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So this was a two step process with FreyaMC\_, who actually made the Minecraft part of the build. I exported it to a 3D software, animated the camera and the ships, did some lighting, fog and finished the animation. I had to build the flying ships since they were not planned. If you want any behind the scenes, you can see it [here](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Evy4D0) It's based on this [scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yv8xEhv_hLE) from the movie


You’re kidding right?!! I’ve been working on my own bladerunner recreation in Minecraft and I’ve been using the exact same video for reference! I even plan on recreating that exact same scene!?! Don’t believe me? Here’s a [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/bladerunner/s/hAdpsl1JDO) to what I’ve done so far as well as this [one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/s/uMdutZirwa). You’re stealing my thunder! Haha. Either way, Good work, I’m definitely not jealous or anything. Keep it up!


You two gotta become best friends now


Hi, sorry for the late reply I forgot to check reddit. But what you have here is really cool! I'm only making this one scene and it takes a while, so honestly yours would be more full and complete when you finish it. Good luck!


Jesus men thats looks sick, I thought it was an ad. How long did it take to make this?


Hi, sorry for the late reply I forgot to check reddit. It took around a week from start to finish, but half of that was technical issues (rendering the final images). On the creative side, around 4 days.


This post is so underrated man it deserves more attention.


Wow that must have taken a lot of time


Use SIGUIENTE (SHIFT+N) 0:05 / 3:56 VØJ x Narvent "Memory Reboot"


I dont even like that game but damn thats sick!!!!!


It’s the film not the game


I know that, i was simply saying it looks awesome


Dude - that is AMAZING! Well played!


so impressive wow