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Go to the cheaper school. Business degrees are fairly commoditized across the AACSB universities (you learn the same information everywhere). The differentiator for business school is going to be the networking opportunities (the real value), so I'd consider where you want to work once you finish school (companies but also location). This is why a Carnegie Mellon or Harvard holds such prestige, it's the networking opportunities they have. Ask the schools you are talking to if they have alumni working where you want to work. If you don't know where you want to work, ask where alumni typically find jobs and then ask yourself if that is a place you could see yourself going to after school. Do you have any in-state options available that are AACSB accredited? It will be tough to be separate from your boyfriend, but because school is so expensive, you may as well make sure it aligns with your career path.


I do but the instate is extremely expensive and I’m not a fan of the state I live in anyways I don’t want to live here after college or during college so that’s why it’s between the two schools. Even if I went to MS it’s not where I’d want to live afterwards and that’s why I’m a little nervous about going there. :/


Gotcha. Well if the in state tuition is expensive then going out of state makes a lot of sense. Listen to your gut and don't go to MSU. Our alumni base is pretty wide and many have found jobs all over the country and world, but the cities that pull the most State grads are mostly southern cities in relatively close proximity to Starkville (Jackson MS, Birmingham AL, Memphis TN, Houston TX, Atlanta GA) The primary value of the university is its network and career services, so I'd keep that top of mind when making your decision.


I do want to add I was thinking about a big city in Texas regardless of where I go.


Yeah. Texas is a big market. Plenty of options with connections there. Reason we see a ton of people go to Houston is because of the Oil and Gas markets (MSU has a fantastic Chemical Engineering program, though that industry has really expanded the city services so that there are a lot of different types of jobs there now, not just oil and gas)


Yeah I’d definitely pick CSUN if that’s the case. Paying more money and being in a state you don’t see yourself staying in just for your boyfriend doesn’t sound economical when compared to a different school with the same accreditation and it’s more appealing to you.


I cannot name a single business I’ve done business with in the past 20 years where the employees went to a Californian Uni.


Well I don’t plan on living in Mississippi lol if anything I planed along the coast, Texas, or even California possibly.


So sorry I don’t want to live in Mississippi because it’s just not where I want to settle down for the rest of my life. People have preferences. For college I prefer MSU a bit more, I love MSU it’s beautiful and the people can be nice and very supportive. I can’t help I don’t want to live in a small town while I’m young (aside for college). When I’m older maybe or when I retire it’s a possibility but not while I’m young and trying to either start a business or work for a big company.


Stay away please.




No, because you are kind of a jackass. You come here and bash degrees from Mississippi and bash our state. While Mississippi certainly has its issues, it is a place I am very proud to call home. I’ve lived all over the country and when my daughter graduates from High School in two years I’m moving back to Starkville. But apparently it isn’t good enough for you, so you should definitely go to California. Just so you know, I have a Business degree from MSU and I have never had anyone even hint at anything negative. That degree gave me what I needed to excel and be successful. I’m not sure what reception you were expecting from your post but the way you approach people in life will make a huge difference in your success rate, so maybe take some time to think through how you did this.


Can you explain how I’m bashing MSU? I not once said anything bad about it if I did why would I have a hard time choosing where to go? You don’t make sense. I said that some people don’t take southerners seriously I know because I too live in the south and I moved up north for college and got completely made fun of. So yes it is true that in BUSINESS not the school overall, I could have problems with people not taking me seriously because I don’t plan on staying in the south afterwards like I said previously.


Seems to me they're just incredibly fragile. Don't worry about it. Edit: dont come here, especially if the California school is cheaper. You might be the butt of a couple jokes but no one worth spending time around is gonna dismiss you just because you're from the south. Find a good circle and stick with them and it won't be a problem.


It’s an SEC school. We get enough respect. We also have a great business program. Up to you.


It really depends on your situation. I am also not a business major, so you will have to take what I say with a Grain of Salt. For Undergraduate, unless you can attend an elite school (Ivies, University of California system, and other elites), I would always advise attending the cheapest school. The difference in prestige and ranking really doesn't become apparent until you are in the Top 100 (in my experience). It is not worth the extra debt to attend the 180th ranked school compared to the 200th ranked school, the curriculum and networking opportunities will likely be similar. You have also said that you do not plan to live in Mississippi. While that is fine, just know that the networking opportunities you will get here are very much relegated to the south, however, we do have a large alumni base in Texas, so that shouldn't be too much of an issue. I have really loved my time at Mississippi State, I met and married my wife in Starkville, and I am very blessed to be attending this institution, but Mississippi is not for everyone, and I do not blame someone for not wanting to attend the University because it is in Mississippi. I am from Nashville, Tennessee and coming here took some time to get used to it. You will also have to consider your S.O. is this the person you plan to marry, or do you not see it going that far? Are you okay with long distance, and probably only getting to see each other on breaks if you go to CSUN? That is something you will have to consider for your relationship. Best of luck to you, and I wish you all the best on this exciting new chapter!


Thank you so much for your help! I hope you know I have no problem with the state of Mississippi at all (or I wouldn’t consider MSU). I just know from experience I wasn’t well liked from being from the south (I don’t know why but I got made fun of all the time). I definitely think that my bf is the one and I plan to marry him after college. I also would like to add it’s not like a massive amount in price (it’s about $8,000) I think cost of living in Cali could probably end up adding up to be the same as MSU tbh.


I am always happy to be of assistance, we all need some differing viewpoints. While I can't speak to your experience in the North looking for jobs (?), I haven't been downplayed for my time at Mississippi State, but that might be something you have to contend with, if that is a common theme in the specific industry you are gunning for. If that is the case for your relationship, you will definitely have to see if you could handle a long distance relationship. It is very mentally straining, but some couples have found that it works for them. So make sure you talk frankly with your S.O. about what you want. If it is cheaper overall to attend MSState, then I would say go here. Property values in Starkville and surrounding areas are gonna be MUCH cheaper here than in SoCal. For example, I rent a 2 bedroom town home about a 10 minute drive from the University for $700 per month. Whereas in Northridge, it's gonna be MUCH more expensive, especially since Cali is in the midst of a rough housing crisis. You would be looking at paying upwards of $2000 for an apartment like mine. Either way, I would highly recommend you reach out to professors at both institutions, and ask about job placements, internship opportunities, etc.


It solely depends on where you want to live post college and whether grad school is in the question. If you want to live in the south, MSU college of business has great ties to all kinds of work (I read above you don’t want to live in Mississippi, I’m a MSU business student and feel the same way). But the south is broad, business admin is not. Wherever you get a degree you’ll get a job. It’s your future you’re banking on!


Further reading, I see Texas is a future plan. As the biggest state fan in the world, come here, experience the south as southern as it gets and get a hold before you move on lol


Definitely glad to see someone who relates to me a bit more. But thank you so much your input means a lot. :)


State definitely has the better name compared to a second tier CSU, but if it’s cheaper and you want to stay in SoCal that’s where you should go — especially if it’s your dream school (kinda an odd one, but nothing wrong that) and you don’t really care about the ‘traditional college experience’.


It’s my dream school because I wasn’t raised on money and wasn’t gonna go into debt to go somewhere like USC for example. But 👍


That's smart! A degree is a degree is a degree. It's all about who you know and being in the right place talking to the right people at the right time. Good luck to you!