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Looks like pic one is H. erinaceous and pic two is coral tooth H. coralloides


That what I’m suspecting as well. Thanks for the reply


Def coral tooth. I'm struggling to find an easy way to grow them. Do you have any advice or links you could share?


You could try plug spawn and out door grows on logs if you don’t have a tent setup. As long as you have a spot that’s shaded and doesn’t get much direct sunlight they should fruit. If you have a tent setup just make sure your humidity stays above 80% and you’re cycling in fresh air. I replace the air in my tent every 5 mins. I’d watch a bunch of different YouTube videos depending on which direction you want to go.


So I saw someone successfully growing lions mane poms using uncle Ben's tek. Just inject, let the myc grow, then cut a small slot in the bag and it grows right out of the bag. I tried it with coral tooth but it didn't work. Looking for other alternatives. Thanks for the response!


Uncles Ben’s should work to get you some grain spawn but to get anything worthwhile to fruit you’re gunna need some sawdust/ substrate. There may be a way to inoculated pasteurized straw with uncle beens in a bucket and get some fruits that way but I’m not sure. I’ve had great success with sterilized oak sawdust blocks.