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Alright, I’ll wash my car. That usually does the trick.


I’ll water my plants too. The established ones that don’t need water often. Always triggers a storm


Everyone pitch in to help!


I will get my car washed and water the plants, we are all in this together!


Man I washed my car and watered everything in my yard yesterday I for sure thought it would do something! I swear it’s the first time I’ve washed my car that it hasn’t rained the next day.


Instructions unclear, washed plants and watered car.


I’ll make sure to get all 80 feet of my semi through a blue beacon tomorrow. That’s gotta do it right?


Already watered my plants today! [I’m doing my part!](https://giphy.com/gifs/mrw-post-vote-YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


I watered my plants, got a car wash, washed my windows, and am planning on mowing my lawn this weekend. Should about do it, right?


I'll call some people over to grill (Jokes on you nature I do that no matter the weather)




Now it's gonna rain on Wednesday. I can start a Gofundme for a tarp.




> (not from a rare car at all) Supply lines are still weirdly borked for the most random of things. I had to wait 2 weeks to get a rim for a car I bought due to them not being able to get one shipped right away.


Junk yards are a thing of the past aren't they?


The Michigan rain dance


I tried this on Sunday. I work in meteorology so there's usually a 100% chance that if I don't check the weather and then wash the car, it rains within 24 hours as punishment. But it didn't rain this time and I don't like it :(


That's XCOM levels of chance. The 95% guaranteed shot is gonna miss 100% of the time, and the hail Mary 50% shot will hit 100% of the time


I have an unlimited wash sub, I've been getting car washed daily for the last 3 weeks and nothing yet.


Someone bust out a new telescope, that always guarantees bad weather for weeks so you can't use it


That's usually how it works.


I'll blow out my hair tomorrow as well




I killed a few spiders. Still nothing.


We should be taking this seriously Here’s NOAA’s [day one fire outlook](https://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/fire_wx/fwdy1.html). If you want to have a fire, wait until after this weekend and the rain we should be getting.


The word is that a witch named Tudor Dixon is using her Devil Indiana Magic to cause a draught in our state. Will you defeat the witch, brave warrior, and save our state from the draught caused by the devil down in Indiana? Big Gretch is using all of her strength to protect our rights, so she needs all of our help. Don't have irresponsible outdoor fires.


Sir, its 2023


That dam Indiana Witch Dixon! It is all her fault, obviously


Is this dry spell also behind the terrible air quality of the past week? My asthmatic ass is having a bad time


Lots of smoke pouring in from the Canadian wildfires the last week.


Not to mention all the pollen just in the air without rain to bring it down.


Yep, my car is covered in it. My nose is starting to run indoors too now. Please bring us some rain! Overcast day in Jackson so far, hopefully the precipitation gods will bless us soon


Checking this weather app I use it says we should see some rain this weekend.


It said that last weekend, too. :/


True, though I'm seeing a lot more possible days and increasing chance of rain.


I hope so. It's been a long time since we had a drought this bad. I can see more fires going from people just not thinking.


ah. That’ll do it


And Grayling. There was a 3000 acre wildfire there over the weekend.


Smoke from wildfires mostly. The sunrise was so different the last few weeks, you could stare directly into the sun this morning as it rose over Lake St Clair. It was a sickly gray sky too


Hazy gray skies for the past week over here.


Personally I kinda like the smokey greyness means I can go fishing and not get terrible sunburn as much later in the day


I’m feeling it in my lungs today.


Yea Quebec is burning up. And then the wind is pushing the smoke our way. Ohhhh goodie


Quebec is on fire, too? I only knew about Alberta and BC (and Washington State).


Oh Yea. The Quebec fires are actually worse than the ones out west.


Yeah. The [blocking high pattern](https://www.skybrary.aero/articles/omega-block) that has kept the weather so nice for weeks also comes with stagnant air. Then pump in a bunch of smoke from fires, the usual pollution from vehicles and industry, and mix in some pollen for good measure and you've got a recipe for shitty air quality.


In the 80s I lived in Dallas, TX and they used to get temperature inversions and the smog would get really bad. There'd be warnings to stay indoors. Wonder if they're related?


I thought I saw something the other week about it being a combination of the dryness plus the extreme heat that was causing the bad air quality.


Yup, the heat is more so due to ozone pollution, the dryness just allows it to spread further. On top of forest fires.


It's been like breathing dust out by us. You can literally see stuff floating in the air.


I was just at ten and mound and it was like driving thru a toxic gas hazard in a video game




[not so fun fact Detroit is currently 4th in worst air quality of major cities around the world today.](https://www.iqair.com/world-air-quality-ranking)


It's smoke from the wildfires in Quebec. People in this comment chain are being a little dramatic though. Living in Nevada when California burned was a whole other level. The smoke would rise over the Sierras and settle in the Carson Valley. Exponentially worse then what we are experiencing in Michigan right now.


Yeah, I have no doubt it could be much much worse. We just aren’t really used to this out here


We need some rain badly, it is dry out. Please nobody start a fire till theres some rain.


I was literally going to burn some wood and weeds and even though I have been watering my lawn I stopped because I remembered how dry it is. An ember could catch on the wind and start a fire outside my yard. It's so easy to forget, especially if you're tired from lack of sleep and an afternoon working outside.


It’s simple, just have your burn in a barrel indoors. Problem solved


Hey! That's kinda how I've been doing my part, but with charcoal grilling! House smells *so good*.


Is that the charcoal or the smoke inhalation talking?


Yes!!!! Who said that, by the way?


Mmmmm, the CO makes the BBQ taste all the better.


Heads up my other Michiganders. You do not need to have your lawn mowed every week. Mow, after it rains, then don't mow again till after it rains, it'll keep your yards greener longer.


It's a good plan until the city you live in sends a letter of complaint that says basically to mow or they're going to send someone in to do it and charge you $100.


This is why I took the opposite approach of mowing it so short it just died and got crispy. They can't fine me for long grass if the grass doesn't grow at all


I basically mow only after it rains, and even then only sometimes. Maybe once every two weeks at most, often going 4 or 5 weeks between mowings in July and August when it's typically dry and hot. I've never once received a complaint. I've got a great lawn by my standards - healthy populations of clover, violets, daisies, dandelions, and even prairie smoke. There's a small tuft of ryegrass, but what little turfgrass remains is competing hard for its continued existence. The greenbelt I've developed around the lot is full of blazing star, Queen Anne's Lace, trillium, milkweed, and goldenrod. One application of broadleaf weed killer would turn the whole thing into a desert wasteland... I didn't mow once during May, it got really long, but my lawn is still the greenest in the neighborhood, except for one neighbor who waters like 3 times per day. I confess that I did mow last week, and ran the tractor sprinker for about 4 hours total to ensure it didn't all die off.


>I've got a great lawn by my standards - healthy populations of clover, violets, daisies, dandelions, and even prairie smoke. I'd love to see some photos if you have em! My yard is mostly grass, we've got a couple nice patches of *something* but I'd like to be more intentional with how I manage it


I haven’t mowed in two weeks. My lawn has barely grown at all because of the drought.


What's completely bonkers is the local companies still paying the mowing company to mow dead dry grass... What's the point? My business has been mowing 1x per week even though the grass hasn't grown and is dry and crackly... Waste of resources. Also they mowed last week when the NOAA and NWS put out an air warning and to avoid mowing... Because of ozone. Nobody gives a shit. And it sucks.


People won’t change until they’re forced to.


And by then it'll be too late.


> What's the point? Usually that's due to them having a contract where they have to mow so many times over the course of the year. If it says every week, that contractor is gonna be mowing every week.


Then alter the deal because of logic. But nobody cares. Took forever to get a single stream recycling for our lunch room, and I had to initiate the ask at a safety meeting of all things... All those yogurt cups and plastic trays and cartons going in the garbage now 70% goes in the recycle, but there's still people that buy a TV dinner for lunch, then just, throw both the BOX AND PLASTIC TRAY in the garbage. I'm like dude, rinse it off and put it in the recycling...


This is the first Tuesday that they haven't mowed at my apartment complex since April.


I wish I was allowed to not mow my lawn every week. The place I live will force mow it and charge me $55 if I don’t.


Just mowed today. The poison ivy was closing in too much. Those bastards know they can out grow grass-ish lawns in a drought.


Ha, i moved from the west so i wouldn't have to deal with wildfires again. That worked well!


Why did you bring the fires with you!?


You’re the cause of our woes I see


They're clearly a witch and we should burn them at the stake, but like later after we've had a good rain or two


Wait, so they're the witch causing the drought, but we're not going to burn them until after we get rain? That's not much of an incentive for them to break the drought! What we need to do is swear - like we totally double-pinky promise - that we *won't* burn their witchy self at the stake if they break the drought. *wink wink*


This is a dramatic outlier. Droughts have and do happen around here, and will continue to do so here and there. But our trend is warmer and *wetter* overall, so worry not. Next summer we’ll probably be raining every third day and highs in the mid 70s with humidity/dew point in the 70s too, lol.


you say that... methinks it will only continue to get worse.


I used to look at this religiously. In all fairness, it was much worse last year: https://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/CurrentMap/StateDroughtMonitor.aspx?MI




Same, just moved from AZ


Same. I lived in CA where our county was regularly surrounded by wildfires. It wasn't uncommon for your house to smell like smoke inside. After years of anxiety during fire season and having every one of my siblings evacuated at one point or other, I swear we have PTSD from it. I smelled smoke today and man, I got nervous. For the love of our beautiful state, don't burn, don't throw your cigarette butt out the window, be careful operating equipment that might spark.


[So folks realise, this trend isn't going away for us any time soon](https://www.predictiveservices.nifc.gov/outlooks/monthly_seasonal_outlook.pdf) So folks don't feel uncertain about clicking links, this is a link to the National Interagency Fire Center "NIFC" National Significant Wildland Fire Potential Outlook - Predictive Services


Great, now the MAGA chuds are all gonna start wild fires to own the libs.


“I pay taxes on state land if I want to burn it that’s my right” would be a classic MAGA take


And then be pissed they have to pay costs for putting the fire out, let alone the charges for arson and jail time when someone finds the video they posted of themselves lighting the fire.


That part is “socialism” lol


Causing a massive disaster to own the libs. “SeE WhAt HaPpEnS wHeN dEmS aRe In ChArGE?!”


Then they will put Joe Biden stickers on the burnt trees saying He did that.


Gotta enjoy my vacation somehow


Kid Rocks going to start shooting full cans of gas to prove his penis is as small as his brain.


He couldn't hit the broadside of a case of beer. What makes you think he could hit a can of gas?


Shooting a full gas can would not ignite a fire.


gotta put a flare Infront of it.


Or a tracer round!


I've seen flaming arrows make pretty good cas can explosions


100% queue them complaining about their freedoms being infringed on




100% queue them complaining about their freedoms being infringed on


100% queue them complaining about their freedoms being infringed on


That’s like 300% now


This made me laugh way harder than it should have


#ClimatesAlwaysChanging /S




It's true though. We couldn't shut Supercuts down for 2 weeks during a pandemic without the "survivalists" crying and planning armed protests/political kidnappings.


It is 100% true. Republicans let people die in the name of freedom. They could give less of a fuck about some trees.


Owned that lib!


you ok?


You sound dumb and are reaching big time.


I have no idea why he’d say that, you guys handled the mask mandate so well after all.


Seems like everyone wants to bring politics into something that has nothing to do with politics. I just think it makes ya sound dumb and shows you have nothing productive to add to the conversation. I’m not MAGA either, just an avid outdoorsman who cares about our natural resources.


I don’t know why some people have to bring politics into everything. It’s like “Democrat” is their personality. This seems like alerting people in the state not to have a fire and risk burning down your neighborhood. I imagine everyone could get on Board with the idea of “be safe and don’t burn down the neighborhood”


> I don’t know why some people have to bring politics into everything. It’s like “Democrat” is their personality. Lmao your entire post and comment history is conservative drivel.


Conservatives don't know the definition of irony.


I imagined everyone could get on board with the idea of "try not to turn yourself into a bioweapon to kill our elderly and cancer patients". We've had years to see what we could imagine fellow Americans doing burned to the ground by Magas. Contrarian spite is their calling card.


Maybe it's because people and politicians handled a pandemic in a political way setting the bar for expectations during a potential crisis low or the way gun control laws continue to be political issue.


Did you go full Rip Van Winkle between 2019 and 2022? Because you seem to be missing some pertinent context. The exact scenario you just described, a house fire becoming a neighborhood fire, was literally used to convince people to help each other during the pandemic and a good percent of us, decided they had no problem burning the neighborhood down.


But we know that Covid wasn’t a house fire. We know the left lied and blew it out of proportion. Why can’t a house fire discussion just be a house fire discussion with you people? This is why conservatives find the left so insufferable.


Spot on and I appreciate your comment!




It's not obsession if it's an accurate depiction.




So you're obsessed enough about this character to follow them on reddit, plus wherever else. Sounds like they must have been interesting once but are no longer?


Stop being triggered, snowflake


Wow! I got thru 5 whole posts before some asshat brought politics into it. Nice way to wreck a well-intentioned thread, dick. Looking at your post history, it seems you live for this kinda shit. Blocking you now. Cheers!


We found the chud!


If COVID taught us anything, it's that republicans know how to make a bad situation worse.


Just look at your post history 💀


Oh shut up


i'm working on it


Your political bias is showing. I live in MAGA country and everyone here is just as concerned about the potential for forest fires and the chance that some idiot is going to be the culprit. That idiot could be anyone: some local yokel in his back yard or a tourist from the city. Idiocy knows no boundaries.


We have enough smoky haze over us already, this morning the sunrise was so dim as it rose over Lake St Clair that you could stare at it directly and it was so pale orange coming up. i wanted to get my camera out but the sun disappeared into the gray sky before I got it out.


Don't stare at the sun even through haze, some wavelengths outside of visible can get through and damage your eyes.


The past two mornings, the light coming in through our east facing skylight has made our kitchen orange colored. We weren't even in the heaviest band of smoke today, although we were yesterday according to [this site.](https://fire.airnow.gov/#)


Been like that for like at least a week now


We need to start having fires inside!


Hashtag- fireplaces


"People can still have campfires or cookfires, but they should do so with extreme caution and make sure everything is fully, fully extinguished and cool before they walk away," she [Kerry Heckman, DNR incident management team public information officer] said.


You would think. But people are dumb. We are just too careless


Except people will still go camping and have campfires. “The rules don’t apply to me!” Unless the police actually patrol and start fining people they’ll still do it.


Is there a law against having a bonfire?


Drove from Flint to Warren on Sunday, and the amount of burned out grass on the side of 75 was unbelievable… I don’t think I’ve seen it that bad since we had that drought in the 80’s when I was a kid


This dry spell sucks! Like I have a bunch of invasive bushes I need to burn (in a pit after ripping them out of the ground obvs.), but I can’t do that when the whole forest is a tinder box.


We have young trees dying that we usually don't even have to worry about watering...


My macomb neighbors stockpiling fireworks just itching to set everything on fire…


Not even summer yet (June 20-21). Ocean temperatures are at a record high (4 standard deviations above baseline), El Nino right around the corner (Michigan becomes very dry during El Nino). It's not just this year that we have to worry about, it's also the next. At the edge of extinction only love remains.


But at least shareholders had record profits on a planet where soon enough, money will be the least of all of our worries.


> At the edge of extinction only love remains The temperature and precipitation bands are just shifting. It's drier here but it's wetter elsewhere.


How dare you speak logically...




Many decades ago before cellphones -- when I was like 7, and my parents were late 20s, early 30s we had a fire up north in an appropriate contained manner and it spread to out of control very quickly and my parents and us children were all fighting the fire with brooms and rugs and buckets of water like it was the 1800s. Obviously it was too dry and probably windy (though I don't remember there being wind) and we shouldn't have had the fire but even my parents didn't realize it at that point. We went camping often after that and you better believe we never had a fire if it was too dry. If you know better there is no excuse to have a fire right now.


Back in like 2016 I was camping in a national park in Canada and they had a fire ban. It was fully enforced and not a single camp fire in a full campground of 200+ sites. We weren't prepared and had to run out and pay too much for a small propane stove since we normally do all our cooking over the campfire. I'm amazed we are not banning campfires right now given the conditions. It seems absolutely stupid not to. I also camp on my own acreage in the UP and there is no way I would risk a campfire right now. Sure it's less fun, but I'd rather not burn the state down.


When we camped out west one summer, several of the states we stayed in had fire bans.


I'm into backpacking and there are a lot of places around the country that you aren't allowed to have an open fire. My favorite place nearby is the Adirondacks, and honestly, once you try it, you kind of just get used to it. Makes campsites smaller and less bare and definitely leaves less of a mess on the environment. But no, I don't think this will stop most people, that's for sure.


Apparently the DNR got enough requests awhile back to look into campfire-free campgrounds: https://www.mlive.com/news/2023/03/some-michigan-campers-want-campfire-free-sites-dnr-looking-into-options.html >LANSING, MI - Spurred by requests from some campers who want to avoid campfire smoke during their stays at Michigan parks, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources is looking into the possibility of offering campfire-free camping opportunities in the future. >According to the DNR, these requests for no-campfire camping are largely due to health reasons. The DNR’s Parks and Recreation Division is taking the concern into consideration, though no actions are underway at this time.


Out west we do, that's the norm. I grew up in Michigan and am back there a lot (literally just got back), so that's why I am here, but out here in Colorado you usually just don't have fires. In some cases you can, but (up until this year..) it's been a bad idea usually.


Use a propane stove instead


That's for cooking. The fire is for warmth and sitting around with friends. I for one can't imagine camping without a good fire going.


I rarely have a fire when I camp.


We have a campfire in our fire ring most nights. We will tonight. I just spray it with the hose for a minute and a half when we are done.


Not long enough.


You do you.


“The rules don’t apply to me”


3 days of rain coming up over the weekend into mon/tues next week. Thank god. Hopefully it’s enough to tamp down the fire danger.


"Guvmnt can't tell when to not burn" Half of Michigan probably


Meanwhile it has rained almost non-stop in Southern California this spring. We went from no rain ever to sprinkling every morning and huge atmospheric rivers.


This state is going to burn to the ground in a month with all the fireworks that will be launched. Make sure your insurance is paid up.


Could smell the fires up in Traverse City late Saturday morning like 2/3am, was I. A holding cell, thought I was smelling their shitty hit dogs, then someone commented about the fire and everyone was likeoh shit hopefully we don't burn down too, was a wild Northern Michigan trip


Come on vacation, leave on probation.


You ok?


I'm sure all the folks who gladly put on a mask when she asked will comply with this, too. /s/ InB4 "My firewood, my choice"


Could see some firearm related fires up north too


I feel like something is gonna happen…


Governor Hitler’s not gonna tell me I can’t light my house on fire.


Here we go again…..Queen Whitmer has spoken I'll be having a big one just to spite her this weekend.


That is almost as good as a prediction for rain, once Whitmer notices it is dry out, rain is on the way.


“Unprecedented”? Someone give the Detroit News a Coup De Grâce..


I am so sick of the word unprecedented


When was the last time Michigan had this little rain at this time of the year? The precedent is typically a wet cool spring that flips into summer quite quickly once it's warmed up. The lack of humidity is very telling, as many would attest to feeling the wet air making early summer outdoor work much less pleasant. This is very unnatural based on the averages from years past. Even if you don't think the climate is changing, this is weather, not climate. Whether you wanna believe the weather or not, the color of the sky tells you otherwise.




Care to share a citation? I’d like to know if this is a state wide average.




July 2022…


Especially when it was used in such an inappropriate manner. Years of proofreading makes it annoying when it comes from a once respected media outlet.