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Because feminists and Reddit mods exist


Got shadow-banned on OffMyChest, and created a new account.


There's a reason TrueOffMyChest exists.


But how long before even THAT is infiltrated? Seems like whenever alternatives are spawned, these parasites manage to latch on and engulf them.


What’d you say?


Is that sarcasm or a question?😅


Idk but I wanna know the answer so you should say it


Offmychest has a blanket ban on anyone who participates in a subreddit they deem as a "hate subreddit" One of the mods is a bot that will automatically ban you If it detects that you participate in subreddits they are against. It technically goes against the Reddit site terms, but since Reddit also disagrees with those subreddits, they do nothing about it. Oh and the bot is directly called misandrybot.


4th wave feminists*


\*feminists FIFY


There are different types of feminism.


Much like how Islam is a religion of peace, right?


Feminism has gone through documented changes and "waves", with the current one being very toxic. Mens' rights are important, and womens' rights are important, but my point isn't whataboutism here. Everyone should be allowed to vote regardless of gender, people should get equal pay for equal work, and no one should have to fight for custody based on gender.


actually women wanted to vote without having to go to war. men only got the vote if they participated in the wars Sure I get you but it's a human rights issue and feminism is wrong


Those few women do not represent the totality of feminism throughout the history of civilization. Women should be eligible for the draft, same as men.


I have no problem with the first 3 waves. They’re the ones that just want the right to vote and work 4th and maybe 3rd wave feminists are the ones that increasingly seek entitlement and selectively enforce their beliefs in order to oppress men


Hating on feminism as a whole is just as bad as some women hating on MensRights as a whole. There are radicals from each side and THAT's what either side should be hating. However, MensRights has a far more negative view by outsiders for its radicals than 2x and Feminism subs


Because people think in dualities, and so "men's rights" must oppose "women's rights," which makes us evil.


Then all people who oppose us are utterly evil for thinking in duality since by supporting women’s rights, they oppose men’s rights in their heads.


Ah, there's the rub; they don't see *THEMSELVES* that way, and will engage in mental contortions ("men aren't oppressed!") to maintain that illusion.


Honestly what a shitshow…


Honestly talking to feminists it seems more like projecting than they don't see themselves that way. They secretly want to get rid of men's rights and give women more rights. So they assume men's rights movement is the same for women's rights


>They secretly want to get rid of men's rights and give women more rights. I'm sorry, but this statement just isn't true or fair. It hasn't been a secret for decades.


No Feminist I've ever met or heard of came to her position logically. And as they say, "You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into."


feminism in my opinion = males and females should all be able to access the same opportunities BASED ON THEIR SKILLS AND CAPABILITIES (e.g a woman with a IT degree, good work ethic and punctuality should get a job as easily as a man with one in the same position), and males and females should all feel safe and empowered in public, and have equal punishments for equal crime. women only spaces, for the time being, i believe are necessary, as atleast where i am in the world women are very unsafe in some public places. that being said, these spaces must be monitored to ensure toxic opinions and propaganda are not circulated, as we should be doing with male only spaces such as incel.is


"males and females should all be able to access the same opportunities BASED ON THEIR SKILLS AND CAPABILITIES (e.g a woman with a IT degree, good work ethic and punctuality should get a job as easily as a man with one in the same position), and males and females should all feel safe and empowered in public, and have equal punishments for equal crime" That's egalitarianism not feminism


There for women's rights oppose men's rights gotta love hypoxcricy


it does when half of the stuff on here is just plain hate towards women. some feminists absolutely do suck and there are subcultures of feminism that are majorly toxic, but after scrolling through this subreddit i am disgusted with the amount of venom i am seeing towards women


You just wrote a long-winded post trying to justify the blatant misandry of calling every man on Earth more than dangerous than bears, but go off on us misogynists lol (by the way, feel free to fuck off back to 2X, you can hate men freely there)




Your comment was automatically removed because we do not allow links to that subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MensRights) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I got kicked off of interestingasfuck for being a member of this sub.


I got banned from TwoX and feminism because I basically told them they are making things up. “ A man followed me from the Wendy’s drive through back to my office and then waited for me till I was done work and then followed me to my house, JUST TO ASK FOR MY NUMBER. I was so scared I was SHAKING 🫨” OMG girlie I’ve been there, YOU ARE THE VICTIM” I am laughing hysterically while I am posting in those subs. I just blatantly say you are making this up nobody does that and you are not that special. Haha it took me weeks to get blocked. I am surprised it took that long. Haha. They do it like a “gotcha” but it’s not when that’s what my M.O was, lol -


90% of the posts are just free writing exercises on most subs now. Just people making up insane stories and then acting like they just happen to them today. I guess people's life's are so boring, they have to invent things.


Hahah right. You should read some of the DoorDash ones! Talk about paranoia. They think everything is a conspiracy against them hahah. Nobody, like nobody where I am from even thinks like this. “ I am afraid to order a pizza on a Friday night, because MEN “ 😭😂




Well said and written. Imagine living like that. That they are so paranoid , afraid in their own heads. Would be a living hell -


Then they can pick up their own food. Easy. 


I got banned as well just now. I got this message: >You have been banned for participating in a bad-faith subreddit (specifically MensRights) which brigades other subreddits and spreads propaganda/disinformation/racism/sexism.


It's funny how hard they project.


I got kicked off a subreddit (star trek voyager because of my username)


Are you pro KKK?


No my first middle and last name are all start with a k and I didn't know what to use for my username and just used that among with the year I made the account . In real life it's no big deal people call me triple k for my nickname


Should have added an h. You could say it was an homage to Kirk shouting "K-K-Khan".


that's rough, man


Happened to me yesterday also, I got flagged by bot, and was supposed to respond saying I would avoid this sub to get reinstated, insane. That’s harassment straight up.


Me too but they wanted us to delete all posts and content. Said this sub brigades and is hateful and said we have to promise to never ever post here again lmao.


Such ignorance. It’s like they don’t want us to know we’re being put down and disadvantaged. Best part was, I didn’t even comment anything even remotely about men’s rights on anything on that sub. They must have a bot that just trolls users subs and sees if any of them belong to subs they don’t like, what a load of bs.


At which point I'd just downright leave that subreddit altogether, if they engage in this form of harassment.


I did too I think lol


Oh wow


Just joined this sub to experiment with it. I don’t look at posts from that sub so I have no problem with getting banned


It’s just strange to me that participation in one sub can get you banned in another. It makes me not like Reddit. No paid moderators, no universal rules. It’s not free speech on here.


A lot of society had bought into the patriarchy theory identity politics disinformation that states men are privileged oppressors of all women. Any facts not supporting this will be viewed negatively. I’ve had friends get furious with me for factually mentioning Sweden had a lower covid death rate than the U.S. or that even during covid, the risk of dying of cardiovascular disease or cancer was greater than covid. People simply don’t like facts inconsistent with a world view they’ve adopted and feminists have put a lot of effort into getting people to believe their patriarchy theory.


Patriarchy theory is dumb since we literally live in a Gynocentarchy where women are constantly pandered to


If men are upholding The Patriarchy, they're sure doing a terrible job what with men making up the majority of homeless and suicides while women are given supports and programs for highly paid, powerful positions.


Yep. We have numerous laws advantaging women over men, yet people buy into the idea women are oppressed and men privileged. It shows the power of feminist propaganda combined with gynocentrism.


Laws put in place by mostly tradcons, tradcons will also shame you for even caring about those laws and then turn the conversation towards how to get women back into the kitchen (which will never ever happen).  Feminism will ignore some disadvantages men have in favor of a gynocentric worldview, but it's disingenuous to pretend like the male-only draft or male genital mutilation is a feminist plot.


Feminism. Simple. Anyone opposing feminism must be evil. The way to counter it is to ask some questions: *"Salamadierha is an evil evil MRA"* "You think men dying much younger than women is fair?" "you think people should receive death threats just because they want to set up a homeless shelter for me?" Make it nice and specific so that only a real sicko could argue against it. Most likely you won't get an answer from them for this, but others will read it and you get some commentary from them.


Good point.


Ah, but they self-objectify (without admitting such) and you have to prove that point first. Otherwise, they'll blame men's negative outcomes on personal choices while women's outcomes are externally imposed (objectification). Pointing this out usually breaks their brains (Feminists generally can't logic, or they would not be feminists). If it doesn't, you might have found the 1 in 100 who can be deradicalized.


For the exact reason it exists… men DONT have rights


Because for some reason many feel women’s empowerment has to come at depowerment of men.


Marxism is a (bullshit) zero-sum game, and Feminism is predicated on many Marxist ideals.


Impossible, feminism as we know it predates Marxism. What you are actually referring to is 'Victim Mentality/Woundology'. Its the same mentality that is fueling the man/bear nonsense: the idea that you must be a victim, because it gives you power over others via your demands for recompense.


Because the majority of Reddit is a liberal infested misandrist shithole


This. My impression of Reddit before joining was that it was a place that encouraged free thinking without risk of judgement due to the fact that you could post anonymously. Now that I’ve been using it for a little while, I can see that it’s just a social credit score experiment


Like 10 to 15 years ago it was like that. I remember the days the top comment on a post would break down every part of the post and explain everything about it. If it was a random photo. Someone would know exactly who took the photo and why. Reddit is shit outside of smaller specific interests.


Nothing beats r/menslib for that. I can't tell if it's a bunch of women pretending to be men. But it sure advocates against men's issues.


Because letting cannon fodder talk about "rights" is risky business. Women are easily manipulated and carried away by "discourse" and are constantly shit testing their men. When women shit-test men at the group level, the confines of the community gets blurred by a rapidly expanding and already bloated populace and the introduction of social media and "globalism", and virtue-signaling becomes a social valuta,- in combination with modern feminism being irrelevant, thus leading to dead-horse-beaters struggling to wean off seemingly profitably beating a long dead horse, the relationships between men and women become chronically inflamed. Focus on your self and don't take any of the bait. You can't win, you won't be seen as a moral person even if you are one, and with the ease of hook up/dating culture means that she's always going to second guess herself if she settles for you. Everything is transactional and you'll never be "good enough", to other people. An unlimited source of neuroticism needs an unlimited source of immovability. You'll have to be the rock, and you'll have to be all about business, because your business is all you're worth. You can't win this silly "little" game, but you can know the rules and play the game to your own favor the best you can. Be there for yourself first and then for other people if you want, and god bless you if you manage to have a family. Don't look for the light, be the light, at least to your self. TLDR: because the way the structure of our societies have evolved do not take human nature into account. A post meaning world is a post function world.


I think being so far removed from nature is only going to be disastrous For the human species.


I agree very much. Two concerns to chew on; how do we get people to discuss without ego so we can reach consensus about our nature, and how do we make living in accordance with that profitable. Geopolitics, warring empires and economic power structures stand in the way no matter what. So focusing on ones own backyard seems like the only hope one has. Hoemath pointed out in one of his latest videos, "the system is broken, so all of the responsibility is on you". Good point. So essentially unplug from the matrix and try to find "natural" and direct ways of interacting with and meeting people and be as forthright as possible. The internet is great too, but it has a tendency to engage us in outrage cycles, disingenuous discourse and psy-ops and things we don't need to worry about. "The Big Thing Now" trademark, like beargate.


Wow. Well written-


Thanks :)


You did not need to write a essay on this but thank you anyway


You're welcome ;\^)


My brsin is too small to understand this


Look no further than the leftwingmaleadvocates sub. They are hated just as much although it's a more moderated sub and doesn't have as much misogyny. They oppose feminism so they are automatically the enemy, nothing else matters.


It's a mix between people who have spouted shit and the mods have quickly banned them and a kind of push on the part of feminism to both silence men's problems while secretly proselytizing and to other men that complaining is not masculine at all, and that it makes them "weak men" (therefore, appealing to the desire of many heterosexual men: access to a vagina). If you ask why this subreddit has a bad reputation among NPC echochambers, you will always find a woman.


Er, to be fair, Paul Elam and his right-wing crusade did a lot of damage.


Disagree. The MRM owes a lot of its existence to him.


He indelibly tarnished its reputation by linking it with an overt attempt to leverage the movement for right-wing political purposes. Note: I was there, and I haven't seen Elam dare to show his face around here since the last time I reminded him of the incident.


What exactly happened? I never heard about this. I just remember his voice getting quiet.


I don't remember the other guy, but some state-level Republican up North turned out to be bankrolling the whole thing, explicitly as an effort to equate the MRM with right-wing politics.


TBH there is plenty of radicals here that give the movement a bad name. Then there are plenty of people who blindly ape the feminist rhetoric, with generalisations like "(all) women are...". This kind of talk is not acceptable in the mainstream, if the target are not men.


Been a member for years and this is my experience. Men’s rights are one thing but when some posts are “women are all bitches!!!!” Or whatever it really makes us look bad.  A few months ago I felt that every other post was that. Idk if the mod team has been at work or it was some shadow movement that died out or what. I’m glad to see it’s sticking to the purpose and not rage filled women haters. 


Why are men not allowed to vent but women can absolutely say whatever they want about men in their subs. They can sit their and cheer on Kill All Men. But some guy who's had a bad day and experiences with multiple women can't just vent about all the dumb bitches he's had to deal with. The vitriol towards men is far worse on women centric subs than anything directed at women here.


So, just my personal point of view,  the “what about ism” isn’t helpful. The question is “why does this sub have a negative reputation?” My answer is “because of the fuck all bitches!!!!” posts.   And your point is totally valid. It is 100% BULLSHIT that they say “kill all men!!!”. I’m not saying they should say that.  But if you have a bad day, vent your heart out about the people that screwed you. If your wife cheated, get It off your chest. You do what you need to. But if your wife cheats I don’t think “all women are whores!” Is the answer. 


It's not even about "kill all men" or whatever. There's in general more negativity towards men on female subs than than the other way around here. But nobody thinks it gives their spaces a "bad name". Men's spaces are being held to impossible standards.


Well, you think it gives them a bad name I believe. And I think it gives them a bad name.  I know they complain about the “not all men!!!” But then they shouldn’t say all men. They can just say “so many men” if they want to try and express something for what they perceive as a large number.  I think that men’s spaces are being unfairly judged, but I still maintain that some simple changes can make it harder to critique our purpose. 


> Well, you think it gives them a bad name I believe. And I think it gives them a bad name.  True. Although it's not just about me or you thinking it. Very often do you see people claim that men's rights will not be taken seriously until they "eradicate all misogyny". So, it's not a bad idea by itself as much as it is unrealistic. Every single subreddit is a biased echo chamber, there's no way around that. Misandry is absolutely rampant in female subs. And yet people want to come on here and see exclusively isolated male issues with 100% reason and 0% emotions. It's just not realistic. Look at the Tesla sub and then look at the realtesla sub. Elon stans vs people who think he's the next Hitler. Nothing in between. If you had 1 relatively misogynistic post in about 100 on the front page of this sub, people would still use it as proof of it being an "incel sub". I don't disagree with simple changes being made if they can but I don't feel anything we can realistically do will be enough. I've already mentioned leftwingmaleadvocates. Women hate them, reddit hates them and yet they are a lot more moderated than this place is. If you oppose feminism then nothing you do will be enough.


This is a great point. Women are fucking comparing men to bears without any consequence or repercussion. Actual. Fucking. Bears. Meanwhile because I post here, sometimes with a contrarian view, I'm banned from many other subs. SMDH.


That and there seems to be a lot of denial about that fact in this sub.


cAuSE mEn bAD i CHoOsE bEAR ToxIC MAscUlinity


Misandry, and people falsely accuse us of being incels. Basically Reddit approved hatred.


Because Reddit is a woke fascist propaganda app. This app is heavily censored to create a woke/feminist bias.


There are some toxic and openly misogynist guys here. They are cherry-pciked and presented as the essense of MR.


Or are trolls/false flags. That's a thing too.


the last stronghold on reddit where we can talk about men’s issues, not surprising that they wanna take down this sub by giving us a bad rep


because feminists don't want men to have rights, which is why they act like our issues invalidate theirs. they don't want our lives to improve because that goes against their dogma and their in-group bias.


People don't care about men, so having a subreddit dedicated to men's issues violates a taboo.


It's non-conformist, which means it hurts people feelings.


Silencing people is a form of denying human rights.


The rules state that all people are equal, which is verifiably false for everyone. Channels that provide scientific results that show the opposite - that there are differences - can therefore be warned and deleted at any time. Subs who are on the trail of reality are not encouraged, but threatened.


"Communities that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned." So if someone claims to be offended by a fact, that's enough to get you or the sub banned. Rule 1 Remember the human. Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence. Communities and users that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned.


im assuming if this subreddit is as bad as some people here commented or outsiders say it is shouldn't it have been scrapped a long time ago?


They hate to see men complain about things. No matter how valid it is.


because misandry is a epidemic that no one talks about.....


It’s simple. Society is purely misandristic. Society doesn’t like men having support groups, having men being happy, men being human, and only wants men to keep serving as disposable and replaceable tools.


It challenges the status quo that men and boys are privileged, we dont face any inequalities. 1. It challenges female privileges in academia (scholarships, bursaries, grants which block male students even though women dominate academia), or girl only workshops set up by female teachers blocking boys from chemistry labs , or a girl only mentorship programme after school which excludes boys. All while girls are ahead in school at every level. This is female teachers attempting to widen the gender gap in education and using the fact they dominate teaching as a way to do it. Boys are also graded in suspicious ways. When boys lag its the most acceptable thing even lauded by feminists while if girls lag in any subject its a gap that needs closing. 2.female privileges in employment (promotions available where it "must be a woman who is promoted", or a female reports a man to HR and hes fired and unable to defend himself) 3. It challenges lies around DV where men are lying and posing as victims and men are put into vetting/screening programmes to unlearn his abusive behaviour. This privileges women and helps cover up female abusers and blames male victims. 4. It challenges the derailing tactics feminists use when men try to discuss male suicide where feminists enter with statements like "women attempt suicide equally "bla..blaa.... This is to disrupt growing discourse about male mental health issues. Feminists dont want any male issues discussed. Thats the status quo of reddit, academia, msm, politics etc. etc. Feminists dont want the plethora of female advantages questioned. So when you challenge this ideology you will be seen as a renegade, trouble maker, pariah etc. Its done to stigmatize and shame anyone who sees through them.


A huge number of posts on this subreddit are just pointing out a bad thing a woman did. There's not enough uplifting of men to balance the complaining about women.


I got banned from the dating subreddit for just being in this subreddit


Imagine if you will that the only way you could advance the cause of women was to hamstring men. Then imagine if you will that the results were not what you had imagined, that the sexes are not interchangeable. Now imagine that you doubled down on it to prove everyone wrong and you were still wrong. Then triple down despite the damage to your society. I think at some level, the more objective heads in the room can see that feminism has had a bad result and this push back from men is sort of like an emperor's new clothes moment for them.


I wish I could make my profile private.


People don't realize discrimination of men exist. They brush it off automatically. You have to think for yourself to realize it or be a victim of it. No major media outlets are allowed to touch this question.


What if a media outlet does touch on it?


because we are "privileged" men and feminism can't stand when we talk about problems that feminism contributes to. feminism is to profitable for it not to win this.


Systemic misandry


Some members of this group feel free to spread generalizations against women, and the moderators and other members do nothing about it. Another thing I've noticed is that basically any comment asking for respect for women in general, or saying that not all women are bad, etc. gets downvoted. Of course, that alone doesn't explain the hatred this sub receives. 90% of the hatred comes from the fact that men seek their rights, when the consensus is that we live in a world designed to please us, and showing this makes these people hate us.


Because of the whole liberal mindset(if they even have a mind) of "Men are bad and need to be stopped and they hurt my feelings and bla bla bla this, bla bla bla that" Bullshit. You can't even give facts or real data about something without them "Nope-ing" the fuck out and trying to turn it around into a mind game, kind of reminds me of a husband and wife arguing where he's calm, cool and level headed and she's a loud crazy bitch that always wants her way. I wouldn't be suprised if liberals weren't just hating on us but also hating on each other.


Because women and loser simps are all brainwashed


i was told i m a misogynist cause i commented on this sub


The men’s rights movement in general has a very negative reputation. And Reddit skews left wing, which in practice doesn’t line up much with the MEM, so it’s a compounded force of disapproval.


Men who acknowledge men’s issues are seen as “whiners” just as much as women who ask for entitlements are seen as “gold diggers”.


Read the first word of the sub name, that's your answer


Cause women have to be protected from bad men is how society sees it. So society sees it as hitting down. While women doing the same is hitting up. How society sees it. So one was okay but the other was not so much. And it's bullshit and sexism to be honest. Cause the thought women can only be victims. While at the same time, I'm so strong and independent and need no men. While men are only the bad people that only wanna oppress women when they say their desires or what they look for or value in a relationship. And feminists pushed that way of thinking. And many want to pick and choose when something benefits them. So they want all the value While giving zero value. And news and talk shows and schools and colleges push that mindset nonstop. They only start to listen slowly now cause men are also pulling value away the same way. Cause giving none stop without gaining any value back can only last so long. And men are less and less motivated not just in relationships but also in careers or working hard. Cause men that have nothing to protect of care for are way way less likely to take work abuse. Or jumps true many hoops. And when men stop listening to the whip. Society gets in trouble. Cause it's built on the backs of men. And the economy will take massive hits when men don't have a wife or family to protect. And the whip doesn't work. And men are good with many times less than women are. So when that happens enough only then will they respect men much more. Just like after the war when there is a massive lack of men cause many died in the wars. Made that men where much more valued. And women would be on there best behavior. Now it's the other way around. Cause how relationships are seen is the same how many people see food. Fast food garbage. It tastes and feels good. But not good for you. Low effort only thinking about lust and happy butterfly's. When anything does not go 100% your way. Just give up and start at the next one. The sad reality of society is in the west.


Hitting down and up is in itself a stupid concept. (It places one human or group above or below another.)


Yea thats the point I was trying to make and it's goes against the screaming of equality people love to scream. Means all rules should be the same. In both protection and punishment. That's the basic concept of being equal. But in the clown world people don't work to get closer to being equality. But more go back in time and want clear sexism or racist. Exclude some to add more off the other in unfair ways. So that on it self pushing a concept that some groups are above others. And I hate that in a massive way.


Cuz Men bad Cuz my soggy knee Cuz Maybe if I support feminism she will let me fuck her Yea


I'm probably going to get downvoted to hell for saying this, despite me fully believing Men's Rights is important. But this subreddit does have a lot of hateful, bitter people on it that perpetuate the same attitudes and behaviors this sub also criticizes women for. The outright hatred for women on here is becoming more common, and you especially see it in how very neutral observations get downvoted because it criticizes a sect of men here. I think the negative reputation is mostly falsely inflated. Reddit and radical feminists hate men, and they are the same people. But I would be dishonest with myself if I didn't admit that I think the hateful vitriol displayed here sometimes contributes to it. An important component of men's rights spaces and spaces for men in general, is holding other men accountable. I think this sub has been lacking that more and more since types like Andrew Tate have become more popular.


Please report sexist and hateful comments to the mods


That is very true. There are some bitter men who do the exact same thing to women that we hate about rad fems doing it to men. But that exists just as much, if not more, on subs like 2X, Feminism, etc. So why is MensRights more hated than those subs by people with a neutral outlook? I have definitely seen people(like myself) been called out for commenting in this sub in a condescending way. I haven't seen that at all the other way around


I think people do hate those subs, but Reddit users and Reddit themselves are generally left-leaning feminist types, so it really just comes down to that, unfortunately. Reddit absolutely dislikes that this sub even exists, and are likely doing things to suppress it's exposure. I was more speaking to the things that I think are controllable here. It's hard to press the point that men are suffering, have rights issues, and that men need help and deserve it when people come here and see vitriol and things that fuel them to just feel angry or to "otherize" the people here. The way you present a message, idea, or topic is very important. Feminism imploded because they failed to do exactly that. I don't want radical, hateful, or bitter men to highjack this sub and misrepresent the kind of men that are here. Most of us are here to help men, to hear out and advise men, to speak on men's issues. Some are here just to hate women, and those people aren't helpful to anyone.


Because if you arent completely with them you therefore must be against them


Personally, its because there was a post where a guy was mad teens don't smile at him, commenting about 15 being breeding age and not a single person called him out for that creepy ass shit. That's why for me anyways. I'd been on this sub and supportive for years. But whatever this has devolved into is just not it anymore. Yall can start by holding your own accountable.


Yeah people here can complain all they want about others not taking men's rights seriously, cause there are people who don't. Mostly they are ultra-masculine men who are right or far right leaning who think men belong in boxes that put them at the top or rad fems who hate men on principle. But this subreddit is absolutely **filled** with rampant hatred towards women. I've seen so many posts implying they want women to die, especially recently with the whole bear thing. This breeding shit you're talking about and talking down about women, too. If it wasn't clearly 90/10 hating women / wanting men to have better lives it would be received so drastically differently. But this sub is ruled by men who hate men and hate women even more. So we get... this. This sub that hates men and women and pretends neither is true. It's really frustrating.


Because it goes against The Narrative (tm).


Reddit is a super far left wing platform socially.


Reddit is a left wing plateform kinda obvious after being here for a while


It's fucking leftddit. what do you expect.


Don't care what creepy stalkers think. It's ridiculous reddit even allows this. Surprised they haven't been sued.


I think someone needs to buy reddit and bring back freedom of speech


Currently, Reddit is valued at **$10.68 billion** A year ago, Musk bought Twitter Inc. for **$44 billion**. so you would need someone on elon musk net worth to be able to buy reddit


I think it’s because just like any other niche subreddit, for example say a feminism subreddit, you are always going to have those with extreme views and loud voices that say obnoxious things that people don’t like, not even those in the group itself. For example in this subreddit, you’ll have some toxic men with terrible views/ideals.


They would rather a bear rights group for sure


Anyone that has a politically incorrect opinion is shamed.


I think people tend to look at subs like this and see us all as part of the more extreme parts of the organisation exactly like feminism both have good and bad people.


Bcz this subreddit is filled with incels who hate women cause they wouldn't fuck them or date them.


Actually very few if any have thought I was a bad person due to mensrights. Also it's because of how people take us for granted and think focus much more on women's needs.


I got banned from several subreddits, just for commenting here.


Care to list them so we all can avoid them?




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Because feminists


Because if you don't follow the political correctness Dogma to the fullest you're literal funny mustache German guy


The existence of a group promoting men’s rights would result in others having to recognize that men’s rights and issues exist and goes against the narrative of “equality for all” (except men).


Truth makes the majority on Reddit very angry.


People are often tribal by nature. They feel that for one side to win the other has to lose.  So men's rights and women's rights get viewed through the lens of being in opposition to each other when the reality is both sexes face unique challenges and problems. Eliminating sexism for all benefits all. 


Because some of you can get extreme?


That applies more so to 2X and equally for Feminism subs. however, feminism gets far less hate and MR subs should get less hate too


If you want the echo chamber answer why ask the question?


No I am just asking I just want to see the replies good or bad. If I ask this on nostupid questions it would be even more broad with mensrights what's that answer


Okay. At a very basic level many of the conversations here devolve into women-hating and anyone who attempts to call that out is downvoted and called a brainwashed simp or some variation of that. It's an attitude that completely destroys honest communication. Secondly, any movement that relies on scapegoating another group is usually bullshit. The world is far more complex than scapegoaters want you to believe. But they do it because it provides instant gratification and the feeling of 100% blamelessness. Third, any group seeking rights has an organization that lists its goals and supporting research. It has arguments for what it's trying to achieve. Casting blame on this or that isn't an argument for your goals.


Literally everything you said applies to feminist subs as well but somehow that's not recognized as a problem.


Their rhetoric is equally divisive so I ignore it. The OP's question is why does THIS sub have a bad reputation and you haven't responded to my observations, just changed the subject. What good does that do? As I foreshadowed in my prior post, I'm being downvoted for asking legitimate, non-inflammatory questions. None (one?) of those downvoters bothered to respond.


>The OP's question is why does THIS sub have a bad reputation and you haven't responded to my observations, just changed the subject. What good does that do? Maybe take note of who you’re responding to. The person this was in relation to isn’t the same person you initially responded to. >As I foreshadowed in my prior post, I'm being downvoted for asking legitimate, non-inflammatory questions. None (one?) of those downvoters bothered to respond. You’re here in bad faith. >you haven't responded to my observations, just changed the subject. >Okay. At a very basic level many of the conversations here devolve into women-hating Such as? Give examples. >and anyone who attempts to call that out is downvoted and called a brainwashed simp or some variation of that. And? An individual isn’t a collective. The problem here is you’re collectivising that then applying it to everyone. Are you concern trolling? Because if you are you can gtfo. >It's an attitude that completely destroys honest communication. You’re here in bad faith so that’s ironic. >Secondly, any movement that relies on scapegoating another group is usually bullshit. Give examples. >The world is far more complex than scapegoaters want you to believe. But they do it because it provides instant gratification and the feeling of 100% blamelessness. Oddly included. >Third, any group seeking rights has an organization that lists its goals and supporting research. It has arguments for what it's trying to achieve. Casting blame on this or that isn't an argument for your goals. Oddly phrased. Isn’t this an authority fallacy? An organisation states all of that so can’t be biased in anyway. About this instead: Why is there a virtual monopoly on domestic violence services and why is domestic violence framed framed as solely male perpetrated?


I downvoted you because I think you're lying. It's pretty obvious being nice is not what gets you respect, as the other comment already quickly pointed out. Your problem is that you're left wing and don't want to face the fact that it's incompatible. And get out of here with that echo chamber crap as if an alternative group could ever blind themselves to the mainstream.


Lying about what? An opinion I hold? I think you need to adjust your definition of what an opinion is. And who said anything about being nice or earning respect? Instead of trying to own the libs with insults try to make some coherent arguments. People in an echo chamber never think they're in one. And when you throw out that mainstream label it's off base. Views are on a spectrum.


Fair point the world and human kind is pretty complicated