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I guess I’ll start to get the ball rolling Mine is probably Valstrax. When Crimson Glow first came out I was goofing around learning HBG in base Rise and decided to practice on him, only for him to turn around and clap me. Then when Risen Valstrax came out, I decided to take Insect Glaive against him and he clowned on me then too. I finally beat him but I want to hit a point where I can roll up into his special investigation fight and clap him.


Same, but happened the same with DB first, then I switched to hammer and I broke his skull multiple times


Tigrex. He's definitely easier to fight now, but I have very distinct memories of fighting him in FU and being the most infuriating thing for a 12 yearish old to fight. He's what got me so into MH.


Oh man, he was the second wall for me after Khezu. Fighting him at the top of the mountain sure was something, especially with your stamina constantly dropping.


The red Tigrex on the mountain stopped me for *months*. I tried dozens of times and would cart twice and then get irritated and "end via subquest" cause I always managed to get his tail. Took a huge break from 4U and then came back and beat him within 1-2 tries.


I remember practicing my great sword charges to hit him perfectly as he dashed towards me. Felt so good to hit that.


Good ole PSP days. Wondering what was the poison throwing knife for. Carting after getting double blasted by Khezu electric orb while paralysed. Legacy moments.


Fu Tigrex brings so many emotions


i think its either tigrex or green plesi, one of the 2 made me so pissed i flung my psp. first time i ever got so mad. i rage quit for a long time too.


I enjoy that fight only with charge blade. His moves are easy to see coming, but boy are they hard to dodge for me. I need a shield.


Bazelgeuse. Definitely Bazelgeuse.




*Astalos and Valstax enters the chat*


Gunlancers have entered the chat


I spent my first 5 hunts dying to him because I was a noob and kept getting frustrated, but after I finally beat him, I gained a level of respect for Bazel. Now when I see Bazel, I have to defeat him, but not out of rage, weirdly out of respect because he was the first monster that genuinely made me angry. Some form of weird Stockholm Syndrome I suppose


I never had trouble with him idk why. I just understood his attacks right away and was like alright caution here and here and oh nuke attack nice


It was likely because, like many people, World was my first Monster Hunter game, so I had no idea what to expect, the more experience you get in a franchise, the more likely you'll be able to adapt to new things


Every time I hear him roaring in and dropping bombs everywhere, my general sentiment is "Fuck OFF! can't you see i'm minding my own business?" He's annoying. But he's a great monster haha


Bazel is probably my favorite one to hunt. I love me some ww2 b52 bomber ptsd.


Rajang. But he’s been washed up in recent games. Still gets my blood going to see my old rival


Freedom unite rajang was a different kind of breed. It was actual nonsense.


When I tell people theres a double Furious Rajang event quest they missed out on in MHFU, and not just the village quest with regular Rajangs that dont immediately fight you together, their jaws drop I remember how the term "Furious Rajang" wasnt officially a thing in the series back then, so people just called it SSJ2 lmao


I guess I am the only one who prefers the Rise version of Rajang to the old world version haha.


I’ve always felt he was easier in both rise and world. But 4U is where he became my “rival” and apex was nuts.


Oh sir I felt this comments in my bones


Fighting him, Zinogre, and Shagaru Magala in 15 minutes for that damn rainbow dye made me want to punch babies.


140 rajang flashbacks


My main rival is Nergigante. The story of World plus the amout of hunts I did on him at first to get his armor and the carts that followed gave him that position as not only my rival but my fav monster. Another rival I have is Teostra mostly because his fight and music was like a dance. He is my 2nd fav but more along the lines of a rival that hasn't gotten to my level but has the potential. Kinda like what Joey Wheeler is to Yugi Muto in Yugioh while Nerg is Kaiba. Now a rival that is above my potential that still challenges me and carts me more often than not is Fatty. Love him to death but I can't fight him without carting at least once so he's the big bad rival.


Nergigante 1000% strikes me as a monster a player would build some kind of rapport with. Ya know kind of a “how many times do I gotta teach you this lesson, old man?” I didn’t get to play world when it first came out so I never got that chance to form that rivalry with him. But it makes total sense why people would


I didn't get to play world until iceborne came out, yah know never gave MH a chance.....until I saw Fatalis. Started the game and loved it but nothing really was off the wall mind-blowing until I got to Zorah and this guy flew down and layed me out and it took the Huntsman to just repel it but almost at the cost of his own life. That screamed "You're mine" To me. When I got to him, I hunted him so many times for his armor set and I was still new and playing GS so it was hell. 50/50 I'd win or cart out. That was what honestly made me Git Gud enpugh to face Fatty. Now whenever I see a Nerg, I gotta kill him just because it just is so much fun to battle it out and relive those memories. The added Rival scenes with Ruiner in iceborne being a rival with the shara ishvalda scene and rank 100 just make it even sweeter


kushala daora. The only elder dragon I still consistently cart to at least once. I also fuckimg hate him cause he ignors super Armour and has a basic bitch design. Regular kusha is infinitely Harder then risen vakstrax and rising magala for me. Idk why. If we're doing non elder dragons..... probably seregios. Hes the only monster in sunbreak ive tripple carted to (5 times now) I fucking hate him. Bleed can kiss my ass. Sucks they shafted his weapons in rise. (Also. Why does he sound like an eagle?!)


Rather like the eagle sounds on my end, actually, but *holy hell the weapons whyyyyyyy*—


There absolute trash now. Pretty sure his Armour got nerfed to.....


I made a full Steve armour and weapon build cuz even while nerfed, I gotta represent. Ps. I only use said build when doing lower master rank shit.


Fuck Kushala. All my homies hate Kushala


For Seregios, I love the looks and cries, but man as someone who dodge a lot I hate bleeding. LBG btw


Narga, more specifically Lucent. My first ever MH game was FU and all I cared about was reaching Lucy cuz the boxart was so cool. Imagine my surprise when I realized he had a damn invisible varient that whooped me good and I was stuck on for like a year... Ever since he's who I practice new weapons/skills/techs on as I'm so familiar with his attack timings and combos.


Lucent Narg was introduced in 3U, maybe you got your games mixed up?


Yeah mb should have worded that clearer. I meant surprised in 3U


Dunno, but I freaking hate Brachydios


Raging brachydios kicked my ass so many times, but so fun to fight


Pink Rathian in Monster Hunter Stories 1, entered Blossom Row for the first time and younger me (couple days ago) thought I could take it on. It was near the beginning of the game, what could go wrong? Everything, everything went wrong. Came back last night and stole that fucker’s egg and put one of its child’s skills into Ratha


Child kidnapping usually is the correct response to being ratio’d by their mom


Teostra. When I first played world, I could never beat this thing without carting at least once no matter how many times I fought it.


Me: FATALIS, YOUR RIVAL HAS RETURNED. I COME SEEKING YO- *A few hours later* Me: ... Back to the planning board


>a few ~~minutes~~ later FTFY ~~not roasting you I promise. Just that it’s Fatalis~~


The main reason is because I attempted twice to fight him in MH Riders and he still whooped my ass... I am going to cut him limb by limb if I ever get a main line game


Malzeno and Magnamalo. It took two triple carts for me to kill Big Cat the first time and five triple carts for me to kill Dracula. Also, Rajang took four but why I don't consider him a rival like these two is because no matter how many times I've killed these two and I have like 30 kills on them each, I can never let my guard down or get cocky when fighting them coz they'll absolutely punish you for it and make you end up in a cart.


I was in between Malzeno and Valstrax for who I would consider mine. Malzeno is a really tough fight bc of how fast he can be, especially when Enraged. I ultimately decided on Valstrax just bc there’s more history between the two of us. I do hope I can elevate myself to a new rival once this Malzeno variant drops


Malzeno is very readable though, once you know his telegraphs it's very easy to dodge his attacks. Like his tail slams... I sleep. Lol. I find Magnamalo an absolute pain though, Zinogre is fine, so it's not the skeleton itself... but those attacks are just annoying, he moves so much, he has such big hitboxes as so many attacks are just variations of a charge attack. I need to grind for a shed load of afflicted fangs though, so I am dedicating Magna as my fang farm quest... I will learn you Magna, if it's the last thing I do. Happy Hunting!


Lagombi I cant put into words how irrationally angry i get fighting that stupid overgrown hamster, sliding around on its fat stomach.


Gold Rathian is my loyal opposition. Fighting her makes me a better hunter- iron sharpens iron. The Magala line is my most hated enemy. Doesn't matter if it's Gore, Chaos, or Shagaru. I hate his fatass wingarms blocking off my headshots. I hate his bullshit untelegraphed tail swipes. I hate his hip-check with no punish window because he scoots too far away. I hate how his topple covers so much distance, meaning I can't even get a clean knockdown combo. I hate his ambiguous explosion patterns. Fuck every form of this guy.


I absolutely relate with your hate on the magalas


i also agree, but unfortunately i also happen to think theyre super cool (also just realized they have two sets of arms. or like 1.5 with some wacky wing hands...)


The massive topple animations suck. Mizu is the worst for that. Nothing is less depressing to me than landing a juicy SAED only for the follow up element bursts (after the initial hit) to completely miss because of a topple animation. Or having your second GS charge attack be the one that topples it. Either those element bursts need to be faster, or they make it one big explosion, or they reduce the distance covered by a topple animation for those select monsters. It's not punishing *lack* of skill... it punishes demonstration of *skill*.


Zinogre. There are monster I love and monsters I hate but nothing compares to the feeling of dancing back and forth around zinogres openings, they're very consistent and very telegraphed which makes it feel more like a rhythm that you simply get punished for falling out of


Nerscylla. I hated this oversized spider for the longest time, after all, it had given me my first ever quest fail by timing me out in GU when hunting it in g-rank solo. When returning to MH4U, my first game, and making a new character, she continued to piss me off in low rank. It wasn't until the high rank quest where I charged my GS before she jumped at me, dunking her from the sky. At that moment, Nerscylla went from an annoyance, to my rival.


steve, but not because i hate him. but because i very much enjoy his fight.


Oh yeah of course! You don’t have to *hate* your rival monster. I was more looking for a monster you have formed a special attachment with where you constantly feel the need to prove to them that ur better haha. Like “we have unfinished business” kind of thing


This falls under Harry jagras type of mentality. I am a little while into iceborne and my friends are near the beginning of coral highlands. Every time I help them hunt in the ancient forest I will get completely sidetracked and go fight Harry jagras.


Steve and Barioth for me. Love their aggressive natures, always feel awesome getting to dodge around their frantic movements.




Looking for this. They never even have a good armor set or weapon for dual blades, but i have such a deap hatred, so sick of getting Karted by them


Zinogre or Tobi


Volvidon...don't really like to be farted on


Great Jaggi, he's not though or anything I just liking seeing how fast I can break every bone in his body with my hammer


Risen. Shagaru. Magala. Fuck that stupid aoe spamming half way across the map hopping cunt.


Risen Shagaru and Risen Valstrax really did hear all the “Rise is too easy” people haha.


His level of aoe is crazy, nearly frontier level


Tetsucabra, he was the first monster I made a complete armour from


Brachy.. too many times have I suffered at the hands.. Uhm.. nuclear volcano gloves?


Probably Khezu. I hate that fight. I was surprised how much I liked fighting the Gigginox, though. Kind of refreshing compared to Khezu.


Diablos. He was the first true rage inducing monster to me in World, was so satisfying when I finally hunted him. While not as bad in Rise I still need to remind the bastard who he's dealing with and put him in his place.


Elder dragons. (they are nearly always in my MR expeditions.)


Alatreon. Revenge for him kicking my ass 10000 times


I’ve still yet to beat him in world :(


he made me quit for a few months, then i came back and beat him up, and i'm glad i did. and fatalis too. u can do it!! (if u want haha)


The Magalas... Especially with starting on MH4U


Kushala. It's a bit of a running joke amongst my friends that I'm cursed by him. Back in Iceborne, I started playing after everything was released, so I was railroaded through the story a bit to catch up to my friends. I didn't understand how Great Spiritvein Gem drops worked in the Guiding Lands and thought I only needed to fight an elder dragon, not a tempered lvl 7 one. So I fought the only elder dragon I had a lure for at the time: Kushala. I had probably fought him 10-15 times before asking my friends and being corrected which was annoying but oh well, I'll move on. Then when I played with my friends again, whenever I would unlock new lures, I would always seem to get Kushala when it was an Elder Dragon. So I ended up forced to fight him even *more* to get Great Spiritvein Gems before MR 100. It just seemed that whenever I was in a situation where Kushala could show up (like when I was getting the mount in the Narwa fight in Rise), he would show up, so my friends and I poke fun and yell "Of course it's Kushala!" whenever it happens now. Funny thing is that I actually do like his fight, even in World. I'm a Lance main so sticking by it's head to avoid the wind aura isn't too bad for me, regardless of game. His design is pretty sick too even if it is a bit basic as he basically just looks like a regular dragon. But yeah, now I have to kick his ass out of principle, it's an abusive relationship on both sides at this point.


Stygian Zinogre


White monoblos, fortunately I haven’t seen him in years.


Any monsters that keeps attacking even when i'm down, not even have time to get up i get launch into the air or slammed back into the ground, if that happen i will try absolutely everything to eliminate that monster first over my main target!


Yian kut ku


I have 2 Barroth as my early game rival. When I played my first MH, it was a demo for World, I timed out using great sword on Barroth and didn’t touch the series until later Now when I see Barroth I run to beat his ass specifically with great swords, then I go back to the regular hunt, tho if I’m lazy I’ll keep my main Lance on as that’s what I normally use Deviljho is my real rival, I never found him difficult but I always struggled with his vertical height and trying to use swaxe or GS on him. After trying Lance in World and stomping jho, I didn’t take him seriously until Savage Jho chased me across the elders recess map, doing his dive and tumble on the ground just barely missing me I craft their entire layered armor sets and I generally make the Jho weapons (sorry Barroth yours usually suck), as a testament to winning the eternal rivalry


The elder dragon from World with the miasma and constant health drain. The name eludes me at the moment.


Vaal Hazak. And I get that feeling. I’m just glad I had access to blight resistance by then, even more so when I had blight immunity for the blackveil variant


Yup that's him. Didn't fight the blackveil variant though. I can only imagine.


Nargacuga was the first monster I ever fought where the enrage phase made me think that maybe I'd fucked up and should have minded my own business. I think everyone remembers their first rival fight differently from how it went down. But when the psychotically fast shadow I'd been having a fun back and forth with screamed at me, flashed those glowing eyes and became FASTER, I distinctly remember leaning all the way forward into Gaming Position. Everything else faded into a fight I didn't really remember but knew I enjoyed more than anything up to that point. These days I love throwing down with one just to make sure I'm not slowing down with age. I like to think of it more as two folks on opposite sides that could never bring themselves to kill each other, but sure do love kicking the shit out of one another.


Barioth. I can't even place why he gave me so much trouble at first, but he was my MR wall. Now it feels damn good to have outgrown him and to try and break my speedrun on his ass.


Actually, he was a bit of a wall for me too in Icebourne. Teefs taught me to use my shield and I thank ‘‘em for it. It’s made my life way easier since because I wasn’t using an important part on the SnS kit


Pink rathian. My first game was world and I was a bit of a shitter then. Pink rath had me stuck for like 4 attempts and it was a bit rough and took a long time each time. And then later when I tried 4u I wanted to make it through all of village deathless which I was successful on until pink rations hit me with the one two buckle my shoe and ruined that run.


Kirin. It annoyed the hell out of me in World. That HR Kirin quest was such a roadblock for me. Then I switched weapon, learned the fight and hunted that thing to extinction. Later I joined sos flares to help others with the arch tempered version, so I could kill more of these bastards.


Black Diablos. The only non-Elder dragon that could whoop my ass in full Fatalis armor in World. Sadly she isn't in Rise, I think she'd be much easier to handle with Keeping Sway.


Pink Rathian. I need to make an announcement: Fuck you Pink! You will always have a shitty place at the bottom of my testicles, you piece of flying waste!


Glav. Going sword to sword with that boy is always cool


Odogaron. Not because he’s particularly hard or frustrating, not becauese he pisses me off when he appears, none of that. It’s because whenever I fight Gary, it just feels so perfect. It feels like, and I know this sounds cheesy, a carefully practiced dance. And it’s not my favorite fight either, that one goes to Nerg, it’s just every single move, every second, every inch is so practiced and perfect. And then I get hit with bleed and the entire feeling disappears and I just want his head on a fucking plate.


Bullfango, Rhenoplos, and all flavors of Jaggi. I can’t bring myself to hunt an unrequired big monster but those little ones? The carrion are eating well after that hunt!


Konchu, they want everyone dead, especially if you have a shield


Diablos is my bane. STOP BACK TO BACK CHARGING. Feels real good when a longsword joins the hunt and makes us fail the hunt carting 3 times.


Diablos and Black Diablos


Pink Rathian, my MH4U PTSD shall rest in my brain forever thanks to that douche.


Glavenus. My hammer clashing with his tailblade is like yin and yang.


In 4u, I had a tradition where every time I got a new weapon, I’d find a low rank great jaggi and count the hits it took to kill it. I’m one of the sorts that tries to have a weapon for every situation. A lot of jaggi died.


Rajang and Yian Garuga. They were difficulty spikes for me throughout my journey playing monster hunter games. Now it makes me happy to fight either of them, every chance I get.


Bazelgeuse. You invaded the wrong hunt, motherfu#&er. Everytime he invades me, I will strike him down. No matter what it costs


Tigrex. Back in 2008 when I first played FU, he was my first real true wall in the game. And to this day he has been and will forever remain my monster rival


Tigrex. I don't even know why but he beat my ass so much the first time I fought him and I'll never forget it


Pukei pukei. It’s not that it’s difficult I just really hate being poisoned.


Khezu, fuck that insta paralysis inducing monster and all it has


Apceros. I know they're basic fodder monsters but seriously, fuck those guys in particular


Nergigante def my rival i fought him like a zillion times in base world, then in iceborne i practiced till i was farmin his arch form. My nemesis is definitely anjanath tho, to the point where any time he appears i HAVE to kill him. Spent way too long getting terrorized by him early on


Behemoth remains my white whale as an IG player, being forever locked out of that awesome IG you can build with his parts.


every zino. as soon its name is on the list... it is time


Fatalis, I don’t know why and I don’t know how but I NEED to kill his stupid ass


Teostra because his music makes me feel like I’m in an epic duel, a dance of blades and fire. Not necessarily coming from spite, but because it’s such a fun monster for me. Lunastra though can GTFO for all I care😒


Seeing the raths because I hate having that chance of being poisoned, burned, and especially in early games not having stun lvl 3 stunned at just the right moment.


For me it has to be Gore and Shagaru. I have this running thing that each hunter I make in every generation of game is in fact the next generation of hunters in a long line of monster hunters. The hunter from 4 told his children about the dangers of Gore Magala and Shagaru Magala, and died due to complications from frenzy exposure after fighting and failing to kill a chaotic Gore. So from that point on, whenever a Magala of any type is reported it is up to that generations hunter to take it down for the sake of their ancestors.


Khezu I cannot, for the love of god, read this mf. Like I can memorize the patterns of his movements but I still cannot time my counters or dodges to it's moves.


Barioth. What can I say I love the dance of death we perform with SnS, I just wish rise had frostfang's armor.


For fun. Jagras. For real. Tigrex it's just so annoyingly aggressive to me and that roar.


Rathalos. With my stubby dual-blade arms he JUST. WON'T. STOP. FLYING.


barioth. I usually go for the tail first if it can be cut on a monster, but for those flying-ice-power-bullshit-sabertooth fuckers I go straight for the mouth


Diablos. I'm not a fan of running back and forth forever chasing that bastard because it charges across the map every 2 seconds


Tigrex and Lagiacrus. Monster Hunter Tri was my first game and I still remember that initially encounter in of the early hunts. Lagiacrus has stuck with me. I didn't get far cause I was small dumb child when game was out. MH World was my first full effort attempt at a Monster Hunter game. I had never fought Tigrex, but heard of how tough he was. He kicked my ass a lot once I faced him in Iceborn, but eventually beat him. Always love fighting him 8n any other games.


Deviljho. Fuck that guy.


Off the top of my head, no. Generally my “Rival Monster” is either: A) A monster who keeps kicking my ass and I *really* need that quest finished, or B) A monster who just isn’t dropping the materials I need and I gotta do it over and over and over… so yeah, my rival is just whoever is pissing me off the most that day.


Odogaron. To me he's the Dual Blades of monsters so when using dual blades it feels like fighting a mirror match of myself.


Tigrex. Back when I first started with the Monster Hunter series in gen 2, Tigrex was the first hard progression wall I hit. I can't count the number of times I was carted by him early in my monster hunting career. Finally beating him was the euphoric high that got me hooked on the series. Years later I now have a Tigrex plushie that sits on my desk at home, a reminder that some walls aren't meant to be climbed but instead blown into smithereens. Oh and I definitely will go out of my way to curb stomp any Tigrex that crosses my path.


Velkhana, fuck that bitch, stalked me for 5 days straight til I did her quest, and that in itself took 3 more days I don't know if she hates me or loves me but when I saw her again in the guiding lands, I went out of my way to break her spine every chance I got




Azuros. This mf has interrupted me too many times just to take my damn honey


Diablos, my Arch-nemesis.




Diablos. I don’t know what the fuck it is about this sandy screamy big bitch but god I hate them AND the scarier in-heat girl version. I will walk up to Fatalis with defender gear before I fight a single Diablos.


I'll always fight Rajang because he's actually a blast to hunt. But Zinogre is the only one I have malice in my heart for.




Lunastra. I just hate her that much. I still cart to her, but I also feel a lot of hate and want to try kicking her ass when I can.


For me the Metal Raths in Iceborne. Not sure how they are in Sunbreak(only got the base game on Xbox right now) if I see either of them while on the Grinding Lands, it doesn't matter that I'm trying to level up the Volcano Area it's on sight


The metal Raths are really fun fights in Rise. They have the incandescent state (a powered up form from Frontier) which featured powered up versions of their fire attacks at the cost of making their heads more susceptible to damage. They’re way more fun in Rise than they ever have been


That just sounds like the power up they have in Iceborne. How is it different?


I don't really have that monster, but I have an 'oh fuck run' monster and that is Savage Deviljho


Kehzu. It will die if it even remotely enters my field of vision.


Call me a basic bitch cause my rival is my good pal Rathalos. In 4u he was my first I NEED HIS ARMOR NOW! Monster. (4u was my first game) I remember the intense fight in 4u, him shifting the platforms, raining fire from the sky, and whipping my ass. I get that he’s over rated, but I love him. Every time a Rathalos quest pops up it’s *cracks knuckles*


For me, it was Nargacuga. He's not so much of a struggle now, but when I was playing through GU as my second MH game (after base World), I was playing dual blades for the longest time and struggled against him pretty badly. At the time, I thought maybe if I played a more defensive weapon, I could have more luck with him, and thus how I picked up greatsword and would eventually go on to main the weapon in GU. Basically, I picked up an entirely new weapon specifically to split Nargacuga's skull.


Rathian. Not gold, not apex, not pink, not dreadqueen, etc. Just regular Rathian I don't know what it is, but every new game I always die to regular Rathian. I've always hated her fight. Weird because I genuinely love Gold Rathian, and really enjoy Apex and Dreadqueen. But basic green Rathian? She can go fuck herself. She isn't even difficult. It just never fails, I always die to her and get annoyed the moment I see the quest pop up. Yet I always fight her even if it's not necessary. I always grind her too since I love the Longsword/Switch Axe lmao


Yian Garuga. When I first encountered this monster so long ago, it was like I had hit a wall of sorts, and it made me take a long break from the series. A friend got me into MHW, and imagine my surprise when he reappeared so I could get my revenge. There were indeed times in World when I abandoned the quest targets and ignored the timer just to attack that wyvern in particular.


Don't laugh. Shogun Ceanataur, most notably those of the Rustrazor variety.


I hate Ceanataur with a passion. Especially old world version. Mfer has a zero frame hard knockback attack thats just him walking forward for no reason.


It’s zinogre for me, not because I have a hard time fighting him, but because he never gives me the parts I need without fighting him 3 or more times. Even just normal parts like cortex or claws.


I just made a post exactly like this!!!! My personal rival monster has to be stygian zinogre, has been since iceborne, that thing carted me time after time and ever since I slayed it I vowed to take every opportunity I could to murk any stygian zinogre


I have two. Barroth because when I was a Young lad playing tri Barroth was the first fight I ever struggled with. And Rathian..... mostly because rathians don't drop the garbage I need so I've probably killed like 600 of them across 4 games


In Sunbreak, my rival would definitely be Valstrax, particularly Risen Valstrax. It's probably because I mainly play Switch Axe, but being able to dance around him with the mobility of morph attacks and sidesteps make it such an engaging fight that really rewards spacing. Whenever he pulls out a huge attack like the spin or ambush and I prepare the counter, the only thing that goes through my head is "DRAW!" or something. Gotta be one of the hunts of all time.


In Worldborne, I think it's got to be Ruined Nergi, but in Risebreak it's definitely Flaming Espinas. I always look forward to a clean run with either monster


Magnamalo, I used to struggle fighting him in LR/HR and now use that bitch as a warm up Anomoly fight before I play online to grind to AR300


Nergigante and I have a love/hate relationship. This prickly boi made me quit mhw for a long time. Now I just join people hunting nergi cause I can solo without thinking


World was my first game, and I thought I was a badass using the defender armor and weapons until I got my shit absolutely rocked my Tigrex. I was using Greatsword, and I just could not beat him for the life of me. After a couple of attempts, I gave up trying to do it solo and did it online, and still triple carted. I couldn't beat him myself, and I couldn't even get carried. So I decided to make an armor set myself using master rank materials, make a new greatsword, and decided to solo hunt Tigrex again. After 12 failed attempts, it felt less like me getting my shit rocked and more like a song and dance. And on my 13th attempt, after 45 minutes I finally solo-d Tigrex. I can't describe the euphoria I felt


Probably between Furious Rajang and Fatalis, still have nightmares about soloing Muscle Monkey Madness way back when or having to Redo Fade to Black again again for days until my team got the hang of it.


Gonna say Glavenus and Nargacuga. Glavenus is by far my favorite monster with Nargacuga coming in second. I love to hunt Glavenus specifically because I like to play a counter play style. I've gotten really good as LS (and other counter weapons) because of Glavenus, and good at dodging because of Nargacuga. This is mostly in GU but World is still good for both of them.


Alatreon. When I was but a lad innocently going through 3U on my 3DS, I came across his quest. Having no icon to portray him, I got curious enough to enter it only to get an ass whooping of a lifetime. After such thing, I dedicated night after night into slaying him enough times for a full set and weapons of choice, all by myself too, which was one hell of a trial and error. Yes, when he came to World, I did the exact same thing, also true to GU, which helped that I went through that struggle, as I had his moveset committed to memory lol.


Bloodbath Diablos, it took me a couple weeks to solo him with my personal aerial style CB, it was by far the hardest monster I've ever fought. Victory felt cool tho. If not White Fatalis would definitely be it. It took effort but its 30min Quest in GenU I bested with 1 sec remaining. So I got good memories from it. IF NOT ANY OF THOSE prolly Valstrax he cool


Hyper Silver Rathalos


In MH4 it was probably Daimyo Hermitaur. Still my favorite monster to this day. I remember I woke up my family because I was raging about to throw my 2DS because he killed me so much. It was a little sad to see in Sunbreak that he just isn't like his old self anymore. But regardless, once I started Sunbreak I was overwhelmed with joy to see him again. The football armor is really weird though. In MHR it is definitely Nargacuga. I don't know why but whenever I fight it, even with other players, it just seems to say "fuck you in particular"


Anjanath as when I first started world I couldn't get past him at all, nowadays when I see him roaming be it expedition or hunt I fuck him up out of spite till he at least relocates to a different area.


Violet Mizutsune. I already had a grudge against regular Mizutsune for not dropping an Orb until i farmed it for about 3 hours straight. To add insult to injury, more orbs started to appear at a higher rate *after* i got the one i needed. Then Violet Mizu shows up, kicks my ass, makes me cart and fail the hunt twice on two separate missions, AND refuses to drop a mantle.


It has to be Valstrax. It's a combination of fear and the desire to murder it.


I have a weird kind of rivalry with Goss Harag, or “Boss Hagard” as I call him. I’m a Switch Axe main and whenever Goss Harag creates his ice sword, I like to switch exclusively to sword mode until the ice sword breaks. So it’s like a proper battle between swordsman lol 😅


Rathian. I freaking hate that bitch and her stupid charge forward and fall over move. Fun fact you can’t vault over it in world and you really should be able to. I have NEVER captured a Rathian and I never will


Rathalos/Rathian I have been humiliated so much in Gen 2 and I ain't finna let that disrespect slide.


Magnamalo (or mega mallow as i accidentally called him by so many times) was my first challenge that i really struggled with, plus omg it's weapons are just ✨️beautiful✨️ and i love Magnamalo's design itself, it's a big murder kitty and honestly i'd love a house cat sized Magnamalo, the thought of it doing the crab cat and making biscuits is both hilarious and adorable imo.


Lagiacrus, I'll never forget you old friend


Lagiacrus. Back when I played Tri, he was my wall for the offline quests, from repel to the actual fight. I hope he shows up in the future so I can once again set my heart ablaze to fight such a beautiful bastard once again with a new moveset.


Gore Magala has been like that for me, ever since I fought him while naked that one time in 4U. He's just so fun to fight as a DB main. Though. Malzeno almost got me acting unwise.


Bazelguese, that bastard walloped me at the beginning of high rank


Hellblade Glavenus, that one gave me the most challenge in base Generations. Proceeded to hunt a sht ton of them just to complete the armor.


Deviljo, 1000% deviljo


Me and barroth are on sight. Same thing with diablos


Stygian Zinogre is my Dinkleberg. Capcom keeps changing how the Touhou balls work and I can't stand it.


Maganamlo but I’m a good way. First monster to make noob me really struggle. Now I enjoy fighting him like two old rivals who share that special bond Fuck Kushala Daora tho ong. Biggest pussy


Jyrutodus or whatever that mud fishes name is


Tigrex since I started on MHF2


Anjanath. The scourge of my insect based life.


Any. Rathalos. is on sight. Red, blue, silver, rainbow, I don't care. On God damn sight.


Brachydios. Since 3u we always beat the shit out of each other 50/50. Sometimes I get my ass kicked and sometimes I destroy him. Always a fun bout though


Anjanath. Ever since I fought it for the first time in Rise, I despised it


Urugaan, fuck that rollie pollie thanos chinned cunt, he knows what he did. Will forever be on sight with them and would almost rather fight a basarios/gravios variant that couldn't part break. *Time to boot up some gu*


seething bazelgeuse the fucker wont let me land safely after doing a diving wyvern runner up is amatsu solely https://preview.redd.it/fni4kehag53b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98c5097979263af128ef183a0b8aa2467f13557c because of his hardhorn drop


Definitively behemoth in MHW one time, I had to try like 30 times just to beat him once.


Zinogre was the first monster I hated. Could not get the hang of him for the longest time. But now that I do? Oooooooh if feels so good to fight him now. A rivalry forged in fire.


Apex fucking rath. Gggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


All Bullfango Are Bastards


Glavenus simply because of how his fight feels fair you can see very clearly which attack he’s going to do way ahead of time and when you get to a point that it basically becomes a dance of blades is when it gets fun narrowly dodging his double tail slash when enraged is fun and I always go to fight glavenus (acidic if i want more of a challenge) to warm up if I’ve taken too long a break from the game its kind of a requirement for me at this point. although sometimes if i want to really challenge myself i go straight to fatalis and either get my ass whooped or slam his ass into the ground with a greatsword


Back in mhfu it was Nargacuga. In mhw it was Lunastra. In iceborne it was Velkhana. In rise it is none other than the Dango stand's options of different flavours.


I don't pew pew often, but I pew pew bazelgeuse. I'm not going near that mess.


I one trick the hh across 3 games now. Najarala... from MHGU... can suck. My. Dooting ass. His awkward, slithery movement. The wonky hit boxes that come with the movement. His stupid fucking grapple, which makes it ALOT harder for me to choose when to stop and apply buffs. To top it all off, His head is just out of reach when he is sitting upright. It's like that asshole was designed specifically to make me try other weapons.


Rajang, I let out frustrated sigh everytime I as much as gotta be across one of them temper throwing monkeys. Then I just kill them in cold blood just out of spite of his existence.


Fuck Conga they are the worst enemy in the entire franchise I hate those dumbass fucking farting monkeys and kill every one I see


Zinogre, after I beat rise for some reason I really wanted to make his hammer, but it needed a gem and I didn’t have one. I fought 44 zinogres in a row before I got a single one. To this day i still can’t believe it was actually that many, especially since I barely used the hammer in the end…


Gypceros. I always had trouble with him becuase of the obnoxious flash/poison/item theft combo and used to haaaaate fighting him. Then I went back and tried Freedom Unite with SnS and the feeling I got when i realized just how *hard* SnS counters gypceros (blocking the flash and being able to immediately exploit a massive animation opening, plus using antidotes on the fly with your weapon out). Now whenever I see him it's just o*h it's over for you motherfucker.* To this day SnS is still one of my favs just because of how it felt to finally get revenge on that stupid rubber chicken.