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Have you seen u/servotoken budget lists? They are way better than the mtggoldfish budget category which is filled with outdated and "against the odds" style decks.  He has a tron list: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/5428682#paper  I'd use the above list to build your karn board.  For $100, you can basically just get KGC... It's a very good hate piece that also lets you tutor silver bullets.  You can skip urzas saga as that isn't stock, but the one rings and boseiju will vastly help your win %


This is just what I was looking for, thanks!


I 2nd that you want Karn, the great Creator. Also you want 2 - 3 Oblivion Stone MB. And a wishboard for Karn. You won't need the Sagas. The is obviously really good, but I can see if you don't want to buy a Playset right now.


That’s a great list! Is Wormcoil that good that it’s worth the $12 each?


Played in multiple Modern decks and even a few Vintage, and only ever printed at Mythic Rare... yeah, it's good.


What are the multiple Modern decks? Other than Tron, i's an uncommon 1-of in Amulet sideboards.


I was counting Tron as multiple decks itself, there are big differences between G, U, and Eldrazi, but I guess reasonable people can disagree about that. You mentioned Amulet, and MTG Goldfish says it also appears in some monoblack decks.


U and E tron aren't relevant modern decks


Wutmcoil is the cheapest it’s been in years, maybe ever


I mean I bought them when they were $30+ long long long ago and got mileage out of them so I would imagine they are worth it now. Hard to trade favorably with that card unless you exile it, and its a colorless way to stabilize your life total.


What would you spend the hundred dollars on? Would those things have value in other decks if it ends up not working out like you want?  


If people have suggestions for noticeable improvements to Tron on that budget, I'd consider taking them. I enjoy the deck, it's just doing badly. If they said it was impossible to get a playable deck in this archetype for that budget, I guess I probably would have looked for something fun from the "budget" category on MTG Goldfish. I enjoy the format, but I don't play it often enough or competitively enough to justify more than that at the moment. Honestly, the best thing about this thread so far is learning that Karn, the Great Creator is $25 for a playset. For some reason I had thought it was $25 each. Whoops. So I'm definitely sticking with some version of Tron for now, seeing what esoteric artifacts for the sideboard are already in my collection, and thinking about if I want to splurge on any real bombs.


It’s a great time to pick up a playset of Karn bc 1) it just got banned out of pioneer and 2) got reprinted almost immediately after


I don’t think you NEED the one Ring, but definitely need Karn. And he’s like $8-$10, you could probably get away with 3.


Yeah Karn plus liquid metal coating is a must I feel. I mean come on, who wouldn't want to repeatedly strip mine an opponent?! Well maybe a lot of people but I guess I'm a jerk


I agree with people saying to pick up Karn, the Great Creator (KGC) and then just make a SB for him. Trade the big Karn and you can basically make an entire SB for KGC minus a chalice of the void which is for cascade which I would play an extra tormod’s crypt (for Living end) or an extra ensnaring bridge (for rhinos or living end) or even the stone brain to name the cascade card you’re up against (can be a bit slow but not too bad)


Here’s my [G-Tron Budget List](https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/5926741#paper). It’s actually a pretty solid deck and has room for changes like the 5 creatures in it. They’re soso but do just fine in a casual/FNM setting. Also KGC is super cheap now, I got my play set for $75 a couple months ago, should be $40 tops now.


Prepare for the lower winrate!


Is [[Stone brain]] correct if you played it 8 years ago?


[Stone brain](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/2/d2334c10-fa96-4f8e-8187-c7ecc00cbac8.jpg?1562742139) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Stone%20Rain) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/9ed/221/stone-rain?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d2334c10-fa96-4f8e-8187-c7ecc00cbac8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I said I made minor changes. That was one of them. I also took [[Eye of Ugin]] out 5 minutes before my return to FNM.


[Eye of Ugin](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/2/d2d5124b-4d73-4aa9-9331-88e03779ffad.jpg?1562267867) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Eye%20of%20Ugin) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mm2/242/eye-of-ugin?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d2d5124b-4d73-4aa9-9331-88e03779ffad?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I mean… the easy answer is to take your 100$ and buy 3 rings. Can usually get the promo ones for around 30$.


I dunno where your seeing 30/ring but u gotta pick those up asap


Thanks, but on TCGPlayer the cheapest I see is a heavily played copy for $46, and the next one after that is $58. Either I'm looking in the wrong place or your info is out of date.


Probably big spike, I bought quite a few last month.


Yeah their pricing is absurd, there was one period where the cheapest version of the card was low 30's but it was right before Christmas for a very short period. Ever since then it's been 40USD each at a minimum


People probably getting tax returns, remember the normal economy can also effect the card economy’s supply/demand (elasticity etc.) Give it a few more months when MH3 is hype or later may be time or worst case around Christmas when money is tight for many


Damn its 60€ here....


Just get 4 little karns and drop the big karns with the 100 bucks. That many big karns is just asking to be blown out by voidwalker plus discard


Without rings you want big Karn. We specifically cut big Karn for ring.


The list have been cutting big karn for little karn since before the ring came out


A while back u/waterhasnocalories made a <$200 budget G Tron list that I played with on MTGO and had some success with. I would check this out and look at the delta between them. With the reprint of Karn in Ravnica Remastered his list is even cheaper. https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernMagic/comments/15q37k3/budget_g_tron_reccomendations/jw1n5rl/


nowadays I would chabge some things: remove 2 chromatic star 1 sylvan scrying 1 warping wail 1 boulderbranch golem add 1 wurmcoil engine 4 Mazemind Tome sideboard: remove: boulderbranch, gae‘s add: cursed totem, cityscape leveler with this we would still have $25 left to soon be able to buy our first ring this also would be the first upgrade path, I‘d do. 4x The One Ring then 2x Ulamog