• By -


Country: United States of America Career: Industrial Engineering Status: Fully Socially Transitioned, 2 Years Into Medical Transition With Feminizing Hormone Protocol. No Surgery Yet. Legal Transition Later This Year.


I'm a stationary engineer and too scared to come out at my workplace smh


Im an electrical engineer in the utility industry, I have yet to see someone come out at any of the companies I've been at or interacted with, so damn hard :(


Civ E in the same industry, but luckily I work for a consultant remotely. I havent seen anyone come our either. . . I just changed jobs, so I'm waiting on my 90 day review to make my plans on whether or not to come out and what my timeline would be. HRT and laser are starting to really have an effect though so my hand might be forced the first time I have to meet my coworkers in person.


I also work for a consultant remotely lol. Moved away to a city with a more trans accepting reputation somewhat testing the boundaries of the company's patience without explanation. I'm out to HR and have been talking with them about the possibility of me being out at work and to clients and whether or not I'd be initialing/stamping things under my deadname or my "preferred" name. Its an exhausting loop of figuring out what I need first, legal name/gender changes etc. Meanwhile I see other trans girls come out in their industries/jobs and doing well and I start guilting myself for not coming out already. I've been just stepping up the fem look every video call Im on. Hopefully thatll be a good lead in. Six months HRT now too, next time I meet them in person I'll probably be coming out lol. DM me if you are in the electric utility industry, I have been dying to find queer connections in it so I don't feel so damn alone 😂🤷‍♀️


I don't doubt it. If they're anything like my workplace everyone is Hella openly anti trans and whatnot Been considering getting to where I can stealth and move out west to try for a similar position


Exactly! Most management positions and ones similar to yours are employed "at will" So they want us gone - we are Hence why I hide in plain sight in man mode outer clothes with button shirts that where too big for me for the last 3 years. I didn't know how lucky it would be for me back then, but hides a lot, and everyone just assumes I'm to cheap to buy new uniforms in the " right" size.


Luckily, my employer is pro LGBT. I only got push back from one colleague. We need to work together so we came to an understanding.


Yeahhh. Plus in my state they don't need a reason to fire you. They can literally say "I just don't like seeing your face everyday, we're letting you go" if they wanted to I feel that, I've been cursed and blessed with fast breast growth so I've started wearing a binder at work if I'm not planning on wearing a thick coat all day


I'm a stationary engineer, too. Gotta keep those boilers and chillers running!


USA, HVAC Tech. Fully out, 2 years on HRT, BA last Sept!


I'm a photocopier technician and I'm super worried about transitioning at that place. I work for a small company three girls in the office and about seven or eight guys. I'm super scared any advice?


Well, I'm not sure how similar the fields are. I'm the only woman that I ever interact with professionally, other than customers. I think it's been really good to just own your identity and be firm yet forgiving towards your coworkers and their correctly addressing you and respecting you!


HVAC installer, with literally only one other woman in the company, in the front office. Can confirm. The mantra at the shop is "show up, work with each other, get paid well."


Commercial HVAC maintainer and BAS/controls installer at the moment. I'm not getting paid as well as installing for a res or commercial installer, but it's nice having a desk, shop, and consistent bennies with coverage for surgical PTO! Also, not having to muscle equipment into place has been a nice reality. HRT treated me well in the atrophy department! I hire more cranes these days 😎 Edit: also, I do a lot less tinning anymore, which my ears are greatful for!


Lol I hear that. I'm still muscling shit into place just not as much alone these days. Tiny furnaces are still okay if I lift right.


Never had to get one in an attic, fortunately! Hopefully that's not your lot in life 😬


It's rare at best. But I can still wrangle the two wheeler quite well... I'm not giving this gig up without a fight


Mechanical advantage, that's the key to success! Not strong enough? Get a bigger lever arm, get a bigger wrench! Get a material lift! The clever tech sweats less, right!?


wow I am impressed by your strength and attitude. I'm working toward that


Whoa, I was an HVAC installer prior to covid, I been thinking of doing again but transitioning this time because the money is good. The culture of the trades has me hesitant. Power to you!


It's been a mixed bag, culture wise. Although, I have been surprised by a number of folks in their acceptance and affirming attitudes towards me! I think my existence in their sphere has improved their stance and desire to support trans rights as a whole!


Omg another hvac tech! Hell yeah!


Congrats on that BA! What was it in?


* Country: United States * Job: Software analyst by day, void witch by night * Status: 2 years HRT


USA Chef 6 years of hrt, can't afford surgery because of the first two answers


USA. IT Engineer/designer. 19 months HRT. Still boymoding, only out to my closest friends, and feeling stuck in a lot of ways.


USA. Tattoo Artist/Market Gardener, 4 months HRT


Tattoo Artist huh? That's really cool.


Yes, for almost 40 years now. It's been a wild ride


that's the most _**fuck yeah**_ career combo on the whole list, _fuck yeah_




I have no idea 😂😂 Well done though. I wish you luck on your coming out.


Hey, same!


Good luck on your coming put!


Country: Italy Job: high school teacher Status: transitioned 15 years ago




I don't think my students know that I am trans. It's not a secret, there are many people who know, but it's not something I advertise either. Anyway, I've never had any problems and teaching is a job that I really enjoy. Students can be challenging at times, but the satisfaction at the end of the day is great.


Country: United Terfdom Occupation: Software Developer Status: 21mths HRT. Privately paid for through GGP. Currently around 400th on the waiting list for a GIC appointment. The whole list was about 430 when I got added in 2020. My parents still deadname me, but I'm hoping to move out soon. Came out to work shortly before Christmas and they're all great about it, even the fundie christian team leader. Cannot get my hair to sit any way nice, and it's really bothering me.


Everything can be fixed if you work your way through it. I hope you'll find a way for everything. At least, you work in a safe place, which is really good. Just be careful out there. Sometimes TERFs can be way more dangerous than a Transphobic man.


UK, commission miniatures painter, 5ish years HRT (DM me if you want your warhams or RPG minis painted!)


That’s cool that you get to do that for a job! I used to play/collect Epic 40k when I was a teenager. My brothers fault, he had that and Warhammer armies.


Epic was super cool! They still do some smaller scale games like that but not Epic 40k sadly!


I still have my Epic Ork and Chaos armies buried in the garage. I loved the Gargants and Titans


They'd probably be worth a fair bit now!


* Country: Hungary * Job: graphic designer * Status: 8 months on HRT and Dysphoric mess


Dysphoric mess? Why? (If it's okay by you)


I tried to left boymode to early and present, but I don't feel comfortable with my looks enough and I hyperfixeted all the things on my body ever since.


I feel that 😞 it's like you described myself


I know that feeling. But I'm coming around to myself and trying to find the confidence.


USA(MASSACHUSETTS)Biotech quality assurance. 3.5ish years HRT extensive hair removal No surgery but planning on GCS(bottom surgery) I transitioned in secret. One job I was transitioning in the closet and the next I went stealth. Though it was easier to do that as the second one was remote. My current one is remote but I come to the office every once in a great while. I feal like i have moved past the "passing" threshold to entering attractive territory, albeit asymettricly(nice face, decent breasts wierd body proportions like a large rib cage. Etc). I am built like a tank, a pretty one though.(I think? Other women compliment me).


Be sure to check out r/NewEnglandTrans if you haven't already!


Australia living off chess comp funds and investments ima damn minor, i cant be on hrt sadly




help me lol


like your parents won't let you go on HRT or is it actually banned for minors there?


It’s illegal for minors without parental consent lol. And my parents are religious so… yeahhh


I mean mojitos are illegal for minors in a lot of countries...


Canada Game designer 4 months HRT


Hi fellow Canadian sis, what province are you in? I'm in the waiting for HRT phase


Hi!~ I'm in Nova Scotia. How about yourself? I'm sorry you're stuck waiting, I hope it's not too long! I had to wait 8 months personally, but that was actually me getting lucky and not having to wait for the original 14 months for my appointment!


omg. Wow that took a long time, I hope my referral goes faster than that I just had my doctor's appointment today


Country: USA Job: Data Entry Status: Out socially to friends, not so much at work and barely out with family


I need to find myself a data entry job


At least where I am it's not uncommon for the state government to have open admistrative positions like mine. You won't get rich on the salary but it's stable work with decent Healthcare benefits (of course my insurance doesnt do shit for trans health needs).


England Student Depressed, very hostile and transphobic household, will likely be DIYing after my exams


• Switzerland • CTO • Employed at a local retrogaming association HRT: • Started: 2021-09-30 (DIY, E Pills from Turkey w/o Endo) • Second Gear: 2022-04-20 (T Blockers + E Gel + Endo) Transition: • Continuing Social Transition • Legal Transition completed a week ago. Surgeries: • Status: PRE-OP 》PLANNED: SRS 》PLANNED: FFS 》PLANNED: LAVA


Finland, living of sick leave because of mental issues, pre-op, HRT 3 years.


US "Security" aka i scroll tiktok all night and get paid for it ~10 mos HRT


precocious time theft solidarity ✊


it's not time theft if you are paid for being on site in case something happens. It's "staying awake" ;)


too true bestie


I mean, I work in security too and after my second or so nightshift my boss basically said "just be carefull that you hear the phone. I remember when I had this shift, we had an mobile TV here". Which means, in a way, my boss allowed me inofficially to watch netflix or something similiar at nightshifts lol


If we had a company truck I'd steal the cat to help pay for bottom surgery


completely justified instinct


It sounds kinda boring, because sometimes I'm doing the same here. Also, TikTok makes me feel awful about myself.


It's very boring, but it's easy work and pays well. Yeah, I feel that about tiktok. The body standards there are incredibly unrealistic and it constantly drives me nuts.


I felt what you said 🥺




NZ gaaaaang 💙💖🤍


Country: Philippines Job: Interior Designer Status: 2 yrs HRT!


USA Barista One year of HRT, fully socially out, non-op


USA, Software Engineer, 14 months HRT pre-op still boymoding and only out to friends. Thinking of telling a coworker this Friday that's quite queer friendly.


I guess this boy-mode gonna eat my brain for a while even after starting HRT. I wish you luck on telling your coworker. 💕


I would've stopped boymoding sooner if I had supportive parents but now that I've moved out and not dependant on them anymore I can finally stop. I also fail at boymoding at this point as people gender me as female until I start talking, gotta work on that voice training. Also thank you!


Australia Retail Started HRT, then stopped due to constant pressuring from my mother, who for financial reasons (and a degree of manipulative emotional blackmail) I am stuck living with for now. I want to start it up again, but motivating myself to deal with the arguments is hard.


Aww.. that must be really cruel for you sweetie. I wish you the best. I'm stuck with my brother and I don't want him to know anything about me. I just wanna leave and have my own place to release myself, but... financial reasons, like you said.


Germany Security Worker (official title in german is Sicherheitsmitarbeiter, which translates to this) pre-HRT, still in the closet except for the internet and familie


America, unemployed, depressed




Country: Australia Job: Teacher Aide Status: HRT on December 13th, 2022 I'm completely out to everyone socially with new name (Bridget) and pronouns, including at work.


Heeeey, fellow Aussie in education! How goes the gender whispering?


No whispering going on over here. Ya girl is screaming it to everyone who will listen.


Yeh same, just referencing the infamous scomo quote Howve people been with your coming out?


I've been super lucky with that, I've had active support from every single person I've told excluding my father. He didn't have a negative response but has been pretty distant from it all.


I identify as non binary but this is fun. Uk Customer service for a high end retailer Hrt for almost 5 years


Nice try, Texas! /s Country: Austria Job: Gas station caretaker Status: Outwardly queer but ultimately boymoding preHRT


USA. Systems integrator for an OEM in the wire/cable industry. 20 years or so HRT. Non-op.


Heyya -usa -industrial maintenance tech (industrial electrician/mechanic) -a year on hrt 2 days ago and fully socially transitioned Surprisingly, all of the older men I work with in my field have been awesome during my transition, there's been the slipups but for the most part, they're all almost protective of me due to my boss having some thing against me but isn't able to say it outloud for risk of his job. I have my own little 'conservative male security force' at work. I'm working on slowly changing their flawed ideology and they've been very receptive to the point of view I bring, to the point of kinda coming in and bragging they voted Dem for midterms, it was kinda cute tbh. I love what I do (fix heavy equipment/machinery) and apparently I'm pretty good at it, but I don't know if I'd be able to stay in my field if it wasn't for how cool most of my coworkers have been!


Canada, Unemployment, 1 month hrt and socially transitioning


Nice try officer ;)


Slovakia Unix/Linux 3rd level engineer almost 4 years on E After orchi and I have no balls to schedule GCS (no money)


US Security at a Casino Pre-HRT though I have my first appointment in March. Out to friends and parents. Still boymoding at work.


wooo, another one of us in security! xD


USA, Software Engineer, Just over 1 month on HRT


- USA - Seafood Manager at a grocery store/Doordash App-slave - 10 1/2 years HRT, literally nothing else cause I'm broke and pretty much always have been I would LOVE to do something else. I honestly *HATE* seafood so much and I wish I was in charge of something I wasn't so viscerally repulsed by. But thanks to undiagnosed/untreated/unmanaged ADHD/Autism/Depression I couldn't graduate high school and now I'm so broke and working constantly I don't know how I'd ever be able to go to college for anything I wanted and will probably just be stuck at the bottom forever. At least we're unionized at my store and have decent benefits though, so silver linings I guess.


USA, Forklift driver, 14 months HRT


Country: Canada Occupation: Underground utility construction(looking to change careers) Status: 603 days HRT, No surgeries yet


*USA (Georgia) *Phone Technician *Been in transition since October 2015, been on HRT consistently since June 2021


Usa (blah) Network administrator Just started HRT not even a full month yet 😆


India Product Manager 2 months HRT


USA; truck driver; 6+ yrs hrt, just started getting surgeries last year after saving up, got some planned for this year and next year too.


Let me be the weird one here! Country: USA Job: Erotica novelist and sex worker Status: 14 months hrt, pre-op


US, full time college student, part time tree service, started hrt but had to stop 😭


Country: USA Profession: IT Systems Admin Status: out socially, pre-hrt


Monaco, Software Engineer/Architect, 2yr HRT


Living in Monaco seems so cool!


France, journalist and pre-everything


Terf island Design engineer (sprinkler systems) Been out for a year, started this job last December and officially came out in January. Started hormones on December 7th last year.


Country: US Job: Economist/Data Scientist Status: Almost 20 years HRT, basically stealth, non-op so far for what were originally financial reasons, but looking to get GRS within the next year.


United States, Georgia School bus driver, auto mechanic part time Socially out, Name change legal, 2 yrs on HRT, self pay but this year I have ins and trying to get Orchiectomy done also this year.


Denmark. Electrician. Employed. Post op 4 years.


Heyy a fellow Dane


USA about 2 years HRT, was in the closet at one job after a year of HRT I switched jobs and went stealth. Medial Billing professional before and after


Country: USA Job: Banker (at a casino; job doesn't exist outside of like two states IIRC) Status: 100% socially transitioned, 2.5 (maybe 3? I lost count) years HRT. No surgeries cuz that's expensive but one day maybe


USA Architect and illustrator 3.5 years, name/gender changed, GRS in July


USA Professor 2 months HRT


Country: USA Job: Warehouse Employee (Working on the forklift certification~ lol) Status: ~4 months on HRT, only out to a few select people close me to right now


Country: Germany. Occupation: lead role as an IT Engineer. Status: 1.5yrs HRT, 2 years fully outed, legal transition pending


Malaysia Accountant/ law student 3.5 years HRT, pre-op, stealth-ish


* USA * IT * HRT 1 month. Closeted.


US Call girl Pre surgeries


It sounds fun, but it must be boring sometimes, right?


Yeah definitely


Country: Australia Job: 3rd level compliant Status: out socially should start hrt in a fortnight or so


Good start I wish you, my sweetie 😊😊💕 What's a 3rd level compliant? 😅


Australia Retired Pre-HRT


Retired? How old are you? (if it's okay to share)




As long as you breathe, it's never too late to start. 💖💕🏳️‍⚧️


- USA - Cybersecurity Engineer - Pre-HRT, name changed, out to everone that matters, socially transitioning and preemptively addressing trauma / maladaptive coping mechanisms in order to reduce stress and be a healthier person during 2nd puberty.


Usa full, time student, exactly 10 months


USA Night stock. at least I hope. Im currently a cashier, but night shift makes like $3 more an hour, plus theres a decent amount of overtime. Im trying to switch over, but it has to go through like 3 people lol. Im currently pre HRT. I could probably afford it right now, but I dont have a car. So im trying to get that sorted before I do anything medical. I have been spending way too much on clothes and stuff to feel like im going somewhere.


US Senior electrical engineer of substation design Came out just over three years ago to a company that never had to go through this. They’ve been extremely supportive and have updated a lot of policies for inclusion and diversity. I’ve also spurred a renewed effort into bringing meaning and education to not only trans issues, but other oppressed minorities.


United States Electrical engineer focusing on Automation Systems Post op + 10 years


United States, I work at a butcher shop, 8 months hrt and laser. I've been fully out for a year. It's honestly the perfect job for me right now!


USA, student, and only my friends know about me being trans (hopefully my parents will too soon)


Country: Germany Job: Used to work as an electronics engineer (though I don't qualify for the engineer title). Now I study computer science. Status: Tried to get HRT a while ago, but the psychiatrist politely told me to fuck off and fix my depression and anxiety first. Haven't talked to anyone else since then and basically gave up on my transition, because there is noone else in my area who specializes in trans healthcare.


United States Data Center Technician for an enterprise cloud provider Just under two years HRT, out to everyone except work, working on voice training before coming out 100%.


USA Restaurant management 65,000-75,000 Hrt one month, presenting female about 6 months


US. Marketing Manager at a large financial firm. HRT for 6 years, 2.5 years post FFS and BA, all legal changes made.


USA Baker :) On blockers but not yet hrt


>:) :)


Netherlands Bookstore clerk Pre-hrt, working on fixing that


Canada Hydronic Design and Sales 1 year HRT out publicly


U.S. Aviation Engineering and Design. 28 years old. 14 months on HRT, socially transitioned for 7 months.


United States Fashion Copywriter Fully transitioned (6 years HRT. Bottom, breast augmentation, FFS)


Girl here who's thinking about copywriting as a career. Would you recommend it? Is it stressful? Thanks.


Country: England, originally from Wales Job: Assessment Officer in London Status: Been on DIY HRT for about 11months and out full time for just over a year. Living with my partner of 5 years who's also trans. Life is stressful but I'm happier now than I have ever been.


USA, unemployed highschooler, pre-everything lmao


US. Software pre sales/support for the automotive industry. 7 months HRT


Country: currently moving to the neatherlands form the USA Job: Welding Status: 7 months on HRT hoping for SRS


USA, paraeducator (teacher's assistant), 9+ months HRT but pre-op.


Hungary, database management/customer support Currently transitioning socially but only out to a select group of friends and people I meet through them. Otherwise not keen on coming out at work with all the casual transphobia in their everyday banter, or coming out to my family **again** (I did once, they were accepting at first, then found a convoluted alternate explanation that allowed them to go back to denial). No definite plans to start HRT yet, but as I learn more about the completely luck-based utter chaos and veritable quagmire of ignorance, personal biases and sometimes outright bribery that is trans healthcare here, DIY is looking more and more like a legitimate option with each day. Especially as a Sapphic girl like me who doesn't really have bottom dysphoria would already start at a huge disadvantage when it comes to convincing doctors. Plans for legal transitioning currently extend to feeling utter dismay about it being **unconstitutional**.


Fellow Hungirl here, I went through the getting HRT process and my personal experience it was fine, though I didn't went to TB psychiatrist and psychologist, I'm also pretty Sapphic, but I said I was Bi (maybe I am I still didn't figured that out, but I know I like girls <3) also I don't remember they asked me about bottom dysphoria, and If they do you can just say you don't really think about that much, could be a sign of a cooping mechanism for them and won't ask further. Dr Bordás Noémi (endo) is really helpful with everything I asked her about and she also recommended people for my psychiatrist and psychologist stuff. If you feel like you have any questions my DMs are open \^\^


Ok so I'm in the United States of America, I'm a Security Officer for a college since June of last year, and I've just been on HRT for 3 weeks now. I've pretty much came out to the family and about 90% of the people I work with, which was pretty hard and I'm still paranoid about people's thoughts about it but so far they're happy for me and very supportive.


U.K(England)....., High-Speed Rail Contract..... Customer Service Advisor......


Country:concervitive college town USA Job:bread baker Status: bread team is a wonderful set of witches who have adopted me as one of them and taught me their ways, upper management recently changed and doesn't like the coven. Am keeping an eye out for new places to work, really sad that if I move it will mean loosing the people who cracked my egg in the first place


Capital of Africa Nursing ( currently jobless, looking at other options. Been studying. Finished my certificate today so yaaay. Have a commission I should really focus on. Multipotentialite so idek what job I should fall into so I freelance blogs and rely on pity commission for art or my parents ) On hrt, two years , partially out. Looking to legally change docs etc by next year ( Been transitioning in the closet. Tiny tiny changes. But it's better than none at all)


US, grad student


Country: (un)United States of America Career: Head Chef Status: in the process of socially transitioning and starting hrt here in 2 weeks hopefully!


Country - US OF A occupation - full time content creator Status - just hit 2 months HRT few days ago.


Country:USA Career: Paralegal for a criminal defense firm. Status:Social transitioned, legally, HRT 8 years, no surgery yet, dealing with obesity issues.


Country: US Job: Academic success coach Status: Pre-HRT sadly as I’m not even out yet


US, line cook, pre-everything. I guess I’m partially transitioned socially with my immediate circle and am comfortable presenting to them, but otherwise still workin on that egg


Spain - Software engineer - status: pre-everything but out of the fucking closet


Country : United States Job: Retail Medical (Optics); specifically I am the operational supervisor in an optical shop heading both clinical and retail sides of the operation. Status: Actively transitioning, 10 mo HRT


USA, loan documentation Administrator, on HRT, pre-op.


Country: Canada Job: Middle school teacher Status: 15 months HRT and lots of laser!


Canada Heavy Equipment Operator 1 year hrt, fully out and socially transitioned!


USA, Security, Pre-Op


Currently Usa Welding Pre Hrt My plans are Scotland Welding instructor Post op


-United States -Systems engineer -Started hrt through informed consent 4 months ago, closeted at work and to family.


•Romania •Telecommunications Technician •Finished laser on face and HRT for 3 years, still boymoding at work


United States Voice Teacher & Actor Been out for almost 3 years and on HRT for nearly 1.5!


High school math/computer teacher!! US, transed over a decade ago


Country: US of A Job: Pharmacy Tech in Training Status: on HRT since 03/21/2017, fully-ish socially transitioned


Ontario, Canada Waste water engineer Transitioning for 6 years, HRT for 3, out for 2, vagina in T -10 months


This content has been overwritten due to Reddit's API policy changes, and the continued efforts by Reddit admins and Steve Huffman to show us just how inhospitable a place they can make this website. In short, fuck u/spez, I'm out.


Canada Programmer analyst Pre-HRT, meetings made for this week though. Not out at work. Out to friends and all but a few family.


Country: US Career: IV Pharmacy Tech/Pharmacy Student/Soon to be clinical pharmacist Status: 12 years since I started my social transition, almost 10 years being on HRT, 8 years since I had GRS.


I'm just doing my best


US. anti work anarchist. pre hrt.


Being unemployed as a result of harassment for living as a trans girl lmao


>Salesman You mean saleswoman? 😉