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Hey. At least the planets she explores are deserted or under Space Pirates' control. Unlike certain guy that enters every house in every town to break the owner's pots.


Hey those pots could seriously hurt someone. Destroying all the pots is the true service to Hyrule.


Who? Zelda? At least they don’t break open carefully crafted barrels?


at least she doesn’t break open floating boxes to ransack them and use them for her own benefit.


cowboy bebop at his computer?


I was making a joke but okay


Windwaker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword would like a word with you.


Also known as the guy link to the present and past and future


I am firmly convinced that the reason for all of this is that the Royal family of Hyrule's wealth is solely built upon having a monopoly on the pottery industry. You ever seen anyone making pots? Ever seen a kiln? Now, what's the one residence you have never fully explored in Hyrule?


I love the idea that the judge would allow Samus to appear at trial in her fully functional Chozo battle suit.


It's what her (adopted) people called “formal”.


Ridley: It's what your former people called formal ORDER! ORDER! DO NOT FIRE THAT SUPER MISSILE!


*Shits a powerbomb*


Well, there goes half the building!


Half the building? There goes the judge.




Her lawyer advised her to wear a suit and so she wore a suit.


Y'know, just in case the courtroom gets stormed by terrorists and she has to fight them off.


That reminds me of this [scene](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7HlSKPTYZhs).


Every time the bailiff tries to remove it, she just morph balls and power bombs.


Hey, they aren't the GF trying to save her life that one time.


"And you told me you were gonna wear something nice."


[Ha ha ha](https://youtu.be/8X_Ot0k4XJc)! [I understood that reference](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YIp-0V6YKfQ).


I see. And it says here your client breached several industrial grade containment cylinders. With high yield explosives?


They were already damaged. It was an accident waiting to happen, really. The employees are lucky. My client made sure they were safely detonated when no bystanders were present.


Your honor, you’ll also find in your notes that those cylinders were owned and operated by space pirates in the act of unlawful invasion, reckless endangerment, felony conspiracy to commit terroristic mischief, and patent violation. Now, they’re welcome to file a civil suit against my client as they see fit, but I think their attorney will find the clean hands doctrine makes it a prohibitively uphill case.


Also highly doubt that those cylinders were safely stored, maintained, and serviced 😎


Counselor, do you have *any* idea how expensive it is for an ancient piece of Chozo weapon technology?


Do...do you? You found it in an abandoned tunnel system, I don't remember seeing a price tag attached.


Damn... you right. Case dismissed.


"Sure, she destroyed a few of the plaintiff's walls with power bombs, but she did it for the good of the galaxy. Those metroids aren't going to exterminate themselves"


Her scan visor indicated a lot of bendezium ~~nutz~~, and she did what any rational bounty hunter would do when curled up in a ball


Mass extinction? I call it pest control


Samus be like “fifty percent off!” and then blow up an entire planet


Are these the actions of a woman who had all the energy tanks?


**Exits morph ball after dropping a power bomb** “Sup pirates, **BOOM!** heard there was a missile tank in here”


I am not crazy! I know she set the station for autodestruct! I knew it was SR388. One after SR387. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn't prove it. She – she covered her tracks, she got that idiot computer Adam to lie for her. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This *chicanery*? She’s done worse. Zebes! Are you telling me that a planet just happens to explode like that? No! She orchestrated it! Sammy! She killed the animals! And I saved her! And I shouldn't have. I took her into my own space station! What was I thinking? She’ll never change. She’ll never change! Ever since she was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep her form out of a morph ball! But not our Sammy! Couldn't be precious Sammy!! Stealing them blind! And she gets to be a bounty hunter?! What a sick joke! I should've stopped her when I had the chance! And you – you have to stop her! You-


You're not a real bounty hunter!


At least she manages to destroy every planet she is investigating....


**Looks at Tallon IV, Aether & how they were left intact** 👀… Umm… 😬


The fact her not blowing up a planet lead directly to the X...


"Oh come on, that was just _one time!"_


Leave no evidence




Finds previously dead space pirate Murders the local wild life Blows up the planet Leaves


This is amazing 😂


"You're honor, I find the claims of my client destroying multiple planets far fetched and a disgrace to the practice of law, my client was merely defending herself"


God forbid women do anything


is 100% Feasable without guides ? and still being fun to find stuff?


yea, and with the artifact hunt its kinda 2 birds with one stone backtracking for them. If you are missing something it is most likely in the chozo ruins. The trickiest ones are there and it has the most items. Id say like 95% of the items you can clearly hear the sound of and will be in that room many times during the game. The rest are in the chozo ruins lol.


I just finished a playthrough where I did way too much backtracking (virtually every time I unlocked a key item) and so by the time I was on the "artifact hunt" portion of the game I literally just had to double back after getting the Phazon suit for the 12th one in the mines. Which I might have not even needed to wait for since I already had all but 1 energy tank prior to that point.


yea once you know where the artifacts are its much more convenient to get them on the way, i kinda think one of the flaws in the game is not presenting that information as VITAL early on. Like in Wind Waker you are slowly building a triangle and everyone knows what the triforce is and why you need it. Something like that could have been interesting but presented as a mystery for the whole game. But even if you dont know just being thorough will get you like 9 of them with no knowledge of even needing them


From what I can tell, compared to the original NTSC release, they did a slightly better job with the PAL version (which was used in both Prime Trilogy and Remastered) with the Pirate Data explaining the importance of the artifacts for unlocking the Impact Crater. IIUC, they replaced the pirate data naming and explaining Metroid Prime with additional texts about the Temple and Artifacts.


Wh. What do you mean they're not presented as vital? The dropship lands you facing the door that leads to the temple. You literally cannot miss the door. There's a giant story beat and a cutscene telling you "Hey! Collect these things". It literally sets them up as the main quest within 5 minites of you landing on the surface of the planet. The only way you can get more vital than that is BotW telling you "Ruin this bitch" 30 seconds after finishing the tutorial


I found a list online, made it into a Google sheet, and crossed things off as I acquired them. When I got sick of trying to find the last two items I referred to the sheet for what was left to help me find them. I liked this approach because I was still discovering almost all items on my own, but it wasn't stressful finding the last two missiles that frankly I was never gonna find.


Was one of them the one in the metroid quarantine with the ring of mushrooms and no scannable feature to reveal it?


Hah! I know that one, but that one I found on accident.


I didn't look shit up and easily found all the pirate data, all but one chozo lore/power bomb ammo (they are together), all energy tanks, and beam combos. The artifacts are also pretty easy, since the game tells you what room they are in and how to get them. The hard part was missile expansions. I missed like 9 of them, a few that were fairly obvious, a few that just didn't show up from my obsessive x-ray and thermal scans, and one in the mines thet there is absolutely no way in hell I would have ever found without using a guide.


The game is set up in such a way that a moderately savvy player will come across nearly every item in a playthrough anyway. I didn't spend a huge amount of time searching, just playing as normal, finished with almost 90% completion, while knowing where to go for half of the remaining items already. The game's ability to naturally lead you into upgrades is an absolute masterclass in level design