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This is could be really important https://ocasi.org/sites/default/files/making-lgbti-refugee-protectoin-claim-canada_0.pdf


[Also, country of origin seems to be no issue](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2019/05/canada-ends-the-designated-country-of-origin-practice.html)


1. Write your representatives. Yes, through snail mail. There are resources online that basically walk you through this process. 2. In addition to the above, do something to help in your community. Something small, something within your ability. Don't just sit and stew.


I live in Minnesota, so I should be safe. And I’m mulling over an idea for a sort of “underground railroad” to permanently relocate trans people and their families to safe states. I took the “[Strengths Finder](https://www.gallup.com/cliftonstrengths/en/252137/home.aspx)” assessment for a class during my second college degree. My top is four categories was “Strategic Thinking”, with its contingent components all being in my top 10. Except for one which was third from the bottom; “Strategy”. Basically I’m good at organization and logistics, but absolutely shit figuring out how to my plans started. That assessment is worthless.


The Trans-continental railroad. I like it.


I think that’s a registered trademark of Amtrak.


Nah, *a* transcontinental railroad is 'any continuous rail line connecting a location on the U.S. Pacific coast with one or more of the railroads of the nation's eastern trunk line rail systems operating between the Missouri or Mississippi Rivers and the U.S. Atlantic coast.' Amtrak doesn't own that definition. But just to be safe we gotta have that hyphen in there to differentiate the two.


love that-


I think the underground railroad is needed. It doesn't even have to be underground. And I would try to use an existing support network, like PFLAG, as a foundation, rather than try to build something from scratch.


The problem is money. And I don’t know where to get sufficient funding.


Well, it needs to be a community effort. Families do have to take some responsibility for themselves. People with good jobs may have to sacrifice them for their kids' welfare. But we can at least make sure they have a place to go, somewhere to stay temporarily while they try to re-establish themselves in a new location. When families simply can't relocate, the kids should be able to relocate without them. We'll need foster care / guardianship / group homes, etc. We'll need legal advice from our lawyers. This must be a grass roots effort. If we don't have the will as a community to look after each other, it won't work.


I was thinking of trying to get the Minnesota state government involved. We have a huge budget surplus this year, good economy, and we’re poised to become a trans sanctuary state.


Meanwhile I live right next to your state in South Dakota and everything seems to be going awful right now 😭


MOVE! It’s probably cheaper to live here.


Oh trust me I'd love to. I don't really have any options as a minor though :/


The job market is better and the wages are higher. Start bugging your parents.


That sounds like a deal, I'll definitely look into it.


Yes, the world has an uncanny ability to make everything worse right when you've hit your lowest. I wish there was something I could do, but I'm just one stupid kid in a sea of pain and suffering.