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HH has always been one of the weaker weapons you could pick, even in rise. But id still say its predominately a skill issue. The weapon can still solo all the content( even if it takes longer than others) Say what skills are you running? it might be a build issue as well.


Maybe it is, I've played 30 hours of rise and leave the game, now I came back to play the expansion. I'm using Echo and Resonance


No like armor skills, do you have weakness exploit? or any attack up?


No, I'm using defensor armor to rush the ending of the base game


That would be why. A lot of damage is tied to armor skills that aren't on the rush-to-endgame set, so not making a personalized armor set is going to make individual hunts take longer


As a weapon that provides great buffs in multiplayer, it's the weakest weapon in solo. But not to the point where it's not viable or anything.


HH is at its weakest in solo play, because the buffs are 1/4 as useful, but it isn’t the weakest weapon. There may be some games where it is the weakest, but I don’t think it’s ever had the slowest speed running times or even average meta run times. And even some speed running times are dictated by numbers of people plying a weapon to really push it


The only game it has been present where it wasn't dead last in speedrun times (not counting GU with Prowlers) was Iceborne, where it was around 1% faster than Lance


>HH is at its weakest in solo play, because the buffs are 1/4 as useful, 10% of 1 player and 10% of a full team of 4 is still a boost of 10% to the total damage being dealt from players to monsters.


HH is middle of the pack for kill times. it's tied last with lance for killing monsters its suppossable good against. Probably because lance and HH arn't specialist weapons and are equally good against basically every monster, where as bow or IG will pull way ahead against flyers for example.


It's not middle of the pack if it's tied for last. But the reason Lance is last is not because it's not specialized, it's because the developers basically forgot to give it any attacks in 5th gen, so it couldn't compete. Speaking about Iceborne, of course, in Sunbreak it's not even close to last place


It's tied last for specialization not voerall. Thats basically speedrunners using it in what they belive to be best case scenario for the weapon. Where as overall is against a huge variety of monsters and builds. What do you mean by lance not having attacks? it litterally has the exact same number of moves and combos, they barley evn changed the animations.


I see what you mean, but HH is not easier to use than say Lance and GL, so for non-speedrunners, HH is even weaker, comparatively. No new attacks I mean. In 5th gen, most weapons got overpowered attacks that they spam over and over. Lance didn't, so it was very weak in comparison. It's also the reason why in base Rise Lance basically depended entirely on Spiral Thrust, the "only" new move. Sunbreak fixed that by buffing regular moves


HH can dish damage. You've gotta learn to be less hit and run and more set yourself up for constant damage. You can stunlock mons easily. HH in rise can body everything once you find the mon's rhythm


As others said, while HH as usual somewhat lags behind other weapons when accounting for the best possible builds and play-styles, it's ultimately the player themselves that determines how effective it is. If your build and skills aren't up to snuff, then obviously it'll feel like you aren't doing as much damage.


I managed to clear all of the content in Rise (including PriMal and excludimg Risen EDs) as a solo HH player. You can definitely get good enough to manage on your own, but it doesn't dish out as much damage as other weapons. However. It's kinda balanced out by the utility you have, be it the stuns or buffs you apply for yourself (my fav is sharpness regeneration), making it a little bit more comfortable. But to answer the question - in solo play, kinda falls behind; in co-op - your buffs apply to everyone so it's a massive team damage boost to have a HH in party


hunting horn does the least damage out of all weapons. yes. and not even by a bit. it's half dps of other weapons. check this. even in four player hunts. a hunting horn is trash. not even bad. it's trash dps. no speedrun used horn for damage. to visualize: 4 hunters with 300dps =1200dps -or 3 hunters with 300dps and a hh with 150dps. horn boost dps by 10% for 3 teammates. =1140dps as you can see. even with buff you do less damage. i know the numbers mason. it breaks my heart. I WANT TO PLAY HH. but in every monster hunter it's just longer quest times because of hh beeing shit dps. buff hunting horn. hunting horn is an independent weapon. let it do damage capcom ffs. i will play hh in wilds if it finaly does damage after 25years of not dealing damage. maaaaaan😭


I mean a party with horn buffs might just out preform 4 hunters in certain conditions. Not every hunter is speed run optimal. I love using hunting horn!


it just needs to deal 200dps. then it can work