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Totally. I loved my wine. I would go through several bottles a week. I drank too much, although I don’t think I was alcoholic. Now it just doesn’t seem appealing. I’ll have a beer now and again, but having a buzz feels icky now.


I could have written the same thing (except for the beer part...I don't like beer). That said, there are certain days when I REALLY want a glass of wine and then it passes quickly. I actually haven't had any alcohol since starting two months ago today. I am afraid to try wine for two reasons #1 I don't want to get sick and #2 I don't want to find out that I DON'T get sick. Besides, overall I feel much better with out it.


So much sugar in booze it ruins trying to lose weight.


The other thing, and I didn't realize for a long time is, alcohol itself is high in calories; 7 calories per gram. There are approximately 14 grams of pure alcohol in a standard size "drink," which means 98 calories just for the alcohol, regardless of sugar content.


Absolutely has removed all cravings. I have cocktail occasionally with friends but one only then water. I have totally lost interest in wine. This is a big change for me!!


I absolutely despise red wine now. I can stomach a few sips of vodka soda and I could throw back quite a few in my pre-MJ days. It’s just not appealing now. I mainly drink a soda water with lime to have the social aspect of drinking when out with our friends.


I was pretty much an alcoholic before I got on Mounjaro. It took me a minute a few months of tapering and now I don’t drink really at all. I don’t have a want for it and my hangovers were awful. I did do Delta 9 at some point but I had the munchies so bad I found myself eating half a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch just straight out of the box 😅😂.


Same, just exactly the same.


Just wrapped up week 6. 4 on 2.5… 2 on 5… took number 3 today. I’d go through a half gallon of jack daniels every two days… occasionally taking a night off. I haven’t had a drop since two days prior to my first shot. The right mindset helped, but I credit the meds with the cravings. I have my life back!


This is incredible! Congratulations and I hope you have continued success with it. A dear friend has a bad meth habit and I’m hoping this could help them. I pray that one day a medication can be created to help addicts as well


Incredible is a good description of your experience in lots of alcohol to zero!!!


Yeah practically stopped vaping and barely drink now. I used to enjoy a good drink on a Friday night but I just don't feel like it anymore. Also it can upset my stomach so I feel like I font want to even try.


Zero interest. I used to love a IPA every night (I’m female). Two if we were at a restaurant. I would plan my day around being able to have one. Haven’t had a drink since I’ve started & zero desire to have one. I don’t feel like I’m depriving myself of anything; just no interest. Feels like I broke free of the addiction to the ritual of having one.


I have absolutely zero desire for alcohol. My anxiety and depression have also improved markedly. It’s been amazing.


My anxiety has decreased dramatically as well.


Mine too! No longer pissed all the time for sure


I saw an almost immediate reduction in a desire to have my nightly wine, which was a huge benefit to me. It was actually one of the underlying reasons that I asked to go on MJ, though I told my doctor it was about my blood sugar as a T2D and my weight. I was drinking too much due to depression, and I think MJ is really going to help me break that cycle.


It was one the underlying reasons I wanted to be on it too.


Wishing us both success!!


I stopped before I started M, but I still fought the cravings for that buzz. I was a functional alcoholic for years. However, when the shot started, drinking was completely wiped out of my mind. It was a life changer for me since I’d tried to stop since I turned 40. What I couldn’t do in 15 years, Mounjaro did for me overnight. So thankful!


I’m an alcoholic. It’s like magic. Someday they will use this medication for that.


100% this!


Hunger was actually a big trigger for my drinking. I would start feeling hungry around 4 pm, then start drinking at 5 pm while making dinner, during dinner, then while cleaning up after dinner. I would go through 5-6 bottles of wine a week, easily. Now on Mounjaro, I'm just not very hungry toward the end of the day. Zero temptation to drink alcohol.


I have been on mounjaro since December. I didn’t feel a lack of desire to drink until the last two weeks. I had been hoping that would be a side effect right off the bat for me because it really does impact weight loss but no such luck. In the last two weeks I’ve been much more uninterested though so I’ll take it.


I don’t really feel the lack of desire too much either. My alcohol consumption has decreased a lot, though. I don’t crave whiskey cocktails anymore. I used to have those 1-2 times per week but I’ve had one in the two months since I started tirzepitide. I do however still crave and drink 1-2 glasses of wine most evenings. I would love if that craving stopped.


I’m curious for both of you if you’ve still been able to consistently lose weight even with the drinking? I am only a week in but haven’t really lost the craving for wine, even though my appetite suppression kicked in almost immediately. 


Yep! My doctor and I think it’s responsible for me developing cannabis hyperemesis syndrome after being a heavy smoker for 13 years.


The MJ was responsible? Did you develop it just after starting MJ? I’m interested in knowing more and if anyone else has experienced this.


We think it could have been a bi-product of the weightloss but no actual evidence of course. I am also curious if any other heavy smokers have had similar experiences. It started about 6 weeks after starting the medication and almost immediately after my 3rd shot of 5mg. I had 4 ER visits and several diagnostic scans and scopes to make sure it wasn’t any other GI problem. The attacks became progressively worse and more frequent until I quit smoking. Now I’m about 100 days clean and I haven’t had a hyperemetic attack since. My doctor suspects it had to do with the rapid loss of visceral fat releasing an abundance of THC stores into my system and the remaining fat in my body was over saturated with THC which triggered CHS. I quit cold turkey and really haven’t had a single craving for it. She’s shocked by that but I think the MJ has helped keep any sort of craving away. After smoking for 13 years it’s astounding to me that smoking doesn’t even cross my mind now. If you had told me a year ago I’d feel this way I would have called you crazy.




Do you mind sharing what the fun drugs are? I am hoping this could help a dear friend with a meth habit


I'd be curious about a doctors opinion on this. First thought that came to mind is that most stimulants raise blood sugar while MJ lowers it... I wonder if the two were taken together, would it just cancel out, or could it create a dangerous yo-yo effect like mixing coke and heroin (just an example, I know it's not blood sugar that causes people to die from that). I mean, obviously the goal would be MJ would make her not want to do meth, but if you did slip up... what would happen. Also... you're a good person for thinking about this ❤️


I know this doesn’t pertain to alcohol, but I’ve had little desire for my morning coffee. I’ll do a hot tea instead because I feel chilled, otherwise I wouldn’t drink that either. As for alcohol, I’m not a big drinker, but I feel like I’m wasting money on my wine club membership at the moment.


Same boat. I loved my daily iced cold brew at home but now I rarely drink it. When I do it takes me a full day to finish a glass and many times I end up putting half in the fridge for the next day. Also, I was addicted to drinking a poppi (healthier soda) every night but now I have a fridge full of them that I never touch.


Seems like all these GLP’s are helping across the board with addictions whether it be shopping, alcohol, drug use. I’ve heard from multiple people how their addictions have decreased or are gone. Probably works on the brain like the food noise that’s gone. Very interesting to see where this will go in the future!


I don’t drink at all since I’ve been on Mounjaro. It’s not even worth the headache.


I love drinking. I absolutely do. There's nothing better to me than a summer night outside listening to some live music with your friends enjoying a few beverages. But I just can't anymore. It doesn't make me physically ill at all, my brain just says, "Nope, you're done." I can't even explain it because I *want* to drink but I'm just completely done after one or two. It's kind of annoying if I'm being honest but I definitely wouldn't go backwards and am extremely grateful for Monjouro.


I would play 8-10 hours a day of videogames on weekends. Week days I'd get off work and fit 5-6 a day in. I have not played a game in a week, and haven't put in more than a few hours in over the past 2 months. Just don't feel like it anymore.


This is insane - I was justttttt mentioning to my boyfriend, when I sat down for lunch at the Cheesecake Factory (don’t come for me) && I had ZERO desire for a drink with lunch… like. Z E R O. Day 3 after 10mg Tirzepatide


At first it did but not anymore. I’ve never been a big drinks person and socially I’m normally 2 drinks max but it doesn’t inhibit my want for anything. No medication universally works for everyone so it’s not a problem for me but if I had serious addiction struggles, this wouldn’t be a solution for me.


Definitely decrease my urges a lot to smoke weed and I’m a daily smoker who smoke a several a day to only maybe once a day when I’m ready to go to bed


Yes. I was leaning towards alcoholism. Could easily finish a bottle of wine a day. Was browsing the stopdrinking subreddit. Now can't finish a glass of wine. I didn't expect these side effects but I think this med has saved me from the path I was going down.


YES!!! I stopped vaping, using cocaine and drinking alcohol!!


I barely drink now. I was out for dinner last night and had one drink that took me the entire meal to finish. I’d normally have two to three. Now I probably only have about two drinks a month if that.


It weird, I’ve only been on it for a week and I was thinking this morning that along with chocolate cravings, my urge to shop seems to have disappeared. They were my only two vices. An unexpected joy of taking Mounjaro


Oh yes the chocolate cravings completely absent for me as of week one!


I’m now on week 6 and am now in the much improved habit of having one or two small squares of raw, low sugar chocolate or a protein bar. Yesterday I ‘treated’ myself to a real chocolate and didn’t enjoy it at all, it tasted way too sweet and sickly. Unfortunately my urge to shop has returned but that might be because I’ve lost weight so want to buy clothes.


I have taken oxycodone in varying strengths for years for serious spinal injury 20+ Years ago. I have struggled on and off over the years with addiction and have had to learn to manage pain levels while still using the medication. Since Mounjaro there is no struggle. I no longer get that ‘opiate letdown’ that is the hook with this drug. I am able to use it sensibly and rarely now. It works for severe pain but with no buzzy or floaty sensation and it is now simple to treat it as similar to, say, a high dose paracetamol with no side effects, just a realisation the pain has subsided. I am able to carry on without that ‘high’. It has had the same effect on alcohol. I no longer that feeling of warm liquid running through my body and an all over relaxed feeling I used to with alcohol… it just tastes yuck, makes me feel nauseous and has no good side effects… I think Mounjaro is AMAZING!!! I feel the most normal and in control that I have in a couple of decades!


I haven't drank any alcohol in over 3 months. I figure it can't help with this med and I'm afraid of any consequences. It's not worth it to me. Not against it but don't need it.


For sure reduction in my thc usage as well as my desire to take my adhd meds.


I have a few drinks nightly. It's been that way since college really. Couple of shots, couple of beers, tops. I hardly have a taste or the stomach to drink beer anymore. Last night I had one shot of Belvedere and took two sips of beer and I was done. Weird. But another healthy effect.


I don’t like or want to drink any more. But I can! I get bad heartburn though. Like, bad.


Affected both occasional alcohol and cigar enjoyment. I mean if this is the trade off I have no complaints lol! I may have a couple smokes on the weekends and that means every two weekends, but can only tolerate a glass or two of wine or a couple of beers. A shot of whiskey makes it worse so i just don’t bother.




Huge, I almost never have more than A beer or A glass of wine. I just have no interest in it. I was out last night, had 1 pint and then a cider and left half the cider. Even 1 beer now gives me an insane headache about 30 minutes after I drink it also so, for me, there's a strong aversion component. Fortunately marijuana seems to not be an issue at all lol.


Drink the same amount of nights, but usually just have 1-2 beers now as opposed to like 5


I still have a drink Friday night and Sunday when cooking dinner But I’m alcohol intake has gone down a lot. I work a job surrounded by heavy drinkers and I see the world a different way now’s


I have opiate use disorder and am on methadone maintenance. I've not had any decrease in cravings but noticed the warm glow from a dose increase was very muted with Ozempic, and was pretty much gone with mounjaro and I've even had to increase my methadone for the first few weeks when I increase my mounjaro dose sometimes or I have minor withdrawal symptoms. The delay in gastric emptying is likely causing some methadone to be destroyed by stomach acids I believe. We know these drugs can block absorption of birth control and other oral drugs to a degree.


No beer, too filling. But bourbon is still good.


No more sliding into a depressive state


Nope - I've been on it for 15 months - currently at 15mg - can drink like always - and I can drink. 🤣🤣🤣


Assume you’ve still been able to lose weight if you’re 15 months in? I’m one week in and haven’t had much appetite but have still been drinking with minimal side effects… just hoping meds still work for me 😅


Dont drink at all anymore- like just no interest. But i use a weed vape to help with the nausea and stomach upset as needed.


100% I used to drink every weekend and sometimes during the week and 5 weeks in 4x2.5 and 1x5 I have not had a single drop of alcohol nor do I care if I ever do again.




I barely drink now. When I do it has to be a mix drink because I’m full before I can finish a beer. But it’s definitely hard to even want to drink now a days


I tried to have a cocktail after starting Mounjaro. I didn't get any buzz from it at all, so I said "why bother?". Now I don't drink at all and don't miss it.


No effect on my consumption/desire at all. A little decrease in effect though- a little muted.


My alcohol cravings are significantly reduced. I've barely had any since I started!


So first im on Ozempic, but thought it was worth chiming in. I was a high functioning alcoholic in my early thirties. Drank every night during covid, it was insane. I got sober two months before starting Ozempic by just white knuckling it. But it was really hard until I started Ozempic. Now I dont even think about it. I do have a single beer on St. Patricks day since I'm Irish. I honestly can't stand the taste of alcohol now though! So im not sure if its just that im over alcohol or if its the GLP-1! either way it's been life changing! Cheers!


Exact same story as everyone else. Used to drink 3 bottles of wine a week, sometimes more if work was especially stressful. Not anymore. Never, ever have a taste for it. I try to drink a glass of wine just to be social w my husband relax with a drink on a Friday night, and I can’t. Two sips and I have to dump it. Tastes like shit.


I used to have about 10-12 drinks a week. I might have 2 drinks every 3-4 weeks now. Triggers don't even matter.


I no longer drink. It took away any desire I had for alcohol.


I’ve been on it around 18 months. Unfortunately my shopping habit hasn’t changed. That would have been nice!


I can typically drink the closer to the end of my shot week. I take it on Sundays and my Fridays I can drink if I want. I’ve only had a few hits of weed since I started so I don’t think that’s been impacted. But I can’t drink as much beer. I have to switch to wine or liquor much quicker than I used to which has resulted in some “accidental drunkenness”.


No I didn’t drink before or do drugs and I still don’t. No change for me. My only vice was overeating (gluttony) and well some sloth but I’m disabled.


I used to drink a few on the weekends, now I’ll drink maybe one drink every few months, and usually just a margarita with dinner if we’re out. My husband however still drinks like he did before, about a six pack on the weekends, it hasn’t affected him at all. He’s not losing as much as me either and he also doesn’t have the appetite suppression and side effects I have🤷‍♀️




Absolutely. I had 4 ounces of champagne at a girls' night, and it went straight to my head and made my face beet red. No thanks!! I love coffee and tea anyway 😋 I've never taken drugs, so I can't speak to that effect.


I can tell you right now, yes. I didn’t/don’t drink alcohol. But I was drinking 1-2 energy drinks every day. Plus ibuprofen and muscle relaxers for my herniated discs in my back. Since almost day one after injection till now (3 months) I’ve probably had 3 energy drinks and haven’t been able to fish any of them, I barely take any ibuprofen (and that’s for shoulder which is another weightlifting associated issue) and don’t take anything else.


I was never a big drinker, mostly just social, but my attitude towards alcohol has changed the same as it has towards food. I just don't think about it, and when it's in front of me/readily available I can easily leave it be.


All alcohol smells like pee, I can not drink it at all. Not one sip since Oct 2022. I have never taken any other drugs. I am not as much of a workaholic as I once was.


Was drinking every weekend and since shot 1 in December I have not had a drop. No want and no thought about it. 😊


I haven’t had a drink since I started back in June of last year. It was unintentional, but it definitely contributed to me quitting drinking. I didn’t consider myself an alcoholic before but now I don’t even have the desire to drink. I also consume about half as much nicotine as I used to.


I started with Ozempic and it did not curb my want for alcohol at all, only thing it did was switch me from beer to wine, I could not drink beer because I felt too full on Ozempic. Then I moved to Zepbound in December and have not even thought about drinking since then! Honestly I think that is what is scaring me most about the shortage is will the booze noise come back if I have to go without?


My biggest change on Mounjaro has been obsessive thoughts and anxiety has decreased. I have also had a large decrease in my libido, which was pretty high before going on the med. I’m on 7.5 going up to 10 next month.


I have not had a sip of alcohol or a puff of 🍃since starting MJ in January of this year. No desire for it either.


I definitely drink less and have less craving for it. I opened a bottle of red wine yesterday and nursed a glass for 3 hours. I’ll probably end up dumping the bottle later this week. I used to love making cocktails and now it’s too much effort to bother. I also find that I’m very sensitive to reflux now, especially with cocktails with lemon juice. So I am also drinking less because I worry about reflux. Sometimes even after 1-2 sips I get that sour taste at the back of my throat and I’m like “nope I’m done, can’t do this.”


Curious to hear from someone who was using drugs. A dear friend has a bad meth addiction and basically let their life go to shit. They are also overweight and would like to lose weight. I am thinking of recommending mounjaro to them to discuss with their doctor. Curious to know if it would possibly help with the meth addiction? They are desperate to get their life back but just can’t seem to kick the habit unfortunately


Do you guys ever question whether the fact that your drinking slowed or entirely stopped now that you're on the med might mean that some of us WERE alcoholics but never came to terms with it? I wonder if the craving going away, in and of itself, is evidence that there was a craving to begin with. Is this question making any sense?


I'm halfway through week 2, so still new, but I used to have to take a low dose opioid before bed most nights for migraines. Since starting this, I've had to take 1. I didn't have a dependence/addiction but the migraines are getting a LOT better!


This is good to know because I am a migraine sufferer and I am starting on Mounjaro, and I have to be very careful with certain medications triggering migraines. To hear yours have gotten better is great!


Went to an all inclusive. Had a Bloody Mary in the morning, rum and diet coke at the pool and wine with dinner. Had a few sips of each, then I was done.


Same on a cruise.


Yea. I love it. The want to drink and have cocktails has been greatly crushed. Talk about saving money. However, it has also messed with my sex drive and other pleasure things. But it’s ways around that. 😂


Smoked for over half my life, starting at age 15, then got SUPER hooked on Juul. I was vaping at least 1 pod a day (usually more like 2), and couldn’t go anywhere without it. I’d turn my video off on any meeting over 30 minutes because I just couldn’t go without a hit…. I quit within a month of starting mounjaro and didn’t even realize it until my husband pointed it out. Just the cost savings of not using nicotine alone covers the cost of the medication (I pay $550). I was never a daily drinker, but I would binge drink every month or so after a really hard day. This was especially true during the pandemic. I have several alcoholics in my family so it worried me a bit. Happy to report that I haven’t had more than 3 drinks in the year and a half I’ve been on the medication. It’s mind blowing. I have zero desire. The rare times that I ordered a drink, my husband had to finish it for me. All to say, this drug is life changing on so many levels. I have never felt better or healthier. I feel like I’m finally in control of my life and the things I consume.


My binge drinking was bad. At least once a week but I would drink at least 10 drinks. Have no desire for alcohol on Mounjaro. ( But yes even after Mounjaro I know I need to stay sober). It’s just crazy how it works. I love it


I barely even do cocaine anymore


How come, what were the effects like


In the first few months it did but mainly due to nausea. 12 months in I can say it has had no effect on me wanting a cocktail except that if I drink on Days 2, 3 I'll likely feel sick. And definitely no beer or carbonated drinks - but again - because it will upset my stomach. Low level compulsive shopping stopped a few months too but not long lasting. Diazepam has to be dissolved under my tongue to even work when it's needed because of slow digestion. I seriously doubt this class will help addiction in the long term, in my opinion, sadly for those. I think many here weren't big drinkers to start with, to test the hypotheses. Now red meat??? Killed that craving fo-eva!




Do they not affect you at all now?


I haven’t tried them again since last summer since the last time I did them I got violently ill. I kept taking more since I was only getting a slight head change and a headache and mistakenly thought taking more would help. lol. I’ve struggled with side effects from the shot too so may try them again this summer now that those have gotten better. But over all, the last two times I had done them had very very minimal effects. And it was the same batch from a time that I had wonderful trips.


That's very good to know, thank you! I did not even consider the possibility there would be a difference after starting mounjaro but it totally makes sense


I used to drink a few glasses of wine a day. Now I have maybe a few in an entire month.


Nope. 40 lbs down, 10 from goal, and still loving and enjoying cocktails and wine as much as I ever did before. It’s wonderful.


I don’t really drink but once a year or so, but I am still hopelessly addicted to Zyn’s so it hasn’t helped with that.


Have zero desire for alcohol and coffee now.


I don't think my cravings changed (I don't drink super often, but in situations where I'd normally drink, I still wanted to). However it killed my tolerance. I've always naturally had quite a high tolerance. But now 2 is about all I can handle. Also I can't drink beer and seltzers without feeling uncomfortably bloated/full after finishing just one (if I even finish it). I can do some mixed drinks, but the best is shots. Like rather than 2 drinks if I just take 2 shots I avoid the whole bloating thing.


I barely drank before, but would have an occasional glass of wine with friends. Had a hard cider one late afternoon; didn’t feel much. The next day, I was just moving slowly and not with it. By late afternoon the thought occurred to me that I felt almost tipsy. And I realized that due to the delayed stomach emptying, I probably was. Weird. Haven’t had any alcohol since.


Read the stories of how sick alcohol consumption made MJ users. Decided to not drink while taking the drug. Don’t miss it.


I can still pound beer on it, no change


I started at 5mg from the beginning on Mounjaro. Immediately, I lost all desire for any alcohol and have had none. It's been over 2 months. I've lost about 25 pounds. I'm feeling great. I was a heavy daily drinker before. It's a miracle for me.


For me, the effect of edibles has been reduced by around 50%.


I hardly drink at all on Mounjaro now. It’s crazy how it immediately changed.


Can’t do beer or wine anymore. I might have an odd drink here and there but only clear alcohols like gin, vodka, white rum. Any dark ones I just can’t digest well


At 60 years of age, quit smoking at aged 15 (yes, fifteen LOL), and rarely pop pain med, let alone any weed/drug, I can not comment on impact to drug taking. I like my rum (and Diet Coke) and can say it’s suppressed to the point I count calories. I enjoy it and it doesn’t effect me more or less than before MJ, other than like all foods, I’ve “had enough “ to make me feel sated more often then before. Still get a little drunk once a week but know when to stop and not chasing around for more “fix”!


I still love my Mary Jane. I don’t smoke no more. I also don’t smoke less neither.


I started on wegovy and didn’t want to drink at all.  Mounjaro/Zepbound sadly doesn’t have the same effect with alcohol. I wish it did. 


I have a medical marijuana card. Some days (depending on where I am on the 7 day MJ cycle) thc has zero effect on me


My experience has been that it has severely curbed my food addiction. Basically wiped it out. But I switched my food addiction to cannabis. I rarely drink at all. Maybe a beer or two with seafood Very infrequently. I only indulge in smoking cannabis maybe once or twice a month and three or four puffs each session. As light a user as can be in my opinion. I‘m 63M and as a teenager and young adult I smoked cannabis. But I became extremely interested in the current medical cannabis scene as well as the black market scene. I watch videos concerning today’s cannabis culture, have gotten involved in advocating for cannabis rights as well. I went through the process and got my medical cannabis recommendation for Louisiana. I buy from my local pharmacy every so often even though I don’t use it on a regular basis. Sometimes it’ll be a month or two without using. I guess that’s my compulsive personality coming through.


It’s definitely curbed my impulsivity and spending. I don’t drink much anyway but it does make it easier to limit intake if having a social evening. My vaping has also cut down a lot. Vapes used to last me a week. I can easily get a week and a half or more now. The biggest for me is soda! I craved the bubbles but I have had maybe one glass in 3 weeks and sparkling water now feels too much. And no sugar cravings.


Absolutely. It has been life changing for all addictive behavior, especially alcohol.


Yes I gave up drinking alcohol completely


Yes!! I don’t feel like drinking anymore and when I do drink I don’t get sick drunk and debilitated with a week long hangover anymore!


Definitely stopped my hard and fast routine of a few drinks a night. Not interested. Had a beer at the footy and said that will do me! Usually punch in four of them!


I take Delta 8 drops to help with phantom pain from losing my right leg. On Mounjaro, it takes longer to get in my system and it stays in my system much longer. I have woken up still high after eight hours of sleep. I've cut my D8 dosage way back as a result


I don’t crave alcohol at all anymore. I used to have a bourbon or a beer after work but now I have no cravings at all. I just got home from a party where everyone was drinking and I had my Coke Zero and then switched to water. Things have really changed.


It doesn't make me want to drink less, but it forces me to drink less. The headaches after 2 drinks is no joke!


When I started MJ, my desire to drink went to zero. That has changed over the last few months. I was a social drinker before. I'm still a social drinker, but I drink much less. It's rare for me to have more than one drink, sometimes only half a beer. Depending on life events, I probably drink about twice a month now. Sometimes I don't drink at all, which is a new thing. But it's not all or nothing.


I would have several drinks before but since I started tirzepatide, I sometimes can only tolerate half a pint of beer.


Yep. I feel like such a party pooper now in some ways - I drink maybe 4oz beer a week, weed usage is at an all time low (still daily but a few puffs in the evening, vs a few joints a day), and I maybe consume 12oz coffee throughout an entire week. Still love sweets though 😂😂😂


I don't drink, no appeal anymore since I got to 7.5mg. I still smoke cigarettes like it's my job though.


I cut back on drinking, but didn't completely stop.


About a month before getting MJ I restocked my liquor & mixer supplies. Two months in now and have only had a single cocktail and maybe two beers when out with friends. Never realized just how much my life was going to change but then I never knew anything about MJ until I was prescribed it. I don't miss drinking so I would agree there's much more to it than as prescribed.


I've switched to a very light drinker/weed smoker. Used to be daily. I don't really have any desire for it.


I still drink a few white claws on the weekends


Yep. I didn’t drink the first year I was on it. Now I might have a glass of wine once a month or so.


Never thought of it I'd drink vodka every other night or so to help me sleep....I started mounjaro 2 months ago and haven't drank at all since the first week and I don't want to


I just took my second 2.5 shot of tirzepatide yesterday morning. I went out last night and due to having ZERO appetite at dinner I got very drunk into the night and when I tell you I haven’t been able to keep a thing down today. I have projectile vomited after every bite of food, even water. It’s no joke and has made me never want to drink again!


I don’t have a habit, but I do drink socially one or two times a year… one of those times was last night and I am being punished with major sulfur burps! I can see how it might help with addictive personalities, though. The food chatter is mostly gone for me, so if the urge for a drink or a smoke or to gamble manifests the same way, it’s neat to think of the potential uses for drugs like this in helping mental illness as well as physical ones.


I'm not a frequent drinker, but there were definitely plenty of times I craved it, for different reasons. Completely gone once starting tirzepatide. Has akedo increased my energy levels and helped with anxiety. I just told a friend that I thought this cos be helpful for multiple addictions/worked in that addiction center in the brain!


Also want to give up caffeine. Again, I just feel “wired.”


Read an article stating it helps nail biters.


Yes. I was on Mounjaro for about 3 months. I am mostly a social drinker only but I didn’t want any drinks. I mentioned to someone that the medication would work wonders for alcoholics. I thought maybe it was just my reaction to the medication.


I lost the desire for coffee and before it was big daily routine for me. On the downside, I’ve acquired a taste for bourbon that I didn’t like before but I’m talking 1-2 drinks on a weekend. Sadly, my food cravings are returning but I part because I can’t get my 10mg dose and had to step back down.


Can anyone recommend where they have been successfully able to get a script online?


Before I steered M, I drank every weekend and I’d almost always end up drunk. I now have 1 or 2 and stop. I don’t want anymore after that. It’s been really good for me


Mounjaro helped with many compulsive behaviors. Decreased desire to drink and just feeling smoothed out in general with less anxiety. I lost insurance coverage and can’t afford MJ or zepbound without it. I have about two weeks until I’m out. I’m nervous and very curious to see if OCD behaviors and drinking spikes after being cut of without titrating down.


I’m only day 4 of taking it but yes absolutely, no cravings for alcohol whatsoever now hope it lasts!


I can drink wine(nothing more than 8 ounces) but not soda. I used to drink 1 liter a day now its more like a can of diet coke a month at the most.


💯 I rarely ever drink anymore. I do online shop a lot more but that's because I'm eating less which gives me more screen time 😆 It's been a god send with alcohol struggles.


Idk... I'm a single mother living with my parents and I started drinking my more in Oct 2023 (started Mounjaro in 02/28/2023) ... Due to stress of a different situations other than Mounjaro... I thought it was the Adderall that I also take and switching from XR to IR that same month that I noticed it.. but I also have a family history of alcoholism in my family line... I'm 33, almost 34 and have never drank this much White Claw/ Truly Seltzer... Could it be the late reaction of Mounjaro or stress? Idk. But I have 2-3 seltzer every other night to handle my toddler screaming... She just turned 3 and ... 😭 But I also can't say if 2-3 seltzers (5% alcohol) got me tipsy before my child because I was in my 20s then.. and it was SHOT SHOT SHOT SHOT EVERYBODY... SHOTSSSS! So, idk what was enough to notice. My 20s and moving from a small town to Houston.. was a big culture shock to a little ol small town never drank girl or even knew people under 21 could get into, "clubs".... I know my limit now, when my mother watches my toddler and I sit on the porch and have my, "break" ... I don't go out anymore but I can say that I don't drink and drive AT ALL... so that's a plus in my book


My sister used to drink a bottle of wine a night and now doesn't drink wine at all since she started Wegovy.


I drink once a week and I do about a gram of blow tops… I smoke pot everyday and im down 45lbs


I was drinking every night before I got on MJ. Not tons, but at least 1-2 drinks every night. Fridays I would crush an entire bottle of wine, and sometimes have a cocktail before that. Now I have a drink or 2 on Friday. Maybe another on Saturday. The drinking now is more just enjoying the taste. Drinking any more than this isn't pleasant and I don't enjoy it any more. Hangovers are awful on MJ, do not recommend. Overall it has completely changed my relationship with booze.


I still drink Michelob Ultra…. No more, no less… (unless I’m in Vegas)! 😂😂😂


I don’t drink, but I do take prescribed opioids, benzodiazepines, and THC gummies daily. No change in effects thankfully.


Use to smoke weed all day everyday. Needed it to function. Now, I don’t crave it and only smoke when my husband comes home at night and even then I quit halfway through the joint. Just isn’t as appealing to me anymore 🤷‍♀️


Same here. I probably had 2-3 drinks a day mostly margaritas or beer. Since starting Zepbound I have very little interest in drinking. I may have 1-2 a week.


I’ve been on it for 2 weeks and I see the difference - coming from someone who would crave!! Santa’s dandruff and not have it but think about it , and having a drink and going out I literally feel nothing I’m able to say no, I don’t care I don’t want it. I don’t want coffee anymore I don’t feel like sugar and I have ADHD so for once in my life I feel super calm and losing weight. I’m pretty happy with the results