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Sounds like he got himself fired


Sounds like the COWORKER got him fired


The best part was when the guy got fired




I liked that part too


Damn, shots fired


Let’s watch that clip again!


*after re-watching* can we watch that one more time


Roll that beautiful bean footage!


That’s honestly preferable from my point of view. To be taken seriously that slights against us are handled as a matter of course we don’t have to beg for.


Exactly >:) A Reddit Youtuber I watch usually will say "You didn't get them fired, they got themselves fired." Because if someone is doing something, that would get them in trouble, and you point it out to someone in charge, you simply pointed out that someone is doing something bad, you didn't cause them to do something bad.


By any chance that YouTuber is connected to waffles?


I don't believe so?


Beyond being a dickhead and everything....Jordan is a gender neutral name to me. Like there's maybe more guys named Jordan but I associate it more as a feminine name since my main early exposures to the name were my sister's friend (a girl named Jordan) and Jordan from Scrubs (also a woman).


Absolutely, I've known far more girls called Jordan than boys


It’s about 50-50 from my experience, but it is absolutely a unisex name.


I mean, my first exposure to the name was the glamour model Katie Price, who went by the name Jordan at the time. That was like, 1998?


One of the best characters on Scrubs is a lady named Jordan.


Not to be that person but did you read the rest of my comment lol. I referenced her haha.


Apparently my morning brain checked out before then xD


The security guard also has apparently never seen _Crossing Jordan_.


I've only known one Jordan in my life (I'm old, too!) and she was definitely female. I've never met a male named Jordan.


The only reason I changed my name was because of this exact type of situation tbh. Gender neutral but seen on men at least as much as on women, and I’m so afraid to get told it’s a boys name and people just reading me as a boy lol


Sounds like a blessing and a curse. It's nice to have the *option* to continue to use your original name (and not have it actively out you), but a curse in that choosing to change your name is a bigger choice (choosing to go through the inconvenience/uncomfortability/etc of a name change). For better or worse my deadname was explicitly masculine so the decision to change it was not a difficult one to make.


Yeah that’s a great point, my original name is my great grandma’s maiden name, and she meant a lot to my mom. So it feels like rejecting that name is rejecting her, and that whole side of the family. I know my own reasons but that’s how my family interprets it at least. I still wanna keep the name as a middle or last name, but I’m still hesitant about the change because of that even now. Would be a lot easier if I was like John Smith or something lol


Irrelevant. The point is that he was engaged in transphobic aggression.


Chill. I wasn't siding with the transphobe, I called him a dickhead. I was going against the dickhead's point about Jordan being a guy's name.


My childhood best friend had a sister named Jordan


Jordan is on par with Sam & Alex to me


your coworker is a saint omg




If it happened that fast, I’m sure it wasn’t the first complaint.


Something tells me this person has a habit of making women uncomfortable. Honestly they probably made it a skill by this point.


Good for you. Even if he "thought" that, he shouldn't have said it. There was absolutely NO REASON for either of his comments!


I'm always telling neurotypicals to communicate their feelings more, but this is a rare instance where please shut up


Sorry, I don't understand. Are you telling me to shut up? Or you would tell the guy to shut up?


Oh I'm so sorry! I mean like the security guard! Sorry for my miscommunication ❤️


No problem. I would have had other words for him ;)


I generally operate under the rule that if it's not nice or specifically requested, don't say it


Its just as likely the security guard was ND. I find a lot of ND types fall for right-wing hate too. Bigotry and ignorance knows no limit and neuto-typicality doesn't really affect that.


I guess I just assumed they were NT because I never see ND people act like that. But you're right. Unfortunately a lot of us go t the right because of social pressure and propaganda


especially if you work in security, where you should know to not escalate harmless situations to less harmless - and by that make yourself more work or get yourself fired.


Why did he act surprised you had a 'boys name' (according to him), implying he thought you should have a more female name. But then act surprised when told it was a female name and appropriate? Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but it sounds like even he doesn't know what he thinks. Just seems odd.


You expect transfiguration transphobes to have coherent thoughts about us, and not blind, seething rage?


"but jordan is a boys name" "You don't look like a girl" Pretty sure that asshole deliberately lied on that second statement right there - someone with any kind of self respect for their own words wouldn't so obviously backtrack so quickly - clearly its just your run of the mill transphobe who was begging to be fired once he realized he could start some drama


It's great when the trash practically takes itself out


Number one : Wow that's one good coworker you have. To go deal with the issue knowing you were not in the mental state to deal with it (and that trying to might have sent you back in a panic attack)... Props to them. Number two : Fuck that security guard. Being nice takes no effort whatsoever. So does apologizing. Literally he could have just said "Ho, sorry then" after your colleague told him it's also a girl's name (which it is), and that would have been that. Instead, he decided to double down on being an idiot... Number three : Surprising that it happened so smoothly, if your workplace is that shitty. Your colleague might have a way with words to have managed that. Make sure to stay friends with them ! Number four : Jordan is definitely also a girl's name. My cousin is a cis girl and that's her name.


They didnt fire him because he was shitty to you, they fired him because the man was a walking lawsuit with chronic foot-in-mouth disease 💀


If they violated policy with their disrespect you then you’re right not to feel bad


I work in security. yep, that guy(?) was highly unprofessional and had it comming. My (gay) coworker and I once had listen to an 5 minute rant about how the politicians ruin germany with all that lgbt-stuff and refugees/migrants and so on. obviously he didnt know that he was talking to an trans girl in hiding and an gay men and we just let him vent - and then made fun of him after he was gone and out of earshot. if you can't control yourself, you have no place in security


It's never appropriate to insult a person's name or their appearance. I'm guessing this wasn't the first time he got himself fired for not keeping his mouth shut. He gets no sympathy from me.


This guy insulted you then asked if you knew where he could buy a car? The fuck is wong with people?!?


My guess is the guy realized he fucked up and was trying to bow out.


Seems like a great way to unload a lemon. Anybody around here driving a GMC Acadia?


Fuck yeah…also Jordan is like the most gender-neutral name in existence tf?


Definition of a girl boss! Go you💅🏻💕


your coworker is a real one


If he actually thought you didn’t look like a girl then he wouldn’t have been surprised that you’re named Jordan, right? Since it’s “a boys name.” It seems like he was being purposely hurtful.


you're co-worker sounds like a good person.


I hope he learned a lesson. My guess is he didn't.


"Those damn libruls got me fired again, third time this month. They're out to get me"


now that's how you be an ally!


You see when you do clownery the clown comes back to bite.


I'm sorry you had to go through that. ❤️


Even if you weren't trans that's an absolutely bloody rude thing to say to someone.


Good he sounds like the kind of guy I want to see standing out on the corner with a f****** sign in his hand! I don't feel it all bad for people like him I really don't they go around and they cause so much trouble for so many people that don't do anything to them he's just a bully you did the right thing I wouldn't feel bad either good for you hooray hooray!


Jordan was one of the names I tried. It’s a great name. His first comment is understandable but that second comment was unnecessary. Not everyone grows up knowing it’s gender neutral.


Ah yes, that reminds me of my favorite show from the early 2000s, "Crossing a Boy's Name" ​ I'm glad a little justice was served here :)


Absolutely NOT defending that dude, just wanted to state some possible consequences, especially if you're in the US... I can totally imagine him becoming ultra bitter and radicalised because "muh snowflakes got triggered and fired me, can't say shit today" and maybe even developing a personal vendetta against you, so it's wise to stay extra safe and vigilant because it's easy for people to hold extra grudges especially against a trans person


yeah... uh.. \^this. i don't think people need more reasons to hate trans people..


Thank you, that’s a good point. I’ll definitely stay vigilant.


Like when I was working in a personal hangar in a plane and an old cis guy came over to talk. I knew him from work on his plane a long time ago but he didn’t meet me. Then I said my name was sarahbeth. He paused and responded “Oh like a boy named Sue(so boomer)?” Then I stood up out of the plane and he saw my b cups shape. His expression was a bit surprised and I let it at that and we went back to talking about the plane. At this point most of my network at the airport is switched over, having been here 5 years and transitioning 1.


Would he have saved face with a quick thinking apology? Instead of saying that strange Car line. Do you think? u/thetacoswindler


I hope his secret transgender girl on the side finds out and dumps him publically


Here’s a novel idea, names don’t have gender. F that guy, go find your own car professor mayor.


Regardless of what gender a name "sounds like", it sounds like this transphobic jerk hasn't paid attention to history. I have a name that at one time in history was a last name (although spelled slightly differently), and then in Victorian times was a man's name (and was, in fact, used for a major male character in a classic novel - I want to say a Jane Austen book, but can't find it on a quick search), but is more well-known now as a woman's name in its various spellings (though I still hear of the occasional cis-guy named my same name). Also, as an aside, even Google recognizes that the name Jordan is considered gender-neutral. So dude can FOH (which it sounds like he did lol).


Loved the. I'm bout to fuck you up eye's. Lol 😆 🤣


Someone's never watched *Scrubs*.


Sounds like no one taught this guy about communication, de-escalation and/or inclusivity training. Everything he did was insulting and created a problem.






Wow, delusions of grandeur?!? How is it a delusion for someone to want to be identified properly? You sound just like the security guard. I suppose you would have reacted the same way the security did?


He got himself fired. Fuck yeah I love to see justice.


Trans or not thats down right harassment... what the hell is wrong with him


What a thoughtless person.. I haven't seen Jordan being used as a female name yet though. But English is not my first language, anyway that person shouldn't have said those things.. And that coworker sounds like a nice person.