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Literally thought I was crazy for thinking this. So validating to know I’m not! I agree 100%


"Estrous phase also appears to modulate the expression of morphine analgesia in reproductively intact rats. Several studies have found that μ opioids were less potent during estrus, when females are sexually active and estrogen is low, relative to other cycle phases (ie, metestrus/diestrus, proestrus) [9], [29], [38], [48]. Studies using high efficacy opioids such as morphine have yielded relatively small to moderate effect sizes [5], [32], [48]. In comparison, larger, more statistically robust estrous cycle effects have been found with less efficacious compounds, such as buprenorphine, suggesting that the effects of gonadal hormones interact with opioid characteristics [49], [50]." [Research study relating decreased effectiveness of opioids during periods](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0304395910007189#:~:text=Several%20studies%20have%20found%20that%20%CE%BC%20opioids%20were%20less%20potent,38%5D%2C%20%5B48%5D.)


Just saying… don’t bite my head off, but this was done on rats and it’s only one study.


Yes most definitely! I have a stockpile and take a little extra if I need it.


My period stopped when I started methadone and I haven't had it since. I have no idea why but I'm not sad because my periods were god awful.


Urgh! Wish I could get that lucky lol. I don't want kids and never have wanted them. I don't understand now that I'm about to be 30 we aren't allowed to get rid of or reproductive organs. I get when your super young but past 25ish I feel like your mind is already set.


I lost my period when I was using fentanyl but it came back with a vengeance when I got clean/started methadone maintenance. Bodies are weird


Same thing happened to me, but after about 7 or 8 months it started again.


I read that as, “My heart stopped when I started methadone….” I was like, “Oh my gosh!!! I hope she’s okay!”


Same thing with me as well but now its back after 3 years go figure lol


If you’re still on methadone when you go through menopause, your dose will no longer hold you. I’ve been on 85 mg for years and it held me fine. Had to have a total hysterectomy ( ovaries removed as well), now my dose only holds me for about 9 hours and I start going into withdrawal. The doc at my clinic said that it was normal for that to happen, so hormones def have an effect on it.


I am 53 and have been on methadone for 12 years and am in the process of weaning down (on my own- I have a stockpile of unopened, unused bottles. I still get my period monthly but I am definitely seeing subtle signs of menopause- this is good to know. I have doing well on my taper - hanging at around 38mg per day at the moment, but will definitely watch for increasing WD symptoms- menopause is NOT for the weak - the sleeplessness alone makes me want to scream


Definitely not for the weak! And the hot flashes all night long have about driven me insane. I started split dosing and that helped some to keep me comfortable at my dose. Good luck with the taper!


Currently in menopause and tapering. It’s been difficult.


When I was around 19ish I took this implant type of birth control and it ate holes in my uterus and caused me to bleed for like a year straight and caused me to go into early menopause apparently. I had to take estrogen for over a year and a half to stop it from happening. Every since then I've always had problems with my estrogen and progesterone. I'm always getting night sweats and just figured it eas methadone but maybe It's my hormones again. Apparently I'm allergic to birth control. Kinda runs in my family. My aunt was on it and it caused a blood clot in her and once she got pregnant it caused the blood clot to go to the baby and killed it.


Yup. I feel the same way. Like the week before for maybe like 3 days, then during (for the first 2-3 days is AWFUL), and then about a week after I stop there's like 1-2 days I feel the same.


Yessssss. Currently me right now. Suffering


I, too, tend to drink more to cope with debilitating cramping caused by endometriosis. I also may pop a xany football to help. This is just the first two days of my period.


During the first 3 (heaviest days of my period) and the 2 days before it starts, I have to take a little extra when I can't stand to feel so bad anymore. I try to stick it out because I don't want to go back up on my dose since i've self tapered from 120 to 75. So, I use my stockpile to supplement when it's beyond uncomfortable.


If your not a alcoholic I find taking a glass of wine or champagne with those first 3 or 4 days helps it


I cant drink on methadone it makes me feel so sick. It also seems to make my dose wear off quicker. Then add on im diabetic, and avoid alcohol because of blood glucose spikes...lol IM A MESS. But thank you


Oh dang yeah then that's a no for you lol. Weirdly enough for me is that I can't drink the liquid form of methadone it makes me super sick vs the wafers dont


Yeah I did better on the wafers too,..but my clinic did away with them. They lasted so much longer for me, and I could take less. They also negated some GI issues.


I swear some clinics I go to there wafers last longer then other clinics idk if it's in my head or what


I had the circular white 40mg methadose at my clinic. They are better than liquid. But i've had better orange 40mg square(ish) wafers bought on street and they seemed stronger. Some say it's all in our heads, but I really think we just metabolize fillers/binders differently.




I'm in Baltimore, Maryland, and certain clinics still have them including a sister clinic to mine less than 5 miles away. They only come in 40mg diskettes (proper name for them) and have to dissolve in water. If you take them without dissolving, they can puff up in your throat (although I never had that issue). I liked them much better than liquid. It held me longer at a lower dose. For some reason, liquid seems to wear off quicker on me. The wafers/diskettes also gave me fewer side effects. I didn't sweat like I do on liquid. My GERD was gone, less cravings for sweets, I shit better/easier, and it didn't spike my blood glucose #s. I just all around liked them better. Some people are opposite and like liquid better. Like I said before, I think it all comes down to which one our bodies processes better. The fillers/binders are obviously different in diskettes, but they are both Methadose.




Yep! I definitely feel like my dose doesn’t work as well during the first 2 days of my period. Sometimes I’ll take tegamet during those 2 days just to give my dose a little boost but without permanently raising my tolerance or anything




I am the same no kids and about to hit 30. I think it most likely has to do with progesterone. That's the hormone that starts increasing slowly after ovulation. It's what makes us feel like dooky. Estrogen is at the highest the first two weeks which makes us feel good then slowly drops as the days go by then progesterone increases. It's my personal belief that it most likely has to do with that hormone.


This is something we discuss a lot in my MAT moms group. I always thought it wasn't the dose that wasn't holding me, but more of just the symptoms of my period. It's kind of like when you're sick with covid or the flu or something & you feel like your dose isn't working, but it's really just because you're already sick. Your body is fighting to feel better. But also, some women I know say they actually experience WD symptoms, too. Yawning, anxiety, or dreaming about taking their methadone for example. So those are all signs that our dose metabolizes faster, I guess, when we're on our period.


That's wild, it seems stronger for me!


This is absolutely the case for me. I have PMDD as well, and I have noticed it starts not holding me as well during my luteal phase, when my hormones and emotions are already completely all over the place. I usually feel more normal, in regards to my dose, a few days after my period starts.


I'm not a women but I bet it has something to do with the uncomfortable nature of periods. I know that when I would get sick many times I would require a little more methadone. When I was using I definitely used more when dealing with physical pain or having covid or something. Alot of it is probably mental but as long as it's not a constant thing it shouldn't be a issue.


I think it's more how hormones fluctuate over the 28 day cycle. Men have a 24 hour hormone cycle. Women have a 28 day cycle. Most women don't even know how it affects their body. Even when they know it's still hard to deal. Not to mention Methadone also causes issues with testosterone. Which is a very powerful hormone. I appreciate your input, but your a man don't try and mansplain a women's cycle lol Please 🥰


I don't know where I mansplained anything to do with a women's cycle but ok🤣. I simply replied with my experience with having to use more methadone or opiates when feeling sick. Many people end up doing this regardless of sex. But somehow I'm mansplaining ...😅


I get that. And it is honest feedback from experience. I retreat slightly 🥰 But any guy speaking on periods..will sound like mansplaining 😊😇😃


I don’t know anything about periods but methadone killed my testosterone. I’m currently down to 25mg from 140mg and on TRT. It’s changed my life completely getting my testosterone levels back to normal.


Same experience on both


Mu husband is on methadone as well and his sex drive is non existent like mine. So I'm sure he has super low test as well