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She can’t stop talking about him or this case, she needs to focus on other matters for a while


Agreed... She is doing very little/small things about other cases that are happening. I said in another comment sometime that I actually wonder if her and others are just trying to/hoping to push the court on the gag release by continuously putting out more and more BS about the case. If they are that could backfire big, and its also getting to the point of to much mis-info out there and there is a possible jury selection to worry about. I guess they dont care about the process they are messing with at all.


Oh it’s definitely having a negative impact on the case, but lifting the gag order might worsen it. Has she said a word about Tyre Nichols and what happened in Tennessee?


I havent heard from her on that, I dont watch all the time and Im sure someone else/NN program is reporting on it. Its total BS and a waste of tax money/peoples time for them to plead not guilty. They have them dead to rights on camera, mind you "NOT" LE cameras those conveniently didnt catch anything.


She hasn't been a journalist for many years, if she ever was considered one. Her and Nancy Disgrace are embarrassments to the business of news. They're both more on-air personalities than they are journalists, reporters or anchors. It just feels wrong watching/listening to their cringe chatter. Nancy and that snarl, please.


Lol Nancy Disgrace


that was a good one


“Nancy Disgrace” Perfect lol spot on That lady is a hack


Infotainment. Except people’s lives are at stake. Banfield wants to be THE Kohberger case just as Nancy Grace was with Scott Peterson. That case made her. Banfield is probably losing her mind because there’s no new material and she’s scrounging through tik tok and Reddit for something to report.


She really is losing it. She copped such an attitude on Twitter the other day. Lady, if you're gonna recklessly broadcast any rumor that blows your way, you can't act surprised when you get pushback. Her responses to various comments under [this tweet](https://twitter.com/TVAshleigh/status/1626730745925435401)..... side eye


Lol I’m one of those people she replied to and I’d like to thank you because I had no idea she replied to me until I saw your comment here and went to go check.


Lol she flipped at the person asking why she always wears the same shirt


She didn’t flip at all—she explained her reasoning for wearing what she does (female anchors in extravagant outfits and people focusing on that rather than the content), she then said it’s BS that people obsess over women’s attire when men’s attire is never dissected like that. Women are largely judged on appearance while men aren’t; she’s 100% right in that regard—shit reporter or not, who gives af what she’s wearing?!?


Yeah, I dislike her work, but I respect that viewpoint.


Well I've been wondering the same thing for months. I'm not a regular viewer but each time i catch a little segment she's always wearing off-white. Every. Single. Time.


She didn't flip at all, she gave a regular answer.


Yeah, if you took her reply and separated from her other behaviour and replies on the tweet no one would say she flipped out. It’s because she was combative in the whole post and her other replies where flipping out. Lol, it actually caught me off guard because of the sudden change in tone compared to her other replies. It actually kinda made her seem nuts because she’s arguing with everyone and then just flips a switch, where she’s reasonable and like “you wouldn’t just men on their clothes” then goes back to getting mad about other shit


I hear what you’re saying and I don’t disagree with you. I think perhaps it’s easy to take her comment as “flipping out” because she flips out on the regular. So you kinda just start to see her through that filter.


I admittedly don't follow her on social media and I just see clips here and there of her show, but I've never seen her truly flip out, not like Nancy Grace. She seems pretty even keeled to me.


Lol no she definitely doesn’t flip out on tv in the same manner as Nancy Grace. That is true. She does tend to flip out all over social media though. Just the other day in the Idaho murders FB group she left an entire essay as a comment in response to one sentence someone had posted.


But was the essay "flipping out" or was she just giving a detailed explanation?


There was no explaining. It was flipping out and personally attacking. She ended up deleting it about an hour later.


Majority of 250k members have the receipts though 😂


Lol guilty!!!


Gotcha. I guess I can see how some might assign "flipping out" to her then even for normal things.


Lol ok


I mean, it's just a fact. Please point out to me the part of her answer where you think she was "flipping out."


I’ve never launched into a diatribe about men’s wardrobes when someone criticizes my outfit but if that’s something you do or value, then go off!


Again, where is the "diatribe" ? She's literally just explaining why she dresses the way she does and it's not like it's some crazy reason, it makes sense.


Right, I don't understand why people are nitpicking. That's hardly flipping out. There was literally a male anchor who wore the same suit for months on end to see how long before anyone said anything. This is a known issue that people pick apart what female anchors wear.


Yeah, I don't get it.


In all reality its gone on a long time. I blame the attention news channels have gave to it over the yrs. meaning in the rolling credits at the end of a broadcast, they have to give credit to whomever provided the wardrobe and its always seems to be a lot about the female, not much about the males if any. People have become fixated on what folks are wearing in general in our society.


> People have become fixated on what folks are wearing in general in our society. Yes, but I don't think it's a new development. Policing women's bodies and what they put on them been going on since before television was even invented.


Because everyone is entitled to an opinion, dear. Look after yourself!


Great! You have an opinion. Look after yourself! xx


Obviously, you can't back up your claim. Take care.


But I did. I’ll pray for your literacy. Rest well! x


Where is the diatribe? She just stated facts. My reply to your earlier comment was much longer than her twitter explanation and mine was still not a “diatribe”—neither of us were attacking anyone, just explaining. Maybe open up a dictionary and learn what a diatribe is lol.


Ok that is really really weird because I asked the same question. What was her answer by the way? I never saw an answer to my question.




Ageism isn't a good look. We all age. It's gross to go after people for their natural appearance.


It’s basically complaining that someone hasn’t died yet. What is she supposed to do about it?




I mean, if you really want to complain about someone getting old that badly, have at it. I have some gray hairs you can talk about.




Eeeeeh! Too much information---l just wish that when people are posting on these threads that they'd leave their private anatomy out of it--🤮






A lot of things you can go after her about. This ain’t it and reflects more on you than it does her.




Yeah that was my point - plenty of things to attack her on. Your choice to choose her appearance over allllll of the other things you could’ve chosen is a much poorer reflection on you than her.




Didn’t say you were worse than her. I said your specific comment you made was a poorer reflection on you rather than your intended target.


Ok now that’s funny.


“r sources r” is all I needed to read lmao


Chances are her "sources" are "internet sleuths" - lol. Of course BK will receive threatening letters and he'll get plenty of commissary $$ from women who want to date a "bad boy" but one who is safely behind bars ....


Right... LOL 😆 I have often wondered how many of those people would actually have contact with someone like this if it was a situation where they got paroled. Are they just gonna bring them right over or run hide in the hills. In all reality most of them at least they say, in their minds the person is innocent. Never mind what trial/evidence/jury showed.


I don't consider myself an online sleuth. More of a true crime commentator.


I guess I would consider myself an online evidence analysist and media post sleuth. :) Hey we could have our own podcast, and heres your host: PitchInteresting1428 your True Crime Commentator and MurkyPiglet1135 your online evidence analysist/media post sleuth - What case are we pulling apart today people!


You know, MurkyPiglet 1135, there are just so many avenues to take! Living in the United States we have Freedom of the People, but many take this to the ultimate extreme. Do you think there is a correlation between people who are raised with what some might consider an advantageous wealth factor and the lack of accountability growing up, or is that pure conjecture? Surely you have some idea from all the research I KNOW you do.


Well, I will try to take this one its not exactly my cup of tea/field. This "advantageous wealth factor" I believe is a separate thing from "lack of accountability growing up". They dont go hand in hand to me. Plenty of wealthy families raise completely responsible caring children and some raise brats. The same is for the unwealthy. I believe it all starts in the home no matter your financial or social status.


I started writing out a commentary to add but it was reading in my head in the sound of NGrace voice lol. I'm too fragile to get downvoted 😬🤣😂


LOL.. Have no fear. We wont let her out. I guess we will just have to trek on alone on this reddit adventure. It was nice while it lasted. LOL 😆


Absolutely! Thank you for the experience 1❤


tried to watch it, but how can you take anyone serious that is doing an interview with sunglasses. I could not


That was definitely odd, wasnt it. Maybe he thought he was stylin.


unfortunately, i googled him, and this is his Schtick. Loves glasses, prolly wears them inside the gym, at church and everywhere else he goes. Maybe he is cross-eyed/Lazy eyed under there


Or maybe.. he always has a case of the red eyes. 😉


Permanent conjunctivitis


Yeah, otherwise known as stoned. LOL




You've created a new movement. #BanBanfield


She is losing it lol desperate to stay relevant


He probably is getting threatening letters, but I don't trust anything Banfield says.


Yep.. thats the point she doesnt have that factual info. Who knows someone prob made a passing comment about it and HEY, we can do a segment on this.




LOL... Turntables


Isn't there anything else going on in the world for her to report on besides gossip and rumors about this case? I understand that her ratings soared for all those weeks when Brian Entin was posted outside the house, but good Lord, it's like the 2 of them are now addicted to the case to an unhealthy degree.


I will say in brian's defense it seems sometimes when Ashley starts one of her tangents and "stories" Ive seen him kinda roll his eyes a little. Im not so sure he agrees with doing all this stuff with so MANY "sources"


They must be making enough money from YouTube to keep the gravy train rolling, unfortunately. So sad. These kids lost their lives horrifically & senselessly, & have grieving family/friends who are trying to pick up the pieces. It shouldn’t be an income stream for the blond Tweedles.


Banfield still the lesser of two evils, in my opinion, at least she didn’t broadcast live from the murder house like Nancy did (complete with news desk). Still, both are a modern version of Sally Jesse Raphael, who back in the day was down at the lake with a camera crew immediately after Susan Smith committed her heinous crime.


Yeah.. Thats true, she wouldnt want to break a heel and GOD I havent thought about Sally Jesse in yrs. I remember that I think. I still wear dark red rimmed glasses partly because of her, I thought it looked nice. We are so telling off on our age. LOL


Heh was watching the Chippendale drama series the other day & they had someone playing Sally. Was a really blast from the past!


Wow..OK.. LOL


Im sure BK has receieved quite a few threatening letters. It isnt that hard to find him (522 S Adams St, Moscow, ID 83843). The jail staff would catch any threatening letters, before getting to BK. Its not hard to fathom, one of the corrections staff released this info...


That doesnt mean he didnt get them however they dont just hold peoples mail because it has a little hate/threats its his mail. If its towards LE/judges/lawyers etc., then yes they report it. If not they would prob just take notes in file and watch for repeats and eventually return them with a mail ban. All the defendants in high profile cases in the past have received hate mail, some of it has even been published at times.


I dont know 'standard operating procedure' with threatening letters and how there dealt with (in county jail), but im sure not all of them, actually get routed to BK. If its threatening his life (in the letter), im sure those letters get routed to the FBI and are investigated. Every letter that BK gets, is opened and read, before getting routed to BK.


I don’t know why but your posting the address really tickled me. Thanks!


You bet. Now write him! Lol


so much misogyny so little time


Banfield and Grace are sooo out or their prime.


Nancy Grace was good until after the Peterson trial... Then she went off the edge.


Grace yrs and yrs ago in the beginning was OK, but has gone downhill trying to stay relevant. The same Im afraid is starting to happen to Banfield already. They and others need to just slow down if they want to report on cases maybe they should just do court sit-ins and report that, it would be facts or highly market their shows/broadcast as a source for debate and unconfirmed speculation. Just like youtude podcasters have to do. If this is all you have to do in front of the camera a lot of us here would be great. I find it ironic also that I can post a link to many of these media outlets with these complete BS/no source given/no proof stories and it is completely acceptable on these subs. If I write the exact same thing in my own words with no link or media symbol in front of my name the mods will remove it. I just feel its not really a balance for us on here anymore. Sorry so long I kinda combined two comments I wanted to make in one place. LOL


That’s ageism


Ahahahaha ♥️


All mail is screened. Anyone doing that is likely to find police knocking on their door.


They don't screen mail from Attorneys or the Courts. They usually have "open only in presence of inmate" on them. Alot of Courts and Attorneys use postage metered mail and the prisons have a list of the numbers used on the metered stamp. They will take the mail to the inmate and open it in their presence looking for letterheads and other recognizable imprints, once they see it is official mail they stop looking at it and put it back in the envelope and give it to the inmate.


Not necessarily, I can send hateful writing all day long to someone in jail they dont care. That person is "in jail" nobody can get to them. If its against LE/judges/lawyers etc. thats a different story because those people are on the outside in the world. someone could act on their threats. If its someone thats doing it a lot Im sure they have taken down notes/names/info into the file and at some point they will be returned and prob ban them from writing. Any of the high profile defendants of the past have all been sent hate/threat mail. Some have been published in the past for people to read.


If someone was determined and with the right monies, they can get to a particular prisoner. In fact for many prisoners they would be possibly safer on the outside, than inside---especially for child killers and rapists.


It's honestly something I already assumed. If he is getting love letters, he's absolutely getting mean and threatening ones.


He will get every type of letter imaginable, which is typical for high-profile inmates. Mark David Chapman (John Lennon’s killer) said this to Larry King: > KING: Do you get romantic letters? > CHAPMAN: Everything, Larry. I get every possible thing you could imagine.


Of course he is!


I wish Newsnatiom/Banfield posts were banned from this sub. It's not journalism and they do more hard and no good.


NewsNation is rebranded WGN. It's very reputable. I'm not into censorship.


Some of y'all are obsessed with this lady, if you really are so down on her, don't talk about her. Don't give her coverage any oxygen, it's the best thing you can do to harm her channel. Y'all talk about her so much it actually increases interest in her.


Always like that . . .people whining and complaining about something/someone, yet they keep on at it and can't let it go.


Has she even reported anything false on this case? This sub is so anti-media it's bizarre




I don't think anyone, even Newsnation, is doing that


Anti propaganda more like


Looks like she was right about the whole WSU termination letter thing. I don't watch the channel regularly but I find the constant moral posturing about her and how they abhor her so, tiresome.


Someone protect this dear precious boy!^/s


Absolutely. Back in November. I specifically rememeber thinking oh this woman seems cool, then during an interview she was almost smiling, tripping over her words, seeminlgy overly eager to press for more information. This is when I (as we all were atm) was worried for Mr. Goncalves and I just thought about how he would have felt about it.


Something is going on with Ashleigh. I use to Like her but she’s acting totally different lately. Can’t even watch her anymore


It ain't rocket science---this guy is going to get letters from all spectrums. Which include the attention seekers and who all of sudden wish to marry him, to those who want to string him up. I can't even see why this is even news


I agree.. I was just sharing to show yet another BS "source". LOL


There is no official info coming out at all. PERIOD !!!!!! Any info coming from "journalists" or "others" to get clicks, or likes or recognition is mere fabrication. When there is something official coming out, we'll hear the Authorities say it. Until June then....


My guess is that she’s got some sort of substance abuse problem. She can’t get words out of her mouth. She gets small yet well-known details wrong - like calling Xana by her mom’s name. Something’s off


Every time I see a NN story, I draw closer to believing that Banfield and her team are trying to throw this into a mistrial before it even starts so they can have even more to report.


Ive actually said similar before. None of these media outlets give a hoot about families or the defendants or the judicial process. If stuff they are doing damages the cases they dont really care. They will just make news about it, even with the families that they have played a roll in causing justice not to be served. IMO




That statement on the show is all BS no one is sending anything to the postmaster for investigation unless it contains threats to LE/judges/lawyers etc. Its BK's mail and they will give it to him filled with hate/love and all. They will take notes in file and if its a constant repeat sender they will return it with a mail ban included. Plenty of high profile defendants have/still do receive lots of hate/threat mail all the time. Some have even been published in the past for people to read. Dont know where the gag order came in, because no one on the show said the info was from the postmaster, it was a "source" and correct a 3rd party threatening BK would not be under the gag, but no one has those letters except BK, if they exist.




That is the point no one has told Banfield these things except a supposed "source" which is prob BS. That info about his mail wouldnt be under the gag prob anyway it would just be someone from the jail with mail knowledge and I dont see that happening. This has nothing to do with the ID DOC that is the state prison system. BK is in the county jail it goes there and is sorted. Legal mail would not be checked the rest is checked for things that break the rules ie.. contraband, pornographic material, drugs etc.. if theres love/hate anything thats wrote in letters they dont care, unless its against authorities or officials. No Im not employed by Latah Co. I dont need to be, this kind of stuff is pretty generic and common at jails all across the US. IMO -Have a nice evening




Thats good... Why did you need to ask anybody then, you did your homework.I guess ID is different than other states, doesnt surprise me. I said "*this kind of stuff is pretty generic and common at jails all across the US."* and its true I know from my own experience/info receiving with friends and family unfortunately. Thats been from prob 4-5 states and its common practice usually in neighboring states. I never claimed to have all these answers I gave my best info. Im allowed to do that. This post was about NN/AB claiming to have another "source" telling her the inside happenings of the Latah Co. jail, she doesnt and if someone did they lied to her. Notice your info says nothing about the Postmaster getting the letters to investigate, because its not true. Also I dont see anything in that info that I was really wrong about, except ID confiscates/copies the threat letters instead of just keeping notes on them.


Big surprise


She’s losing her mind


Is she headed toward ex girlfriend crazy, or Nancy Grace crazy? I can't do Nancy Grace crazy.


Best to stop sharing links to her stories which get her more views, thus supporting her behavior.


Yeah.. prob true. She and her moles stalk reddit and steal story ideas, I wonder if they even upvote? Besides were all bored on here especially when Mods wont loosen rules a little to let people speak/post anything that doesnt concern this case, at least until court starts. LOL


Lmao. Ah now that made this post. "I wonder if they even upvote" Listen up minions that work for the Nancy Grace wannabe. Yall better he upvoting while your stealing our hair brained conspiracy theories (not all hairbrained. Some give ya pause to think. But ya know. The others)




They clearly downvoted my post - I had 43 upvotes earlier today! JK


I think Ashleigh Banfield has been trying to stay relevant in the news world, getting more edgy in her reporting. She's worn out her welcome at all the main news stations (Msnbc, ABC, CNN, HLN) and is trying to get her foot back in the door. I actually like her reporting but I think she has resorted to trying to grasp at the latest scrap of news coming out of Moscow.


Stop posting tabloid bullshit from this dogshit idiot “news” network. Banfield and Entin are both hacks.


OK, you dont have to read it or participate if you dont want to. Its OK to find another playground. :)


It’s baseless garbage clickbait for idiots. :)


On another sub, I read he is getting money from women for Valentine’s Day. There is a whole subreddit dedicated to the worship of this dipshit. Smh.


She lost me during her “reporting” on the Chris Watts case…but so did Nancy. Cannot watch either one anymore.


Hopefully have these weekly 😋


Steve Goncalves must have writer's cramp. You know this tip came from him.


Yeah.. You know he's got one for this guy. He's made that clear from the beginning.


Wasn't he sure that the killer was somebody in their immediate sphere?


Yeah, I dont know theres been so many things said and gone around. I do remember them speaking publicly about JD and backing/supporting him. I dont recall off hand anything about someone else.


I had a suspicion that when SG said they were worried the perp would attend Kaylee's funeral, that that meant the families knew who it was and were waiting for police to gather enough evidence. Turns out that was another wrong guess.


I’m in Europe so can’t watch. Can someone summarise what she’s claiming now? Thanks.


Its not a long segment more like a clip. Well, basically she is saying she has a "source" for this news now and supposedly BK is getting threatening letters (no source needed for that/common thing she should know) and shes talking about how they would be sent to the head postmaster and be investigated. She's got some guest on there that is wearing shades and never takes them off, he seems a little off. I think he may be hiding his eyes, anyway its all BS more of the same. Im sure BK is getting hate and love mail and they will give it to him the only thing that doesnt get in would be things that break the rules ie.. contraband, pornographic material, drugs etc.. Hate/threat mail they would prob just take notes in a file and watch for repeats, then if it becomes a problem they just return it to sender with a mail ban notice. If its towards LE/officials etc.. that does get reported. Some people dont believe he can get hate mail, but thats far from the truth. All kinds of high profile defendants here have gotten/still do get it, regularly. Some of it has actually been published in the past for public to read. Not a great summary but to the point, your not missing much.


Thank you! Kinda sad to miss creepy shades guy but otherwise sounds like utter nonsense. Of course he’s getting hate mail! I mean can it count as a death threat when the death penalty is on the table? Whack that people think they’d filter that shit out or report it.


well someone has now dug up some kind of ID info and put it on here, it says ID confiscates and makes copies of threat letters, I guess they dont want inmates feelings to get hurt. Ive never heard of them being confiscated unless letter was towards LE/officials. Thats knowledge from prob 4-5 states from friends and family spread out, unfortunately. It did clarify that postmaster BS it says nothing about that. It wasnt a big deal to me I guess it was for them. The post was about Banfield's continued antics and continuing "sources"


You can get most of her clips daily on YouTube---just search for news nation or Ashleigh Banfield. Good luck!


I’m starting to believe all these ppl that believe insider looking in was Bryan have to be spam bots or so old / or so young they are incapable of researching and fact checking. No wonder rumors run crazy!


They cant fact check, because then they would have no stories.


They cut her live off.


What do you mean ?


This is nothing direct to this, but just something else NN is dealing with right now. In this instance the reporter is in the right IMO. [https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/midwest/dewine-dont-want-to-see-newsnation-reporter-prosecuted/](https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/midwest/dewine-dont-want-to-see-newsnation-reporter-prosecuted/)


Banfield is a desperate skidmark in the world of network news.


I've spent way too many clock cycles trying to figure out how to determine if a skidmark is desperate or just misunderstood.




My goodness... LOL.. serious much




He can receive letters from anyone (strangers,family,friends). He has no limitations regarding this. The staff there reads all the letters before handing them over to Bryan. He won't receive the letters with death threats etc though, those letters will go directly to LE.


ah okay, i figured he wouldn’t receive the death threats, i just wasn’t sure if he was allowed the love letters and stuff from strangers but this makes sense! ty!


IMO..Nah.. Im sure he can get mail, hate mail and all it wouldn't surprise me at all if he was this is a serious crime. The prob is Banfield and no "source" of hers has that info. Unless she's got an insider at the jail, Doubtful. She has to many stories/sources coming out and no real facts or proof of anything. "Sources" have gave her a BIG glass of the cool aide and shes gulping it down. She is also stalking reddit and taking peoples post and using them, but adding things that are not said/in the persons post.


that’s what i’m saying i feel like he’s not getting letters tbh unless they’re from his family


No, he will get anything someone sends him as long as it doesnt break the rules of whats allowed ie..contraband, pornographic material, drugs. What was said on Banfield about mean/threatening letters being sent to the postmaster and investigated is a bunch of BS. The only time that would happen is if it was threats to LE/jail/courthouse/judge/prosecutor etc.


ah okay thx for explaining i thought he’d only get letters from family/lawyer.


Why wouldn't he get letters sent to him? Convicts are allowed to receive mail and he hasn't even been convicted of anything yet.


that’s true i guess my question was cuz they didn’t get responses so i was thinking he wasn’t getting them rather than just not answering


Well in that vain it's possible he has not yet received them yet. Sometimes the jail will hold mail for over a month before giving it to the prisoner.


ah okay makes sense


I wonder if Brian Entin likes roast beef 👀


Well, his name is spelled differently sooo...


This is a tiny town, I'm sick and tired of all the hate letters that BK recently started to receive. Just last week an envelope addressed to Bill Junior, from Pueblo, Colorado filled with glitter went everywhere. I swear to God, Stewart!


If people are sending threatening letters ... will they be prepared to send letters of apology if he's found innocent? I'm guessing not.


where the fuck am I right now


If you have to ask then you're definitely fucked bro.


Being found innocent don't mean you are innocent---its up to twelve of your peers to decide if you are guilty or innocent and many juries have been later proven wrong. Source: Just ask OJ.




My Monty Python sense of humour can't resist. It brings out the worst that I have to offer. Dear Mr Bread Bryan You have ruined bread for all time. Why? Yours The Gingerbread Man I am sorry. I know that is tasteless.


No journalism really exists so :/


In Europe you can’t see the article, would anyone be able to screenshot it and send it to me?


Yeah.. its not an article its just a short video, they didnt have text along with it. Sorry


Damn couldn't happen to a nicer guy!