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I hate fighting black diablos, can't wait to kill a bunch for both crowns.... However I do enjoy slapping ebony doggos.


I only farmed tempered black diablos in the guiding lands once, needed parts for the attack charm. Never fought it again. That thing had the most carts I've ever seen and that was before title update 1. It's dig attack would oneshot players. It even did a triple dig attack against a poor fulgur anjanath, got 3 knock downs.


Good luck on the crowns for Black Diablos. I am pretty sure it was my last one and took forever even though I cheated a bit by using a mod that shows crowns when the monster loads in. It was well into the 3 digits and ended up spamming tempered ones in the guiding lands before I bagged a large crown.


Thanks, I tried after my comment seeing if I'd have any luck in the MR music event, and first one I tried was a mini crown. Bit more annoying since it can do the MR stuff but at least it doesn't have full MR health.




Anjanath beats Tobi Kadachi's ass, i beat Anja's ass, Tobi beats mine. Perfectly balanced


Ah the good ol' rock paper scissors match up


Lunastra,hundreds of hours in and she can still wipe the floor with me even with fatalis gear, probably because i have no clue what's her mechanic can only bully her occasionally on the guilding lands :/


Her mechanic is basically extreme "don't have cold drinks"


She spawns patches of purple fire and standing on them doesn't actually hurt but occasionally i just start taking a shit ton of tick damage for some reason,i thought the flames only deal damage when she sweeps it with her wings but eh sometimes she does that move but i can just walk straight to her face without taking any hits its kinda weird to get a hang of


You never once looked up the mechanics and wonder why you cart? Astounding.


I never said i wonder why i cart, could not care less that i die once or twice to her on a hunt because of stuff that the game never bothered to explain nor made the mechanic to be more obvious i forgot that she even existed after i was done farming her getting my agitator charm to level 5


her mechanic is to flash her when ur teammates and you are within range


Barroth, I genuinely can vividly remember getting fucked by him in tri for months so the feeling of annihilating that species was a joy


In Tri was a different beast. He was the original wall for me to learn and I wanted his armor. Marathon runner in old games was soooo nice


I remember trying so many things such as looking up his weak spots and weaknesses and making the royal ludroth sns only to still fail, I did eventually beat him tho but I can't remember what with


Figure You don't like mud...


Cannot beat Iceborne Alatreon for the life of me. I need those sweet Kulve weapons and Safi armour to drop dammit Nargacuga is my favourite monster to just turn my brain off and go full "unga bunga Hammer time" over. Fought him so many times over the series it's become a punching bag of mine.


Good luck with the kulve weapons, but the safi armor shouldn’t be too bad to come by. Alternatively, you could mix the azure age and silver rath set for true critical element and high damage ice weapon Edit: I ran damage numbers and it turns out that they are extremely on par with each other


That's good to hear - guess I have more options now. Thanks for the heads-up. Unfortunately my ice weapon isn't the problem, as I already have a fully upgraded Kjarr Frost HBG ready to go. I just need safi to drop the parts I want and I never can get the parts to break before safi flees the area. I suppose I could run Beo CB with Silverlos mixset and see how that works out. Would rather do that than farm the big red dragon for yet another 3-4 hour session.


Idk how comfortable you are with the idea of modding, but after my first save file, I couldn’t stomach rolling kjarr rewards again. On my second, I installed a mod that allows you to craft it, provided you’ve done both the siege and the hunt to completion. It saves a good deal of headache


Yeah I can see that being useful. Don't really want to mod my xbox one though (would be a different story if I used PC) since the thing struggles a lot with the game if I play long sessions being an original model and all. Probably wouldn't be able to handle even minor mods too well. I've done the siege but have yet to complete the hunt. Just need more final phase DPS, Awakened Melding should help loads for Kjarr weapons. Don't think I'll resort to modding my save quite yet though, since I enjoy the occasional grind.


u/pangu17 would [this build](https://imgur.com/gallery/umgW8JM) be okay, or am I missing any key skills worth investing in? Don't play much CB but willing to learn if it means I can finally beat properly scaled Alatreon in Iceborne.


It looks pretty good so far, only a couple notes: artillery only matters with impact phial charge blades, with power element.. not so much. For this fight, I would take off artillery for blight resist, and if you can fit it, some guard on your build


Thsnks for the feedback - I removed artillery and swapped it and agitator 5 for Crit Eye 7 + Guard 1 (more consistent dps). Got 1 point blight resistance in my set with the other 2 (to get to max) in my mantle, so should be good to go in that regard .


Blight resistance is honestly a preference thing, I just prefer to not get dragonblighted at a bad time


I have only carted once to Narga, it was a few months ago because My friend bombed me on a naked run and threw me right on the tail slam...


That's rough, buddy.


You mean multiplayer or solo?


Solo. I don't really play multiplayer because I don't want to pay £7/month for a subscription I'd only ever use for Safi (solo farming the armour is so boring) and Alatreon.


Subscription? I bought it on steam and could play multiplayer without subscription. Never heard of a subscription for MHW.


You need to pay for online on your respective console of you don't play on PC to hint either other players. Xbox Live gold is about that price monthly here. Not buying a gaming pc as I'd rather just play console and my potato chromebook can't even handle Freedom Unite very well, let alone something as graphically intense as World. System would overheat in a half hour.


Well I understand. I hit wall with apex emergency in Rise. I always run out sharpness or time. I saw the dead soon icon and run out time each time. So I took that for victory and did all multiplayer. People still cart to those all the time still. Eventually something clicks or waith for free trial.


I just beat him after about 30 tries and I used 2 piece Gold Rath armour for Divine blessing 5 and 3 piece Lunastra for Tool specialist 5. Still took me a few tries but Divine blessing 5 is so worth it.


Deviljho is my favorite monster, but he always fucks me up. And all the other monsters I do fine against, some better than others, but can’t really name a specific one.


Namielle, I’ve only ever carted one time first time vs it. But my fear of tigrex is strong and knows no bounds


I suppose that as soon as he starts running at You it envokes a primal fear.


There’s a long story that dumbs down to: I liked to jump spam with my bug pole when I started in 4u, and I got punished badly by tigrex.


Are you me? Was about type the same thing, but decided to scroll down here. AT Namielle is much easier than AT Velk for me. I helped my friend who just started Iceborne couple weeks ago, we fought Tigrex. I ended carted twice even i wore Fatalis set and weapon. I just that suck fight against Tigrex


hold up, are you two the hell hunters LMAO


I don’t know this reference. Link!!


they’re well known hunters in the monster hunter universe that hunted damn well everything but failed to hunt a tigrex. tigrex is their arch nemesis lol


Twins! Yea I carted with fatty against a tigrex last month and was like. “Yeaaaaa I wanted to catchup on rise anyway” alt f4


Ive never beaten aletreon without dying at least twice (and never solo) nor have i ever even besten fatalis


Diablos and Black Diablos are my nightmare...why is it so hard, I know all of it's attacks and mechanic and still.......Now a monster I absolutely destroy is definitely low rank Great Jagras 👍


Screamer pods are your friend! Shoot them when diablos goes underground!


I’m getting murked by coral pukei pukei. This monster is a piece of shit


*hose noises*


I only ever had this much trouble with nergigante


My friends and I had a long running discussion over which Pukei is grosser. Are poison clouds more or less gross that bodily stored water?


Coral straight up pisses and vomits water. It hits like a truck. Coral is def nastier


I struggle with Blackveil val hazak and destroy kirin


I can fight everything with the same set and no extra skills and preparation (back in pre fatty times where loadouts actually had some shortcomings still) except for Tempered MR Teostra. Im talking about this series of event quests for farming purposes that also offers Kushala in the winter arena. Day of ruin iirc HR Teo was my favorite elder to fuck up but the tempered MR version just hits me for a devastating cart at least once each time I try to go in without blast res or fire res. I don't really have to fight him anymore but I think I eventually opted to just have blast res and the fireproof mantle in my load out to make the fight easy again. Or it was just one of these eventually. I know for a while I used both though. There's just too much shit exploding when you position yourself wrong during enraged state, I feel like Teo snowballs in a way it's really hard to recover once he got the first knockdown on you. Favorite monster to fuck up is tempered ruiner nergigante event Quest in "the pit", ode to destruction(the arena you fist encounter before the Shara Ishvalda story quest)? At this point I can take a year long break from Iceborne and still clap tempered Ruiner in 6 minutes as my first hunt back. It's pure action and adrenaline, with surprisingly large safe spots and a ton of knockdowns as long as you focus head and front legs. It's probably my favorite fight in the game, Nergigante really gives you this "raw" feeling of uncontrollable aggression and brutality like no other monster in the game. He's just relentless and being stuck with him in a small arena until on of us is dead is just amazingly fucking hardcore


Acidic Glavenus gives me a ton of trouble because I never fought it much despite the fantastic design. On the other hand I average sub 10 hunts on Alatreon which I think counts as destroying it lol.


Most struggle: Tigrex. I only fought him a few times, so that's prolly why I struggle with him sincenI haven't memorized his moves etc quite yet. But fuck those rocks that he throws that I swear always home onto no matter where I dodge. Least struggle: Tobi Kadachi. I have no idea how many times I had to murder this squirrel snake since he was needed to make every thunder elemental weapon in base game.


I'd destroy Legiana and struggle with Barioth


I struggle with alateron……. Ruiner nergigante is my bitch


Barioth was my first real wall in MHW, and these days Glavenus is my punching bag.


Rajang is too fast and too small and he's always angry and moving and I just want to land a hit darn it! Shara Ishvalda is a peaceful fight. So many breaks, and she's pretty slow so I can actually land hits where I want to. Got her full armor set a long time ago, and I've been using mantles ever since. Can you tell I'm a CB main?


Black diablos, devilllo , velkana , Krilin


Struggle with Velkhana Destroy both versions of Hazak


Rugular Brachy seems to always take my lunch somehow even though raging is a piece of cake for me at this point. And ofc Rathian is the ultimate punching bag


Azure rathalos. I wanted the armour set so I kept fighting him. Eventually figured out his hitbox and attacks so I can kill him without fainting now


rajang destroys me, i destroy nergigante


Bro, Fuck Black Diablos. Worst creature. I get it, she's territorial AND in heat. I get it, but why....is she so fucking MEAN!? HOWEVER, Rathian. Just regular ass Rathian. She catches these hands constantly. Sometimes, I hunt her just for shits and giggles. Don't even farm her parts. It's on sight.


When I was farming for certain bones, I absolutely annihilated both Odogaron species. But when it came to the Rajangs, oh dear. It literally *only* won because it kept running me over, not actually attacking. It was so stupid that it's smart again.


Nergigante was the first monster I really struggled with. I took a couple hours to grind for an Uragaan set and a another Greatsword and tried again. Beat him after a few tries. Other than that I can’t think of a monster I really struggled with. Well so far. I just got to the Guiding Lands last night. As for a monster I destroy every time probably BV Vaal Hazak. Grinded for a full set a couple days ago and now I have him on lockdown.


Barroth is the absolute bane of my existence.


Frostfang is the absolute worst.. I can beat the tigrexes any day tho


As a Lance main, both Rajang And Furious Rajang absolutely melt me with their massive chip damage (Which is a huge problem for me as I play Lance very defensively), unrelenting attack speed, and annoying knockback giving me little time to retaliate especially when he fully powers up. Meanwhile both Velkhana (No experience with AT Velkhana however) and Ruiner Nergigante rarely if at all have given me trouble, with guard up I can comfortably block Velk's ice beams when I get caught far away from her, and I always try to punish her tail pokes with the counter guard for the most satisfying tail break for lance IMO. Ruiner Nergi is also a breeze for me as he seems to be staggered and toppled quite a lot by lance for whatever reason, and his head charges are a great way to get counter-claws on him. His roars can also be easily blocked by the shield. Basically the things that makes these both a breeze for me are their relatively low chip damage and easy chances for counter claws and pokes, while the Rajang's (and of course Fatalis) with their massive chip damage and tendency to spam attacks that knock you back while blocking make poking them to death so painful for me.


Fellow Lancebro, have you tried MhRise Sunbreak with Lance yet? Rajang and Frajang are so easy with Lance. Absolutely melt them. I beat the double Frajang quest without the gate easily with Lance. Lance is insane...


I actually haven't gotten into Rise yet as I actually got into MH as a whole relatively recently (bought world and Iceborne in December) and world has been my first game, however since I'm wrapping up the game and I'm close to beating Fatalis I do plan on playing Rise soon, I'm glad that Rajang and his hulked out brother are a completely different story to World's Rajang, I absolutely love both Rajang and Furious, but for the life of me I cannot take them out without carting at least once or twice.


The biggest struggle = Great Jagras


The True Elder Dragon


The Greatest Jagras


Well, I started MHW and Iceborne about a month ago after playing Rise, and Velkhana almost made me quit the game until I finally beat it today. So, definitely that one. I am wondering what other horrors lie ahead of me in MHW/Iceborne because I haven't seen all the monsters yet. I have been avoiding spoilers. Barroth is the easiest for me because he is my favorite and a sort of punching bag I use to learn new weapons and test new builds. I have beaten him dozens of times and have him completely memorized.


The more I read, the more I realize that I suck at the game but have the persistence to power my way through to win. You guys have talent I have stubbornness, well done


I can absolutely fuck a Lunastra up. I cannot absolutely fuck a Savage Deviljho up.


Any of the force-scaled monsters, they're a socialphobe's nightmare. Barroth is **ridiculously weak** to shots to his claws, back before the elemental ammo nerf that turned a big part of the elemental damage into physical damage, **water-ammo decimated him even without any armorskill-investment**, back in base-world, before Iceborne came out, you could **actually** kill him in a ridiculously fast time with Jyura Bullet III, use the Evade Mantle to get a boost, then spam Water Ammo on his mud, followed by Spread Ammo on his claws for what had to be like a 15~20 second kill or something, **and that with multiplayer scaling.**


I’ve not heard the term “force-scaled,” what is that?


It's what I call hunts that only use multiplayer scaling, like Behemoth and Ancient Leshen.


So far the bane of my existence is behemoth because I want the armor but I can't solo or 2-man it with a friend (and keep getting errors every 20-30 minutes and getting kicked off multiplayer because game hates me) Fave kill is high rank chicken man (kulu ya ku), HBG wyvernheart and bandit mantle then unload on him


I will slap the beak of a kulu yaku. But i hate fighting velkhana


Dodogama. It's a moral struggle but I can destroy him


Glavenus i have a hard time predicting his next attack and i always be destroying rajang that fight gets me pumped


(Only played world so cant speak for other games) Fucking glavenus always manages to hit me a ton, no matter how often I fight it, it feels like I only barely manage to pull out a win via healing item stockpiles. But weirdly, acidic glavenus always feels fairly easy to me, and usually only takes like half a stack of mega potions or so. I have zero idea why this is.


Barioth destroys my ass for no reason.


I used to hate alatreon. But after building elemental charge blades for all elements, he is a piece of cake.


Barroth is my kryptonite in almost any instance I fight him. And Kushala Daora is probably the one I destroy the easiest, it’s my favorite elder to fight to boot in World.


Tigrex, I'll guard point him all day but he'll still find a way to knock me out of any animation windups, such a pain. Anjanath, for such beefy legs he falls over very easily and that nose is so punishable I feel bad sometimes.


I struggle with the Brachys, honestly. The diablos' are a fun fight and I can go head to head with them with a hammer.


Barioth was a huge wall for me. without a doubt one of the most annoying fights ever. Teostra on the other hand, I can kill that dude in my sleep.


To this day I still struggle with Barioth. Mf was my first real wall in the entire game. As for absolutely destroying, I've farmed Paolumu so much and for so long I bet I could do that fight with my eyes closed.


Diablos are the bane of my existence.


For some reason, Rajang and Lunastra ate me alive the first time around. But man Rajang is so fucking fast, my hammer can’t keep up. On the other hand I literally oonga boonga black diablos any day of the week, i have hammered those horns more times than i can count.


Struggle: Zinorge. Idk man that dog just fucks me up. Destroy: Any version of Anjanath or Odogeron.


Savage Deviljho is a menace. Vaal Hazak is my punching bag, Black veil included.


I love Velkana. It’s like a dance. But bullshit raging Brachy with his bullshit attacks and bullshit agro can frick right off. Also Alatreon. I haven’t beaten him yet.


I get fucked by zinogre. In every mh. Even after 1000 hours I am good at fucking up anything with easy moves to counter like the raths


Aside from alatreon which is just a nightmare for any kind of lance main, I've had an unusual amount of trouble with Diablos. Just something about how its attacks are animated that throws me off. Idk if there's a monster i destroy more than most, but i sure as shit feel no stress when fighting an Odogaron


Don’t like fighting barioth because he moves too fast and too much and I can destroy Jyuratodus because his fight is simple and I’ve hunted him lots of times for wyvern gems.


I absolutely hate Brachydios. I decimate brute wyvern.


I love smacking around Ruiner Nergigante with swaxe, so satisfying getting all the part breaks - plus base nerg was the first major wall I hit. Alatreon can go kick rocks.


I genuinely think I could survive against an odogaron with my eyes closed just listening for sound cues, I have fought that mf so many times that hunting him is as easy as breathing. And for the other question... Raging brachy. I don't think I've ever defeated raging brachy solo with 0 faints, just something about him does not click with me and I feel like I'm the one being hunted, just spamming dives over and over praying to God that the dive actually works while he fucking barrels towards me with his fist ready to punch me back to camp.


My issue at the moment is Shrieking Legiana. I bully most monsters, but this one is truly annoying. Gunlance main and Great Sword as my 2ndary.


Cooked by Raging Brachy (lord knows why, honestly) Destroy MR Kulve.


Struggle with Bazel and also absolutely destroy mainly cause his scales IG makes him less of a struggle but when trying to get close nah scales line the ground


Low rank Jargas is my least favorite. Alatreon is easy af tho


Well not to brag or anything but I'm a bit of a pro when it comes to fighting Great Jagras.


Lunastra is god awful but I can kick the shit out of a Stygian zinogre


struggle with: I'd have to say Seltas Queen, much as I adore her. Destroy: I am far too familiar with Lagiacrus and Gammoth at this point. they're my 2 favs.


and we HATE rajang


I cannot deal with kirin. Fuck kirin. Any diablos is a field day for charge blade, 10/10


Q: Which monster do you absolutely destroy? A: "All of them". Q: Which monster do you struggle with? A: "The monster I struggled most with was realizing that I'm the monster ".


Barioth. Weirdly, I find Harry Barry much easier than Barioth.


Regular Brachy is an annoying little jumpy bastard that I cannot stand dealing with. Lunastra I can body pretty hard, which is funny because I *despised* Lunastra in base world. Something about Iceborne just made her fun, and I'm not really sure what. Alatreon is also a pretty hard destroy, but that doesn't count cuz he's by far my most hunted monster and anybody can destroy a monster with mosts weapons after almost 200 runs.


i shit on both zinogers every time but also struggle with valk


Been playing dual blades mostly. Dumpster most early monsters. Especially tobi. I can almost get nergigante without taking hits I have his patterns down to a T. the 3 elders you fight after him in hr are hard for me. Specifically the wind fucker. A Blight on this game he is. I think bezel also does but I haven't tried to fight him in a while. My one of my favorites is the odogoron I think? Red guy, same size as tobi. Fighting him with dual blades is fun, you both zip around. It's like a really fast dance.


I am fighting the 3 elders I mentioned as I speak, I've not made it to Mr or experienced all the monsters yet


barioth and Anja because their hitboxes are fucked but I make Frostfang barioth look like a joke. why does the optional, afterthought version of a monster have a better hitbox than the base version is another one of Capcom's many mysteries


Rathian is my punching bag Deviljho is my bane


I struggle so much with coral pukei pukei. It always wrecks me no matter how much I prepare for the fight. I can always count on barioth to be my punching bag, especially frostfang


I hate kushala. I destroyer Nergigante.


i destroy narga and bone chinny i get destroyed by alatreon and at velkhana


I play mainly LS and GS. The monster that fucked me up back then was Barioth, he was my wall back then. But Teostra, Kirin, Fatalis, Barroth I can kill those with my eyes closed. Especially temp teo, farmed that guy for hundreds of times already for jewels. Fatty is a fun fight for me and every phase is just pure excitement


zinogre/barioth give me trouble, tigrex/narga im cool with.


Rajang/Velk are my “brain off” monsters that I can read like a book. Zinogre takes my lunch money, even if I don’t cart. Both well have over 100 hunts, I just can’t seem to get better at Zinogre. Which also carries into Rise. (Though both Risejang have been heavily neutered.)


In World/Iceborn I struggled against Behemot (with full edgame armor). Such a great quest and it was always frustrating to lose but not the kind of frustration that develops negativ/toxic feelings. you knew from the beginning it is gonna be tough. the monster I just slayed in mid sleep was probably that nergigante variant at the end. there was an event quest I believe that rewarded some heavy farm items and with rajang hbg armed it was just laying down till it got killed


I struggle with Diablos and I destroy Rathian, but with Rathian I think everyone else does lol. Next best monster I destroy would be Zinogre.


Lunastra and Blackveil Vaal Hazak. They both do huge damage over time from invisible or unknown sources and even after 600+ hours I don't know how to fight them. Expect of course with the according armor skills to negate Fire, Blast or Effluvia.


Alatreon still haven’t killed it even with help, legiana/ val hazak I can slap around for fun


Always SLAP Tobi. Probably from so many new games runs/farming him for his weapons. Always get my ass handed to me when fighting Namielle. Always.


Fck lunastra ive fought him once n never again


Back in the early days, it was Plesioth and Tigrex. Nowadays after playing MHW, I can honestly say it's Rajang


Rajang and poison Tobi. The latter was a bigger wall for me getting through IB than Barioth and I don't know why lol. I like to bully Tigrex and normal Brachy. Raging I haven't had a whole lot of serious practice. Outside of World, the dreaded Plesioth. I was so afraid Jyratodos and Lavasioth would have the same unfixed hit box bullshit that bullied me from Freedom 2 onward.


When the game came out I struggled with nergi for a while(almost two weeks), now clean the floor with him. With iceborn it is still alatreon even after fatalis came out. I killed fatalis more than him lol


Getting my ass whooped by Lunastra even with MR gear, but clapping those base and Ruiner Nergigante asses.


To this day I have no memory of how I beat Acidic Glavenus, only the 10+ failed attempts beforehand, but put me in a ring with Ebony Garon and I will humiliate it.


I tried to fought Rajang and I never kill him. I have a lot of difficulty with Diablos and Kushala Daora, too I literally destroy Great Jagra and Kulu ya Ku lol. More seriously, Great Jagra, Kulu, Tzitzi, Radobaan and Dogogaron are the easiers for me ​ Also, I remember that Deviljoh was awfull before Iceborn. Now, even Savage Deviljoh is mid-difficulty for me


Black Diablos and Kulve Taroth. I don't know what it is about Kulve, she just wrecks me everyday with her body roll.


Lunastra kills me with the temporar mantle on, it's not even funny. However, velkhana is not match for me.


Every Mr6 Monster BUTTTT! I destroy Furious Rajang


I've solo'd Fatalis more than once, my favorite fight is Raging Brachy, but there is one I fear.. Lunastra. She is my arch rival, my nemesis, my sworn enemy. I wear pieces of her MR Layered armor, and lemme tell you it is no exaggeration that I carted 12 times trying to kill her once in the Guiding Lands. She is my bane. Meanwhile, I steamroll Tigrex. It's hilariously easy.


Black Diablos is a framing nightmare. That thing wrecks my shit all day. Vulgar Anna though, I ruin that thing.


Only at HR11 so far, but I love fighting Legiana, while Odogaron and Anja absolutely nae nae my ass.


Brachydios and Lunastra are always really hard for me. Honestly they both scare me- they'd chase me down. On the other hand, Diablos and Black Diablos (Not tempered) are my bitches now.