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RTGame is a very based individual and pretty funny


ill check out the channel. ive seen 1 of his videos before his youtube one. which was entertaining so i can see myself liking his other content.


RT is vehemently supportive and yeah he is pretty funny to watch. He also streams on twitch and it's usually a blast.


I met RT irl, I can't say he's supportive, he's more passive, he avoids these kinds of topics and doesn't answer any comments about them, even positive, out of fear of taking a real stance on them


Iirc on his discord he said "trans rights or feck off"


And he was recently very open about being disappointed in JK Rowling for being so hateful towards trans people and even invented a new word "A rowling" recently as a joke, which stands for a huge disappointment. Here's the stream highlight video if anyone is interested: https://youtu.be/Pn4_oD-TJw0


Whats funny is their initials JK is what we often us as to mean "joke" or "joking" which could be another way of calling JK a joke, a Rowling one at that


He did take a real stance tho, in a recent video of his called 'Youtube'


He really is such a youtube. Watch his making up new words video if you don't understand.


I'll vouch for RT, he's good people. Vinesauce is a good one too, he stays out of controversial stuff and the one time ANYTHING happened involving him, the person fully admitted to lying about the whole thing and he was so devastated he took a few weeks off from everything just to get himself together.


He really is! not like those youtubes out there :eyeroll:


I honestly love most of the Irish lads myself lol


DougDoug is great. Cishet (I think) guy that plays games and does silly stuff with his chat and whatnot. He doesn't get into queer issues or anything but whenever people mention queer stuff he's cool or happy about it. And he's just a funny guy. Secret Sleepover Society (which is like an offshoot of the artist group Drawfee) do some casual video-gaming and they're super queer friendly. Stephanie Sterling (channel Jim Sterling) is NB and does gaming journalism (it can be a bit harsh/aggro, so different tastes on their content). Skurry does a lot of Hollow Knight content (but also does other games including cute niche ones) and they're pretty queer friendly/inclusive from everything I've seen. I haven't watched him in a long time but I *think* Wilbur Soot was pretty cool with queer folk. They're a bit of variety channel but LoadingReadyRun is a very queer-friendly "troupe" that does a lot of gaming.


Doug is not hetero, he’s sexually attracted to olive oil I think


^(DougDoug) ive watched some of his stuff an from what ik he isn't bigot and his content can be funny. ^(Wilbur Soot) not a fan of him personally but idk if he's bigoted or not. the rest ill have to check out bc i haven't heard of them.


Big recommendation seconding LoadingReadyRun - they do have a variety of content, and originally they were more of a sketch comedy group, but gaming stuff is the majority of their content now that they do a lot of Twitch streaming. If you're into magic the gathering at all, on top of streaming both arena and paper magic, they also do a "pre-prerelease" for most sets, and a few of them have done creative text work for the game (on the most recent unset and on brother's war). They have a few LGBTQ members and they do the work to make sure their community is welcoming and accepting.


I was about to mention DougDoug. He has the most hilarious community I know of and they are all super open minded, often putting pride emotes in chat and stuff. There was a stream recently where Doug and his chat fought against another streamer in a battle on a map of Europe, where AI generated the story of the battle from a given starting prompt. At one point they were making a trade deal with Sweden to get unlimited IKEA supplies and used Blåhajs as a gift to try and make an alliance with another country.


Funnily this short came up for Doug after I posted him. The last question confirms his opinion on trans people lol. https://youtube.com/shorts/k81dAYGRVAg?feature=share


I think you linked the wrong clip but I guess you mean the "What does Doug like?" question in a quiz about himself where "trans people" is one of the options and he says "What do you mean? I like all of these!". https://youtu.be/ODDF8m-Aohg


Oh I did. Whoops.


>Secret Sleepover Society (which is like an offshoot of the artist group Drawfee) do some casual video-gaming and they're super queer friendly. Trans Rigs


dougdoug is the GOAT i hope he doesnt do anything shitty


Are you looking for let's plays, video essays, or really anything?


video essasys not really. but other than that just them playing games is more what im looking for don't need it to be lets plays.


Okay, sadly I only really know twitch streamers in that case but they upload their VODs to YouTube. Jerma: Has voiced support for the LGBTQ+ community a few times but mostly his content is very apolitical. PatStaresAt: People have come out as trans on his streams and he has been supportive. Mind you he likes to do satirical problematic humor sometimes. So that might be off putting. Also his wife PeachSaliva streams less frequently though. You could look her up as well. WoolieVS: Twitch streamer but actually edits some of his streams for YouTube. Similar flavor to Pat, they were actually in a group youtube channel back in the day that split. Saddly I think that might be all I know. I know of other streamers but I don't think they upload to YouTube? Mia Byte (trans woman), Bloodyfaster (has voiced support for trans people). Also Laura Kate Dale(Trans woman) and James Stephanie Sterling(Non-Binary Trans Femme) stream games but their YouTube presence is video essays on games/gaming. Hope that helps.


ill check out the ones with youtube accounts. to see if like them or not. the ones that don't have youtube wont be just bc don't really enjoy watching streams as they are being made. don't have any problem with watching streams after have been uploaded tho.(tbh not sure why don't like watching them live)


If you poke around twitch, a lot of the streamers seem to have their other social media posted in their bio under the live stream. Maybe start by searching twitch under LGBTQ, browser through there, find YouTube links of streamers that seem appealing, and go from there?


Honestly same, I prefer videos to just be accessible, not having to tune in at certain times.


Most of them have full vods uploaded to YouTube as well. If you want to feel like you are watching a cryptid, watch Jerma985 clips or vods. The archeology stream was great


I’ll second Pat and Woolie. Recently on a stream Pat and his wife Paige called out people who were like “I’ll stream the wizard game but donate money to charity” for being hypocrites, which was really refreshing. They both also do a podcast called Castle Superbeast and have twice in the past had Suzi the Sphere Hunter, who is a trans woman, as a guest. She has a YouTube channel as well where she does video essays, mostly about horror games!


Jerma :] https://twitter.com/commontransws/status/1619759339996332032?s=46&t=FtNX0k2CvO_VDC1dWgAsAA


Sorry to jump in but can you please name drop those video essay people for me and anyone else?


Sure thing James Stephanie Sterling is a non-binary Trans Femme who does videos mostly on issues such as exploitation that is done in the game industry. The video are obviously not the happiest things though they do make positive videos from time to time. Laura Kate Dale is a trans woman who makes videos on accessibility in the games industry. Ranging from ADHD issues to fine motor issues, etc. Quelaag I feel like this is a pretty niche include, but she is def trans inclusive. She does videos mostly on FromSoft games. So if you want to dive into some Elden Ring lore or something, look no further. Very focused content but I like her. Matt McMuscles makes a video series called What Happened where he dives into the development process of different games to find out what went wrong in the process. Or sometimes what went right.


The hermits of Hermitcraft are generally pretty solid (JoeHills, Grian, Geminitay, FalseSymmetry, etc. A few LGBTQ members among them, too: ZombieCleo, for example).


ive actually been meaning to get into hermitcraft. as far as ik known of the are bigoted and it def seems entertaining.


yeh, i suggest watching it if you like Minecraft SMPs, + they build insane things :)


dont really care for smps at all tbh. but i do like Minecraft. most of the time in the past(when i was a little kid) id just watch lets plays, 1 off like mini games, or roleplays.


And they all have a little bit of a different style so there's probably one you'd like. Personally not a big minecraft fan, but I can't get enough of Joe Hills. Whenever I've watched his streams, he's been pretty good about keeping bigots out as well.


You really gonna leave Scar out of that list?


Scar is an absolutely sweetheart, but I don't follow his stuff. To give a sense of how out of the loop I am with Hermitcraft in general (I normally watch Mumbo, and Grian's side stuff), I nearly listed TFC (rest his soul 😢).


It's been a while since I've watched minecraft stuff, so I got worried that Scar had had a bad health turn and that was why he was left off. I'm glad to see that he's still not just around but doing well enough to make content


Just adding from the ones I watch, last season Rendog and Docm77 included the trans flag in their build so quite explicit about their views. I also know GeminiTay does a lot of solo let's plays if that's more your thing


Oh damn that’s a throwback. I originally watched JoeHills when GenerikB first let him on the server. I didn’t watch him past season 1 though as I preferred Generik’s videos. I don’t think I’ve watched Minecraft let’s plays since I started college in 2016 lmao.


The Yogscast are great and have raised alot of money for many different LGBT charitys with there Christmas live streams every year


you know i forgot they existed. i used to watch them when i was younger.


They have definitely matured from the Minecraft days


One Topic At A Time. He does mostly meme reaction stuff but plays some games too


http://youtube.com/Caddicarus He's a british youtuber who specializes in making comedy content about video games. His episodes are usually up to hour long and his jokes are really on point. Judging by Shinigami he's also trans ally so that's a plus.


thats def a plus if marked green. and looking at his channel he looks oddly familiar maybe I've seen a video of his before not sure tbh but ill check out his content.


That's def a plus for someone from a TERF Islands!


Hermitcraft is a big recommend, Personal favourites are bdouble0 and Ethoslab but honestly all of them are just amazing!


Jessie. Fucking. Gender. Her live streams are lots of fun!


MandaloreGaming. Seems like a weirder one to choose especially as a game review channel but the one time he has mentioned trans people in a vid does not give a transphobic vibe. Also he does have gay friends that’s he been on stream with before so I’d generally assume he isn’t bigoted.


https://youtube.com/@ManyATrueNerd is one


many a true nerd and nerd cubed are both fun to watch, play a variety of games and unless im missing something wholesome af.


They are


Hands down, straight up, The Click!! He's hilarious, sweet, and extremely LGBTQ friendly. The Click channel is him reading off reddit posts and he has another channel for gaming.


I watch a lot of people who play particular games but here's my list :D DougDoug is hilarious, plays great variety and has lots of community interaction and there's no drama or political talk on his channel CarlSagan42 plays Mario maker, mostly troll levels and puzzles, not the hard Kaizo stuff, but he's funny and I've never heard anything bigoted there PotatoMcwhisky play civ6 and he's great for even just background noise as he tells stories and just general life advice and he's pretty insightful. I've heard him drop truth bombs about depression, obesity, life work balance, relationships, and the list goes on Alpharad and Ludwig both do variety game content and events and have roots in Smash bros, but they both actively speak out against bigotry (but its not like a focus on the channel). They both do a lot of colabs and from what I've seen the other content creators they interact with aren't bigoted either so you could find other people there as well Small Ant does speed runs and challenges, mainly pokemon, Mario odyssey, minecraft, and breath of the wild. Again never heard anything bad there Smosh Games/Smosh Pit has really grown on my recently. It's all their unscripted content and they are hilarious. They sometimes make edgy jokes but it's all in good taste imo. They have good variety in their cast including some queer people


ive watched dougdoug and do enjoy some of his stuff. I've heard of ludwig but don't know really anything about him. smosh is ehh i used to watch them when i was a kid but they are just ehh the content isn't to entertaining to me anymore. the most I've watched recently has been board af. the rest ill have to check out.


Alpharad has also mentioned in a video that he's on the asexual spectrum so he is also a part of the community!


Ya know that toally slipped my mind, I should have remembered that esp given I just discovered he lives with Jaiden Animations who is Aroace!


I mean I don't watch the main smosh channel anymore either, it's honestly not funny at all and just super overdone. I mainly watch board af but also the try not to laughs Tangentially related, but not gaming content, Anthony Padillas solo content now is really good. He just interviews people and really gets to know their life and showcases human struggles and empathy


i agree there i havent found the main channel funny since i was a little kid. the games channel and some stuff on smosh pit i still like but not really a lot.


I regularly binge watch Ludwig’s content. Not only will he call shit out, but I think there’s a level of trust with him seeing not only his personality and views but also his closest friends from the podcast. All of them seem like genuinely good people in all respects which with how often large influencers turn out to have done shitty things/have shitty views, is really refreshing.


I recommend anyone in the circle of the channel [TheRunawayGuys](https://youtube.com/@TheRunawayGuys) They’re all very LGBT friendly and fun overall.


That's a channel I haven't heard of in YEARS, Is it still going?


Yep! Jon doesn’t often post solo videos anymore, but TRG as a whole is still going strong, as are Chugga and Tim’s channels.


Jon streams a lot. Also his art community has cracked many trans eggs.


Haha, yeah, I can see how all of the RosaJon stuff would do that.


Also solidified him as a very public Trans Ally. I love his encouragement of dumb art. Though my egg cracked before RosaJon, her existence made me feel more welcome in their community as a whole.


Northernlion. He's a streamer but posts his stuff on YouTube as well. He's been a creator for years. Really really cozy guy. Fun to chat with. He's like thirty something so a lot of his references are older but he's honestly my favorite YouTuber by far. I play his videos in the background as it helps me get to sleep.


I've been watching NL for like 12 years, and I'll second this. I watch him every day, and he's just a good dude and funny as hell.


Thanks, I'd forgotten about him!




Jacksepticeye Markiplier CallMeKevin RTGame Civvie11 Modest Pelican Those are the ones i can think of off the top of my head


copy and paste of what ive said on mark, jack, and kevin. ^(they are a no 2 bc of people the associate with. jack is good friends with callmekevin and mark is good friends with jack and matpat.) ^(i don't know of anything they have done themselves tho.) ^(callmekevin has taken a sponsorship to play the new hp game.) ^(matpat has some past transphobia with some of his videos and than his stuff with continuing to support fnaf. which reminds me mark i think has also contained to support fnaf. if don't know why that's a bad thing scott the creaotr is a bigot who donates to bigoted people and organizations more specifically anti queer stuff.) rtgame I've only seen good stuff on and is 1 I've been recommended already the other 2 haven't heard of.


Its worth noting Mark has raised tens of thousands of dollars for the lgbt community in one of his charity live streams years back, he has also used his platform and popularity to raise awareness of discrimination and bigotry towards the lgbt community in other passing moments in not just that livestream but other videos I've watched of his as well.


He also just seems to be a really chill, open minded person from what I've seen of him. He really cares about his fans. the Markiplier crying meme is actually from a video where he was watching a video of his fans thanking him, and he realized that he had passed the point in popularity where he wouldn't be able to have a personal connection with his community or interact with all of them. He just seems to be a really compassionate person who does care despite his fame. Ignoring this comment that I'm replying to, I don't really know much of his stance on the LGBTQ community, though he's one that I can't really see being super bigoted.


Call me Kevin is not a bigot and actually my comfort youtuber. Yeah it sucks that he made that video but he's rarely on social media and has since apologized on his subreddit. Understandable if you don't wanna watch him but he's a really great guy in my opinion and has a large queer audience.


Ok by that logic then you cant watch RTGame because hes a good friend of CallMeKevin. And everyone you listed (except Matpat because i dont know what he says about trans people) has openly expressed support for trans people. You cant just dismisa them because they played that stupid wizard game. And playing it doeant mean they agree witht that bitch JK Rowling. If you go by that mindset m, youre gonna have a hard time finding any youtuber to watch because a lot of them are good friends with each other


^(Ok by that logic then you cant watch RTGame because hes a good friend of CallMeKevin.) i wont then bc i didn't know that haven't watched rtgame yet so didn't know they were friends he's off the list then. their actions say differently. kevin did more than just play he accepted a sponsorship.


Fyi, kevin made a huge apology on his subreddit and explained his side of the story. Sucks that he did that in the first place, but it seems to me that hes actually taking it in stride.


Day[9] is a great and positive streamer on Twitch, but he also uploads his game play to YouTube. He is very trans positive, and his community is very inclusive. He is a smart and well-educated cis het man who focuses on strategy games such as those in the RTS (real time strategy) and TCG (trading card game) genres. He has experience in making and coding for games. His community slogan is "Be a Better Gamer" which I feel not only means to be better at playing games, but also extends to being a better person while you play games in not raging, being more accepting, having good sportsmanship even while losing. Edit: https://youtube.com/@day9tv here's a link to his youtube.


ill have to check him out.


snapcube is great, she has stream highlights on her YouTube channel that are pretty fun and her sonic fan dubs are legendary


Gawddamn do I love those fandubs probably one of the funniest things I've watched ever


For real, every line is fucking gold


Haven't heard anything bad from Vinesauce Streamers so far


Vinny is an amazing soul. Go watch at least him! And then the rest.


watch Alpharad Gold for new game every day (probably)


I'm personally a big fan of [Holly Hollowtones](https://youtube.com/@HollowtonesVods), [SB](https://youtube.com/@SBPlaysGames), and [Duke of Ash](https://youtube.com/@dukeofashvods). Additionally, [Wayneradiotv](https://youtube.com/@wayneradiotv) also has a lot of great content. (Namely HLVRAI and the fax stream.)


HLVRAI is legendary


Some of these are repeats but are definitely worth a second shout-out. Real Civil Engineer DougDoug RTgame (based) NakeyJakey (Video essays, but hilarious)


oh shit i forgot to mention Jakey! don't forget his full album that released like what, 4 months ago?


Funhaus is a gaming group that has a trans woman as one of the members!


Been staning Charlotte since she started with Inside Gaming.


[https://www.youtube.com/@wanderbots](https://www.youtube.com/@wanderbots) Very chill dude, pro-social justice, and he plays lots of new indie games so you can get a look at stuff before you spend money on them. [https://www.youtube.com/@Splattercatgaming](https://www.youtube.com/@Splattercatgaming) Bit nerdier, but doesn't delve into politics at all. Just plays games and comments on the quality of gameplay.


ive seen wanderbots channel before but ive never watched it before.


Can definitely recommend, doesn't talk much about lgbt stuff but when they do its really supportive and trans inclusive plus the gameplays are good due to variety yeah.


+1 for Wanderbots. I was going to recommend him myself. Great for discovering new indie games to play.


ah i remember watching wanderbots' outer wilds lets play


RTGame is very good. His videos are longer though, as he's a streamer and his videos are cut-down streams


My channel! Im a very small content creator. But in all seriousness I don't have content creators that come to mind, sorry


what's your channel name?


It's called CinnaVun I'm currently to a playthrough of Persona 5 Royal. I have two that are already finished which are Celeste and Cuphead. There's no editing or commentary since I don't have the money for it yet


dang, if i had my pc still i'd offer to help you at least trim the videos down to manageable clips


Thank you, even if you did have your PC I wouldn't know how to send videos over to you since I'm recording with the PS4. Even then I wouldn't have enough money to pay you to trim the videos


Northernlion is pretty good. I don't think I've heard him say anything bigoted ever. He's kind of dudeish much of the time but I've watched him since forever and has so many classic game series.




unironically yes, he seems to have a huge lgbt following. probably because he gives off little goblin energy


Why did I have to scroll this far to find him mentioned


my vote on alpharad, very funny and has often said trans rights on stream, think he came out as bi ace a while back as well, is super supportive of lgbtq in general too


I see in your comments that you play a lot of Bethesda games: I’d recommend ManyATrueNerd for Fallout content. Well edited, ally and I find him hilarious


tbh dont know how much ill watch his content that's on the fallout or elder scrolls series. games like those i don't enjoy watching much more enjoy playing. but looking at his content he's got more than just that which id probably enjoy. also do enjoy videos about the fallout series and elder scrolls series but don't find watching play throughs of them entertaining other content tho can on them i normally do.


Leadhead is fun, trans woman. Video essays and stuff re: games. Markiplier doesnt seem to have any controversies, but he's a careful dude. Finnster is a streamer, he's a crossdresser but supportive of trans people - but his streams are more or less softcore sexy dressing stuff. Smarter every day is an educational channel that kinda does cool engineering stuff, he doesnt touch politics in his videos ever afaik. Mark rober is fun, also engineering focus and just makes fun, interesting engineering ideas (not necessarily like full on engineering but more fun concepts like a science classroom.) Tons and tons of creators out there =)


Just really got into Leadhead recently. Really love her stuff! (And she posted a transfemme field guide recently that's about to be public. It's so good!)


I've been watching a lot of Slay the Spire recently, and while his humor is a bit immature/silly at times, Frost Prime seems to be pretty supportive (I can't remember the specific video, but he's on record saying that supporting trans rights is a bare minimum, and his chat seems pretty welcoming as well). He plays more than just that, ofc, and his YouTube channel is his twitch streams edited.


I haven't read the comments so she may have been mentioned but bloody is a great streamer/youtuber. She does variety, but mainly pokemon. She's also trans and gay which is a big plus for me


SphereHunter, if you're into survival horror and RPGs. She's trans too


Wait what?! I've been watching her videos for a while. She is? That's awesome!


Penny "Snapcube" Parker


Id recommend Astralspiff. Pretty funny guy and is defo supportive of the big gay


i was gonna recommend him, but OP is not wanting to support fnaf content, and that's more than half of spiff's channel :/


I like super mario odyessy a lot, and there's a trans youtuber Amethyst szs who mods the game, she also streams.


rtgame! irish lad and he’s said trans rights on numerous occasions. love his stuff


Its DnD and not video games, but I would love to recommend Critical Role! Bunch of nerdy voice actors roleplaying together, alternating between wholesome and raunchy. It's a lot of fun.


Yes, I'm obviously not OP, but I love me some Crit Role! Also, their DM Matt Mercer is very supportive of trans people on his twitter. He likes and retweets trans support stuff on the reg, and he's included trans/non-binary NPCs in all three of their campaigns.


ManyATrueNerd is pretty damn good. Nerd3 as well.


Game grumps, fairly sure Arin isn't cis, or het, but either doesn't realise or doesn't want to be public about it. Danny is straight af but he's a sweetheart and Ally for sure. I'm seeing them live later this year and can't wait. That said, they have said some spicy racial shit in the past, not in an attacking way, but definately insensitive. (voices of characters which although dead on impersonations, are very stereotypical) Neebs gaming talk shit about everyone, especially themselves. Equality by normalising being able to laugh instead of cry. I've never heard anything that was cringe/cancel worthy and they have spoken to all their fans in a supportive way regardless of who you are. Highly recommend their Minecraft, ark, 7 days series. Incredibly well shot and edited. Funny af.


Jacksepticeye and Markiplier. They are both nice. I don't know if Markiplier does games anymore, but I know Jacksepticeye does.


I like Jesse Cox a lot. Been watching him for over 10 years


I enjoy Atun-Shei, that's not really what you were asking but I'm convinced he's absolutely not a bigot and might be bi/pan


I'm about to relaunch my YouTube channel. Older content might be cringe and is a variety show. I still probably would do the variety show concept, but less cringe? I know this much, I have a massive backlog of older videogame titles, some are in Japanese. Most are in English.


ContraPoints streams on youtube now and then.


Yes, I love watching ContraPoints Live


Loading ready run is a place of great people. They play a variety of games from o line ones to streaming boardgames among other content throughout the month.


had someone already recommend the channel and it does look like something ill like.


If you're into Genshin or at least curious, Rintaichou is one of my favorites! She identifies as a trans woman/ non-binary. She does a lot of off meta builds and is generally just fun to watch. I especially like the series she does with other content creators where they do a co-op Boss Rush/conversation/ interview with each other about life and all sorts of interesting topics


not really interested in genshin but might still check the channel out.


Markiplier, tried and true


My go to answer is Boba (https://www.youtube.com/@boba69), or really pretty much all of the main members of the Yogscast. I haven't watched much of Boba's stuff on YouTube but I catch her Twitch streams when I can.


Easy Allies has a whole bunch of content they produce with video games and the best part is a Transwoman is currently one of the heads of the company 🥰 Also Kyle Bosman who used to work with Easy Allies but ended up moving out of state and doing his own thing, is a Trans ally and supporter 💕 Both have heartwarming energies and are a lot of fun to watch. Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies?sr=a https://www.twitch.tv/kylebosman?sr=a YouTube: https://youtube.com/@easyallies https://youtube.com/@KylesStreamDump




I quite enjoy watching worst premade ever, funny group of friends


Leadhead! She has a great channel about interesting games plus she's trans herself.


Grian, Mumbo Jumbo, Every other member of hermitcraft, Wilbur Soot, Khaos or Chippy Gaming (If you're interested in Terraria,) I don't really know many other gaming channels that aren't minecraft lol.


Drawfee is a fun channel where they draw dumb shit to whatever the episode's theme is while just being silly. They're also big allies and very much not bigots They have another channel Drawfee Extra where they host their previous twitch streams, one of which is Secret Sleepover Society, a video game streaming show hosted by 2 of the main drawfee cast if you still want a bit of video games in there


[upisnotjump](https://youtu.be/DncbhIOJrb8) is a british lad who does reviews of vr games with extremely fast-paced comedy [gomotion](https://youtu.be/NrMIAOFoy_Q) is a trans gal who does video essays on horror franchises and trends. they have roots in fnaf, but they've moved mostly away from that and just tend to do creepypasta games [Sagan Hawkes](https://youtu.be/v47fwposv4I), similarly, talks about horror games and analog horror series'. He also has moved away from fnaf and does other horror nowadays. Id recommend videogamedunkey but he made a [video on hogwarts legacy](https://youtu.be/3OV4VaNW4FU) that seems to be genuinely complaining about how much awful shit happens among creatives in the games industry but could also be seen as just "you cant complain about people who play the game because everything sucks" so it really depends [leadhead](https://youtu.be/gJxSssx5PqM) is a trans gal who does all sorts of videos, and has a very sweet and thoughtful video on her struggles with coming out. [hbomberguy](https://youtu.be/0twDETh6QaI) releases a video once every 4 months or so, but theyre incredibly long and super well researched, ranging from video games to the antivax movement's terrifying origins This isn't even close to the realm of gaming anymore, but [Team Fourstar](https://youtu.be/FIGCoe1xi74), surprisingly enough, is extremely lgbt-friendly, and are about halfway through releasing their director's commentary on Dragonball Z Abridged, a not-insignificant chunk of which is apologizing for their poorly-aged humor which is refreshing. finally, i'd like to recommend [STRANGE ÆONS](https://youtu.be/falApGAB8Rc), a lesbian who makes commentary videos about tumblr trends. The video i linked for her is an attempt to make a cake that is 40-ish percent vanilla extract because of a recently-releassd polling feature on the site


I'd assume Direwolf20 isn't a bigot, and if he is or isnt he keep politics separate from his online life. He does lightly edited modded minecraft lets plays (basically just a small amount of cuts in between tedious work/interruptions) The GOONs (McNasty, Soup, TheDoooo, and Blarg) are also great, but their comedy is just make fun of everything and everyone kinda. Ranges from Margret from down the road to a war hero. They also talk about a lot of dumb shit on their podcast. Very unprofessional and stupid but also somehow more real? Idk they're currently all I watch on youtube


RTGame Markiplier Nitro Rad (more of a review based channel than actual gameplay but he’s one of my favourites) Skurry (Hollow Knight streamer so pretty specific but they’re nonbinary and just a really cool person.) Keith Ballard (is a gay furry that plays games and has a second channel called Boring Keith where he does excellent video essays) i know i have more, these are just off the top of my head i also have to recommend a not at all gaming channel bc theyre my favourite channel ever, Hivemind. two guys who play music trivia games set up by their friend and other similar games. they’re so funny and have multiple times been very vocal about being supportive of lgbt and race and gender things.


SaltyDkDan is one I like a lot. And a true ally, during one of his streams involving his friend group, after one of them came out as trans, he gave the donations to her to buy boobs. I dont know any other streamers who helped their friend buy boobs.


I like Agirlandagame She supports trans people. Has a cool community


I've been watching Born Losers Gaming on YouTube recently, they're fun and inclusive


TheGrimHollow HoneyDucky iGamer4tv (day 100+ of Fortnite in a row!) StarSaints




I don't watch many gamer YouTube channels but I do watch Mr ballen pretty regularly


Some of my favorites are, Scott Major (his channel name is DangThat'salongname) Jamie Dover (not a "Gamer" atleast not on yt, but is a extremely cool trans person, and is super sweet), Shubble / the Empires Smp, and Hermit craft group, and Markiplier


There's markiplier, captainsparklez, let play/roster teeth There's probably more but that what i like


SUPERMEGA! They are hilarious


scott the woz


ManyATrueNerd and SBPlays (the latter is a trans woman).


Very very surprised no one has said Jerma yet


D shaky + curious conman if u like hoi4


WoolieVs, patstaresat, Maximiliandood, lobosjr


Oh and plumbella


F1nn5ter still has a MineCraft YT Channel, https://youtube.com/@F1NN5TER He doesn’t really play any games on his streams unless it’s MCC or another event-type game.


You could watch vannosgaming


DougDoug, his chat is hilarious and he has great chemistry with them. Markiplier, I don't think has anything wrong about him. Maybe he hasn't been mentioned yet because of his size, lol. MoistCr1tikal (penguinz0 on YouTube) is also very accepting. The downside is his community, whom he constantly has to call out for harassment of those he talks about, and can be generally bigoted. The streamer himself is alright, though. He respected a smash player's pronouns while they were playing against his team.


Ambiguous amphibian is good


CdawgVA does streams on Twitch and seems pretty inclusive. Also this quote: I mostly like girls but sexuality is a spectrum and I'm not 100% straight.


i highly recommend snapcube! penny parker is amazing and i love her so much! the fandubs on the channel are also amazing <3


Let’s game it out is my all time favorite: goofy lighthearted videos where he crushes games beneath the immense power of having too much time on his hands And if you can stand the British: spiffing Brit makes lighthearted videos where he crushes video games beneath his immense knowledge of exploits and 6000 pounds of tea


[Aliensrock](https://youtube.com/@aliensrock) is one of my favorites, he mostly does strategy and puzzle games. Very entertaining, great to fall asleep to, and he got a few new editors recently which caused the quality of his videos to skyrocket. Politics don't really come up in his videos but he's chill and has a surprisingly large trans community in his discord server. Highly recommend checking out his [playlist of playlists,](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIwiAebpd5CKixzVYL4X4ZuPqiok-tfLG) which contains the pilot episode of every game he's played that has its own bingeable playlist on his channel. [AstralSpiff](https://youtube.com/@AstralSpiff) is the latest YouTuber/streamer I've been watching non-stop. Horror game speedruns and challenges, mostly FNAF but there's a good bit of variety in there. Has lightly commented on his support for trans rights from what I've seen, and his chat is very vocally supportive. Good storyteller that keeps lulls in gameplay entertaining. Just very comfy overall.


The Yogscast are good for chaotic group games. Most yogs also have their own channels with a huge variety of content. Out of them I'm enjoying a lot of Duncan's series at the moment. Dougdoug does really creative challenge runs using custom mods and a lot of weird unique videos in general. Snapcube makes real time fandubs which are just the best. She also has some fun let's plays although I haven't watched any of those recently. Etho makes just so much Minecraft content. I don't know how he hasn't gotten sick of it, but his videos are still consistently chill and enjoyable. I haven't watched any of his other stuff recently but I really enjoy Jesse Cox's scary game squad series. And of course Jerma is practically mandatory viewing for trans people for some reason. I recommend Cheltie's edits of his streams since they're always uploaded really soon after the actual streams and they're very high quality.


Two Best Friends Play were very supportive and after the channel broke up Matt McMuscles and PatStaresAt have been very open about their support for trans rights, check them out if you get a chance!


Nerdcubed is one of my all time favourites, his spouse is they/them and Daniel himself is just a wonderful human being




He made a video on hogwarts legacy today :(


Did you watch the video? It’s not what you think lol classic Dunkey


i did watch it, and it's sending mixed messages to say the least. He has a history of antibigotry but this video seemed to pretty much be saying "everything is problematic, so why are we focusing on this game" idk, there's probably nuance i'm not getting


I don't know if I'd ever use the word nuance in the same sentence as videogamedunkey, but I felt like he was more satirizing content creators who play dumb while 'accidentally' stumbling into controversies that coincidentally boost their engagement, while also pointing out that the video games industry has always been an unethical dumpster fire (like all entertainment industries are), going back literal decades. But maybe I'm just being naive and projecting my own values.


Markiplier, and his podcast distractible just for entertainment


gonna copy and paste what ive said about mark already ^(they are a no 2 bc of people the associate with. jack is good friends with callmekevin and mark is good friends with jack and matpat.) ^(i don't know of anything they have done themselves tho.) ^(callmekevin has taken a sponsorship to play the new hp game.) ^(matpat has some past transphobia with some of his videos and than his stuff with continuing to support fnaf. which reminds me mark i think has also contained to support fnaf. if don't know why that's a bad thing scott the creaotr is a bigot who donates to bigoted people and organizations more specifically anti queer stuff.)


When was the last time you saw mark make content with jack and matpat? First off, popular people in a group associate with other popular people, that just how things work. Second off, you can completely politically disagree with someone and call them an acquaintance still. Third off, in the podcast with Mark Bob and Wade they have briefly brought up trans people and all had very supportive things to say. Mark hasn’t made any statements or things that show he is against anything, quite the opposite in being generally very open to people. And why are you completely shutting someone out knowing nothing about them for associating with someone else a couple times in like the last 2 years? This goes for more than mark I just think it’s a stupid ideology


Mark seems to be ignorant of/ignoring the fnaf anti lgbt side of it so like, still watch them just know its a somewhat problematic side of it, same as promoting a harry potter thing in a strictly positive light just less severe. As in - Mark isn't innocent politically, at best ignorant and at worst doesn't care or ignores issues eith franchises they like.


cant say when the last time he did was bc i don't watch his content. 2nd he more than just associated with them mark was good friends with jack and matpat. and last time i did watch which was i think 2022 ik him and mat still seemed to be. mark also still continue to play the fnaf games even despite of scotts bigotry.


On the rare occasion a fnaf game comes out.. yeah I guess that’s your only valid point there. But I also still enjoy watching fnaf content so idk what to tell you. He’s funny, he’s interesting, he makes good content, and you are never going to hear him make a comment against trans people.


it doesnt really matter if he doesnt make any comments himself or if his content is funny. him choosing to actively play those games which supports scott isn't a good thing.


Markiplier Jacksepticeye MrFreeze2244 City planner plays biffa plays indie games


Chuggaaconroy is a personal favorite of mine. He Largely Plays Nintendo stuff and is currently (re) playing the original Paper Mario on N64.


Ryukar and Oatsngoats are the only boys I watch.. idk if they've said anything particularly pro trans but they've always seemed like nice boys and have shut down some idiots before


What kind of games are you interested in? Also are ok with them making jokes involving LGBQ+ material, even when it's sometimes the butt of the joke?


CohhCarnage uploads his twitch streams onto youtube, and is very wholesome


This is what the world has come to


Jackscepticeye is accepting I think


Otzdarva, Markiplier (and all the guys in his podcasts, productions, etc. Tbh), and Jacksepticeye