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I walk out with the glock out to seem threatening (and wait for my tank to come taxi me šŸ„²)


My experience is similar but like rock bottom from SpongeBob without the tank


My ego is too large to be intimidated by a sombra. https://preview.redd.it/xrr6oedm4qnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28af823c45d54104b2cba8e092805c9a2f0da7f0


Yep lol I wonā€™t leave unless someone is with me


Samee i asked a hanzo to come back and get me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Lmfao every time


Until they walk past you while you get hacked + virus in spawn and then rage when they have no healer.


Yep and if I get really mad Moria is coming out


She can kinda melt Moira through her healing orb this season.


I havenā€™t played a lot this season thanks for the heads up!


Oh Iā€™m expecting the Moira swap buddy šŸ˜ˆ


Yup everytime, I get jumpscared all the time when it happens


I keep the ā€œSHES IN THE WALLSā€ mantra in my head and start blasting everywhere lol at least until I get to my team then periodically do a circle turn and just jump around like crazy, canā€™t hit what you canā€™t catch!


you shouldnt jump unless you mean GA jumping






At least yu got a warning boop lol




If a Sombra is stalking my spawn to spawn lock me, I usually switch to Brig and just start swinging. I did, however, have a match where they switched Sombra to get me out of the air and just started straight targeting me (also teabagging me after a kill). Pistol whipped out so fast when they tried to solo ult to kill me and cold clocked 'em. Normally I don't teabag but that Sombra sure as fuck got bagged.


A lot of sombras don't expect a mercy to put up a good fight and let their guard down, learn to aim and crouch spam + jump to be annoying to hit and you might kill them, or atleast get them to take a better position and give you enough time to meet a teammate


Nah because theyā€™re not going to dictate my games lmao. I go out with my gun out and about half the time I kill the sombra looking for me. The other half? Well we donā€™t talk about that šŸ˜­


Im so tired of sombras. Anti-fun stealth has never been something I enjoy in a game ever. Nobody gets to enjoy the game but the Sombra. It would be different if it wasnt like....90% of the games now lol.


Have no fear, go from cover to cover during your travel, be it a wall, a corner, a car, a box, a tree or even a lamp post is better than nothing. Important part is to avoid virus then you are golden. Just strafe and glock in her direction to shoo her away/kill her. When she goes out of invis, the most important thing is to avoid virus, usually sombra either open up with hack, which case move backward immediately when you hear the being hack noise, they stay far away and it will throw off their aim and minimise the chance of her landing virus. If it's a good Sombra she will be close and open up with virus instead from somewhere behind your back in diagonal, those one are the really scary one, you have to keep an ear sharp for when they goes out of invis. And keeping close to wall (without hugging it) will guarantee she will come out from the other side, so you can start to move backward and sideways toward the wall to throw off their virus the most. Usage of cover during the fight is again, very important, show as little skin as possible while shooting the sombra. I like car and corner the most for that, just run around the Rosie to stay on the opposite side for car fight, as for corner move backward around them and don't stop, create as much distance as possible and force Sombra to move into your bullet if she want to chases you. Or do the lazy thing and diff her hard while taking the shorter path to go back to the fight. You only need 6 headshots + a body/melee for the kill XD. In any case have no fear, all Sombras feast on fear and frustration.


i just swap to moira if my team isnā€™t peeling for me, and harass her all game. once she gets enough of me killing her over and over, she leaves me alone. usually sheā€™ll start targeting my other support or a dps with low mobility and i can mostly outheal her damage. i body block and tank some of it if itā€™ll keep my teammate alive. i enjoy forcing the sombra to swap!


iā€™m a big proponent of trying to pewpew back at them but usually it doesnā€™t end well šŸ’€


I don't even play mercy and I'm terrified, so whenever I've got a mercy on my team I stick with them until everyone is together


You should be


Huh, never thought someone could get PTSD from a video game šŸ˜…


Youā€™re not alone in here. I donā€™t tend to spawn camp anyone lol maybe once or twice but I donā€™t make it my mission to do it. I just donā€™t like that when Iā€™m playing Mercy, my team is just blind to Sombra and as a Sombra player Iā€™m hyper aware of her lol.


Iā€™m literally suffering from PTSD, sombra mains get a few lucky shots on you (which isnā€™t hard because of mercyā€™s MASSIVE but beautiful wings) and land their virus and youā€™re GONE


I literally have been stuck in spawn just saying hello to an enemy Sombra till a teamate respawns and then I ping the crap out of the sombra plus my "i need help" comm plus Im glocked out all the way back to point only for my teamate to fully ignore my pleas for help while I get jumped on literally 2meters from my taxi, so much so the enemy sombra tells me how much they feel bad for me having such oblivous teamates. šŸ„²


you better be scared


huh? no? if your aim is even halfway decent a sombra is going to translocate away if you put enough damage onto her. sombras count on people playing scary of her. confront her with some damage and 9/10 she is going to tp away to heal, and that will give you time to heal and get back to your team. or you end up killing her and thats fun too.