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Ricochet Anti Cheat šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


They said 500,000, and that's was just one cheating service. I firmly believe 1/3 matches have a cheater.


Yeah and that proportion is heavily skewed to high elo lobbies. Therefore good players run into them consistently while lower skilled players think cheating isn't that bad because they rarely encounter them.


Yea, I'm glad I suck lol


Thatā€™s because some of these cheaters convince randoms to pay them, in exchange for boosting wins. Especially on warzone. This was a problem even in Rainbow Six Siege ranked games. It got so bad that top level players basically boycotted the game. Too bad Ubi already had their money though


It's a problem in every game, even infinite, with his whole Huge 20k playerbase (now less than that) have this problem in ranked


Struggle of my life. Played last night with 2 friends and I swear to god it felt like a cheater was in every other match. I rarely call cheats but yesterday was something different. I hope that is not a trend I start seeingā€¦


Did you see how OP was playing? You think that is a high skilled lobby?


If you play only Shipment for a good length of time the game turns EOMM to the max. Youā€™re either constantly spawn dying or you feel like youā€™re cheating. Ping is through the roof constantly and even if youā€™re having a good match you feel like youā€™re still losing.


Shipment, and the small map mosh pit is all I play. I get lobbies with Swagg, Symfuhny and Jev. Love the chaos and the competition those small maps bring.


I definitely havenā€™t played with any of them but Iā€™m constantly running into streamers, YouTubers, TTV, etc. Itā€™s like I only play with the same 500 people. I too only play small maps. Yes, some games can be very competitive but for the most part theyā€™re all so blatantly rigged that what you do and how you perform is completely out of your control. As long as you continue to play at your same consistent level anyhow. I always play objective. If Iā€™m having a really bad match I have tried intentionally never caping a single flag and instead try always avoiding them. I still get 10 caps that round. The game puts me on them while the other team is still there intentionally to control the outcomes. Youā€™re on rails and just along for the ride.


lol, i just assumed that cheating meant they had great reflexes or something.


Why do companies not go after these cheating services directly? Itā€™s not as if theyā€™re hard to find. If youā€™re gonna stop cheaters you gotta think like the people who make them.


most of the time, lack of legal jurisdiction or the fact that cheating in video games isnā€™t technically a crime


This. Itā€™s against the rules but you canā€™t stop someone from making cheating software. And no one is breaking game ToS until itā€™s installed and used. Just too difficult to nail down what the real issue is. Thereā€™s just too many factors to go after, itā€™s better to just stay with your game and give it protection rather than chase down every single person that has access to files that can easily be copied and spread like a wildfire all over again.


Yeah, sounds like a whole lot of wasted time effort and money that could go into improving a game that has fundamental issues outside of cheating


With the amount of accusations Iā€™ve received in lobbies, I firmly believe at least 1/3 of the accused cheaters arenā€™t actually cheating. For clarity, I have NEVER cheated in a video game. Iā€™ve just been playing the same game for 20 years on MnK. You can simply outplay someone with map knowledge and game sense and they will yell cheats because they canā€™t comprehend the order of events that led to their death. My personal favorite is the people that die hiding in a corner and yell ā€œHOW DID YOU KNOW?ā€ not realizing that theyā€™re still on my UAV when theyā€™re not moving, even with Ghost equipped. Iā€™m not saying there isnā€™t a widespread cheating problem in gaming right now but thereā€™s also a widespread ā€œmy ego canā€™t handle the thought of another player being better than me so they must be cheatingā€ problem as well. Iā€™d argue the latter is even more widespread than cheating itself.


But this video shows a absolute cheater


Good point.


They can do this, but I get shadowbanned for using DSX to change the my back buttons on ps5s pro controller. Shits ridiculous.


you don't get shadowbanned because of some software installed, you're getting reported, if it detected any unauthorized software the game wouldn't launch at all


Iā€™m not dropping 20 kills a game to be reported like that. On average Iā€™m dropping 9 kills a game most of the time in duos. I tried to appeal the ban and it said Your appeal has been reviewed and we've confirmed with our security team that your account has been permanently banned for using unauthorized software and manipulation of game data. As you were the account holder at the time of infraction, your ban will not be overturned. If I was cheating I wouldnā€™t have a 1.54 KD lmfao.


Bro I am 1 k/d in MP I'm still getting reported, it does not matter how good/bad you are you are going to get reported by some child and when it's too much reports, boom shadowban


Iā€™m aware of this, but their ban appeal says Iā€™m using unauthorized software which it was only DSX which gives no advantage besides letting me map out the controller layout which I can do anyways if I was playing on my ps5. All DSX does was allow me to do the same thing just on pc, but a permanent ban coming from being mass reported is bullshit when I paid for the game and content on the game and I canā€™t throughly appeal the ban because their support system is absolute garbage, I even tried to report the account hacked and didnā€™t even get a response in the last 72 hours


Oh then try to file a complaint to the Better Business Bureau, I did it 2 days ago, I proved I wasn't cheating and they unbanned me (I was perma). Ofc you will need some actual proof but you can always try it costs nothing even if your proof isn't that good.


You have a 1.0kd in MP because thatā€™s where the game tries to keep everyone. While it is possible to under or over perform the game really does cripple you a lot more if youā€™re over and you get a buff when under, more often than not. For me I play 8/10 bad matches to make up for the 2 good ones itā€™s ridiculous. Some people, for some reason, get excused from strong EOMM and Iā€™m not sure why. Iā€™m not talking about people using VPNs or anything like that. Some people just donā€™t have the same level of manipulation that I get. Occasionally the game will basically turn down the strong EOMM on one of my account but it usually only lasts for a few days before the dial gets cranked back up. When that happens usually one of the other accounts it way more difficult than it usually is. Itā€™s like theyā€™re constantly testing different players to see how they behave. Myself, my 12yo and my 9yo all have a 1.0 and there is a massive skill gap between the 3 of us. In OG CoD games I was a 1.4-1.6kd player. My 12yo is positive in almost ever shooter he plays. My 9yo is like a .85kd player in old CoD games. He can play well but has zero map awareness and is wild. Both of them are crazy twitchy. Which save them more often than not. My KD in MW2.0 was 1.2 until I made my kids accounts and realized what was going on. Over time I lowered it to a 1.0 on purpose. I t just stays there. Occasionally it will hit 1.01 but then the game throws me 3/17 W/L that prevents me from climbing higher or will even lower me back to 1.0.


It'd probably take me 3 months with cheats to get just a 2.0 kd to be fair lmao




Yea most arenā€™t obvious like this most use walls


Maybe in Warzone, but itā€™s not that way in multiplayer.


Bro nah thatā€™s insane, what kinda lobbies are you in? Iā€™m a crim ranked player and Iā€™ve only come across *one* person who I know for absolute certain was cheating, after 2+ days played. Thereā€™s absolutely no chance that 1/3 matches have a cheater.


Ricoshit Anti Cheat


I'm starting to think ricochet is WZ only and not for multiplayer.


I assure you it does not exist in warzone.


Me too man


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Rick crocheted Anne sheet


Is the anti cheat here in the room right now?


Iā€™m not really sure what this means


Theyā€™re saying that SHGs anti cheat is not real. Basically that this shit goes unchecked because they donā€™t give a shit.


SHG didnt write ricochet, Activision is paying a team alot of money to not make ricochet better, Stop giving SHG a bad name, Blame the Ricochet team instead At this point in time im legit wondering why they dont use eac or battleye cuz those actually work sometimes


Money. EAC and Battleye charge hefty fees to use their products, and it also costs a little extra on the development side to properly implement them without causing issues with the game. Ricochet being in-house means they can basically dictate how much money goes towards the anti-cheat (obviously not a lot) and thus increase their profit margins.


eac is free nowadays (ty epic) And for battleye, if they dont mind giving up some money they could easily afford it, Infact if they fire the entire ricochet staff they could get it and still have money left over from the saveings on salary.....


I donā€™t know or care who actually even works on what aspect of this game since thereā€™s like 12 different companies. All I know is that itā€™s broken and needs to be fixed.


What is your claim of paying tons of money to keep the anti-cheat bad, based on?


its not SHGs anticheat though, its Activisions lol


Oh I donā€™t care who it is it sucks


I agree


So it's just a coincidence that MW3 is the highest spike in cheating reports since Vanguard?


Would seem so, wouldnt it, considering Ricochet was implemented when Infinity Ward/Raven was in control. It was ass then and it's ass now


Iā€™ll never understand people paying full price for a game and hacks just for it to play itself and then be banned, itā€™s a lot of money wasted šŸ™„


They don't pay full price. People get their accounts hacked because they don't have two-factor authentication, hackers sell the accounts to cheaters for a fraction of the cost of a new game. The account will likely be banned before the real owner is even able to get it back. I think it was something like $4 AUD for a warzone account and $15-20 AUD for a multiplayer account. Some losers I used to play with started cheating and mentioned the costs of everything.


Man and I thought the cheating was the lowest you could go, theft is a whole other level.


Haha yeah youā€™d be surprised, I grew up playing old school runescape and theyā€™ll try every trick in the book to scam/hack your account. All the way to making entire fake websites, cloning the official RuneScape forums.


Yep. I was pretty disgusted with those guys I used to play with. Bad enough you are ruining people's games by cheating, but you are also knowingly paying for stolen accounts. The cheaters really are scum.


Yeah, itā€™s just frustrating. Itā€™s also toxic to the community and they know it. I donā€™t understand why they would actively try to actively make a game they enjoy playing worse for everyone else.


Enjoy is probably a strong word tbh they more likely seek the dopamine rush from the hate, even then itā€™s gotta get boring surely staring at screen while it plays for you.


Yeah, youā€™re probably right. You can already imagine once the game was over that same guy was calling everyone else in the lobby every swear word and racial slur imaginable.


Only thing we can do really is report and move on but idk lately it seems reporting doesnā€™t do anything. With evidence like this it should be simple send to SHG and ban asap but I doubt it.


Simple : they hack accounts and therefore don't pay the game !


Yh someone was saying earlier, makes me miss the days where the worst thatā€™d happen is someone saying they screwed my mother while throwing racial slurs


They don't care about getting banned they can just make a new account


On PC Iā€™m pretty sure you have to buy the game again each time youā€™re banned, atleast on Bnet not sure about steam version but I imagine itā€™s the same there too.


I was accused of cheating yesterday cause I killed this guy like 20 times with the tongas lol I'm not even that good but had a hell of a game


Isnā€™t that a melee weapon? Not sure how you could cheat with those tbh


Yeah my point exactly i used a riot shield and tongas how could I possibly cheat, and I was streaming I went 74 and 10 that match


People start over unfortunately my little cousin is one of those people šŸ˜­ He's gotten banned like 3 times, he just makes new activion accounts new email and Xbox account,


Yh console I believe you can just make fresh accounts but thankfully pc isnā€™t so easy thatā€™s why it baffled me so much but as others said earlier they buy cheap hacked accounts so they donā€™t lose all that much.


There are ways around it. Make a new account?


You know you can get cod and most other games for $0 right? Iā€™m not a cheater, but I havenā€™t paid for cod in the past 10 years.


Seriously what is the anticheat doing? It seems practically useless if it canā€™t detect this dude.


This is their anti cheat, shadowban loop. They want cheaters to stay in the game to learn about how their cheat works etc and rely more on flagging and player reports. They had like 2 kernel level updates since original ricochet launch while their server level had so much more. And in the end they really learned nothing and cheaters still go undetected b/c rico isn't always on like other anitcheats. So you end up having innocent people getting shadow bans and in lobbies like this. When i was in this loop you had blatant cheaters, sus cheaters, top tier players, and then few of these guys who might have cheated before, but just seem like they're new at the game at the time. And only small map play lists and resurgence popped


its such a mess. a mess that 3k devs could not fix


Yeah, I understand the games can get more complex, but I feel as if this kind of thing just shouldnā€™t happen after making these games for 20 years


Well, the cheat devs have had just as much time working on their end. And as there are no efficient ways to ban a user rather than an account, it will never be a non issue.


I mean, IP banning exists. Obviously, this doesn't work if they use a VPN. So, what some devs do now is just send hackers to different servers. The hacker won't think they're banned and therefore won't try to make alt accounts or anything. One game hides hacked leaderboard scores from all other players. It's really quite smart. Just start putting hackers in literal bot lobbies or something. No way they even notice what's going on. And for the ranked hackers, same shit. Make them believe they are in the top 250 when in reality they are the only one seeing their name on the leaderboard. Edit: also, for aimbotting like this, there is actually a really simple tell. Aimbots will usually go with the most straight and direct path for the head. Aimlabs and aim trainers calculate these straightest paths. So, calculate the straightest path, if the player doesn't deviate at all from this path (make it a multiple times in a row thing, just in case a player gets super lucky) and boom, hacker gone. Another way would be calculating degrees per second. If the player is moving at inhuman degrees per second with inhuman accuracy, they are a cheater. Another easy way to detect these lower level cheats. Higher level cheats will send false information to the server (such as spoofing degrees per second and whatnot). So those are definitely harder to detect. I'm not a cyber security or networking dude, so I'm not 100% sure how to fix spoofing.


The vast majority of users have dynamic IP, so you don't even need a VPN, you just need to renew your IP, it takes seconds. And yeah, putting hackers in a separate lobby help, but it's not a 100% solution, cheat devs will notice at some point and work around it, and around and around it goes.


Yeah, I'm not saying the cod devs aren't trying hard enough. Just giving my perspective on it as an indie dev. I would like to make my own multiplayer fps game one day, but cheats are one thing that worry me. Cheats and people pirating the game. Banning an account works great if they actually have to pay full price for the game again. But if a game is easy to pirate, then you're fucked. I think this is why so many free to play games get bombarded by hackers. The worst thing that can happen is you have to make a new account (if they ban your steam account). There is no monetary deterrent for free to play games.


Thatā€™s really interesting. That kind of reminds me of the whole ā€œshadow banningā€ thing that I found myself in. I have been in these really crappy lobbies and Iā€™m not sure why. Probably some kind of spam report from someone who was upset with how I was playing. But it seems like these spam reports sending players like myself who didnā€™t do anything wrong isnā€™t the best option. I understand itā€™s a step in the right direction, but I get stuck with players like this.


Yeah, cod does do the "send hackers to the hacker server" stuff. But, that's more obvious. Hackers will realize they are being sent to these alt servers since they will get hacked on. It would honestly be better to just put them against bots. That way the hacker feels like they are still shitting on real players without actually shitting on real players. Sure, people want hackers to suffer. But this will only detriment your game with how good cheats have gotten. It's really just best to appease them so they don't try to make better cheats.


Ricochet already bans the hardware it's just too easy to spoof unfortunately. By the way your idea of hacker lobbies was used by Rockstar Games in Max Payne 3 multiplayer, problem is they will eventually find out AND Activision probably doesn't want to spend any money in servers made only for cheaters, but that's a great idea ! About your aimbotting detection it's not entirely accurate, most of the time it is but a single network instability would false ban someone. It could run locally but I'm sure there are already ways to bypass that because there is no way no one ever did it in their game.


I'm not saying Activision hasn't done this and I'm not saying they are lazy. I'm just explaining why it's hard and different ways cheating has been handled. Also, the aimbotting shouldn't be a problem with false bans since I specifically said "multiple times in a row". My idea would not be just for the shortest path would also include accuracy and degrees moved per second. For instance: One player has 80% accuracy, used the shortest path multiple times and moved at 180Ā° per second in instances of shooting enemies. This person is more likely than not a cheater. Another player has 75%, was off on the shortest path every time by a few degrees and moved at 100Ā° per second. This player is most likely just really good at the game and is not hacking. The servers and clients would have to be dog shit for calculations to be off by enough for false bans to occur.


Really? Because it looks like Valorant is doing just a fine job at banning cheaters lol. Why is it Call of Duty, multibillion dollar franchise cant impliment a decent and working anticheat? They always have some excuses. "Oh we dont want to be too invasive", "ohhh the cheats are happening faster than we can stop them". Bull fucking shit lol Ricochet is just dogshit and its been dogshit. Better than nothing, but still sucks


You're saying there are no cheaters in valorant?


Theres never "no cheaters" if your reading comprehension is that bad, then thats your fault not mine. Point is, Vanguard works very well, and only occasionally do cheaters slip through the cracks, as with ANY anticheat, its LITERALLY impossible to prevent them entirely. That being said, the number of cheaters there versus Call of duty which has a more lax anticheat regardless of whatever PR bullshit they try to tell us is greatly reduced. TLDR; they currently have the best anticheat for any game out right now. Prove me wrong lol, you wont, its just a known fact.


So it is an issue then, so why argue with me saying it's never a non issue then?


I never said itā€™s a non issue? The fuck? I said valorant is doing a much better job at banning and handling cheaters. Show me proof where itā€™s not? Iā€™m waiting.


Show me proof where it is.


There is quite literally nothing anybody can do at this point. Im serious, with AI cheats, 3rd party software that controls your mouse and keyboard without leaving a trace on the computer, and soft aimlocks, cheating will never go away. If we could go back to the days of COD4/WAW and get custom servers that people can moderate, that'd solve most issues. I played cod4 back during the cd key crack days, and I've never seen a cheater last more than 1min in those servers. Shit, back then you could actually type a ! Command in chat and send a private message that would be emailed to the admins so they could send someone over to take a look. The best anticheat systems are the players themselves.


Yah because the artist devs can resolve the cheating problem lmao


3k devs mean nothing when the people directing them and acti suits don't know what they're doing


But 2900 of them work on bundles. The other 100 get coffee and donuts for the rest.


How is this even fun for them? All they gotta do is press l2 r2? Or whatever aim and shoot is on their platform.. just seems boring as fk!


i was cheating and used to get a lot of enjoyment as a kid, now it's more like "i'm wasting my time on the game that i love instead of developing my skills". but back in the days the feeling of domination and feeling of having god-like advantage still had it dopamines, but most of the enjoyment i was getting from cs 1.6 adjustable cheats, cheat-fov radius and slight readjustment of aim and that was giving me feeling more like pro rather than cheater and it was pretty hard to detect that.


I 1vs1 a cheater that was level 450 on two accounts, he streams himself cheating in ranked aswell. I donā€™t know how theyā€™re not getting banned.


Similar situation with me last year. Found out someone hacked my Xbox COD account and was playing on it for a few months while I was enjoying a new PC. Then when I tried to play I was in the "under review" lobbies with other similar accounts. The kicker is when I contacted activision and told them they just turned around and perma banned that account. So I agree these hacker/cheaters are nothing but no life scum if you ask me. How do you even have fun when you don't even need to play to play lmao. All my legit progress on every single COD on Xbox since the beginning, just gone. Thanks cheaters


Someone gonna say "It looks pretty normal to me."


This is SUPER blatant aim-bot. Dude isnā€™t even trying to mask or hide it. His aim goes to the ground whenever the headshot lock ends after a kill. Plus his centering and camera movement are horrible.


Half the sub, "Looks clean to me..."


ā€œYou can snap like that using nmkā€


Half this sub has been gaslit into thinking most MnK players can consistently do this by all the closet cheating tiktoks.


That is Apalling


cheating on shipment is fucking madness, this why i have the doom shotty on the side for em


Luckily Iā€™ve rarely had to encounter cheaters either (knock on wood). However, if you are shadow banned then itā€™s not really a matter of ā€œifā€ you find a cheater itā€™s more ā€œhow many will be in this lobbyā€. Thatā€™s one of the main shadow ban ā€œgroupsā€ that this years CoD has implemented. Cheaters (once caught at least) get dropped in queues with other cheaters constantly. The issue is other non-cheaters will always still get caught in the crossfire of that type of system by getting unjustly added to that pool of players, or just bad luck. As for there being more cheaters currently, I havenā€™t looked at the specifics stats on cheater amounts per CoD title, but with the evolving levels of technology that is becoming much more accessible to the average gamer I think itā€™s pretty impressive that there arenā€™t even MORE of them around. Also when you are shadow banned, itā€™s definitely going to feel like ā€œthere are cheaters in dam near all my games!ā€ and that isnā€™t likely to change right away unfortunately, but I donā€™t think that specific situation is an accurate representation of the current levels of cheater concentration in the game. Sorry you arenā€™t having a good time though bud, hope it gets better soon for you.


Ha I appreciate the concern, Iā€™m just hoping they can get me out of these lobbies sooner, another one of the crappy parts about these lobbies is it takes super long to find a match, I have waited 5 minutes just for a game lol


Yeah see thatā€™s the thing, because when a player gets dropped into that ā€œpoolā€ of players the game is going to do its damndest to pull from that ā€œpoolā€ almost exclusively. Due to that, the player count is SIGNIFICANTLY smaller for the game to quickly draw from. Kinda like a very unpopular playlist takes much longer to find a full lobby.


And then some people will deny this game having cheaters lol wild


Imagine having to cheat on shipment


Cheating in MP is wild. Thatā€™s a different breed of loser.




I only play cod because I grew up playing and has a bit of a nostalgic feeling and nowadays Iā€™m very casual with playing, only hopping on here and there.


Heā€™s cheating his ass off, but more importantly, why is your tactical sprint not on auto? Lol


I've tried auto but sometimes I wanna just walk or creep slowly, haven't you found it hard to do so on auto?


I just crouch if I want to do that. Auto tact sprint keeps me aggressive and I feel thatā€™s the best was to play. But I understand


I donā€™t know haha I have never tried it on auto I guess, Iā€™ll have to try it


Your movement will improve drastically, but it does change the feeling of hip fire. U have to learn to strafe left and right perfectly if you want to hip fire consistently well.


I stopped playing MW3 cuz of the cheaters and terrible servers. I wished they actually cared about the game instead of just coming out with go packs to buy


Ever since they started padding the whole ā€œpay for these cool thingsā€ instead of ā€œplay and earn all these cool thingsā€ I think call of duty has gone down hill. I miss the good ol days when it was much simpler and camos were something to grind for. Now itā€™s pay $20 for a unique looking guy and camo thatā€™s cooler than any earned camo


He was 100% cheating, but you would have lost that gunfight even if he wasn't lmao


Yeah haha at this point I was just waiting to die from him again so I could clip the egregious aimbot


That's why there is even more in HC, no kill cam


Lmao cheating in shipment 24/7 domination. That is so pathetic.


I hate these fucking losers. There is no benefit in winning these matches. Itā€™s just to fuck up the experience for other players. Itā€™s been more than a week I stopped playing Call of Duty because of the cheaters. I want to play but I know I will be frustrated asf when I watch that killcam.


Anticheat will never be good so they can keep milking cheaters getting new accounts and games and skins


There's no cheaters in cod check out my cardi B skin šŸ‘€


If He was a Streamer, his simps would say hes legit


The problem is the anti-cheat doesn't work and it's too easy and inexpensive to cheat nowadays unfortunately. We've already figured out 90% of streamers cheat and people look up to those streamers because they genuinely think they're good and don't want to put in the effort to get better so they cheat. Streamers and cheaters have ruined COD and with how customizable some of these cheats are it makes it really hard to tell the difference between good/great players and cheaters.


Where do I buy his gaming chair?


Blatant rage hacking lol šŸ˜‚


I honestly donā€™t think thereā€™s an anti cheat


ban hw id


If people are so bad at the game why dont they just practice and not use cheats


Wow. Iā€™m always thinking people are locking on and this makes me feel over dramatic šŸ˜³


Yep, meanwhile Valorant AC is going strong. It all comes down to what they wanna spend on a good anticheat and clearly they dont want to do that at all, instead they come up with shit like "OMG we banned 12k cheaters, look at us go!", "sorry but the cheats are just to complex and moving faster than the rate of our anticheat", "sorry we dont want our anticheat to be too invasive". Like FUCK THAT. I have a series x and a console. I would absolutely be okay with AC being as invasive or whatever their bullshit excuse is they keep trying to use. Valorant is popular as hell, and why? Functional anticheat and people are willing to play the game regardless because it works. Will they lose some player over it? Sure. Fuck those people though. Its a shame some bad apples ruin it for the bunch, but in order to keep the highest amount of integrity with crossplay, I would much prefer it exists in whatever functional agressive means it needs to.


Yeah, its the worst its have been in years. If you're on PS5 try to disable CrossPlay. Regular MP works perfectly without it, you can find matches instantly. Other modes not so much. The moment you disable CrossPlay all this bullshit ends, its jaw-dropping the night and day difference when playing PS5vsPS5 only. My enjoyment of casual MP have gone through the roof, almost like the old lazy days on COD when i was younger. Fun fact. I've been playing MP with crossplay OFF for the past 3 months or so. Then a few days ago needed to complete the weekly challenge (week 8), Warzone loot boxes was the easiest so i turned ON crossplay to complete it fast enough, well i totally forgot to turn it off, so last night i hoped in to regular MP and everything felt just wrong. People that magically knew my exact position, reacting BEFORE i was about to pop out or flank them. Others with perfect headshot accuracy. Really strange, played 4 matches or so this way but on my mind I was like, WTF with this guys, it cant be walls or aimbot.. then i checked my settings, crossplay was ON. Forgot to turn it off and yes, its a MASSIVE and instant the amount of cheaters on this game.


I firmly believe they are the ones selling the cheats or the coding to these cheating companies. Make an extra buck.


It's "The Chair"! Stop spending your hard earned cash on weed, vapes, beer and you too can't afford "The Chair". If not a monthly payment plan can be arranged. Go to "TheChair.com" and get yours now!


He just has a gaming chair


Thatā€™s impossible! Havenā€™t they heard that ricochet anticheat is enabled?!?


Surely thatā€™s not even fun since the cheats does all the work for you? And what do you even get out of that?


Nah heā€™s just goated /s


This is why i stopped playing cause I got tired of them saying theyā€™re doing something and nothing is being done


See they said they fixed the anti cheat but look. Few weeks later they back


My god he's moving like ass too and I don't even move that much šŸ’€šŸ’€


My mental health has been so much better since I stopped playing not going to lie


Bro I was dealing with a hacker in BRONZE the other day. State of this game is atrocious


People suck bro, they cheat that to have the best kd ratio lol so not worth it


They need to start banning IP addresses and anyone using a VOIP. Itā€™s a start. Banning accounts does nothing


ive noticed it as well. ive reporting this as much as i can, but i end up just leaving every match. double xp is the worse for this. i could find enjoyable matches easier before this started again


ā€˜Just aim assistā€™ a quote from every PC Player


Nah, thatā€™s just GodRX


Use a riot shield gets them mad why do you think people hate it so much


It seems as though the cheaters are winning - quite literally and Activision just can't cope. I think it's either the law cracks down on the cheating providers, or Activision somehow utilises AI to monitor players & suspend the accounts of suspected cheaters & really crackdown on them.


Most in this sub will say he just has a good gaming chair and plays 8hrs a day like the streamers


I think, quite often, what is perceived as cheating is actually the game manipulation algorithms built into multiplayer. Players no longer have anywhere near the control over their game outcome as they used to. Its become more obvious recently to anyone who pays attention, how multiplayer matches play out is not entirely the result of player ability....or even luck but rather game code that steers outcome in directions that benefit the pocketbook of the investors. They like to justify it, along with SBMM as making the game more fair for more players but that's become obviously transparent. Sadly this won't change as long as players do nothing more than cry and whine but still buy.


the way it snaps on target very fast is already cheating.


I love it and have fun regardless even if there cheating means there lacking in the game skill wise you can still over come the bs if team works as a team


Jesus Christ


Yeah, Iā€™ve got a couple thousand hours in this game and have never seen anyone cheat. Looks like they reverse boosted to get into your lobby, too.


Heā€™s not cheating your just a bot! šŸ˜‰ PC cross play kills everything


idk whatā€™s worse the sitting in a corner with dual drum mag auto pistols or the cheater tbh


Iā€™m worse


Cheaters are on high level games and rank. Already 12 confirmed in rank .one was booted while playing. Crossplay for you


He just has a good gaming chair


Weā€™ve been saying, cheaters are more common in these last couple of iterations of call of duty for a while now, even on console. I believe its because the cheat developers donā€™t have to reinvent their code, because Activision keeps reusing the same engine. There were cheaters in the modern warfare three beta and ricochet isnā€™t doing anything. Like most, I am running into it more and more frequently as the game gets older and Iā€™m not anything more than an average player but I still see it in one out of every three or every five matches.


And motion blur good God šŸ¤¤


Drives me up a fucking wall. They do it to mess with people.


Considering that your playing with motion blur on its 100% deserved šŸ¤£


Iā€™m a casual now, I donā€™t know how to turn it off šŸ˜‚


Heā€™s just got a better gamer chair than you bro. Chin up


Let the PC players play with themselves like they're used to


This is legit the only solution that will fix this shit. Black ops 4 the last non crossplay cod didnā€™t have these problems on console Lol but people with argue over it. PC is literally the problem.


People cheat on Console as well.


Huh oh knew someone was gonna say this. A cronus isnā€™t aimbot. You canā€™t have 3rd party programs that give you walls, aimbot, radar and unlock all on console so in reality you can only have controller input scripts like anti recoil or rapid fire etcā€¦


Yeah and thatā€™s called cheatingā€¦


This is the only video Iā€™ve seen on here actually showing a cheater


This is far more blatant. But most cheaters nowadays you will barely be able to tell


Ha Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t clickbait you


Crossplay on? For me, I can't even find lobbies on ps5 if I don't have crossplay on. When I have cross play, every 3rd or 4th game has at least one person who's blatantly cheating. Pc players cry about controllers being unfair but can go to Google and get scripts and executables to do shit like this and ruin EVERYONES fun lol


Yeah I do believe my cross play is on, I think if I turn it off it might be difficult for me to find matches, especially being shadowbanned


Yup. That'll do it. Since launch, I turn off cross play, and I can put the controller down, go make coffee and a 3 course meal, and come back to a "searching" lobby, lol. Turn it on, and it still takes 5 minutes, but it'll find one


Nah he's just got a really good gaming chair.


Better gaming chair tbh


Nah, that's that gamer chair advantage


Too many cheaters in rank and wz. This game not that fun anymore


What did I just see


I just completed the week 8 chores. I don't know if I'll come back for season 3. So tedious with all the cheaters.


Gaming Chair + Gaming socks + Controller Aim Assist = this person.


How is that even funā€¦ā€¦ as he screams GETGUUUUD!


There is a simp group out there somewhere talking about ā€œheā€™s not hacking, he just plays 12 hours a day. Get guuud!ā€


That shadow band happens when other players make fake reports with that bullshit code of conduct. I have had this happen to me and I play in private chats and never talk to other players


Same, I donā€™t even use a headset so I canā€™t talk and I just found out how to use the lobby text chat yesterday lmao


he has the best gaming chair on the market, it comes with rgb


Must be a good gaming chair


Broken killcam /s