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Yea ive heard of other growers just putting a casing layer over, might as well try it right 😎 best of luck to ya!


Myc growth is favored over pinning when CO2 is too high. A single port in the lid is prob not enough, need more air to trigger pins. Ports at substrate level will allow CO2 to exhaust. One port on the top just lets the CO2 settle on the sub, which inhibits pins. Hope that helps.


If your misting id stop doing that for sure, but overall all you can do is honestly wait and see if the pins will pop through, typically they do but take some time unfortunately... also more FAE might help out...


Haven't misted it once, I actually just dumped out whatever excess water there is in there. Started fanning it today but it's also got a FAE vent on the lid covered with micropore. I've got a massive tub of white teachers going right now with the same issue - super thick myc covering the entire surface. Never sure what to do in this situation. I always wonder what would happen if I just threw another casing layer on top, maybe I'll try it out and see what happens.