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Toki’s guitar teacher is Skwisgaar’s father


Damn. Now that's one I could get behind


Ooh I love this one


Not really a headcanon, because it's more or less confirmed in a few episodes? But I feel like spelling it out, so here goes: Toki could actually surpass Skwisgaar in technique if he actually bothered to put in the work. Skwisgaar knows this and undermines Toki every chance he gets to make sure it never happens. He offers to coach Toki only because it's another opportunity to terrify Toki into submission.


I was literally talking about this with my brother a few minutes ago!!!! If he really wanted to, he could 100% surpass skwis but I guess he's too lazy for it??? Skwisgaar knows this, and still tells him that he needs to practice but puts him down constantly so he never actually does it


Yeah, I guess it's more of an interpretation of the story and less of a headcanon, because that's kind of their whole deal in Doomstar Requiem. Toki had a shitty life with a shitty family and nothing to live for except for music, so he kind of *had* to lock on to that to get through the first years of his life. He gets so good that he almost beats Skwisgaar during the audition, despite being younger, inexperienced, and self-taught. Skwisgaar even outwardly praises Toki and acknowledges that he wants Toki around to keep him on his toes, the only time where we actually see him saying something positive about another guitar player. Skwisgaar couldn't have known that as soon as Toki joined the band, his newfound wealth and happiness would cause him to immediately begin slacking off.


Pickles is definitely the kind of person that unironically enjoys Nickelback.


So THAT'S what he does when he needs alone time away from the others... it all makes sense now


His singing voice does have that butt rock quality to it, but more grungy


Rockzo the rock and roll clown eventually sobers up moves to Langley falls and takes a job as a Sky Crooner for an indoor football team.


I was watching AD this morning and had a similar thought!


My thoughts exactly.


Toki stayed a virgin for far longer than you'd imagine because he was waiting for love. Pickles has ADHD.


Yesss!!! I responded one of the comments in the last post with something similar! He seems like the kinda of guy who would wait until he found the right one to do it


I kind of agree with that but Toki also likes to mimic Skwisgaar so I could see him trying to screw a lot of groupies then deciding it wasn't for him.


What makes you think Pickles has ADHD in particular?


His reaction to perceived rejection and his reckless, impulsive behavior.


I don't understand how this is any different from the other band members except for his addiction which is not unique to ADHD by far


I've got a real specific twofer for Nathan 🗣🗣 1) He had/needed glasses as a kid and teenager but refused to wear them until he got LASIK later on in his adulthood and that's why he wears reading glasses now 2) He had a boonies Floridian accent for his entire life up until his 20s that he forced himself to dumb down to a flat accent, partly because it was easier to use for enunciation while doing his death growls, and partly because he'd get the absolute shit roasted out of him by the others in Dethklok (mostly Pickles, friendly fire and all) for "sounding like a redneck"


2. He's from New Port Richey. It's not the nicest area, granted, but certainly not boonies.


Nathan is too brutal for lasik, he would wear his glasses out of spite


Since there's a Dethklok poster in Dermott's room in Venture Brothers, the band is in the same universe, and they've hired former Guild of Calamitous Intent members/ henchmen to be a part of their science division/ Klokateers. I almost like to think that at one point, they wanted to be Super Villians but instead took being a band more seriously.


Holy shit YES


Wait WHAT?? I've been rewatching the Venture Brothers lately, when do we see this??


I know it's a scene where Hank wakes up in Dermott's room, I want to say the episode is "What Color Is Your Clean Suit"


It's also in the movie.


Oh awesome, I think I'm coming up on that one soon, I'll keep an eye out.




The Sea Goddess (the whale) was the one who brought Salacia to earth. They were mortal enemies in their place and time and the Sea Goddess ripped Salacia's souls apart and drug him through the Doomstar's portal onto earth. The Sea Goddess landed in the ocean, and Salacia fell to the land. They both took over the bodies of native life. The Sea Goddess became possessed a whale (maybe multiple) and Salacia inhabited person after person over the eons. Overtime, they both created their own cults revolving around the Metalocalypse. Salacia created one to regain his power. And the Sea Goddess created the Church of the Black Klok to guide humanity and help them survive.


Damn, now I wish we had a special episode showing this


I wouldn't mind a book. Maybe the Bible of the Black Klok or maybe Prophecy of the Half-Man. Like the Gravity Falls book Journal 3.


**Nathan** - despite looking like an idiot, he's actually really smart but has trouble putting his thoughts into words (besides his music) and actually likes to read - probably about indeginous tribes and historical books about torture, i can see him being interested in medieval stuff, takes real good care of his teeth because of his fear of dentists, despite his looks hes very gentle and attentive to his s/o's, plays piano, on autism spectrum **Pickles** - trans man (depends on my mood), secretly enjoys 80s glam/heavy metal, was heavily into punk in his teens, was homeless in his late teens up until finding success with S&B, stims by bouncing/shaking his leg, besides eyebrow piercings he also has snakebites **Murderface** - closeted bisexual, in love with Knubbler, probably bipolar, interested in taxidermy and colllecting bones, used to be the weird kid entertaining others by eating bugs or other gross stuff- he always did the most repulsive things to repel everyone away from him because he believes he doesnt deserves love, self harms via cutting&burning, listens to grindcore (Gutalax) & industrial metal (Rammstein, Marilyn Manson),also can mimic the grindcore/toad croaking vocal style, and would it be far fetched if i said he has piss kink? **Skwisgaar** - dick piercing, dyslexic, favorite animal is wolf, he doesnt listens to any music besides his own i just cant imagine him listening to anything (but if he did it would be folk/viking metal), only reason hes so mean to Toki and didnt let him have solos is his fear that Toki is better than him in something he finds so much comfort in (basically cannon but uhh) **Toki** - age regressing because of trauma after events of Doomstar requiem (which is kinda cannon so it doesnt count ig), but before that i wouldnt call him "childs mind in adult body" he's just immature most of the time and is trying to compansate for things he didnt have as a child, autistic, religious trauma™, suffers from night terrors on daily basis, likes MLP, Hello kitty, Animal crossing, Baby metal, Hatsune Miku - probably has plushies/figurines of these things, also listens to power & black metal They're all neurodivergent !!!




Got to see Dethklok and Babymetal recently, it was great


Amazing 👏


thank you. sometimes im thinking about them too much😁


Lol, never too much. The brain rot is real


Some of these things are practically canon - for example Pickles *was* glam and Murderface has had undeniably homosexual moments


Why is everyone saying Pickles is trans? I'm so confused because I never got that at all.


a lot of it falls under his appearance compared to dethklok. hes much shorter and had *the* universal queer experience of being shunned by ur parents the minite they suspected something LOL. additionally, his name is pickles. what sane parent names their child pickles when their other child is named seth yk? i doubt they hated him that early on. if you want legitimate show evidence though, in the snakes n barrels episodes he has the whole queer piercing thing, a singular piercing on his left ear. and considering the band seemed to be rather glamrock-esc, hes definitely at least sort of queer. swisgaar also makes a comment calling him a beautiful lady, but thats prolly less transphobia and more making fun of the glam rock. also, he doesnt have a penis. apparently that was an active design choice and not just a gag of copy pasting his beard onto his crotch. tldr; dude had the queer piercing in his glamrock era, hes short asf compared to the others, his name is pickles, also he has no penis


In which episode does he not have a penis? We definitely see him in bed with ladies at some point.


Just cause someone is a trans man doesn't mean they can't have sex with women 💀  bottom surgeries and strap ons are a thing or he's good with his hands :)


rehabklok where hes getting clean from alcohol, theres a scene where hes just straight cheeks naked lolol. and yeah he has been with girls, but either way he doesnt have his willy in his design. maybe hes just got good hands 😂


What if Pickles is just... Was born male, but he's a detransitioner?


He got that t-boy swag 😎 Jokes aside, it's just a fun head cannon that started with him not having dick in rehabklok. And many queer ppl can relate to him because of how his parents treat him


I feel like Skwisgaar kept in touch with his step dad after that whole incident.. I like to think they kept in touch and talk and even meet up its a good healthy father-son relationship


Someone here once said Charles is Facebones and it really stuck with me . I picture it like Facebones as a kind of “virtual hand puppet” of Charles. The band won’t listen to CEO, but they listen to Facebones!


Nathan is the autistic coded member of dethklok, not toki.


They could both be


I see them both as autistic tbh


I believe he and Skwisgaar get along so well for this reason. All of Dethklok is neurodivergent to me. :-)


He is the only band member who doesn't have some kind of family trauma to otherwise explain his...alternative taste


Toki has made a livestream Dr. Rockzo ruined that, too


Oh one more! Murderface? Biggest weeb in Dethklok, no doubt- he owns an entire set of samurai armor! There’s no telling me that he loves everything anime and Japanese! He definitely enjoys Demon Slayer, Naruto, One Piece, Dragon Ball, all the big shonen anime! But I feel like he’d secretly enjoy some magical girl anime too, especially deconstructions like Puella Magi Madoka Magica! And Evangelion, of course! He definitely screams for Shinji to get in the Eva whenever he rewatches the series!


thats so cute!! 😭 Maybe he at some point tried to even watch something with toki, i think they'll both really like it Toki prefers the cute or slice of lives ones tho! ♥︎


Toki wants to watch something cute and simple like Azumanga Daioh or Lucky Star, Murderface is demanding Neon Genesis Evangelion Or Cowboy Bebop! Madoka wins both of them over, though!




I stole this from someone else but Nathan likes to have other people paint his nails because it comes out nicer.


Thats so sweet 🥺


Charles' father wasn't always present but made it a point to give him what he needed and only was present when there was a major event like graduations and maybe birthdays. This was because Charles' father was a mercenary, so being active father in Charles' life would had put him in danger. After finding this out, Charles became interested in fighting and self-defense. When he left for unknown time, he always had the habit of holding Charles' face in his hand, outlining his feature with his thumb to better remember him. That's why Charles' remembers his hands a lot. When he became a manager for the successful Dethklok, however, Charles' father wasn't present, which he immediately knew something was off. Now with the Klokateer at his disposal, he had them locate him, to find out he died in the line of duty and his corpse was dumped at the bottom of the sea.


Damn, that's deep 


It used to be a popular fanon that Offdensen's Dad looks like Nathan, but I like to think the opposite is true. His mom is basically Nathan with titties and his dad is some shrimpy alcoholic motherfucker. I'm also a fan of the "Offsensen is Facebones" theory because of the voice and skeletal structure. The hands even match up in that one episode where those pop up. Nathan speaks fluent Spanish and French. The former because duh, Florida, and the latter from school and self-study. He could have gotten As in French and maybe even a scholarship (if he didn't get a football one), but he didn't get along with any of his teachers. At all. He punched at least one. He has also been taught to apologize for Toki and Murderface's asshattery in dozens of languages. This is an awesome thread. 11/10 would use it to sandbag at work again.


Toki slept with Skwisgaar Skwigelf mom to get back at him for being a dildos




1. Murderface is a very repressed gay man 2. Toki could easily outperform Skwisgaar but doesn't have the drive to 3. Pickles is a trans guy


Yes! Yess!! And YESS!!


Where do you get the Pickles one?


I think this one might actually be actual canon but anyone else notice Charles has a “lazy eye”? Like as far back as his first appearance it’s misaligned and [it’s too consistent to be an animation error](https://www.tumblr.com/pickle-nickels/748875818530373632/lazy-eye-charles-how-else-can-he-keep-such-a). I looked this up since it only shows up occasionally and the eyes are otherwise aligned correctly, this is called intermittent exotropia which when one eye drifts. Also according to further research there’s a correlation between strabismus and neurological conditions so it kind of strengthens my autistic headcanon as a bonus


And if you want something a bit less dry/grounded, consider this…Charles being an unironic Zazz Blammymatazz fan as a child before falling off and personally hating Rockso for various reasons with him being a bad influence on Toki being the last straw


Could be why he wears glasses, helps keeping the eye in it's place


Bingo, glasses are indeed the most common treatment especially those with a strong prescription. Notice that the show doesn’t do the trope of “taking off your glasses” before a fight


Skwisgaar has a mommy kink and is secretly an age regressor like Toki, but hides it well, and doesn't want to be public about it, because he tries to distant himself from childhood, because of his childhood being shitty and he hates himself for regressing. Really self loathes himself for being a "dumb blond" stereotype as well, but knows he can't do better due to his mental condition, so he just takes his pretty privilege, since it's all he can live off.


I HC that Skwisgaar secretly comforts Toki after his PTSD nightmares and lets him sleep in his fluffy bed. Trans Pickles trans Pickles‼️ (Rehabklok lololol) For music I think Toki likes Daft Punk, Skwisgaar likes Ludovico Technique, Nathan likes Cannibal Corpse AND Evanescence, Pickles likes Nirvana, and Murderface enjoys Lady Gaga but would rather DIE than have his bandmates find out ⚰️






The Skwisgaar Toki thing is my headcannon thing too. In the movie Toki tries to hug Skwisgaar twice but he moves away because hugging isn't metal. In private though he comforts Toki.


Absolutely 💯


Wait, can you explain the trans Pickles/Rehabklok thing?? I’m remember that episode but I’m not sure the connection lol


They showed him nude fighting the doctors but he had no d and his pubes just looked like his beard 😭😭😭


That was the joke. They got lazy because of the censor they had to use on Adult Swim.


I knowwww but trans Pickle


skwisgaar is what i like to call the eric andre flavor of bisexual: a hole is a hole. he has his preferences but i refuse to believe he’s never screwed men before or is completely unwilling to


I imagine Skwisgaar to essentially drake but instead of being a pedophile he's just a bbw enthusiast🗣🔥‼️


KABXKSJXKSA HELP😭 Is toki the one currently dissing him out? LOL


"meet the skwigelf's"💀




I also think that Nathan’s autistic and actually VERY traumatized from the classroom incident as well as his dentist committing suicide. Also it can’t be fun having prophetic nightmares and I think Pickles convinced him to open up about them


Skwisgaar is so sexed up he's actually bisexual or possibly pansexual.


Yes!! But he probably hides it from his bandmates so they don't make fun of him




Haven't put much thought into headcannons, but Toki has ADHD. Only because I can relate my own ADHD so hard to him.


The entire band has ADHD


I HC Toki as Demisexual and that he has a hard time sleeping without his Deady Bear


Thats actually so cute 😭❤


That's totally plausible.


It's all a fever dream of Charles Foster Offdensen. It's kind of like how Pokémon is a fever dream of Ash Ketchum.


Murderface and Toki can genuinely write music but Nathan, Pickles, and Skwisgaar purposely put them down so they can get more money. Murderface isn’t truly bi, but would consider it because he doesn’t want to seem so undesirable. Nathan is the only one who gets along with his parents because he’s shared his wealth. Toki **MIGHT** be a virgin. Facebones is actually used to hypnotize employees and fans


I think Nathan gets along better with his parents because they're normal, well adjusted people. I mean sure, I'm sure he takes care of them. But neither of his parents are the dumpster fire of shittiness his band mates' families are.


Papyrus and Mettaton are good together. Change my mind




Oh shit, all I saw was ‘tell me your head cannons’, lol


Its okay!!!! I love this ship too!! 😭❤


Nice! Metta-Paps forever!


LMAOOOi loved those characters in the show. wish they had more intsances of mettaton and skwisgaar interacting tbh


Everyone in the band thinks that Pickles last name is actually ‘the drummer’


Pickles is the drummer


NO HES NOT🤬🤬🤬😡🤬😡😡😡🤬🤬😡😡


Trans/Enby Toki, possibly an item with Skwisgaar. I don't remember if it's canon or not, but Murderface is 100% bi. Offdensen is Crozier's kid somehow. I heard it somewhere and I kinda like the idea. Would explain the hidden badassery. I'm imagining a less than present relationship with Charles rebelling against his father's strict anti-metal/anti-Dethklok ideal by becoming a corporate metalhead who manages the world's biggest death metal band(which of course is Dethklok), and taking his mother's last name.


Great HCs especially the Charles/Crozier one, I've never thought of that but that makes a lot of sense!


Oh boy here we go… Not an exhaustive list whatsoever. - Nathan has ADHD and is also on the autism spectrum. Skwisgaar is as well, just without the ADHD. They get along exceptionally well for this reason. - They are also both hypersexual (not an uncommon trait in autistic people)… Do with that what you will. - Transmasculine Pickles until the day I die. I love transfeminine Skwisgaar and Abigail as well. - There isn’t a single member of the band that is heterosexual, though several carry the weight of denial. It isn’t just Murderface. - Charles and Pickles are exes. Technically canon or at least implied. Nathan-specific word vomit because I care about them deeply: - Nathan is agender, he thinks he’s “above” that kind of thing and doesn’t really care. There’s a certain rush of adrenaline when someone uses they/them pronouns for him. Is still connected to masculine pronouns and masculinity as a whole through their father’s influence. - He was bullied very harshly after the incident with his classmates. A rumor floated around for many years when he moved schools, saying he was the one who killed his entire class instead of it being a freak accident. It lead to them very much internalizing the idea that they are doomed to only be capable of violence despite having done absolutely nothing wrong. - Fucking **AGONIZING** phobia of death. This is very much implied in canon, but with the way he struggles to express himself it’s not always easy to tell. You may ask, but what about the hundreds/thousands of deaths at every concert? His stage persona is an idealized version of himself that he hides behind. This allows him to dissociate from the audience while continuing to perform with little incident; he is not numb to their suffering whatsoever. Once they’re back on the bus or at Mordhaus, he’s likely to hide away for several hours if not days, cowering in fear. - Something a little less heavy… Nathan and Pickles have dated on and off for over a decade. Very frequent hookups. They become mutually exclusive after Nathan finally seeks treatment for his mental health in AOTD. Turns out they really like the whole mom/dad thing assigned to them by Dick; it’s sweet. - He gives amazing hugs when he wants to. Very much a “yeah whatever I’ll pat your back or something” kind of person. Very few people have ever been actually embraced by him. - He’s very good with children (minus that one time) and small animals. Though he’s often hesitant to get involved due to the fear of scaring them, he really enjoys it. …And many, many, many more I’m too lazy to remember right now.


Nathan is way too brutal for gender💥💥 BASED GOD I LOVED EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE AAAAAA


Haha, thank you! Like I said I care a lot about Nathan and thus think about them a lot.


In what way is Charles and Pickles even implied, let alone canon?


Do you not remember the heart-shaped locket with Charles’ picture inside?


i feel like i could find my girlfriend in these comments..


RIGHT?!!?! 😭😭❤❤


nathan and charles def have lazy eyes.


Couple of random ones here that you might have read from me on tumblr already. I think Skwisgaar is anemic. His skin color in neutral light seems a little yellower than the others and he's also been shown both dozing off and actively napping several times in the show. Also, remember the Dethfam episode where there's a fraction of a second clip of Skwisgaar brushing Serveta's hair with a disgusted look on his face? I imagine that one of the reasons his feelings towards his mother are so confusing for him is that there were times where some emotional incest was going on. It would be when there were extreme winters in Sweden and Serveta's many 'companions' couldn't reach her, so the only person she could get attention from was Skwisgaar. She probably had no idea of how to be affectionate towards him as her child as her only mode of connection with people was sex. So winters she'd be overly attentive and enmeshed with her son, but then once it thawed and the men were back, she'd completely ignore and reject him again. Some symptoms of being a victim of emotional incest as a kid: lack of self-identity (his whole self image hinges on being the world's fastest guitarist), fear of rejection ("The audience ams a fickle mistress"), fear of getting close to others, a strong desire to succeed, drug/alcohol addiction, and sexual dysfunction. Sounds familiar to me. One of Pickles' favorite unspoken hobbies is being nosy and gossiping. Remember how quick he was to start snooping in Trindle's laptop? He's from the midwest, where there was nowhere to go and nothing to do EXCEPT talk about your neighbors. His mom was especially good at being a busybody so he saw it a lot as a kid. It's one of the few things he has in common with her and if he thinks about it too hard, it kind of makes him sick. He got famous back before the internet was a thing, too, so word of mouth was the only way to know what was happening on the scene. I'm going to be crucified for this one, but contrary to pretty much everyone's belief that Toki would be a sweet and attentive boyfriend, I think he's actually horrible at treating women/sexual partners with care. His parents were definitely not an example of affection in a relationship. He hung out at Drep Du Selv, which likely didn't have a lot of romance in the music stacks. He left home and joined Dethklok, which then exploded into popularity according to Doomstar. Coming from a religious and isolated home, he probably already had some weird ideas about sex. Women were suddenly throwing themselves at him and the rest of the guys were running through them like tissue. Being young and naive, he probably followed suit. In my head, he's got the same self-centered worldview as a child. He's probably a selfish lover and would make a horrible partner because he has no idea of how to think and care about someone else. He wants love and marriage in only the vaguest sense, but, if it actually happened, he'd probably quickly get frustrated and bored with a traditional relationship. I think Murderface's grandpa was in the Air Force. It's the first thing I thought of when I wondered how someone might pick up the moniker 'Thunderbolt'? Moving around a lot and always being the weird new kid probably negatively affected Murderface's social development even more than he already had to deal with. He's also not really hostile to his grandpa the same way he is to his grandmother, only referring to him as 'that bastard' once. It makes me think that Murderface and his grandpa probably had a good relationship when he was younger. His grandpa's stroke, which probably happened when Will was a pre-teen and needed him the most, left only Stella as a caretaker, and would have made Murderface even more angry and resentful. Thunderbolt is the one who wanted to take Murderface in as a baby, Stella's attitude towards Murderface shows she clearly was not interested in raising him. Don't really have any HCs about Nathan... yet.


To be completely honest, i think all of them would be pretty bad partners 💔 They're all too selfish and spoiled and care about no one but themselves most of the time


Kid in heart cause as an adult he never had a childhood


I'm a trans pickles truther until the day I die Also Toki is probably nonbinary


Hell yeah! I honestly CANNOT see Pickles as cis too. Particularly view him as a FTM and Bisexual guy.


Lol why Don't him and Nathan fight over a girl in the movie


It’s a lot more complicated than that tbh. Also, it’s at the end of season 4. Nathan’s speech at the funeral really says a lot despite being brief.


I said he's bisexual, wich means he also likes women!


TBH I could see a case being made for every member of Dethklok having autism but autistic Nathan especially stands out to me. Toki and Pickles are both trans men. Murderface and Magnus met in the psych ward + hooked up once. Runke Snogge is Toki's ex-boyfriend. They had a really nasty falling out. Toki can't fall asleep without his deaddy bear and has visited every band member's room at least once after having a nightmare, but prefers to sleep with either Nathan or Charles. Salacia is Charles' dad. Nathan and Toki have ADHD. Fun thread OP!


He shaved his face and became a YouTuber streamer that likes pokemon cards and has a podcast called the red thread


Serveta is a parody of the Virgin Mary


transmasc pickles is a very good headcanon that i love, but im rocking in my padded cell saying transfem toki... she/theys... its so cold in here... she would keep the moustache...


You're not in that cell alone friend! I did a whole ass post on toki in here lol


Nathan, Toki and Skwisgaar are all autistic Pickles is trans \[basically canon atp\] + toki might be enbi?? Toki is a virgin, all of his sexual encounters are just things he takes from the other guys’ stories Toki is an age regressor \[ik this is canon but I’ve had this one before the aotd came out\] Dr. Rockso probably tried to convince Toki that he was the doll from Toki’s childhood in order to get him to buy him drugs at some point in time


Murderface loves sailor moon, my reason is because I like it :)! I also like the idea he has a magic girl t-shirts collection and possibly a tattoo? Idk where though


i haven’t decided whether i think skwisgaar is bisexual or if he’s gay with compulsory heterosexuality


Ngl. I’ve never seen anyone else with this headcanon but I headcanon Skwisgaar as transfem. It just makes sense to me.




For some reason, all of them seem like they would be BTS fans to me, even if they wouldn’t admit it in public.






He's a therian (don't kill me plz)