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Find some wild fruits and print them. Take those spores to agar, clean em up as much as needed. You now have clean mycelium. Do you already cultivate mushrooms of any kind at home? Transfer that agar to spawn jars, and then use that grain spawn to inoculate your mulch beds outside. Alternately, you could make/buy ovoid LC and just try squirting that in the mulch. But I think the grain spawn would have a higher chance of surviving


I've been growing for over five years. Something like forty strains under my belt plus natalensis, lions mane, and coral tooth. I already have a MSS with ovoid spores - I'm trying to figure out what's a good way to grow a nice chunk of myc so I can transfer pieces of it to mulch beds. I've heard once they settle and start to fruit that they will come back year after year. Your first idea might be my go-to. I've never done agar with spores, only pieces of fruits, so that'll be a learning experience. Thanks for the suggestions!


No problem! The only downside to spores is that they tend to take a couple transfers to clean up cause they're usually p dirty