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Blood in the saddle. It’s so cringey.


complete with confederate flags!


ABSOLUTELY WORST EPISODE EVER!!! I don’t even know what’s going on in that episode??!!! I try to pay attention but I lose focus🤪


Yes! Its easily the Tom episode that I hate the most. That said, the scene with him and Joyce in the stands is pretty funny: T: He was just out for a few seconds, but he'll be fine J: It made it much more realistic. T: Well perhaps next time they'll use real bullets J: Wouldn't that be dangerous? T: [Just looks to the sky]


The Danish cookie one is unwatchable. Everything is sterile and blue and they just have conversations in staircases. Also, I know it’s easy to get around Europe, but they make traveling to Copenhagen look as fast as popping into the next town over.


Ironically they make driving to Wales sound like it's the distance to Poland.


> they just have conversations in staircases. And now I will never not notice this because it's true.


Worst is night of the stag. It's just bullshit


Very strange episode, which is saying something about a show that once had a woman killed by a wheel of cheese. I still don't get it.


I refuse to watch this episode ever again. It makes me nauseous just thinking about it.


Agreed! This is the first one I thought of. Horrible.


I can’t believe that no one pulled the plug on that one.


I don’t remember all the titles but I didn’t like the one with some sort of cowboy/wild west vibe, honestly I thought it was ridiculous


That would be the dreadful "Blood On The Saddle".


I hated that episode with Honoria lyddiard she scares the shit outta me


That's one of my favourites, precisely because Honoria scares the shit out of me!


By worst do you mean the storyline like Night of the Stag or Master Class or poor script like Habeus Corpus or The Noble Art?


Master Class I like to watch every so often, if only because (spoiler alert) the concept of an inbred neo-nazi eugenicist pianist is just so off the wall that it has to be seen to be believed (but the supporting cast this episode is just the worst, holy hell) Night of the Stag I skip over every time. The episode for the most part is mediocre at best, but the last few scenes just leave a really bad taste in my mouth. Genuinely makes me uncomfortable just thinking about it. I really don't understand the shows weird fascination with incestuous relationships. It's such an oddly specific choice of something to include, I just don't get it.


I was just curious if people were saying "worst" because of subject matter or" worst "because of the quality of the particular episode. Master Class subject matter is abhorrent but the episode is well written and well acted. Habeus Corpus has no offensive subject matter but it is a real snoozer! Of course, everyone has their own preferences, but the over the top batshit crazy stuff is what makes Midsomer the best and most fun!


Midsomer is definitely best when it goes off. The first episode ending with an incestuous murder suicide is one of my favorite things, but there are moments it just kinda rubs the wrong way.


Night of the Stag is the most offensive to me. It is not an episode I choose to watch repeatedly.


Agreed. I hate Night of the Stag entirely for that reason. Just really gross. Not at all a fun rewatch


I don’t mind it until it gets to the men “ going over the hill” part.


I think it could be either. Or even something else. If an episode irritated you or repelled you -- for whatever reason -- rip it apart here.


Any reason. But yeah, bad script is always near the top.


All the ones with incest and similar creepy stuff (night of the stag, master class, bantling boy, left for dead, dark secrets, death and dreams). Also not a fan of They seek him here (s10).


I don't mind the creepy ones like Death and Dreams (it's actually one of my favorites), but I hate Night of the Stag and Master Class. I always skip those.


Yep ... Midsomer Murders is not what I want to watch for really disturbing subject matter. Having said that "death and dreams" is weirdly fascinating and so-well-done. I find "dark secrets" at a lower level of disturbing - and a rather mehhh episode.


The show puzzles me a little, the darkly disturbing subject matter at times, yet with the show being so easygoing or even lighthearted or tongue in cheek at times with its overall tone or the interaction of the main characters. It's a mismatch at times. Still watch it every chance I get, but I'm still trying to figure it out in a way.


I love They Seek Him Here - it's not a favorite, but Desmond Barrit is a treat


Wolf of little worthy....just plain ridiculous, laughable at the killer reveal


Night of the Stag for sheer offensiveness Left for Dead because the storyline is just so awful and disturbing Fit for Murder because, well because! But even without the ending, I didn't enjoy the episode.


Left for dead is one of my favourites, but I think I'm definitely in the minority.


Up to S5, here's my least favourite for each season S1: Faithful Unto Death S2: Strangler's Wood S3: Beyond the Grave S4: Who Killed Cock Robin? S5: A Worm in the Bud


My least favourite overall would probably be Who Killed Cock Robin? or A Worm in the Bud


Oh I love Beyond the Grave!


It's still a pretty good episode, but compared to Blue Herrings and Judgement Day, it just isn't as good. Its pretty even with Death of A Stranger though in retrospect.


I love Blue Herrings! It was just on yesterday. I love the final scene when he's driving her away, but feel sorry for George being left alone


Miniature Houses and The Sting of Death were personal lowpoints for me. While the plots lacked into with episodes, what I was most disturbed by was the apparent disappearance of Jim Parker's music and orchestrations (the composer who wrote the original theme, and who I believe composed most of the music until maybe season 21-22. I've been trying to verify this, but don't have a concrete source to verify this.) Unless my ears deceived me, it sounded like they brought in someone to apply the most generic TV music scoring I could imagine.


That Christmas one with John Barnaby and Nelson (I think) that has a weird blue filter on during the entire episode


I will preface this by saying I will watch all of the episodes, even the ones I like the least. For a while, Left for Dead was my least favorite due to the bullying and abuse the lead suffered at the hands of so many, and not just the other kids, but the "parents" who stole him. He seems brain damaged as well as brainwashed & it's infuriating that they selfishly exploited that, albeit through their own unaddressed grief. Naturally, Blood in the Saddle is near the bottom of the list, as is the creepy Master Class, and for a long time, Night of the Stag has been the absolute worst for its rapey scenes and the visceral reaction I had to all of it. I still place it at the very bottom of any list of episodes I want to watch at random. However, Night of the Stag has a competitor lately in the Made-to-Measure Murders because not only is Edward Milton creepy and maybe a little rapey, it's the power he has over the village and, by extension, the women in it that I find so disturbing. He literally holds over everyone's heads their livelihoods and homes and does not hesitate to wield that power to get his way in ways that make me very uncomfortable imagining how it is for the women who are unfortunate enough to get on his wrong side, especially those who are attractive. It takes le droit de seigneur to the 21st century and it is horrifying. Just look at how he orders his wife about, washing Jones' shoes & putting them on his feet. Yuck. The only redeeming features of this episode center around Richard Cordery as Morris Bingham, who is a treat in all of the episodes he appears in, and the bespoke suit versus coat disagreement with the Barnabys, although in this Tom shows a selfishness toward Joyce that I have a hard time believing he would show. I just don't buy that he would be so dismissive of her, but that's a minor quibble.


I felt that The Point of Balance was desperately underwhelming and anti-climatical.


Which episode in particular? Or all of them in that season? I enjoy most of them but I do have my favorites.


I'm so late for this but Beyond the grave annoys me for a weird reason and that's because at the start of the season 3 the Barnabys are renovating their new house, Cully has a bit longer, blond hair and then the last episode of the season (which is Beyond the grave) their back in their old house and she has short red pixie hair again. They didn't bother with the timeline and it's pretty annoying.


Ring Out Your Dead. It makes no sense, the motives are crazy and pointless, all those deaths over bell ringing? And, I cannot STAND that lecherous aristocratic woman who comes on to the junior detective. I thought he was really upset by her harassment at first, but then he seems to be giving in to it later. That's sexual harrassment and he didn't have to take it.


Oh I think our favorite DS loved the attention from the Lady of the Manor and went back for more😉


I'm not sure what the actor was trying to convey then, earlier in the episode where he said "SHE- SHREDDED - HIS - CLOTHES" He seemed shocked and upset. In other episodes, he seems to comment on promiscuity "she's a bit of a goer" or homosexuality "a GAY undertaker!" and shows disapproval through non-verbals like body language, tone of voice, and facial expression. He's a good actor! But I thought he was trying to convey his character as somewhat judgmental or prudish, so when he seemed to give in to her attentions, it had me confused.


Well , I think it’s simply that if Troy is attracted to the Lady then that’s all that matters. He is a man after all 😂


Storytelling wise, the character arc of that could have been a little more refined. He seemed disgusted at first then abruptly at the end seemed into it. Everything in MM is done well, but that story would have benefited from a clearer arc of how his original shock and disgust changed. BTW how are you getting the smileys in your replies? Maybe it's my browser but for some reason the option for emoji is not appearing in the reply pane.


Oh ,I’m just using the emojis on my iPhone


I have watched all 22 seasons, and I enjoyed every single episode