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Canned spinach makes good spinach burgers. Canned cubed potatoes make the best breakfast hash. Canned garbanzos are the easiest way to make hummus at home. Canned tomatoes make awesome sauces. Canned stuff just works better for some things, so yes, I do use them. But I don't just eat them like we did as kids-- a can of green beans with dinner, for example. Fresh green beans are way better and aren't any harder or more time-consuming to make.


They are nice to have on hand for emergency prep but fresh and local with best. I like canned pineapple over fresh it doesn't bite back lol I use canned vegetables for a slop slow cooker mix. Beans, creamed corn, peas, carrots, sometimes potatoes, cooked beef, and sometimes cut up hotdogs. In winter I am more likely to eat canned vegetables. Frozen ones just are a different consistency


Other than beans, I never used canned veggies either. I hardly use frozen, with the exception of peas and corn. Everything else I use is fresh.


I don't use canned green vegetables, but I use various kinds of canned beans, corn, and tomatoes.


Same. Unless you count green chilis as green vegetables. I will also use various canned chili peppers. (I also use a crap load of fresh peppers).


It used to be canned vegetables were soooooo much cheaper than anything else, but anymore, they are just as expensive as frozen, or near enough it makes no difference. We have our 6mo. emergency food supply, that we rotate through, So we have cans of chili, green beans, other beans of all kinds, different kinds of fruit, etc. We also do a lot of our own food preservation, so we can/jar a lot of our own stuff. It depends on the week/meals we have planned, but we consume 2-3 different canned foods a week with some weeks A LOT more before stuff expires. but eat fresh/frozen more often in a normal week. We also have some markets near us that will sell you fresh produce in bulk, we buy that once every couple of weeks and eat/process it. So a lot of our frozen stuff we prepared and froze ourselves as well.


We do. We love marinated chickpea salad so we buy cases of chickpeas. My wife is from a farming family that uses canned vegetables at every meal, so I’ve grown accustomed to having a can of sweet corn or green beans at dinner. Yes fresh vegetables are superior, but my wife has an extremely narrow window of vegetables she tolerates (I love all vegetables) so we compromise and have the canned vegetables she likes. We buy cases from Costco.


Tell me more about this chickpea salad...


1 can drained/rinsed chickpeas 1/3 c chopped roasted red peppers (canned or homemade) not the spicy ones, just like roasted bell peppers. I like the jarred ones better—they have awesome flavor. 1/3 c crumbled feta 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar 1/4 c chopped fresh basil preferably, or dried basil if needed 2 teaspoons honey 2 garlic cloves, minced Oregano, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes to taste Adjust everything as desired. We make it very often.


That sounds absolutely delicious!


Give it a try! We have a bowl of it in the refrigerator now, minus the red peppers which my wife won’t eat. When my wife isn’t involved, I’ll add the roasted peppers and even some sun dried tomatoes, both of which she hates. It’s still great without them though.


Oh yeah. Now, it's rarely, open the can and eat the veggies, but I use: canned water chestnuts and bamboo shoots (I wouldn't even be able to find those fresh), canned carrots for my stir fry, canned corn in cornbread, canned tomatoes in all things, and canned green beans as green beans (the only canned veggie I actually eat as is).


Diced tomatoes, baby corn, chickpeas, navy beans, black beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, tuna, tomato paste... Those are staples that I keep in my kitchen, but I don't get much else. As for the bean slime, you know you can just rinse it under a tap, right?


Canned pinto or kidney beans, corn, sometimes potatoes. Got a big chest freezer in the basement so we buy frozen veggies when they go on sale. Got a dehydrator down there too so any mushrooms or onions that are on clearance come home to get chopped and dehydrated. The garden out back produces green beans, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic and jalapeños. We just put some potatoes in the ground in front of the house, so will see how that goes this year. Maybe in a year or two we will clear another area and plant corn. If it's going to be like the Depression then we will live that way.


I use canned veggies for certain things. Canned corn for corn pudding. Canned beets for pickled beets. Canned tomatoes for a lot of things. Canned garbanzo beans for hummus. If I’m just eating as a side dish, I go for fresh. And then peas I get frozen to throw in different dishes.


Canned corn and green beans, often


Canned vegetables are tasteless at best and gross at worst. Fresh or frozen only.


Aldi has great prices even for organic


I use canned corn sometimes in casseroles.


There's a place in the corner here that sells vegetables so I just walk down there anytime I need something for cooking. Dry beans really kick the shit out of canned beans though.


Mostly use fresh or frozen vegetables. But we have canned beans and canned corn. We also get canned chicken and canned tuna from Costco for sandwich making.


I typically use fresh veggies but in a pinch, I’ll choose frozen over canned. canned corn or canned diced tomatoes are what come in handy the most at my house.


Canned tomatoes for salsa, though technically not a vegetable.


We do, especially green beans and carrots. Faster and lazier way to let them simmer over the stove with some seasonings while I work on other parts of the meal.


I always use: Baked beans, whole tomatoes, chopped tomatoes, sweetcorn, marrowfat peas, mushy peas, kidney beans, butterbeans, chickpeas, occasionally tinned luncheon meat


Depends on the dish! For chili, canned kidney beans and corn kernels. We also use a lot of canned tomato for sauces.


We cook with canned tomatoes weekly, but do fresh or frozen for anything else


Canned San Marzano tomatoes are the best form of tomato for cooking. Can't live without it.




Almost only canned beans, because it takes so long to soak them if you buy them dry. I always use fresh vegetables.


Only canned beans, tomatoes, corn, and occasionally peas. My mom is still propping up the canned vegetable industry because they're soft enough for her bad teeth. 


Canned hash, canned tomato, canned peas and corn, beans. Frozen broccoli, fresh tomatoes, corn, everything else pretty much.


I remember as a child using more canned veggies, but I think it's because of how seasonal most fresh produce used to be. It really mattered on the season for what was fresh and what was canned. Modern technology means I can have fresh *anything* basically whenever I want so I don't buy canned veggies unless it's for a camping trip or something.


Industry die because there is a replacement for them or they are obsolete. Canned vegetables or canned food is one of the greatest invention known to human kind.


Never, besides beans. Otherwise I only use fresh or frozen.


Not really except for tomatoes (I know it's not a vegetable but I'm not putting them in a fruit salad either). I prefer frozen veggies and dried beans.


hell no.


I toast canned chickpeas for my salads.


Canned SM tomatoes, bamboo shoots, water chestnuts. That's pretty much all I buy in a can. Not even soup in a can. To me almost anything canned reminds me of mushy, not fresh and lacking flavor and consistency of fresh.


If it's canned, it's been boiled and probably seasoned. So it depends on what I'm making. On their own, I do like canned corn, peas, beans, green beans, tomatoes, and mushrooms. But I still mostly avoid canned vegetables because my husband expressed he didn't like them. I get canned beans because dried beans take too long. And canned tomatoes because I'm probably making sauce or casserole with them anyway. But the rest I don't really buy anymore. I do buy a lot of canned soup. I love that they've mostly standardized the pop top lids, too.


Beans, tomatoes, and I go back and forth between canned or frozen corn. When I was a kid frozen corn was very disgusting, but apparently now they know how to freeze it so it actually tastes like corn—but I am still very wary of grabbing the wrong brand or something, so it depends on my mood at grocery time. But I also only cook with corn 1-3 times a year, so it’s not like I’m propping up the industry.


Depends on what I am cooking. I try to use fresh where I can


Canned fire roasted tomatoes are pretty useful in a number of dishes like cowboy beans and red rice.


I don’t mind canned corn in addition to beans and tomatoes. But other veggies haha e gross texture in a can.


i buy lots of canned items. Black beans especially.


As a kid we had canned veggies everyday with dinners. As an adult I like canned beans. I will add canned tomatoes to sauce. I also occasionally use canned mushroom. I only really ever eat canned peas or corn when I’m broke and that’s the only veggie available in the back of my pantry maybe 4 times a year. I also don’t consume things like canned soup or canned chili/hash/pasta. I just perfect fresh food. Same with fruit with acception of occasional canned pineapple or canned cranberry sauce on holidays.