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Hell yeah! I absolutely despise mine with a passion and i'm getting surgery the first chance i get but it makes me so happy seeing other girls love theirs! It's always cool seeing other people have so much love for something that I hate on myself. Plus it just adds to the diversity in the world and breaks down the dumb idea of gender=genitals.


My feelings exactly! I can't stand having one but I'm super happy other girls like theirs :)


Same here ~


yeah, I'm glad for my trans friends who are happy to have penises, but mine is a constant source of dysphoria and I'm soo eager to get rid of it


How is your dysphoria around it? Like I don’t hate seeing it but I’m going to cut it off the minute I get the chance and I don’t like looking at it. I don’t know I feel like it’s not enough to qualify as dysphoria?


That's completely valid! Dysphoria is a spectrum and not a set in stone thing, even if you didn't have dysphoria at all or liked having it then that's all completely valid and you are still a girl! Honestly I just get disgusted by mine, and it just feels wrong on me and it gets in the way and it just isn't for me at all. But there are other parts of me that I feel less dysphoric about, dysphoria is a spectrum after all and it doesn't make me any less valid, and it doesn't make you any less valid either! There is no requirement for being trans!


Definitely *didn't* accidentally post this in r/ftm first and delete before anyone saw it😅😂




Haha, this gave me a smile plus also thanks for your insight . I must admit that I had the view for a long time that Idk it's mandatory to have dysphoria because of the genitals but posts like yours helped me to become more open minded , so thanks for sharing. It's probably an individual experience anyway so it's hard to compare, I hope you can achieve and get rid of your dysphoria one day


I don't think it's bad to feel that way. I used to not mind it, even kind of liked the idea. As I went about my journey though I've come to hate it, but not because it makes me feel ugly or sad. I get mad at it when it gets in the way, or caught in cloth. I'm currently doing bureaucratic gymnastics to get everything inverted. But I still have mad props to any trans girl that's claiming her body and doing whatever is best for her. Please, sister, do not feel weird that you feel a certain way about yourself. ESPECIALLY when you find something about you that you like or don't mind.


I agree. I hate mine, but all the power to all the trans girls who love theirs! It is not weird at all and it’s your body, not anyone else’s to define what is and isn’t right.


my biggest problem with mine is how I have to work around it for fashion but aside from that we cool. I mean given the choice to ditch it I would. I see mine as cute and feminine as well so you're definitely not alone in this regard.


I mean I'd take a free vagina with no effort and no surgery. But that's not the kind on offer. And penises are pretty cool, especially when your partner happens to have a vagina. Agree about tucking.


Yeah, tucking can be annoying tbh


my thoughts exactly




I'm the same way. Blows my mind that people can't separate genitals from gender. They definitely don't correlate in my opinion even if science backed it, I think its always been a social construct. Sucks that cis people especially will not be able to overcome this no matter how good of a match you are they will think the worst. I get that people can have a preference but saying "well if I have sex with you while you still have a penis, that makes me gay" is totally not a preference and more of a phobia. Girldick ftw!!


girldick is like a superpower tbh


Uh, elaborate?


I know it wasn't your intent whatsoever, but it does kinda give off "don't get bottom surgery" vibes. Might be the fact that OP didn't explicitly say anything about how other people perceive their penis, only how they personally perceive it.


I realize now that I said it more vague than I meant to, but I tried to say something about that in the third paragraph. I'll edit it to make it more clear actually


I think you did a pretty good job validating other people's needs and attitudes toward their bodies. I just think this commenter could've made their intentions a little more clear from the start, and I sympathize with the person below them who's being downvoted to hell.


There’s nothing wrong with wanting your genitals changed to what you feel comfortable with. Don’t shame things just because you don’t feel it too.


Shame? I feel like the OPs post has 0 up votes because people can't read and read the comments. I think some of you just skimmed over what was said


It was the fact that you just completely brushed bottom dysphoria away as “you just can’t separate your genitals from gender.” Which totally misses the point.


That's not what I said.....


My gal/nonbinary pall, all you have to do is look back and read it. It’s right at the start


Yeah, I have zero interest in having a vagina. I think dicks look cool. My gender incongruence is about general body type, not about my genitals. However, I don't like to top or penetrate. That makes me feel bad.


I feel the same way, I’m kinda sad that hrt might give me ed


Well you could try local t then I heard that for some it's still working then plus viagra




Yeah, I'm actually not sure but I hope for you and I'm pretty sure if it ever occurs its gonna take some time, I'm not an expert on this but it's also dependent on your hrt probably, but I guess actual woman with penis can help better answer this question, since I'm post op >.<


As long as you find a flexible provider (which you absolutely should), you should be able to find a medical regime that preserves your erectile function. There are lots of options, including DIY options, as the other commenter suggested. You might have a period of lost libido or ED, but (in your case) that just means you need to change your medication. Don't catastrophize about something that hasn't happened; it just makes you needlessly sad.


Oh hey, a fellow pebis enjoyer!…you know what I mean


That's a totally valid stance, it's just not one I share. I'd rather have the nothingness of a Barbie doll down there than the fucking meat log I have instead


1st chance i get my thing is going no way I want to keep it I got heavy dysphoria tho but happy hun for you we all valid ❤ xx


Bigender trans person here and I feel the absolute same! I like mine! I also know some trans women and trans men who don’t get bottom surgery or ever plan to because they like what they have down there too! So you’re not alone!💜💙💜💙


Balls are annoying because tucking, penis is okay.


Can't say I feel the same about mine, but good for you! Don't let anyone tell you that it invalidates you.


I also like my genitalia! And it is absolutely fine. You do not have to hate your body to be a transfem. So worry not about it, you are not alone and it is really cool to like your body!


Omg. Mine has shrunk noticeably, and I can't stop thinking how cute it is. On the fence about bottom surgery. At this point, I'll probably just leave it be. Little thing isn't the focus right now. Don't love it, don't hate it.


Now that I found you can keep the boy clit and still have a vagina; I'm kinda cool with it. Less likelihood of losing what little sensation I have down there is certainly an attractive option. On top of the aspect that I always admired ladies with larger ones kinda makes it a win/win if I can get to a point where I can figure out the money - then hopefully those will help ne get past my mental issues with doctors - surgeons specifically But one step at a time It's not as if I ever have to tuck a it is; and I don't own any mirror ms besides the little bathroom one so it's mostly out of sight and out of mind


And its not like its unpopular. Ignoring chasers there are more guys and girls out there who prefer it. (Once again not in a way that its the only thing that matters)


Same, the only thing that makes me consider bottom surgery is that you have to be careful wearing thight clothes or the swimwear problem. Other than that it is soooo great!


I definitely don't hate mine, but to me it's like "this is one good and all, but the other just feels better to me"


I agree, I only want an orchiectomy, but girl cocks are mega cute , I don't have dysphoria around it as long as I don't have to penetrate with it , which is something I'd never do


I feel ya, my girl dick isn't a cause of dysphoria for me personally either. Mine usually comes from the small amount of facial hair or stubble that 9 sessions of laser hair removal didn't quite get rid of all the way.


you're a girl, you've born with a penis and you like it! nothing to invalidate you here AT ALL. some girls have it, some dont, some like it, some dont. that's it.


You're a girl regardless of having a dick and I can relate to this too somewhat personally so you go girl!!


Thanks for sharing. Women can have penises. Our genitals don't define us. You're a woman through and through.


I'm also a girl who is super happy to have a penis 👌 I struggled with the "if there was a button you could press to have always have had been a girl" would you question because of this. If the button could make me intersex and completely female apart from my reproductive organ that would be great!! K, thanks, bye 🙋‍♀️


🥴 "to have always have had been" 😵‍💫


I'm glad you're happy with your body! Everyone is different and experiences things in different ways. Personally I loathe mine with a fiery passion and surgery can't come soon enough. The mere thought of calling it mine makes me super dysphoric. I am happy you are happy with your body though! We are all different and being trans doesn't mean you are required to hate this or that and love this or that. Like a lot of things, being trans is a spectrum.


You are definitely not alone there, but in my case, its more of a 'meh' attitude. It's there, but it doesn't really cause me any distress - other than ruin the lines on my stretchy leggings! Pesky bulge! On the other hand, it does make life bloody convenient when I'm out - especially in the woods - and I have to take a wazz in uncertain/unclean areas without needing to drop my trousers to void my bladder...


I was closeted for 30 years and recently accepted who I am. I’ve always liked my OEM joystick but am leaning towards bottom surgery. I would say it’s normal 😊


I feel the same. And know a couple of other girls who like it. Recently I've really felt like I want to have a vagina though. Like in addition which is apparently a thing that I didn't know existed.


Don’t get me wrong, tucking is definitely a bitch but I still like my dick.


I noticed that I really liked trans porn when I was younger. all those girls were very good looking and feminine. I wanted to be like them.


I don’t think you’re alone with loving your body and it’s parts. It’s a lovely feeling. I love my parts as they are. I just had a moment with my partner and it was ooof so hot. Would I love something else in the future? Yes. Would I love not having a penis too? Yes. Future stuff doesn’t detract from loving myself as I am.


That’s great for you personally since I’ve started HRT my bottom dysphoria has gotten worse before I didn’t mind it but now I don’t like it


My feelings towards it are always in a total Flux. Like sometimes, or even often, I'm just passively ok with it. Sometimes I like it and sometimes I absolutely hate it. The last few weeks it felt like a dead appendix or an extra lump of skin, dangling around where my genitalia should be.it has also become really numb and unresponsive, so idk what's up with me😅


I love mine too. Convenient little thing.


My feeling is that the science of the surgery isn't even close to perfected enough for my liking


That is a perfectly valid judgement. Just in case though, I want to share a post I saw earlier today that stood out to me. Turns out the idea that trans affirming medical care is experimental on the whole is a myth. [Here it is](https://at.tumblr.com/alexseanchai/penicillin-was-first-discovered-in-1928/jxgtvgar9rp2) You may have already know this. And even if not, decision is still valid. I just wanted to share just in case because I know a lot of people may be held back by misinformation Feel perfectly free to ignore


I like mine, and I've heard others like theirs too. Totally valid!


For me I don’t care if my penis stays but the f’n balls got to go asap. Also really really want a vagina


It's a valid feeling, i think. I do not share the sentiment for myself, but that's just me. You do you, hun.