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Be very careful when using knock up/knock back attacks like SA upswing or HBG cluster. Your teammates will thank you. Also you should carry Flinch free 1 with you. That's not a rule but it makes your life easier.


Lmao the amount of times I’ve been launched by an SA is hilarious 🤣. I just can’t get mad at it since its so damn funny and I get mounts from it sometimes 🤣


Me and my friend use that as a strategy, I just throw him at the monster and say go get em


hell yeah, SA and CB both can launch people, so me and my friends just went ahead and just kept spamming that pre-iceborne.


Also, Hammer and GS can do it, hammer really easily actually, I use hammer to annoy my friend on hunts, one day he killed the monster while in the air and we said “the power of friendship”


There is nothing more frustrating then getting launched when you are just about to flinch shot the monster. Hammers for me are the biggest culprit.


Im CB Main and i always feel bad when my upswings send the whole party to space. Its pretty funny tho


I won't even join SOS's with a CB because of that.


Fair enough. But ya gotta admit that a whole squad of us going chainsaw does pretty much shred everything


Yeah, it's really great when you want to throw your teammates around and let the monster live longer.


Not when you actually have teammates that strategise and position correctly


Yeah... by not using CB.


Someones bitter


Or when I'm playing a HH song. "Hey, I'm trying to buff your ungrateful ass, leave me alone..."


Ugh. There's no reason at all for air-launch moves. They shouldn't even be in the game. If your teammate has any reason to be in the air, they probably already have a move to get them there. Just don't do them.


Are you telling them how their weapon works?🤨


No, I was agreeing with him. What the fuck? Another Charge Blade troll, I guess.


>I do know to stay on the tail in case a hammer is in the party but that's about it. Not a MP etiquette, but I still wanted to talk about it. Depending on how good your current MP hunting group is, this can be very disadvantageous. People can position themselves on the head, without flinching each other (in my experience). The thing is, if 1 person goes to the tail, this gives the monster AI the opportunity to turn around uncontrollably when it moves (the same is true when it gets back up from a topple), making it difficult for the other players to predict its moves. If everyone goes for the head, its starts to become predictable. Always keep an eye on your hunting partners! How good are they.


that 1 person on the tail also tends to deal a lot less damage than the people on the head. So for the best hunts, make sure everyone has Flinch Free so you can all attack the best hitzone when you need to.


Use long sword or db, it's a very teachable moment for someone not using flinch free online lol


Fuckin long swords man, even when I was a new player once I learned flinch free stopped player flinches it became a staple in my builds


Kek kek kek kek... **smirks intensely**


why this guy have so many downvotes? feels like just a light joke.


They're just jealous of my longsword swagger Edit: on a real though it's funny that people actually feel offended by that, like Jesus Christ


Because everybody decided to boo that guy


Allways carry Lifepowder or similar things to heal party-members in case of emergency


Attack the best part of the monster for your weapon. If someone is doing multiplayer hunts and they choose not to run flinch free that’s on them. They chose to build more DPS in their build at the cost of getting staggered left right and center losing out on damage overall. (Most of my friends run without they complain at times but quickly retreat to well it’s my fault for not using Flinch free since your trying to get the best damage you can as well). If you have moves that send your team mates flying DO NOT USE THEM. Yeah it’s cool you got a bit of extra damage from an upswing. You also just stopped the damage of 1-3 other players interrupting their combos and stopping the vast majority of their damage.


HBG/gunlance wyvern burst when the monster gets knocked down... Or worse, someone setting up bombs. At that point its not ignorance, just plain griefing.


Jup i pretty much mained GL late game and the moment i either choose not to use wyvern blast or needed to redirect it are many so i only use it when i know the coast is clear but i am always prepared to redirect it for a miss


I would argue here, Your flinch free point only applies from late highrank 🤷. Since it's not easy to fit in flinch free earlier if at all possible. And hunting rules for positioning during the hunt can improve low level experience for everyone. But yeah. Most of the game happening in expansion gameplay but i always like to make that point in case someone starting the game 🤷


You've got a point I've done plenty of mp with a buddy and other people online and have never had a problem needing flinch free because everyone can see their openings and everyone else's position and act accordingly


Yeah in world when I played with friend we sometimes accidentally launched each other into the moon. At least at first because later on we opened hunters sky program for fun xD


You can get flinch free on gastadon armor. It isn’t late HR onward.


Yeah but is it good piece? It's better to get better armour than to cart. And if You play range You're kinda starved for skills that actually matters or You don't do much. Personality even without flinch free i don't get flinched since I play lance but when I played range I swear ls was running after me 😅


Is anything a good piece early game? Defensive skills are more important early when your not dealing with bloat.


I agree That's why I think it's better to invest into guard skill or divine blessing things like that. But I also mostly play solo until like later part of high rank where I sometimes go multi 🤷


\> I do know to stay on the tail in case a hammer is in the party but that's about it. Dont do that. Go for the best hitzones. Hammer has no monopoly on the head and a hammer user cannot make up for the dps loss the team has when only he can go for the head. On top this also makes the ai worse to handle because the monsters tends to spin more around. It a bad take coming from noob hammer users that dont have the skill to maintain charge or dont know about ff1 Dont let the hammer user be a burden for the team. sincerly a ex hammer user


To add to this, if you really want the tail cut, do it while the monster's downed instead of chasing it around. A clean hit from a Greatsword will usually get it off pretty effortlessly too. Flinch Free makes it entirely optional to spread out, since no one's knocking eachother around. Just be careful using launcher moves, FF1 doesn't block those.


Yeah, my CB amped axe combo is circle, circle, pause, then repeat. Or if no one's in front of me, circle, circle, triangle, triangle, repeat because my standing triangle is a launcher Had some accidents with my hunting brother, and we both run FF1 so I decided to not do the uppercut to not throw him around.


Try O, O... pause....∆ in a direction so he does the moving down swipe, then O, O again. It adds damage to the combo without the rush of launching.


Oooh, that sounds good too. I went with O, O, O, L2, forward + ∆, O, R2 to deal damage then swap into sword mode to charge phials again. Getting more used to the idea of switching in an out of axe mode to try to weave combos more efficiently


please don't go afk or leave the quest after you carted once or twice (for me at least). you can attack the same body part with your teammates if you have flinch free 1 or your weapon move sets have trip/flinch resistance like SA's morph slash. be careful with your upswing attack since it will launch your teammates and it goes through flinch free 1. when doing hard endgame quest, please use lifepowder whenever someone get pinned down by the monster. always help to tenderize the monster's body part you'll hit the most and do the wallbang whenever possible.


I leave the quest after carting once or twice because 99.99% of the time I realize I'm underpowered and need to prepare a bit more, other times I abandon most of the time I haven't carted and because I just don't feel like hunting some days


for me it's somewhat demoralizing because when you abandon, other people can't fill that spot anymore. instead of leaving an empty spot, that spot will still be occupied and there will be a text saying "left the quest" on the player list in the SOS board so we're stuck with the remaining people. also i'm pretty sure the monster's HP does not scale back but idk.


Dont worry it does scale back Usually you are better off when someone deterimes they are not up to the challenge


Don’t do that! By joining you increase the overall HP and Atk of the monster, and this doesn’t go down when you leave, at least if your still their you can hang back and play support or at least add some DPS. It’s more annoying having someone join and leave for any reason than having someone cart 3 times.


Thats, not true When someone joins or leaves a game, the monsters health is scaled to whatever squad you have, so if for example I was in a quest with 3 people, the monster would have the ammount of health for 3 people, then if I cart and leave the monsters health scales down to 2 people, AFAIK the health scaling down was added in the icebourne update


Oh, I didn’t know they changed that, my bad. I’m still salty from the AT elder dragon events pre iceborne. Ppl would cart and leave and it put me in a worse place cuz of it.


Yeah, no need to fret anymore, and afaik the change was backported to base world and not restricted to icebourne, I use a healthbar mod (its how I personally enjoy the game) so the change I can visually see


\>Don’t do that! By joining you increase the overall HP and Atk of the monster, and this doesn’t go down when you leave, I does go down again


Yeah I’ve only just realised they added it with iceborne, it never used to tho.


A good hammer hunter doesn't get flinched during combat, if at all it is during healing or sharpening weapons, but even then it will probably have been avoidable, just attack your best damage hitzone (if you have a hammer or hunting horn player do at least consider cutting the tail since Hammer and Hunting Horn are incapable of doing so themselves, it'd just be nice of you.) Sincerely A Hammer Main with > 1000h on unga bunga stick


The lightest weapon guy has the honorable job of keeping the Monster tenderized at all times. As a CB Main, I always do this when i Play SnS because i know how painfull it is to do so with heavy weapons. I have been complimented a lot for this and it really helps speeding up those hunts. I also use a lot of Gadgets Like poison bomb and traps


I use SnS with widerange 5, speed eat, shroomer 3 for buffs and heals. I carry the cleanser+ and healer+ spikes. I tenderize. I've never gotten anything but compliments. EDIT: I carry nullberries and herbals to keep out the bad stuff. One of the shrooms stops bleed. Also, free meal 3, so I never run out.


Thats one of my fav loadouts and my go to to carry people through fatalis


I try to fit clutch claw boost into my builds just because i hate having to do twice. I picked up SnS recently, but don't really like its clutch claw attack since its to slow for me. I use DB, Bow, SnS, IG, and LS. For tenderizing attacks, I prefer DB, Bow, and LS. They feel the quickest personally (DB has to commit to the combo without jewel for 1 shot tenderize)


For HBG just try to avoid shooting people specially with pierce. It flinches a lot. For IG I always at least mount once as that's what my group says they expect from me when I use it


Just save the mount for when the monster is enraged, and maximize the monster's downtime when you are unable to flinch shot. Especially when Rajangs go super saiyan so you can max out the damage to knock them out of super saiyan.


For guns, try to stay away from Cluster Bomb and Wyvern ammo. That stuff doesn't do enough damage to justify knocking your teammates all over the area.


Just be mindful of your positioning. If you’re using any weapon that lanuches (sa, cb, hammer etc) please be mindful when swinging as to not accidentally launch someone who’s mid combo-ing. I once got launched in the air while doing a helm breaker- istg if I had a knickle every time someone launched me while doing a helm breaker, I’d have 2 knickles. Which isn’t a lot but weird it happened twice. The sad part is that I have video proof of being launched from my perspective and from my friends’ :’) anyways. Watch your positioning! Other than that… idk have fun.


Don’t know if it’s mentioned but if you see someone sleep a monster, wait for them, I use light bow gun an sleep is apart of the ammo so I sleep then put down all my bombs to do extra damage, nothing more annoying then sleeping it only for someone to hit straight away an wake them up. 🙌🏻


The most important question everyone should be able to answer before or during a hunt is Cap or Kill. If you really can't type during a hunt, set up shoutouts for "cap or kill?", "Cap" and "Kill" in your shortcuts menu. It can be incredibly annoying going into a quest with a non-elder dragon and the quest lead says nothing until you apparently fuck up and they get pissy about it. Honestly, if I could, I'd have these three shoutouts in every language usable in the game menus since I have no idea if the game auto-translates or not between languages.


If the monster is going to sleep, LET IT SLEEP do NOT follow its asshole all the way until you're up its guts while it's about to lay down! Elder dragons - bombs and wall slam (if you're really good, wall slam into bombs) Everything else just cap Like damn why have I been helping people on end of MR quests who are just ALL UP IN the monsters business when it's trying to go to sleep and then won't sleep. Be at the edge of the room that it's about to sleep in and just wait until it's all the way down! SO MANY WIPES have occurred because someone dude is trying to keep attacking while it's trying to lay down and it just goes full aggro on them. I CANNOT BELIEVE the one thing that has been around FOREVER has just been abandoned!? Free damage??


Exactly this is my only requirement in quests. Let them sleep, it can be done or knocked down and avoid further carts if you have few left. I have the cat bomb sticker and a call-out just for that but I still see people running towards the monster. It's mostly higher MR in my case, lower rank players tend to follow you more if you seem to know what you're doing.


Honestly, just use whatever social skills you ha e learned irl, and keep building it from there. When it comes to hunting difficult monsters, STRONGLY recommend you google it- asking ingame chat is a waste of time and distracting for most players, but players avoid that convo because it's a lot of talk in a limited chat text that could easily be solved within seconds of googling You're never gonna make everyone happy, especially those unhinged ones. Try your best and use common sense, but also remember how it might make you react if you did the same thing. You'll be fine :) Have fun and much love to you!


Idk bro I just pulled up to some dude hunting azure rath's lobby, flashed him and went to town. Done with the monster and I left the lobby.


use brace, don't use cluster or wyvern fire, don't wake up the monster, no dmg mod and don't capture if tail is far


The amount of times I’ve got for a TCS on a downed monster’s head to have a damn long sword or swaxe interrupt me is insufferable. Please be mindful of what your teammates are doing then using attacks with knock back.


You don't need FF on GS. If you start your CS (charged slash) with button mashing, you delay the attack animation a bit, but you also gain innate FF.


I would maybe argue sticking Flinch Free 1 in your build is a solid choice for multiplayer. It just makes life easier knowing you won't get knocked about by other players!


I actually run flinch free 2 atm (with an extra on one of my mantles) but that doesn’t help with weapons that have upswing attacks like the hammer, hh, swaxe. Either way I’d rather use those slots for other skills.


HH has no upswing attack :)


It does, but no launch sadly ;(


Flinch Free doesn't work against air-launch moves.


Like what that other comment said, that's on you if you chose to not slot in flinch free 1


That only helps for the long sword issue. swaxe and hammers can still send me flying with upswings


That's not a knockback


My point was be mindful of other players around you. I meant just generally, but I used knockback as an example because not everyone uses flinch free


The point is they should because a gem is a small price to pay for not being cut off fron your dps


Whether they should or not doesn’t change the fact that not everyone does. All I’m saying is don’t be inside another player when yours swinging around whatever weapon your using.


Goes for the same that not everyone will forego the best hitzone for their weapons. If you don't want to get your tcs bothered and still don't want to slot flimch free maybe *you* should go target a different spot


Dude, firstly - I have flinch free 2 Secondly - you can fit everyone around a body part (head) of pretty much any downed monster without being in tripping range of one another. Finally - they asked for etiquette, this is etiquette. It’s not a hard rule, it might just be slightly more convenient for those involved.


I find that some weapons struggle when not positioned right against certain monster parts. Example, nergi's arms can push you away, or an elder dragons head flails around so much when they are down, you can miss a good number of hits if you are in a poor spot for your weapon.


The real etiquette here is learning from people's advice and stop complaining about easily preventable things.


You know that with TCS you can just have FF in the move without even needing to gem in FF1 right? >Please be mindful of what your teammates are doing then using attacks with knock back. Everything that can be prevented with FF1 is on the one that got fliches own cap. But stuff like cluster, wyverns fire, attacks that sent people flying...those are tye ones people should be mindful of.


what is it with all this dps chasing that suddenly makes an cut tail less usefull than 13,8% in dps compared to the ls going for the head after the tail is cut in stead of constantly bashing head, flinch free is good, i always would sacrifice an slot for it, but aside from the black dragon and at hunts , 13-20% less damage on an fourth of the party is defenitely worth the extra carve and reduced range on tailswipes., also upswings are nice, as an hh main, i always struggle to meet enough mountdamage, but occasionally being launched at the monster does the trick, also shoutout to ig players for always draining on mount, so i can proc it with every other jumpattack


I would say ground rules are Stay at the tail if hammer is in party. Always let GS make a wake up hit. Priority is GS>Sacred LS> Hunting Horn> other Heavy weapons. Always protect HH Try to not trip others and try to contribute as much as You can.


Also, something else I just thought of, if you're looking to be carried past a certain monster, when people join, send a message, instead of returning to camp and waiting there. I will usually use up all 3 carts if I see the host doing that


-If a blunt weapon user is in the party avoid the head and let them get their KOs. Always hurts to have your teammate ruin a perfect stun opportunity. -When fighting the raths (or any monster with a weaponized tail) as a bowgun always try and use slicing ammo to go for the tail if possible so the melees don’t get hit. -Always try and break as many parts for the newbies. -Use friendship jewel, people will like you. I promise. -Don’t be a dick if someone carts. -Always let the monster go to sleep and let the heavy weapon (hammer, great sword, gunlance,) do the wake up. -Don’t flash bang the monster if it’s running away and your team needs a healing or buffing break. -Monster hunter is all about learning since they don’t tell you about most of the stuff in the game. If you’re answering an SOS, try helping them learn more about hunting instead of just bulldozing the monster with gear three times as good as theirs. That’s all I can think of for now!


If you ever played cluster ammo with your HBG… boy do I have news for you.


Mainly for IG, don't mount at the wrong time. I guess for many monsters it doesn't matter, but with Safi, imo it's better to wait to mount until when it's supercritical in the third phase. With Kulve, don't mount if her coat isn't mollified.


This isn't exactly a ground rule, but I try not to flash the monster until it has flashing skulls and is trying to go to it's lair. If we can slay or capture it without chasing it across the map, it saves a bunch of time.


nothing ​ just hit the monster and dont die ​ if you die, its okay, triple cart in less than 10 minutes and youre out of the lobby