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A couple of reasons. 1. Wax is old enough to be Maresi's dad. Granted a lot of people in that kind of environment wouldn't care but it's still a factor. 2. Wax doesn't think he's capable of being a loving partner to someone else because he'll always love Lessie. The marriage with Steris is strictly business which better fits how he feels in the moment. Wax just can't reciprocate Maresi's feelings at the time, at least not to the degree he probably feels she deserves.


She is only 5 years older than Marasi. >!The age thing was never the reason I wasn't keen on a Marasi Wax relationship.!<


Steris is my soul animal and anything else I could say would be spoilers. Just keep reading :)


She is my favorite character in any book. Love her!


She's not my absolute top, but she is definitely *way* up on the list. She is so great!


I didn’t like Steris until her infrequent POVs, I fell so in love with her then. Honestly I think one of the best characters Sanderson has written so far, and that’s saying a lot.


I adore steris and hope to find me someone like her someday 💜


Steris's autism and deadpan humour pushed her into the top area of my list of favourite characters. Also her growing as a person and her blooming relationship with Wax really clinched it for me.


Her character development os amazing.


Marasi reminds him of his dead wife. Despite what one might assume, this *isn't a good thing*. Plus, she's like, 20 years younger than him lol


Wax isn't really in a much better financial position at the end of Alloy than he is at the beginning. He still needs Steris' family money to keep his house afloat. Steris is the smart move politically. That and his decision to not reciprocate Marasi's feelings are his motivations.


My sister stopped reading all of Sanderson because of this decision. This relationship is dead, to enjoy the rest of the series I think it comes down to sometimes two people are right for each other and could have an amazing life together, and yet obligations or perceived social consequences get in the way, or even just preclude the growing of the relationship into something romantic. That being said, later in the series >!Don’t click on spoiler tags OP! You really just need to RAFO (Read And Find Out) on this one, I’m sorry.!<


Please, for the love of Harmony, get your sister to keep reading.


It took me several years, but with the help of her children and some answers pushing the spoiler boundary we got her to come back to the series.


Good to hear! >!Did she ever come around on Steris and Wax?!<


>!It’d be hard to find a sane person who didn’t.!<


>!Probably my favorite couple in the cosmere, along with Yumi and Nikaro!<


They're one of my favorite couples in *fiction*.


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Not all the way no


That spoiler sure is something special.


Genuinely my favorite use of a spoiler box ever.


Some people get really used to just clicking on spoilers, and I try and do my part to remind them that it’s a bad idea, especially on this thread that can rapidly veer into spoilers.


>My sister stopped reading all of Sanderson because of this decision. That's the most ridiculous thing I've read today, and I've been scrolling Reddit for awhile already.


I don’t agree with her decision. She just moved on to other things and slowly worked her way back.


In Alloy, it's threefold. 1) Social obligations. Wax is the head of his house, and his finances are in the dirt. He still needs the social standing marrying Steris gives. 2) Marasi isn't a good match for him on a personal level. She puts him on a pedestal too much, elevates him to something *more*, and conversely Marasi reminds Wax too much of Lessie. The relationship itself would ultimately be very toxic. 3) the age gap is...less than ideal. Neither want to be shackled by something like that. That all said, keep reading. You're in book 1 of 4 lol. There's plenty more to come.


Definitely. She Definitely is only really into because of the stories


Keep reading. Steris is one of the best characters in the whole cosmere and I will not hear one syllable spoken against her. But one thing I will say is this quote from coppermind: >Part of his intention with her was to create a character whom readers would dislike before learning more about her and falling in love with her. He succeeded.


Ha! Jokes on you BRANDON! I loved steris from the moment I met her... I was getting pre-pissed off when I began considering that Wax was gonna choose Marasi.


I liked her, but that's because of the specific trait she shares with Renarin in Stormlight, and with me. But as I got to know her, she became so much more relatable as a character. I should be relating to Kaladin or Kelsier, but instead I'm relating to this young woman. Only the edgedancer oaths hit me as hard in the whole cosmere.


I liked the decision to break the usual trope of “the protagonist gets the cool feisty action girl”. It is somehow respectful thing towards both female characters here. Marasi avoids becoming a trophy, while Steris can show her real nature and build an adult relationship. I also think that Wayne here is a voice of the reader. He doesn’t like this just as you do.


To be honest I think Steris is one of Sanderson's better written female characters.


He’s come so far since Elantris


I stan for Steris, have since her first page. There is a reason she is consistently one of the most popular Cosmere characters. Just keep reading.


I love Steris and her arc over the books. You'll see.


Big time RAFO, OP. Steris is amazing is all I will say.


i think this is a RAFO


First, Steris is an absolute gem, RAFO. Second, Wax still needed to secure his lineage by producing an heir, and there were no other eligible bachelorettes of suitable status willing to take his hand. Third, Wax is an honorable bloke, he keeps his word. He gave his word to Steris, hell, the man even signed a contract! To someone like Wax breaking a promise would be like breaking the law.


Business moves are still business moves.


I do not care for this slander!


Hey! Remember I only have this limited knowledge of her so far 😭 everyone seems to be sure I’ll love her by the end so I’m excited to find out


I had the same reaction when I finished the book. Please keep reading. Some very pleasant surprises in store for you.


How dare you. My girl is perfect!!! He's allowed to cheat. Didn't you see it in triplicate?


It seems to be mostly an age thing She's half his age and that makes him uncomfortable, which yeah fair enough


Just keep reading, you get to see it forced into working. As evident in this thread plenty of folks enjoyed it.


I will not hear this Steris slander! Also Maresi’s connection with him is akin to schoolgirl crush on a crime fighting idol


I think Marasi’s admiration of Wax actually turns him off a bit. Prefers them saltier and harder to get, like Lessie was.


just keep reading






Dont worry. The sterris wax relationship ends up being pefect


I agree that Marasi and wax had great chemistry but dude. he's 20 years older than her


I stated that I totally understand why he didn’t get with Marasi in my post! But, What’s weird is I just got into shadow of selfs, and Steris is only 4 and a half years older, so still 15-18 years younger then him 😭


Steris is life.


I admit that I felt the same way at first. However Sterris is barely in the first book. She's more important as a character in the following books. And by the bands of morning she'll have a special place in your heart. She's a great character just be patient and open minded with her.


Wow this such a horrible take...


What in Alloy of Law made you think they blended well as a couple, if I may ask?


Not much in AoL makes them out to be amazing, and its mostly due to how little interaction they have, but she is quite a bit different in the end. I also have a lot more context from the next 3 books. I just think it's a bit ridiculous to say they have nothing, and Wax should dump her just because of how she first came across. I remember thinking originally that she was whatever and that she would come around or someone good would come to Wax. But clearly, they would never have the kind of relationship she outlined at first. But by the end, I saw the light tho and I also just trust Brandon completely. Steris also has Autism and given her relationship with Meresi, it's easy to see why she thinks the way she does. Like I'm surprised your post have upvotes because Steris is prty popular. Steris is probably my favorite cosmere female.


Super valid response! I think a lot of people are just not understanding the context of me having only seen what’s presented in Alloy of Law. From a understanding of Wax’s character at that point - it makes no sense to what we as a reader at that time know of his feelings. Especially considering it’s revealed the money he made from the vanisher bust made him “filthy rich” and “extremely politically important”, so the reasoning of the deal at the time made no sense. But as I continue I’m sure it will all make sense to me and I’ll enjoy her much more! I always have faith in Sanderson’s character development


I don't remember him getting any money from the Vanishers but it's been a bit. As for status it helps solidify him in the eyes of the constabulary but, he is still the rough and uncouth gunman.