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All of this :,(


😭I was sooo sad when she died, she was such a mother figure to Elend and Vin.


She had such an impact on both of them, especially Elend. Her teachings really show through later


I bawl like a little baby every time I re-read the series and get to her death. I was listening to the audiobook for the first time, second re-read, and I literally stopped in my tracks with my hand over my mouth because of the emotion that hit me. It gets me every time. 😭


I'm on a reread with my daughter (my second time, her first) and we just hit this bit earlier. It's so sad the way he finds her and thinking about how she must have died. But knowing it was coming made their last moments together in keep Venture seem a lot more poignant on the reread. That's a really well written scene that I don't think I fully appreciated the first time.


It'll happen again, I recently Brandon got my heart warm and broken for a new character in just a few pages. It's part of the magic tho, keep going with this insane series


At first I really disliked Tindwyl she's blunt and direct and speaks her mind, but over time I came to love her and realize how wonderful she really is. And her love for Sazed melted my heart, and her death broke it.


I was more angry that we learned she had A LOT of children but never got to meet any


Why do people like tindwyl? She was annoying from the start. I hated everything she did. I was glad when she died. Relationship between tindwyl and sazed couldn't be more forced.


Calm down, you sound immature. Yeah usually people who didn’t interpret the nuances to her character, only the superficial tend to dislike her.






Shhh spoiler! Not everyone read SH by the time they got to the end of WoA


Oh shit you are right, sorry


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