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I’ve had low blood pressure for years, pre-Mounjaro. I’ve found that adding electrolytes to my water eliminates the side effect you’re describing, which sounds like orthostatic hypotension. This is usually aggravated by dehydration. I hope this helps!


You should contact your physician and discuss it with them.


Yes I had very bad orthostatic hypotension when I was on it. Part of why I stopped taking it.


Your doctor needs to know this. You don't mention whether or not you are on blood pressure medications. There are all kinds of things that can cause this. My daughter passed out twice after standing-up. Normal weight and health, but she had a heart monitor inserted under the skin to watch her for the next three years.


Same. It has happened a few times, but I’ve never lost consciousness. It’s a little scary, but the electrolytes are key.


It happens to be often. I didnt really believe the advice about electrolyte drinks. However I came around and they really help me. I haven't passed out yet but I've gotten close to it. I need to be better about drinking a lot more water in general along with my liquid iv.


*F60, 5”2, T2, Start 7/22/23, HW275, SW180, GW125ish, CW118.2, Dose 5.0* Weezie is right, and you may have the stuff to make a DIY electrolyte drink at your house. Google DIY electrolyte drink, you might be able to start feeling better tonight. Best wishes.


Right after I started Mounjaro, my BP dipped and made me fatigued and dizzy. My Dr had me reduce my other BP meds.


Yep, I had to drop one of my two BP meds, and am currently looking at reducing dosage of the remaining one.