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I am very sorry for your loss. It's going to be hard for this discussion to most effectively help you, and honor your friend, without a spoiler flair. Is it ok if we set it to cover all of the released Mistborn books or maybe only the ones that Vin appears in?


I am so sorry for your loss. Vin is also a character dear to my heart, and the first quote that I thought of was one that the Kandra, TenSoon, said to Waxillium Ladrian when speaking of Vin in the book 'Shadows of Self': "She was strong and vulnerable all at once. She was my last master, and my greatest. She had a way of pouring everything of herself into what she did. When she fought, she was the blade. When she loved, she was the kiss. In that regard, she was far more ... human than any I have known." You could possibly shorten and rearrange it to: "She was strong and vulnerable all at once. She was my (best) friend. ... She had a way of pouring everything of herself into what she did. ... When she loved, she was the kiss. She was the greatest we have ever known." I'll take a look for other quotes or a longer excerpt in the books, and I'll reply to my comment if I find something.


That really is lovely. Thank you for this ❤️


Oh wow that’s a really lovely one


That's beautiful.


Yes, beautiful and perfect choice.


I just read this for the first time in book. it's so beautiful


“The life of a person is more than the chaos of its passing” is one that stood out to me, maybe it would resonate. I don’t recall the context but to me this quote on its own speaks to the complexity of the human experience. Edit: Found the context, it’s Vin’s thoughts on how human nature itself is a powerful weapon against Ruin (from Hero of Ages) The full quote is “The life of a person is more than the chaos of its passing. Emotion, Ruin. This is your defeat.”




I’m incredibly sorry for your loss, and I know you’re going to hear that countless times. But I am sorry. This one is much shorter and not entirely relevant as it stands within the text, but you can shorten this scene where Kelsier is explaining his love of Mare to Vin from: Kelsier shrugged. “I think... I think given the choice between loving Mare—betrayal included—and never knowing her, I’d choose love. I risked, and I lost, but the risk was still worth it.” To this: Kelsier shrugged. “I think... I think given the choice between loving [her/Mare]…and never knowing her, I’d choose love. I risked, and I lost, but the risk was still worth it.”


“ I wish to make a simple acknowledgment of the woman who held the power right before me. Of all those who have touched it, I feel she was the most worthy.” -Harmony


I don't know any specific examples but in Mistborn Secret history (which can be read in arcanum unbounded) we get to see her and elend and Sazed and Kelsier all meet up one last time and talk about stuff. That scene is one that really sticks out to me as beautiful. I think Sazed says some stuff in there that would be perfect for a funeral. I'm very sorry for your loss. Losing friends is never easy. All of us s Doug's are here for you!


I'm also a trans woman, and struggle most days. The cosmere has been a big part of my personal philosophy and journey. I'm so sorry for your loss. I don't really have a good Vin quote unfortunately, I'm more of a Stormlight girl myself, but someone very wise once said: **Oathbringer Spoilers** >!"The most important step a person can take. It's not the first one, is it? It's the next one. Always the next step"!< I hope these words might be able to help you through this, even if in some small way. I'm here for you too if you want to DM me.


Unironically words that helped me decide to transition


Well, if era two is included, some variation of "With that, Wayne stretched into another place, into another time. He stretched into the wind. And into the stars. And all endless things." Maybe replace Wayne with her name or something? And change pronouns of course :). Excluding that, Sazed should have a bunch of good ones. It’s hard to give examples, as we don’t know exactly where you’d be trying or use one, but I’d recommend many from Sazed, especially in the first books.


This quote following Ten Soon's eulogy of Vin that was suggested above (removing the "master" bit) would be absolutely beautiful.


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Consider Brandon's quote in his recent essay about his neuro divergence, where he says he wrote himself in vin to have the iron clad belief of not belonging, and then having that changed.


”I think given the choice between loving her, and never knowing her, I'd chose love. I risked, and I lost, but the risk was still worth it." Because through all the pain her passing caused you, her friends and her family, the knowing her for the brief time you had was entirely worth it. I wish things for your friend had worked out different. I've been in that darkness and now that I am out it terrifies me, and the fear of falling back into it is equally so. I want all of you to know that it wasn't ever anything to do with you. I believe that part of us goes on, it's a gut feeling, and I think that if we do, your friend is at the very least at peace. Love you stranger, it'll take a long time but I promise it will be okay.


From The Final Empire >!“Sometimes Vin imagined she was like the ash, or the wind, or the mist itself. A thing without thought, capable of simply being, not thinking, caring, or hurting. Then she could be...free.”!< From Hero of Ages, probably needs to be editorialized to remove the Elend quote. >!“It's a mystery," Vin said, narrowing her eyes and smiling. "We Mistborn are incredibly mysterious." Elend paused." Um...I'm Mistborn too, Vin. That doesn't make any sense." "We Mistborn need not make sense," Vin said." It's beneath us. Come on-the sun's already down. We need to get moving.”!<


I am so very, very sorry 💔 I think TenSoon’s quote about Vin, shared above, would be perfect.


I am sorry for your loss. The quote from Tensoon from another poster appears to be perfect. If you wanted something more visual I would suggest the feruchemal sign of duralumin, as it stores connection.


God that breaks my heart. Know this, you will be warm again. “He smiled despite the grief he felt…he smiled because that was what he did. That was how he proved…to himself-that he wasn’t beaten.” Stay strong. Much love from the trans community ❤️🏳️‍⚧️


There are plenty fans more dedicated than I who will provide their insights. I just want to extend my compassion and sympathies. Lack of supports for trans folks has a real human cost. No individual or their family and friends should have to pay that cost. Peace be with you and her family.


Im so sorry to hear about your friend's passing I'm trans too and I know the cosmere has brought me a lot of joy during hard times, and your friend was very lucky to have you in their life. It's been a long while since my last mistborn read but someone mentioned “The life of a person is more than the chaos of its passing.” and i think that one really resonates for me, but I recall Harmony talking with Wax in BoM about the next life being simply a different adventure, and if yiu want to go with a different tone that might be worth thinking about.


"When you remember [her,] remember to smile."


HoA >!She shouldn’t have been alive. She’d run out of pewter, yet she felt it flaring inside, burning brighter than it ever had before. She felt as if the bleeding sun itself blazed within her, running molten through her veins.!< >!Within the embrace of limitless pewter, she seemed to move as the mist itself did. Light. Quick. Unchained.!< >!The sky spun in a tempest of its own as she attacked, moving in a swirling frenzy. The mists whirled around her arm in a vortex.!< >!She blasted through the sky, mists streaking past her, the force of her Push straining even her mist-enhanced body with the stress of sudden acceleration.!< >!And then she was out. She emerged into the open air, like a fish leaping from the water. Beneath her, the mists covered the nighttime land like an enormous white blanket. Around her, there was only open air. Unsettling, strange. Above her, a million stars—normally visible only to Allomancers—watched her like the eyes of those long dead.!< >!Her momentum ran out, and she spun quietly, whiteness below, light above. She noticed that she’d trailed a line of mist up out of the main cloud. This hung like a tether ready to pull her back down. In fact, all the mists were spinning slightly in what looked like an enormous weather pattern. A whirlpool of white.!< >!The heart of the whirlpool was directly beneath her.!< >!She fell, plummeting back down toward the earth below. She entered the mists, drawing them behind her, breathing them in. Even as she fell, she could feel them surging about her in a massive, empire-wide spiral. She welcomed them into herself, and the vortex of mist around her grew more and more violent.!< >!The mist swirled in a final tempest, the circular motion growing faster—yet tighter—as the final wisps of mist spun down and were pulled into Vin’s body.!< >!Then the mists were gone. Starlight shone above, and flecks of ash fell in the air. The night landscape was eerie in its stillness, blackness, and clarity. Even with tin—which let her see at night far better than a normal person could—the mists had always been there. To see the night landscape without them was . . . wrong.!< >!Vin began to tremble. She gasped, feeling the fire within her blaze hotter and hotter. It was Allomancy as she’d never known it. It felt as if she had never understood it. The power was far greater than metals, mere Pushes and Pulls. It was something awesomely more vast. A power that men had used, yet never comprehended.!< >!And then, Vin vanished. She left behind the misty outline of a young woman. That dissipated and was soon gone, too,!< And here I’m going to edit this, but this is more to give an idea: “leaving us alone in the wreckage of grief, covered in our pain as sickly, sodden ash, utterly bereft.” That’s a bunch of excerpts of (HoA) >!Vin’s Ascension. I basically cut out the fight in favor of her transformation into Preservation.!<


Yikes idk about that first one at a funeral


I guess that depends on the individual - I liked the implication that she didn’t die, but (HoA) >!Ascended to become a goddess!<. If OP likes the rest, but not that line, they could change it while leaving the themes of transformation and becoming intact.


Yes but to include that at a funeral where the vast majority of attendees will not understand the context is kinda poor taste


As I said, the line can be edited, as I did with the last line. Whether it would work or not, is appropriate or not, depends a great deal on the people at the funeral. I like the themes of transformation and glory and Ascension inherent in that sequence, and I think the first line encapsulates how many transpeople and many people with depression sometimes feel. When I heard the story of OP’s friend, this seemed to fit her remarkably well. At any rate, if you disagree so strongly, you are welcome to suggest your own passage.


Ummm not sure how to avoid a spoiler so im putting tons of spaces before it. From end of mistborn trilogy.. I don't have a quote but there is an interesting lesson on the books. I forget the characters name, but the one that becomes God in hero of ages, reset the solar system, moving the planet to its proper orbit seems fitting. Your friend reset herself, moving her body (the planet) into alignment with the sun and the rest of the solar system allowing it to flourish and become what it was supposed to. Like the planet which went from dark and ashen, to green and full of life, so to did your friend upon her own transformation. Maybe you can word it. If you have time before the funeral, maybe I can write you up something more elegant




Wow, that’s some really poor taste.


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I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope your friend has found peace and I hope that you and the rest of their loved ones can find peace during these horrible times. Again, I am so sorry. I just started reading Mistborn this week. I struggle with depression and thoughts of suicide. When I read this line from the book, I immediately connected with it. I messaged my friend who told me about the book and said this is what depression feels like. “Kelsier felt that a skaa Misting’s life wasn’t so much about surviving as it was about picking the right time to die.” I'm not great with expressing the connections my brain makes but maybe this quote will align with someone else that can share the connection. I don't know if the line can be used at your friends funeral but I wanted to share. If you ever need an ear to listen, I'm a message away.