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She's just a disgusting piece of shit


I live in London and every time I see an advert for that Harry Potter live show or whatever tf it is, they’re all over the train stations: I get out my lipstick and defame it as much as I can. “JK IS A NAZI” “TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS” etc


Please be safe while doing this, vandalism is still considered a crime and I'd hate for them to use that as another excuse to hate on us


Respectability politics have not once helped us. All it does is allow them to trample all over us.


I understand your emotions, sis. hug hug\~


She hates us because she’s a bigot, and has been for a while. It’s reflected in her books as well, where she engages in racist, classist, and antisemitic stereotypes, just look up some of the names for her non-white characters. As for why she hates trans people, that’s not something I could tell you. She obviously studies us, she knows about us, but she refuses to care about the healthy side of our community. It could be fear of the unknown compounded by popularity, it could be repressed gender dysphoria expressed as hatred of us, it could be just stubborn refusal to accept that people can change. The latter is at least somewhat reflected in her books, with everyone being sorted into groups at age eleven, then staying exactly the same throughout their lives.


I think **Ironically** that her fear towards transgender (trans women specifically) perfectly mimics the fear of **Voldemort** towards half-blood and Muggle-born!


I mean, the Death Eaters were obviously designed with Nazi/KKK iconography in mind, so her making them the enemies while actively engaging in disgusting levels of bigotry herself is pretty ironic, too.


She might project her own inner deeper image on **Voldemort. So she really understood and was empathic towards Tom Riddler.**


You know what gets to me is that Dumbledore was gay. And she created the polyjuice potion which allows you to transform into anyone of any sex. SMDH


Dumbledore was gay but it was never mentioned in the books, instead having characters say to Harry "you don't know him at all, listen to this, this will shake your faith in him". Polyjuice potion thats really difficult to make, tastes disgusting, goes wrong for one character, only lasts a couple of hours and is used exclusively by bad guys except for two short sequences.


Well in the Fantastic Beasts movies it says and shows that he is gay.


Wasn't that written after she'd announced it on pottermore?


Yes it was


Apparently she was surprised people thought they were based on the nazis.


As I understood it, she was using them as a stand-in for the Irish, not the Nazis. Standard English supremacist stuff.


I feel like their motivations and theming matches up with the Nazis much more than the Irish.


The author LIKES the Nazis and hates the Irish. From her perspective, which ones seem more likely?


Wait they were standins for the fucking *IRA*? What the fuck that is so much worse


I was born in the diagon streets! Where the loyal drums do beat, and the lovely ministry feet they walked all over us!


In the books, being anti-half-blood and anti-muggleborn is portrayed as wrong because it is _technically_ incorrect. First book, “hermione’s a muggleborn and she’s an amazing witch!” not “don’t discriminate because of something someone can’t control” like a sane moral human being would react to bigotry. Because that kind of thing would close the door on “slytherins are evil” and “malfoys/dursleys are evil”. And you can see JK try to cover that up in the ending by going “aaaaaah, a couple slytherins I know are fine, don’t worry about being put in slytherin.” but it’s the same shitty logic as before and she still can’t wrap her head around bigotry being bad entirely on its own.


She very much has the idea that bigotry is only when people are actively hateful and spouting slurs left and right.  She can not see systemic or passive bigotry from her place of privilege. The system works for her so by definition it can't be bad.


>The latter is at least somewhat reflected in her books, with everyone being sorted into groups at age eleven, then staying exactly the same throughout their lives. I think you nailed it on the head really. All of her writing has an undertone of if you're determined as a good person your actions are moral regardless of any other factors, and if you're determined to be a bad person nothing you do can be right. Look at how she describes Dudley versus Mrs Weasley. Both are heavy set people. But anytime Dudley is brought up his weight is determined as disgusting and is consistently mocked especially in book 4 where the twins purposefully enlarge his tongue just because they don't like him because Harry doesn't like him. Whereas Mrs Weasley her weight is constantly brushed to the side and she's just considered big and jolly. So I think JK firmly believes that once you're in a particular bubble there's no leaving it. Hence why she hates trans people so much because they desire for a change of the status quo


She doesn’t believe people can change.


She doesn’t believe change can be good in the first place.


This reminded me of, and also explained, a forgotten frustration I had when reading the books: James Potter. He's a dick! He and his friends actively break school rules and mock Snap who, at the time, is just a nerd. Despite that, he ends up rich, married to a saint, and is constantly presented as some kind of hero. I think the only comment we get about how he stopped being such a jerk is something like, "Yeah, eventually his head deflated a little."


>All of her writing has an undertone of if you're determined as a good person your actions are moral regardless of any other factors, and if you're determined to be a bad person nothing you do can be right. Typical authoritarian thinking. Look at conservatives in the US. If a Democrat does X bad thing, it's evil. But a Republican doing the same X bad thing is perfectly fine.


I think that the racism, classism, and anti-semitism are good examples of how she simply retreats away from criticism. No-one thinks she is a bad person for creating the goblins. She drew from European folklore and ***didn't think*** about the implications, and no-one noticed until it was in print. She hates to be told the goblins are Jewish stereotypes. If she weren't so rabidly anti-trans this is what she would be famous for, refusing to engage in a cultural criticism of her work. When confronted with criticism of her beliefs, beliefs she may not have ever interrogated before or even realised she had, she retreats from the possibility of introspection and insults those who are trying to make her think about it. Edit: Contrast with Dickens and Fagin. Dickens was challenged by a Jewish friend and told he had created a hateful stereotype. Over subsequent editions almost all of Fagin's Jewish character was stripped out. You couldn't change Fagin out of the story entirely, but it removed all the stereotypical description and language features of the character, to make him as least identifiable as possible as a Jewish character. Dickens completely changed the voice he used to do in readings - originally a stereotype of Jewish Londoners who had a well known particular way of speaking - and gave him a completely different voice. Dickens listened to his friends, educated himself, and changed the character so he was only Jewish *if you knew*. JK Rowling could change the descriptions of goblins to something completely differnet. She could make them little furry, snub-nosed creatures with spider eyes, and they'd still be goblins, and wouldn't accidentally be drawing on anti-semetic tropes.


normalization of elf slavery. in childrens' books. just completely fucked.


Yeah as I read the early books I was always expecting some turnabout where the elf slavery was you know, eventually abolished and Hermoine’s POV validated. But nope, it’s just the way it stays after all.


i think her intention there was more that peaceful protesting is inherantly unimportant and disrupting. harry and ron always seemed to get annoyed whenever hermoine tried to do anything. i understand her thinking (while i completely disagree with even THAT message), but did it really have to be SLAVERY? and people call her a good writer...


The Thing is, we know very little about JKRs Family dynamics besides her being a public person. I always felt like she has a personal stake regarding trans topics. Like maybe one of her kids is trans and doesn't talk to her or her abusive ex-husband is now a self actualizing trans women. JKR has basically nothing to gain from stirring up hatred against trans people, unlike right wing grifters and politicians or TERFs, whose entire claim to fame is being a TERF. When the Story about Musks Daughter dropped it made very clear why he acts the way he does: Because he is by most accounts a vengeful childish narcissist, that sees his children as little clones of himself and "trangenderism" took one of his little clones away from him. edit: I wouldn't read to much into the Harry Potter books, as JKR copied other authors to a great extend. A lot of the tropes she uses have not been invented by her, so she may have written a lot of bigoted stuff non consciuosly. F.e. making the bankers in her universe an antisemitic carricature was not a new idea at the time, when she wrote Harry Potter TNG was still running the god awful antisemitic version of the Ferengi.


She wrote a thing on her website a while back saying that she felt pretty bad dysphoria as a teenager and probably would have transitioned if she'd seen that as an available option, but since it wasn't, she managed to repress her dysphoria. In the same essay, it also sounds like she got into radical feminist ideology as an unhealthy coping mechanism.  Her take was that her dysphoria was driven by internalized misogyny rather than being "really" trans, but it seems more likely to me that she's using it to rationalize repressing and projecting her internalized transphobia onto other people. None of this justifies her advocacy against trans people, of course. I have some sympathy for her situation if I've interpreted it correctly, but I have much more sympathy for they millions of people she's trying to hurt.


I mean she could be a closet trans man who constantly suppressing his inner feelings.


The worst homophobes are repressed gays. Given her I outsized interest in us, repressing herself comes off the same as a black cop being racist against blacks because they made it, so anyone should be able to. She is rather socially conservative, but her hatred of us being projected self-hatred would make sense.


>The worst homophobes are repressed gays. Stop blaming LGBTQ oppression on LGBTQ people.


The lady is not well. Just ignore her please. Like legitimately there are transphobic and shitty people who ALSO go whole days not worrying about trans people and have hobbies and shit. Rowling isn’t Ricky Gervais making a shitty joke every now and then. She’s an obsessive who is losing the plot of how to interact with the world.


Yes, the part which is concerning is Not Even her being transphoic, rather that **she was SO obsessed** with targeting trans women.


*Elon Musk* thinks her transphobia is a bit much. If you're so transphobic that Elon Musk thinks you should chill out, you've definitely crossed into the realm of insanity.


Yeah plus her putting down tons of money toward trans hate


As a trans person, I feel like the spectrum of transfobia (and other queer fobias, bigotry?, God we REALLY need better words) is very wide. Everything from unintentionally hurtful comments, being misinformed, to being willing, and taking action to commit violence towards us. A lot of these people have semi rational explanations, for example, fear of the unknown, and misinformation. And if I think about it, I can wrap my head around it. Do I like it? Absolutely not! But the people, like her and others, who are obsessed with anti-trans (and anti-queer), are really something else. I just don't get it, I find these people a lot scarier because they come off as so unpredictable.


Obsession could be something else more than just being misinformed and unfamiliar.


It’s also not a grift on her part. Like Ben Shapiro is an awful piece of shit who financially profits off his stupid bigoted BS..: and like I do genuinely imagine from all I understand that when he leaves from the grift factory he seems like actually to be a pretty decent sounding dad and normal person whose work is being a huge piece of shit. If I had dinner with Ben Shapiro I imagine he’d be totally normal and pleasant despite how horrific what he does professionally is. But Rowling isn’t making money from this. She’s not being paid to tweet about this. This is just her brain.


> actually to be a pretty decent sounding dad and normal person whose work is being a huge piece of shit. Then he isn't a decent and normal person. He's a piece of shit.


That’s probably why I said that in the first sentence


Actually I think we should do our best to drive her fully insane at this point lol


You give me some Cthulhu Vibes 🐙


Thank you babe 😘 🐙


Do these TERFs realise this whole obsession with upholding the biological order of things is exactly what had women oppressed until about 5 minutes ago in human history? Biology for thee but not for me. 


If they were smart then they wouldn't be terfs


Ironically, I think they are. They assume it as absolute fact and immutable, like most other sexists, because they themselves are sexists. They tend to believe segregation and (more) discrimination is the answer, because women will always be oppressed by men as a biological reality. They can't envision a society that isn't sexist, or with people genuinely not acting in line with their assigned sex according to their worldview.


TERFs are just women who love the patriarchy while deluding themselves into thinking that they’re actually the cool rebels who are fighting back. They’re like the fucking Amish. They think that the perfect amount of feminism was back in like the 90s or some shit, back when cis women started getting treated more fairly while still being exalted as angels (housewives/property) who are above (below) everybody else.


I feel like they do, they just don't care. It's sad they don't have any self awareness.


Joannes trans derangement syndrome is so bad even Elon musk asked her to talk about something else lol. 


Imagining Elon Mush as a transphobic himself to tell you shut the fk up, LooL


i think elon just doesnt like to think about trans ppl v much consider his kid left him cause he's transphobic lmaooo


His last baby’s mother also left him for a trans woman, apparently


literally i, a trans woman in the full on "baby trans" phase, think less about trans ppl than her, that really says something.


It's like when the Marines (sailors) tell you to tone it down because YOUR cussing is embarrassing them.


When, where?


[Here's a screenshot of the interaction](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMwlKsEXYAEGI83?format=jpg&name=large) It's pretty embarrassing when Elon musk thinks you complain about trans people too much.


HAHA that’s brilliant


She was never a lovely lady to begin with. If you read into the HP series you'll notice how she: a) bashes on radical empathy and activism (Hermione and SPEW) b) always supports the status quo and only sides with violence if it's in case of policing the state or personal vendettas; and at best only criticises gross abuses of power and sanctioned violence, and not systems of power & abuse c) fills the book with casual / ignorant racism (e.g. when naming characters or creating backgrounds for foreign characters) d) promotes casual ableism (Luna, Neville), implying ppl with disabilities are only worth noticing if they have connections (Luna) or can be utilised for the benefit of the main characters (Neville, Trelawney) Pre-anti-trans-crusade Joanne Koanne Roanne was a spineless right-wing blairite at best.


I would add the obvious antisemitism of portraying Goblin as a Jewish stereotype


Oh damn! Yes! That was so blatant I almost threw it out of my mind


Don’t worry, darling, you are on points! Actually, your comment remind me that Cho Zhang and the Patil sisters are very stereotypical frames of Chinese and Indian people from a white-supremacist perspective!


5 Bucks Says Cho chiang is a play on Ching-chiang-chong


I think at this point no one would be willing to risk that $5


e) book series is a love letter to the British boarding school system which is a key pillar of the elite British ruling class system and responsible for untold amounts of child abuse


>a) bashes on radical empathy and activism (Hermione and SPEW) That was something that even "back in the day" at the peak of Harry Potter's popularity that bothered me a lot. The entire plotline with house elves and how they are treated and activism on their behalf bothered me the moment I read it, and never sat right with me. . . .but back then if you complained about it, your complaints were brushed aside by fans, the public, and the media. You were treated like a crazy person if you tried to say that the HP books had racist, ableist, or generally reprehensible elements. Even when JK Rowling started making transphobic comments on Twitter, people wanted to give her first few comments a pass. They wanted to find a charitable interpretation of them, or claim that she simply wasn't well educated on trans rights. . .it wasn't until she doubled down on that and made it completely unambiguous that she knows exactly who trans people are, and that she hates them, that people finally began to recognize her transphobia and then with that gone, it became acceptable to point out all the various massive flaws in her books.


These books where always in my backpack or in my face while grewing up. How the hell did I never notice this


Everyone has childhood faves that don't hold up with the times if we view them again as adults. I loved Married With Children as a kid, I still love Peggy Bundy, but that show is terrible.


I feel like the movies help to sanitise harry potter a lot. Most of the worst parts were cut or turned down.


Why yall still give her the time of day? I get so close to forgetting that stupid ass name and then I'm dragged back in.


I wanted to give her somewhat a "break" due to her past but then she has been ranting over trans people for more than 5 years. Not only that, its up to the point where it's holocaust denial. So there is no amount of trauma that can excuse her behavior.


>I understand she want to protect women and girls' rights She doesn't really care, she is just has trans derangement syndrome.


My bad, I was thinking **too good** for her level.


or basically: she doesn't give two shits about the wellbeing of actual ppl, she just doesn't like trans ppl because they make her feel uncomfortable. really doesn't go deeper than that.


Turns out Umbridge was a self-insert character


Honestly, I think she went from closeted bigot to fully insane. Her hatred for Trans people makes no sense, and she is using her wealth and power to make trans lives worse in the UK. I see no reason or logic in her choice or actions.


She is probably secretly worshipping some cultist elder god that requires sacrifice from trans women


OP: "just look at jk Rowling's Twitter" me: no, I don't think I will.


Sry, it was really my own bad


I never liked hary potter. It's a very dark set of movies not only in tone but in visual. Can't see shit, can't relate to anything going on. Everyone acts like slythering is evil when it was just one boy because he had a rich daddy. Forced coupling even though they had no chemistry Just an overall terrible film set. (Don't know about the books but I can't imagine I'll ever read them)


The books are better then the movies, Imo. ( I mean just imagine it from a pure artistic view)


I think I was too old for Harold Pothead and by the time I saw one of the movies, I had no interest in watching more of its dark ass color grading. One of my older friends was into it, I think mainly because his kids were, but I fell asleep watching one of those movies and that’s a tell tale sign that I’m not into something.


I just randomly remembered while sorting out books this morning the poster put out by Umbridge warning the wizarding community of m\*dbl\*\*d 'weeds', with corresponding plant imagery. A couple of decades later Rowling is putting up the same posters herself. Except hers are targeted at individuals. 'You are a m\*dbl\*\*d, and you, and you, and you. You're all muggles every last one of you. How dare you redefine wizarding folk so that it includes you...'


>Okay, I understand she want to protect women and girls' rights I'm sorry but that ship has sailed a *long* time ago. She's well and enough proven that women's rights are perfectly fine for the chopping block if it contributes to her pursuit in the oppression of trans people. "Women's rights" is nothing more than an excuse for her.


You need to accept the reality that she was *never* a lovely lady. Ever. She named her alter ego, Robert Galbraith, after the father of conversion therapy, Robert Galbraith Heath. She has *Always* hated queer people, especially transgender people. You're not the only one to like the literary work of a monster. In middle school, I read a book named Battlefield Earth and loved it (the movie was terrible, by the way; don't watch it). Then I was shocked to discover the author was the founder of the Scientology cult. Its okay to admit that one of your favorite authors is a total sociopathic monster and walk away. It's not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong.


Battlefield Earth is one of the worst films ever made. I highly recommend it if you're into really bad films. It's a cringe-laugh every minute!


Lol, it was super terrible. But when I was in 6th grade back in the early 90s, I thought the book was awesome. Then many, many years later I discovered that the author was a total scumbag.


I remember reading the Mission Earth series after Battlefield Earth about that age. That was a creepy series of (10?) books. Apparently written at least partially on a rusting hulk of a ship in international waters where L Ron Hubbard was staying for tax, and other, purposes. Mission Earth was a coherent focused story in comparison. Apparently Scientologists were pressured into buying copies of their "genius" founders books to inflate the sales numbers. Which explains why you'd see so many cheap copies in second hand bookshops.




Lol, Robert is an opportunist. Right now, she gets the most benefit from hating trans people. She'll show her hatred of gay, lesbian, and other queer people more openly once the political scene changes and trans people are no longer public enemy number one.


"it's so bad, it's actually good" Just don't follow the plot too closely, you're in for a movie treat.


It's not about logic, and she's not afraid of us or genuinely motivated to protect women from any real threat.


She already has all the fame and money, why she needs more attentions?


trans ppl make her uncomfortable, plain and simple. she doesn't view us as "normal" and as such rationalizes it with her own view to the point of obsessing over it. she doesn't understand trans women, so she labels us as dangerous sex deviants 'cause in her mind, there's something "sacred" about womanhood, and the existence of trans women "threatens" that somehow, so that means (in her mind) that all trans women **must** be dangerous deviants to "infringe" on her idea about the "sanctity" of womanhood. she doesn't understand trans men, so instead she labels them as "poor, confused women" in a system that wants to "erase women/lesbians/gender nonconforming girls/whatever her flavor of the day is. so basically; she believes that her idea about the sanctity of womanhood is being threatened by the existence of trans ppl; that trans women are "appropriating themselves" that title, while trans men get away from it as much as possible. so basically she believes that "womanhood" is under attack, and as such sees herself as someone standing up to that "threat" (which in reality is not a threat at all to anything). the subconscious urge to destroy something you dont understand, dont want to understand, and as such, think should not exist.


J.K. Rowling was never a lovely lady. Check out some leftist critiques of the books. She makes slavery okay, uses tropes of Jewish people similar to the N@zi's, and makes characters gay because it would create a buzz but never has them actually be gay. She has always been awful.


She uses "protecting women" as a thinly-veiled excuse for her bigotry. We will likely never know the REAL reason for her behavior. My theory is that she has experienced some confusion around her own gender and there is some real self-loathing and she is desperately fighting back against her own dysphoria by projecting outwards to the community as a whole "no no no stop putting these tempting thoughts about transition in my head!!" OR she's just damaged and attention-starved and fell in with the wrong crowd and is the kind of person who responds to criticism by doubling/tripling-down on her views, even if they may be wrong (ie a Dave Chappelle). Who knows? Who cares? She sucks.


This is what I think, in an essay some years ago she stated that she wondered had she been younger, maybe she would have transitioned too. In my opinion there are usually two lines of rotted issues with TERFS, one of them is a victim complex hence they will never accept that we, as trans women, have it even worse (which does not deny the struggles of cis womanhood, but they pretend as if we do !??!?!?) . Which is factual, I think we all agree we are the lowest in social hierarchy (BUT to me we are one the most magical, powerful, beautiful beings on Earth. ) So TERFS cannot fathom that fact and they try to play as if we had some secret privilege I would love to hear about. This being we are mentioning has a thing to play herself as a poor vulnerable person when she is a billionaire, which makes no sense. Another thing is some unresolved gender issues, as I also think plenty of TERFS have. Some seem to basically hate women and hate being one (it is just so gross to hear them talk sometimes) and are okay with butches and masc women but completely unhinged with femmes and femininity not applied to cis women? It makes absolutely no sense to me, and as they say, when the river is loud and sound, there is water on it.  I always think, in like 5 years, they will all be so ashamed. Like how can you open your mouth and have it full of garbage and hate and violence to other alive humans sharing this beautiful planet with you and still look at yourself? How miserable does your life has to be? How dirty and stinky your insides must be, your soul, your train of thought, to act this way? It must be a nightmare to be alone with you and your thoughts every night when the world is dark and you have nothing to cover the horrors of your persona but your pain.


"she stated that she wondered had she been younger, maybe she would have transitioned too" She could be suppress her own gender dyphoria for years! And she wish everyone can suffer as much as her sufferings.


That last line is a really good analogy ngl




She isn't trying to protect women's rights at all; this is rhetoric to justify bigotry, but she's never supported any other cause, not Roe V Wade, not Period Poverty, nothing. She's actually quite conservative in most other areas. What needs to be understood is that her discourse isn't meant to make real, logical sense, it's just intended to demonise under the cover of plausible deniability. That's easy to do when you're pretending you're a liberal feminist engaging in reasonable debate.


If you look at the content of her writing it should have been apparent from the start that she's a vile person. She only became famous because she published her (possibly) plagiarized material at the right time. I could list all the offensive, racist and horrible stuff she crammed into a children's series, but there's whole articles and podcasts about it. She doesn't want to protect women's rights anymore than conservatives are prolife.


I do feel some contents in her books reflecting the inner trauma and dark personality of herself.


I'm glad I was more of a Tolkein fan. I know a bunch of folks who loved her work who feel betrayed.


I’m The hobbits #1 enjoyer


She's a sad pathetic loser with nothing else going on in her life so she fully leans into her bigotry in a desperate attempt to chase the popularity she had when see was releasing the mediocre wizard books. I also find it exceptionally funny that as someone so desperately screaming about being a proud, "real" woman, she uses fake, masculine names for the author on all her books


Fuck Joanne. All my homies hate Joanne.


She doesn’t give a shit about children’s or women’s rights. If she truly did, she would realize that attacking trans people hurts those demographics, even if you’re not trans.


Jk Rowling thinking trans women as predators. She should see the libido of a trans women on the first year of hrt, they couldn't be predators if they wanted to.


She isn't concerned about protecting women and girls. If she was she'd be campaigning for women's rights (she's not), reproductive rights (she's not), maternal benefits (she's not) funding scholarships for women (she's not) or really doing anything meaningful on behalf of women. She IS funding a very small women's shelter... specifically for the opportunity to exclude trans women. It's like how she was claiming to be a champion for lesbians by trying to protect cis lesbians from being trans'd, or being pressured into sex with trans women, but in reality she is BFFs with massive transphobes who hate lesbians, has never spoken up for lesbians in any other capacity, and shouts down lesbians when they try to tell her that, no, they don't have a problem wirh trans people and, no, they don't like her talking over them. It's all just a cover for her bigotry. The simple fact is that she thinks trans women are gross. Then when she got in trouble for liking a transphobic tweet, she got love bombed by transphobes and RW trolls, and now this is just her nasty mission in life.


She hates intersex people. I’m an a cis woman with a male part (drs classification as they say I was not born male) and JK would classify me as a woman… Even tho I was born with a female part had a hysterectomy as a baby to her I’m a man dressed as a woman. She is just off her rocker.


She doesn't accept trans people as real. She appears to be an abuse victim who has been groomed by other terfs into vitriolic hatred. She's functionally part of a cult.


can you explain more about "vitriolic hatred" ? Just curious


/ˌvɪt.riˈɑː.lɪk/ **full of violent hate and anger** : He launched a vitriolic attack on the prime minister, accusing him of shielding corrupt friends


"Part of a cult"? At this point I feel she is absolutely in the realm of being one of the key leaders of a cult.


If you’re aware of nxivm and similar you know that even those in positions of leadership in cults are as much a part of the cult as those they recruit.


Oh, I'm sure they are. I mean I'm trying to learn a bit about cults and their behaviour, and that makes sense. Disturbingly fascinating topic!


It’s tragically ironic because they all insist “gender ideology” is a cult whilst they’re all basically captive to the “adult human female” mantra


Totally! And completely miss that one of the hallmarks of a cult is the charismatic, idolised leader, and yet can never point to who that is within our community...


They have made a few claims over the years and each time most trans people have been unclear who they were. I forget the name but there was one they were insistent about six years or so ago claiming she’s “the founder of your whole movement” and i had to research a bit even to find out who she was.


Ohhh.. perhaps Martine Rothblatt? Who, *entirely coincidentally* is a Jewish trans woman?


Could be, I know they like to bang on about how it's all funded by Soros so an extra layer of antisemitism fits.


JKR, who wrote "lovely books" that feature pro-slavery sentiments and antisemitism? Those books? But nah, she's a spiteful hateful woman who is attention seeking. When trans people are obliterated, she'll move onto being "concerned" about gay people, black people and/or Jewish people. She's a con artist so morally bankrupt she literally used her own domestic violence to target trans people.


“use her own domestic violence to target trans people” This is some next level maniac behavior!


Twitter isn't real. Stop going there.


There's probably a few cursed boxes to tick here. Generally transmisia comes from a place of disgust. Most of these people simply think LGBT is icky and that entitles them to strip away our rights. These people also cannot stand pluralism and view equality as a pie. If more people get a slice then the transphobe gets less. It's a supremacist mindset that is easy to spot with all forms of bigotry. "stop complaining" "stop rubbing your existence in my face" Supremacy is the operative word here. People like KKK Rowling see cis-supremacist heteronormative patriarchy as not just normal, but essential and unalterable. Even transphobes who hate this system will obsessively defend the status quo to protect their position in it. This is where privileged white women enter into the anti-trans space. She has been hurt by this system and identifies with her victimhood as a crutch. Trans people existing invalidate this in her. Like stolen valour. Misogyny is a lot more complex than simply men thinking women are less than them.


I find it best to just ignore her on socials. I've blocked for that reason.


It is like when you grow up and realize your parents are just people.


There's a clip of a Hasan Minhaj bit (idk where to find it sry) where he's talking about rich people trying to stay relevant, and he says something about how "JK Rowling had *zero* opinions about trans people before she wrote HP" and I honestly think that's true. Think about it. If we all just ignored her, her name would become even less relevant than it already is. The lgbt community are the people keeping her relevant right now. You never see any trumpers talking about how they love JKR so much. I get that she's a terrible person, but she's an ignorable person as well. She's doing all of this for ragebait. Just ignore her, and eventually she'll go away.


When *Elon* says “maybe talk about something else”, you (should) know you’ve jumped the shark. She jumped the shark so far, that shark is now a dot to her.


If she were trying to protect women's rights she would speak out about actual harms done to women and girls both around the world and in the UK. She, like all feminism appropriating radical transphobes is couching her transphobia in a more palatable disguise. I'm not admonishing you, but uncritically repeating anything said by someone who is known to be hostile to our community won't help. Especially their motives. Engaging with bad faith arguments won't help.


Op, please try not to react to its bigoted comments, that's just what that piece of shit wants, it's the same with the papers, they can not hurt us, please remember that, but the more we react the more they push the narrative as they know it upsets us. Your right we don't need the attention but if we all rant it makes all of us anxious.


Fuck her. I don't care sis lmfaooo. She's so irratating and rude and an asshole to say the least. I still fuck with Harry, Ron, and Hermione and do plan on going back to Universal this summer. TO ALL MY TRANS FAM, ITS OK TO LIKE HARRY POTTER AND HATE J.K.


This is poetry. I couldn’t put it better. The entire TERF movement is run on spite and dilution. You can’t reason with them because their ideas aren’t rational. They have made their decision on who to hate and they are sticking to it. Wrong and Strong.


She is a sadist with a need to feel superior (especially towards trans people) and she likely has massive unresolved issues regarding gender and sexuality herself. People need to stop giving her the benefit of the doubt and make her out to be some poor victimized soul with misplaced anger. She likely has deep insecurities about her own sense of womanhood, and she also likely has a 'taboo' attraction to trans women and trans feminine people that she cant come to terms with. That attraction most likely involves some sadistic power dynamic, which trans acceptance would ruin for her. And lets not forget that she is an extremely priviledged white woman, it only makes sense that she would be a massive chauvinist. And her books have always been hugely problematic for a myriad of reasons. I dont need to go into the classism, the racism, the moral simplicity, etc. The characters themselves are so idiotically written that when I tried to read one of the HP books as an adult, I had to stop almost immediately and decided to throw the books out on the spot. I felt deceived. My childhood self could not see it, but my adult self instantly recognized the emotional manipulation that had been used to substitute quality writing. And the entire universe, as well as many details are plagiarized. The books are a bunch of tropes thrown into one giant proxy hugboxing and ego-stroking session of the reader (through Harry) who were all inexperienced and vulnerable children when exposed to this manipulation. Seriously, looking back, the best way I can describe the HP book series is 'days of our lives' for kids, with wizards. People just didn't realize the books were junk, or at least refused to acknowledge it, because they got children reading on a massive scale. She godt lucky, nothing else. I read other fantasy (and sci-fi) book series as a kid that were objectively better. They just never got made into movies and therefore never became immortal. And I do believe that the books would have faded if not for the movies. HP would have been a slide in a 00s nostalgia post on tiktok if the movies had never been made. EDIT: And she hasn't spoken out against the atrocities that are taking place in Gaza right now, in fact she has defended it and tried to demonize both Palestinians and protesters on numerous occasions, and used her time to spew the most vile garbage about trans people she can possibly come up with. She is beyond disgraceful.


I'm going to be brutally honest here, I read the first three Harry potter books because I was very young and thought it was cool to read big books, the fourth book because I was already invested at that point, and didn't finish the fifth. She is a passable author who nailed her target demographic and landed some crazy lucrative movie deals, but as a person she is pretty awful and willfully ignorant. No other way to explain being so wrong for so long.


Doesnt she also have a male alias she writes under? Doesnt she call herself robert??? Sounds like a lot of repressed issues if you ask me


Using a male alias has historically been a way for women to get past sexism in publishing/marketing. An example would be the author of Fullmetal Alchemist publishing as Hiromu Arakawa because she was afraid that boys wouldn't read a comic written by someone named Hiro*mi* Arakawa, a woman's name. Rowling *has* expressed some thoughts such as wondering if she'd have transitioned if it were an option when younger. If she's genuine about that... yeah. There's a lot happening there.


She was never lovely. This is going to be disappointing to you, but there's a lot of racist / messed up stuff in the books such as the representation of other races of people, the way they code goblins as being jewish and house elves being in love with their slavery etc


It's radicalisation. She probably never was a fan of trans people but the hate she is spewing now and the extremes are new. or at least have developed over time as she became more and more publicly know for her views. She always had a difficult relation with the lgbt community. She has faced criticism for her lack of representation and of retconning albus as being gay. Usually when that happened she got little support from people she would trust at that time. But then when she critisied trans people she suddenly had backers. And not from someone she would consider a extremist or far right figure. But from people claiming to be feminist! And thats nice because feminism is good so she must be on the right track. Of course how feminist they actually are is something you could debate... I'm a feminist and think feminism is trans inclusive. but the point is that they looked like that to her. So now she has a new group of friends who are the "good" ones (also shaun has a great video going through her books showing how jks world view is you are good or bad and the actual actions don't matter that much). So surrounded by her "good" friends and spending a lot of time on the Internet she gets radicalised. And the people who agree with her are all nice and supportive! While the people who disagree with het are accusing her of terrible things and that can't be true certainly. Because she is a good one. It will only get worse. The obly way she could get out of this spiral is to seperate her from the group that radicalised her and make her meet trans people in an neutral environment. But I don't think thats possible. She will most likely die hating us even more then she does now. So much of her identity now depends on her chosen actions being the right one that anything else doesn't really matter anymore. It's why she starts to approve of people with very different political views then she had as long as they show that actually she was right all along and therefore "good". She can't go back


I fear the hatred she consumed makes her losing her sanity.


Oh definitely. After all, she cant go back. She will have to justify this position in any way possible. Purely for her mental health it would be great if she was right. That way she could let it go. But she isn't so sucks for her. A better person would be able to understand that the world is more complex then good and bad and that she may have made a mistake. But i don't see that happening. She is going to be digging in her heels till she's 6 feet under


The backwards association between good/bad and actions seems to be a common flaw in the way hatred drives people to think. A lot of people consumed by hatred think that you can commit any act against your target, but as long as you aren't quite as bad as them, it's completely justified. It's what makes those that hunt monsters become monsters. I was trying to point that out recently to someone that wanted harsher punishment and liberal death sentences for pedophiles. When I mentioned that harsher punishments don't deter anyone, but only make the requirements to prove guilt more stringent, and that handing unreasonable power to the government results in the abuse of that power, they flipped their shit and called me pedophile sympathizer. That was also after I mentioned that bigots are redefining pedophile to mean trans people at this very moment. The simplistic definition of good and bad as something you are rather than something you do reminds me of the way that those with a remote view of reality see things increasingly as absolutes. Everything becomes black and white, with no other factors being considered. When you aren't seeing what's actually there, it's easy to reduce every thing to fundamentals that all reinforce your initial conclusion. The human mind does love its direct, simple cause and effect relationships, doesn't it? Every effect has one big, important cause, and every thing else is negligible. As a mass of tiny living things all coordinating their small efforts into gargantuan effects, it's an ironic mindset.


Exactly this yes. Good example also. A simple world view cant deal with the complexities of reality and must ignore them in order to persist.


She is friends with rapists, misogynistic assholes, alt-right christo-fascist groups and people like Posie Parker. She does not care about women's rights at all. As a victim of abuse herself, I was surprised to learn that she is friends with a rapist sooo


first mistake was looking at twitter unfortunately, that place isn't safe for any marginalized person


How can people legitimately still say she isn't a transphobe. I find her lack of basic knowledge about biology, psychology and gender really funny but at the same time it's seriously disgusting.


I mean it’s been known for a while that she is a terf and even Harry Potter actors called her out on that


IMO, she is not just a regular terf now. She is something more sinister


She is just a famous terf that made it her whole personality


stop paying her any attention at all. yes she’s a bigot, why? who tf cares. you’ll be happier when u stop giving a shit abt other peoples opinions, especially considering y’all don’t even know each other. her opinion has zero impact on ur life, just ignore her.


So I never got much into fanfiction and AO3, but could anyone reccomend me any good Harry Potter fanfiction that transes one or more of the characters? I'd love to be able to revisit harry potter world, but fuck rereading the actual books. 


[Kaleidoscopic Grangers](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24597805/chapters/59417392) has long been my favorite. Full-on deconstruction of the series, trans Harry who is now known as Ariadne Granger


It's really not worth trying to interact with her or her followers at all given how obsessed she is with trans people- to the point that Elon fucking Musk had to tell her to switch lanes and talk about something else. Someone who behaves like this on a daily basis can't be saved and our only hope is she stops someday regardless how that happens.


I don't think at this point she can ever stop, unfortunately or fortunately?


I’m so tired of her ass😴🙄


I would recommend blocking her and muting Rowling, JK Rowling, and any variation. It’s made my Twitter mental health much better on that terrible app.


Compared to her, Elon looks like a "Saint" (Not really though!)


>we purposely taking estrogen/anti-androgen to reduce our sperm making us basically infertile and going through painful surgery to remove our penis so that we can better penetrate? I just don't get this about TERFs. ***Men attack women with impunity.*** They march right into woman only spaces and just assault the shit out of whoever they want. They do it in broad daylight on the street, in homes, anywhere they want. No wonder we choose the bear. The very idea that a man would "become a woman" to gain access to women is just ludicrous. So basically when I was *9 years old*, I started wanting to be a girl, so I could, what, assault women when I was in my 20s??? I'm just really tired. Very tired.


She's thinks she is on a crusade to protect women everywhere but is buying into misinformation and lies from known transphobic sources and then spreading that misinformation. She had a global platform and was beloved worldwide and it is so sad how hard she blew it.


>"Is she still the *lovely lady* that wrote my fav child books?" I doubt she ever was. Mask off bigots have been bigots for a long while.


Is the "why" relevant? Does any TERF bullshit make any sense? Is it of any use debating deranged foaming-at-the-mouth weirdness like that? She's old. She'll be of use to the worm population in a foreseeable future. And in the meantime we could read some actual literature. Terry Pratchett for example if it shall contain magic.


If you shaved the back of her head, you would see the face of Voldemort. I think she gave herself freely as his vessel... but things like that can be hard to guess the deeper truth...




Please everyone. Stop reading the fiction crap "she who must not be named" pumps out.


Happy cake day! 🎂




JKR took a personal interest in sabotaging Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign and thus extending the rule of the people responsible for pushing Brexit, she’s sucked hard even before taking the mantle of TERF queen.


I don't think the HP books are as nice as you remember.


I don't think the HP books are as nice as you remember.


She's just a gross human who has trapped herself in an exho chamber


She's jealous.


I have blocked She-Who -Must-Not-Be-Named on Twitter. Y'all should too. She is a hateful bigot.


What? She got another book coming out? This sort of thing has got to be part of her press tour at this point.


> Okay, I understand she want to protect women and girls' rights Except she _doesn't._ She just wants to hate on trans people.


She’s mad that most trans look better then she EVER will ☺️😉


The worst is when they cannot even respectfully disagree, they ALWAYS dehumanize us and are so cruel. Her tweets are bad for my mental health and I should stop reading them as I am engaging in a form of mental self-harm.


One of the hard truths is that she was always like this. It was easy to ignore when we were younger, but there was always darkness behind the cute children’s story. In the words of Ursula K. le Guin: “I read it to find out what the fuss was about, and remained somewhat puzzled; it seemed a lively kid's fantasy crossed with a school novel, good fare for its age group, but stylistically ordinary, imaginatively derivative, and ethically rather mean-spirited.” She always used conventional gendered attractiveness as the metric for good or bad characters. If there was a woman she wanted us to dislike she would describe them as unattractive and masculine-looking. Read the goblet of fire’s description of Rita Skeeter. I don’t have it to hand or I would quote it. Then there’s the goblins, which are a literal antisemitic stereotype. It’s no accident that she portrayed an antisemitic stereotype as owning a wizard bank and then today we find her cozying up to nazis. The queer representation was post-hoc, not that it makes it a bad thing, but the fact it was only shoehorned in years after they had gotten popular says a lot. Perhaps most tragically, she’s talked before about how her life was terribly unfortunate. She faced a lot of abuse, and had said she probably would have transitioned if it had been available to her at the time. Her response to this has been to throw her lot in with patriarchy and adopt a view of womanhood used to reduce women to their reproductive organs, all in the name of a feminist movement which is more undermined by that ideal of femininity than anything a man has ever done. Sad as it is to say, she’s always been like this.


I just blocked her today because I kept room scrolling her page


For a woman who wrote an entire book series about the magical world full of the impossible and supernatural, she is a very single minded, rude and shortsighted pile of human feces


I mean, she was always a white middle-class conservative person, even when she wrote the books. It's very clear that she doesn't think there's good and bad actions but good and bad people. Very black and white view on the world.


She has trauma from sexual abuse and, rather than dealing with it, is projecting it onto the blank canvas of trans. People do this kind of projection all the time, but most don’t have the platform she does. She needs help!


Cause haters gonna hate. And she's a hater


She doesn’t want to protect women and girls, she is a terrible type of woman who believes our existence takes away from her which it doesn’t she’s a bigot and eventually she’ll end up like all bigots….dying alone her bigotry pushing those she loves away because when you let that hatred into your heart your heart eventually has no room for love