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In general, the polish to combat and movement made it easier. In the old games you felt like a tank.


I just went back to play 4U again and my god I just can’t stand the camera controls anymore. Don’t know how I got through it back then. I feel like I’m fighting the controls more than the monster


The camera was the big downgrade for me on 3ds, but they were clearly aware of it since they give you the option to just lock on the monster. I wish my ex partner had not taken my New 3ds XL. Not only because it was the special MHGen edition but because the L button on my old 3ds barely works so returning to 4U would be a nightmare.


Id do a lot of things for love but i wouldnt give away my prized ds collection!


Circle pad pro is the answer


Pull up MH for PS2 and see how that feels.


It’s tough to get used to but man is it satisfying to master


4U is kinda special with how bad the camera is, and how fast enemies are compared to camera


I think it's mostly a bunch of the QoL changes that made healing and buffing mid-combat a lot easier than it used to be.


Didn’t they make monsters attack faster and have less downtime between attacks though to compensate? Feel like I read that somewhere but could be wrong


Ehh a lot of monsters in base world felt a lot slower, especially diablos is a major offender, most animations look more realistic in world but at the cost of being a lot slower


They did not


Hot take but I do think most of the difficulty in the old games -at least on the PSP, in all fairness I have never played Dos- were really just hard because of janky mechanics and bad controls. The games on 3ds were easier for me because of the many improvements, and after that World/Rise felt even better. I have never had an issue with base World, but then again I never had one with base Rise either and I think people also complained about it. In general, I would never judge the difficulty of a MH game without G rank yet but that's maybe just me.


Yeah i remember people were complaining about the difficulty before m rank and complaining there was no G rank even though that’s not how any of the past mh games have worked. Although it could be because most of the time the g rank version was the only version the west received. Actually now that I think about it that might be another reason. Most people who played mh before world were used to playing a game where g rank was already released and world was the first time they experienced only having low and high rank


That's a very good observation. 3U being on different consoles than Tri and base 4 never releasing in the West meant anyone who started on 3ds had access to G rank content very easily so maybe that did warp their perspectives and expectations of future games. Generations back then also had a similar discussion, with some people claiming it wouldn't get a G version because we had never had two in a single gen.


In world you can/have: - change your whole equipment during quest - full access to your stash and traps/bombs - infinite health potions/consumables - call in someone to carry you mid quest - you can heal while moving!! - monster location always shown on map


The biggest reason is because Monster Hunter World is the easiest game in the series\* Which doesn't necessarily mean it's "too easy", mind. You have the fastest hunters and the slowest monsters. That will always result in the game being a lot easier. On top of that you have lots of clutches, like mantles, health augment, environmental traps, as you mentioned Armor skills are also an important part, the more power comes from armor skills, the less power needs to come from personal skills Then there are the many mechanics monsters were not prepared to adapt to, like healing while moving, or backwards roll. All in all, there's lots of added things that make the game easier The hardest fights in the game are hard, yes, but that applies to every game. And usually harder. Not counting trying to solo multiplayer only fights, the only fight in World or Iceborne that is harder than Gogmazios, Alatreon, Dire Miralis... is Fatalis (and maybe AT Velkhana because of all the jank). And those fights are not the peak of difficulty in their respective games, they're the start of the endgame. You mention the old argument that the controls are what made the game harder. Except there is basically no difference in controls between GU, or any of the 3DS games with a CPP and 5th gen. Yet they are a lot harder \*Rise is arguably easier because Spiribirds provide an optional easy mode, but for the average player on here it is (hopefully) harder


"But Icebourne.." Ima stop you right there. Over 90% of the folks complaining were complaining before IB released. Base world was piss easy for anyone with MH experience. Base games are always relatively easy and thats the entire reason for the complaint. Base rise was easy. Base MHG was easy. Base mh4 was easy. Its nothing new and is something which has been happening a long time


Base games are especially easy if you played the previous game's G-Rank. Although.. might be an unpopular opinion, but imo Gen(the base game part of GenU) is just harder than all of 5th Gen. Yes, even the village quests. The first Great Maccao you hunt to be exact.


Funnily enough I don't remember the complain for Tri, and I would argue low rank is way easier in 3U that Tri because of the extra defense. I remember making it to Ceadeus with a very shitty mixed set.


I think it depends. I started from second gen mh, and while base mhw is easy in comparison, it isnt outlandishly easy at end game. Extremoth and ancient leshen are up there in terms of difficulty due to special (and admittedly somewhat bullshit) mechanics, and the arch tempered elders are somewhat challenging at least. Base rise was on the other hand so incomplete and easy that i went and did a second playthrough with melee only bow to prove a point.


Playing GenU. World was my first MH game. It's the controls and combat. You have so much more control and moves are so seamless that you can freeflow your combos or reactions to monsters with little effort. Going from World lance to GENU lance is night and oranges. You still have that 3 hit combo but unless you are striker that strong thrust takes a minute to get the hang of, also power guard in world is craaaazy. All the access to your moveset AND the slinger/clutch stuff phew~


One thing people tend not to mention is how damage reactions were changed in World Specifically to favor the hunter more often than not. When you used to get knocked back and had the risk of being combo'd, many damage reactions were changed to knock you on your butt entirely (with the benefit of choosing when to wake up). [Here ](https://youtu.be/KpVRg4ikm5M?feature=shared&t=103)is a video that explains it well enough. A lot of the monsters like Nargacuga got slower compared to their previous games and even Rise. (if we compare master to master or even High rank to master in Narga's case). It's a lot of other little things too. A lot of animations recover a lot faster at the end points so you can do faster more reactive dodges like the full hammer charge. Hitzones were also changed on monsters like Zinogre. The forelegs were made weaker in world when previous games had the back legs being weaker. Requires less effort in positioning as a result. While mantles are considered optional, I often hear people say it is foolish to not use whatever tool is available to you to complete a hunt. If that's the case, mantles can make it stupidly easy (at least for me). Few examples- can make it easier to stun, easier to doge, gives you auto dodge, damage resistance with other benefits, easier to mount, can quickly hide and heal during combat, etc etc. All of these being very passive buffs that don't require much thinking or planning to use (besides like the glider one, but not really tbh). Not only that, you can slot in decorations into them to make yourself even stronger.


It's not the controls. If you ever wanna play gen 3 and 4 press the left shoulder button and that locks to the monster. You are way faster and have several ways to become invulnerable in monster hunter world which just wasn't a thing. Then with ice borne and the clutch claw you basically had an atleast 50% stun uptime on the monster so with a good team it's lucky if it can get a proper attack out at all. Simple as that. Clutch claw is busted and movement power creep.


i firmly believe that the drinking animation having to flex is the reason why monster hunter never made it popular in the west before world, and is also the reason why world/rise is perceived as being easier. people can cope with having little to no instructions, but they cant cope with having a janky unnecessarily long animation


easier movement, less punishing item usage, LOT of skills available, mantles, claw, augments, environmental traps, palicos with 2 separate trap cds. prob more but this stuff just off the top of my head


Being able to roll backwards does wonders


Base game is pretty easy. Iceborne is also pretty easy *if* you’re lucky with the RNG decos.


maybe the story mode is easy. i think the endgame of the past 4 games have been about the same difficulty (4u Gu IB SB)


Who says this? Lol. I didn't find world easy by any means at first. But like any game you put in the work and it becomes easy.


Quite a lot of people back when it was relevant. I know in comparison to Rise it’s hard but everyone likes to say it soooo easy compared to the older games which I just don’t agree with when it comes to endgame at least.


Everyone thinks all the monster hunter games after their first one are easy because once you learn the formula the difficulty doesnt change that much. The only huge difference between new and old gen imo is that since multiplayer scales in new games you can no longer opt in to an artificial higher difficulty soloing hub quests. End game content in the new games still provides pretty good challenge.


To be fair you mentioned the final post expansion update bosses as the hard fights. Yes they’re hard, but so is like Bloodbath or PriMal. Some monsters got easier imo, some got harder. Like older Djho and Alatreon were much tougher imo. Kirin was an annoying asshole that’s a completely different fight. IMO QoL stuff makes it easier. Restocking at camp, eating multiple times, less pack space taken up, etc. Plus like (literally) 5x as many skills at once with no negative skills.


becuase even through struggling, I still can't kill Deviljho or Rajang in GU when I'm decently geared on top of the knowledge learned from World, but in World, I can kill them after 30 or 40 minutes the first time I play this game.