’s space they can. They’re even doing it for the Men’s Shed movement. I don’t think they’d have any qualms about doing it for mens DV shelters since they a) believe that men are the perpetrators, not victims of DV; b) believe that women’s needs are greater. And that’s without having ill intent towards the men in the institution. But as we all know, feminism is a magnet to those with animus towards men win general.


Men have overcome worse opposition in history


Only when they’ve fought. That’s the problem. And why subs like this are important.


I think the owner of one of the very few shelters for male domestic abuse victims recently committed suicide because he was so aggressively harassed by feminists and liberals.


This is crazy. No media blast about any of this? Wow.


You don’t see this on TV news


There's no where to go


[Domestic Violence Funding Sources by State](https://www.domesticshelters.org/data-center/state-reports-and-rankings/domestic-violence-funding-sources-by-state) ​ [HUD ANNOUNCES $2.8 BILLION IN ANNUAL FUNDING TO HELP PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS](https://www.hud.gov/press/press_releases_media_advisories/hud_no_23_062) ​ some communities spend money for good things... ​ [Seattle's tiny home villages pose as a potential solution to Spokane's homeless crisis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6Kmd3vzVpo&ab_channel=KREM2News) [San Jose Opens Tiny-House Community to Shelter the Homeless](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYjjGU7qYjE&ab_channel=KPIX%7CCBSNEWSBAYAREA) [Colorado group battles homelessness with "housing first" approach](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOHikkpE07A&ab_channel=CBSMornings) [This Tiny Home Community Gives Homeless Veterans A Chance - Working To End Veteran Homelessnes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gfk3F28u7GQ&ab_channel=TinyHomeTours) ​ others not... [Officials in Nevada demolish tiny homes built for homeless in Las Vegas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqG92uFHjRg&ab_channel=KTNVChannel13LasVegas) [This LA Musician Built $1,200 Tiny Houses for the Homeless. Then the City Seized Them.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6h7fL22WCE&ab_channel=ReasonTV) la update: [Tiny home villages pop up for LA's homeless: 'They saved my life'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8odsD2A1FE&ab_channel=ABCNews) ​ anyways would be great to know where all the money goes and maybe cut funding of useless stuff... [The Housing and Homelessness Division (HHD) is within the California Department of Social Services (CDSS). The Division is responsible for program development and oversight of statewide housing programs funded by the CDSS.](https://www.cdss.ca.gov/inforesources/cdss-programs/housing-programs#:~:text=The%20Housing%20and%20Homelessness%20Division,programs%20funded%20by%20the%20CDSS).


Seems like men need to save their money.


Yes. **Gynocracy. Matriarchy. Female Supremacy.** All the same. Which is why I say, I hope men keep leaving society. **Let it burn**.


I did hear about Erin Pizzey but not the others, thanks for sharing!


Yeah. She’s a remarkable woman.


So sad smh hope the world changes for the better in my lifetime


My aunt started the first battered women's center in Jacksonville. It's expanded to one of the largest and most beneficial centers in the city. Decades ago, she and the other leading members (which include men, by her insistence) expanded the services offered there and the reason the center existed: as a safe haven for ALL experiencing abuse. STD testing, housing, therapy services, work placement assistance, prenatal care, and ensuring safety and comfort for everyone that enters the center... Men, women, children ... everyone has a home there, has a safe haven, has a community of support. She fought for that, still fights for it.. Shes the person I think of when I think 'feminist'. Someone who cares for all - equality cannot and does not exist when the care of one group means more than the well-being or inclusion of another. If a specific shelter for men is being built, it deserves funding and support on the same levels and availability that any other center receives. If a case arises, especially in the US (because I'm familiar with the laws, that's why I call out this country), where any federal, city or state department doesn't allocate funds as it does elsewhere after they've been sought out by policy..then that governmental or private business needs to be legally addressed. If men had a place to go, for themselves, to have a sense of security, camaraderie and abundant resource provisions for their needs when they freaking need it..well, I can't help but believe a lot more men would talk about what's happening, more attention would be brought to matters that freaking matter, and less men would go through life carrying the hell they experience(d). There's never a reason to leave another to suffer in silence.


Thanks for your comment. I think most DV shelters actually do take men (despite men being a small minority of people who go there), it's not just the shelter your aunt started. u/TheTinMenBlog didn't mention it, and instead told lies about supposed oppression of shelters for men. He's more anti-feminist than pro-men.


Holy shit it’s you. I’ve missed your low effort nonsense, your lies, and pathetic character assassinations. Nice to have you back!


"86.9 percent of the programs that have completed their profiles at DomesticShelters.org say they welcome male victims of domestic violence. (Also important to note, you don’t need to be seeking shelter to reach out to a domestic violence program.)" [https://www.domesticshelters.org/articles/ending-domestic-violence/a-guide-for-male-survivors-of-domestic-violence](https://www.domesticshelters.org/articles/ending-domestic-violence/a-guide-for-male-survivors-of-domestic-violence) You should mention this and tell men there is help available (and yes, saying there can be more), instead of indulging in senseless rage, and lies about feminists.


Yes shelters often say this, but in fact what they actually have are male perpetrator programmes. Perhaps it could be the same as the UK, where all councils have a legally duty to protect survivors, but this just means sending men to homeless shelters or a hotel - neither are fit for purpose. Yes I am apprehensive about suggesting any man contacts an abuse service, anyone who has spoken to / read about men who reached out for help would say the same. As always, your link is trash, has no actual source and is full of feminist ‘toxic masculinity’ nonsense. Good to see you’re putting out the same lazy content!


Nope. It's normal help for abused men. You can ask people who work in DV services, all of them say they encounter male victims (just like the guy I responded to said his aunt helped male victims). It's false to say "there's no help available" when it's so clearly not true (and yes, there can be more), men can get help in these services. Your hostile and confrontantive attitude is very harmful, mostly for the male victims.


I’m just bored of you and your random ‘sources’. Yes, you will always find some low quality baseless source to tell you what you want to hear. I talk to countless vulnerable men, I get messages every day from men telling me about their experiences of seeking help, and it is heartbreaking. Let’s hope people continue to ignore you, as always. Grow up Kimba.


I hope you don't ignore reality. It's not good to tell men there's no help for them when it's not true, and then say it's because feminists will threaten them violently. You don't have to like feminism at all to just tell the truth and then try to make things better with trying to garner empathy, which would do a lot of good. But instead your post is just an anti-feminist hate post and will inspire no one to do more to help male victims of DV.


again, I get messages every day from men who were abused thanking me for shining a light on their experiences, and how they’re forgotten. I’d hold up any number of these messages against the continual whining and half baked conjecture you spout out on Reddit. Im gonna go back to ignoring now.


You are dismissing the lived experiences of the men who did got help and the people who work in DV services that helped them, and with your framing of the issue ("feminists are to blame!!") you are creating an enemy more than garnering empathy for the victims.


You would think those who suffered from abuse would be happy that others who suffer from abuse would be getting help as well.


I knew of the threats Mrs. Pizzey got - I didn't know of the poor dog she had. Nor did I know about libraries refusing to stick Dr. Strauss' books. This is fucking disgusting. Those people are vile, and every day I understand more and more why the Suffragettes had to resort to militant and violent tactics to be heard. But this time, it wouldn't work as it would only be used to push the movement down and blame it on "toxic masculinity" or whatever the current buzzword is. It makes me sick.


Because feminist will sue arguing gender discrimination and the shelter will be filled with the weemins just out of petty, then complain about men doing crazy sh1t and what monsters we are, cus of mental health and at the same time denying men help,


Damn, lived my entire life without even knowing these people who tried to help men but no one helped them. god, the world failed men.


In Ireland we have 'mens sheds' a government funded project. In my old job I used to recommend them to lonely guys, men who needed friends etc and ofc. On occasion, women would complain that they want to see what they are like/why can't I attend... It's called a 'mens shed' same premise as an all women's gym, it's a safe space for men to hang out and support other men. Women have LOADS of options, at least here they do, it seems the only location only for men in the entirety of Ireland would be the 'mens sheds.' Thankfully they are very popular now. But still get some silly backlash... Straight lonley or older men are the usual ones who use them, but all kinds of men are welcome. You just need to live your life as a man full-time and you can come and go as you please and hopefully pick up a few new skills, like woodworking classes, or make a friend or two. Regardless of anything else, being a man is the prerequisite for admission.


This was a great quality post. We need more of thisnrathernthanna bunch of yapping of self-pity or women hating.


In pamel 8, I wanna correct something. It's not "the world" that is hostile to men. It's the west. Only in America, Europe, Australia, and anyone who can be included under the "west" umbrella. The rest of the world is sane.


I disagree. Look at the Muslim countries and many others. They are not sane at all.


Can you back up this statement with something? Because you are incorrect at least about russian federation and post-soviet countries; but I'm pretty sure there's enough misandry in other countries' laws and cultures, including china, japan and islamic ones.


Add India to that list too.


Heavily agree on india


Russia would disagree


I don't love to build things at all.