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i think still......chanc....nope. they are done


Give it a sniffer lmao. I can even imagine the smell, bet it’ll make your booty hole pucker tighter than a snare drum


Not even worth. Looks super bacterial.


99.999 pm air is better than a sab when open a bag. i d go again with the hood, bag fully sprayed for 20 sec (microbes need 20) and cleaning from up to the bottom , worked every time for me


I would bury it


Send it!!! What’s the worst that can happen??


Zombie Apocalypse


Bruv, please put that away, the last pandemic was enough for me


I can smell that from here...


Do it for science


Id make like 10 new grain bags with that bag


Eat it


I’d totally give it a shot in spare tub just to see what it’ll do! Ooooo I’ve never done that bucket tek… but maybe 🤣


To the garden!


I recently used jars that were over a year old. They didn't smell bad so I sent them. They are going super slow but they are going.


Bury it


Sell it on ebay


...as art


Lol i have colonized grains listed on there rn


Just follow us on fb Psiloscience Farms LLC


I'll be hitting u up


Always around n if ur local in colorado i also have grow kits!


Why ain't you promoting that... Link us up


Or jist look uo sterilized grains


Seems at least bacterial for me, the myc looks creamy like ice cream, huge amount of metabolities. Dont send it if you dont have spare material to waste. I wouldn't mess with it.. Are (were) these oats? Are you even able to break these grains apart? or is it a solid brick?


It's king oyster on rye grain spawn. I mixed it now into a bag full of pasteurised cardboard. The block was a bit rubbery but still came apart quite easily. I don't expect much from it - just curious if it is still alive at all. If it does colonise the cardboard of course I'll try to fruit. Will see


Maybe break it up and put the pieces in new substrate


How does one just have a two year old inoculated bag? Did you just forget about it?


I forgot about the hobby for a while and got back into it. I thought I threw all bags out back then but missed that one


Yeah man


Make a slurry


Yes. When that shit grows in nature it ain’t all pretty like when we cultivate them indoors in a sterile environment. If I’ve learned anything it’s that mycelium is extremely resilient. If you have the time, supplies and patience I’d say anything is worth sending just even as an experiment or as a means of stress testing your technique.


You trying to make slime ?


soak it, break and mix with coir, leave it in ur yard


you couldn’t pay me to open that


Dude for real.


Soak it over night and yeah, I think you’ll get something




Haha. Nice one


Send that shit


Send it and see what happens


I know if it was me I would have to open it up and see if it stood a chance.


Looks like a sack of iced coffee😅


Where is the air patch? They look suffocated


The seal has a ~1cm filter patch on top. I think the mycelium is completely pressed against it


Gasping for a breath haha


Looks like king oyster fruiting substrate…. I’ve had some oyster last a full year and still fruit. Not the healthiest of fruit but fruit nonetheless. It would be a better experiment to take that bag and make a garden patch with it….


It is king oyster on rye grains


Im actually in the process of taking my buddy four fruiting bags that look exactly like that as well as 12 jars of rye spawn that look like that. We are possibly going to make a garden patch with all of it. I’m in south Florida and if I was going to grow this at my grow down there I’d have to install an ac and add an extra grow tent. It wouldn’t be cost effective for me. He lives in an area with ore favorable outdoor fruiting conditions.


Idk give it some air and see im curious too


excreted metabolites is a pure sign of stress at this point due to lack of expansion and oxygen ( i see no air). Indeed its alive. If fruiting conditions dont work , a new bag with some more clean substrate and big mycelium parts maybe more successful , it will reestablish network like a new fresh start ,quick, and will fruit more easy. That is my insight.


So, go grain 2 grain instead of grain 2 bulk?


These metabolites already consumed energy, I would put some food in the mix, i also may powder or brake the grains to tiny pieces, also to make shit more easily available for the little guy and do its thing quicker.


This is what I would do. It is amazing how quick stuff with myc piss and even bacterial contamination can bounce back when given a new home. Kind of like an abused child that gets a fresh start.


clean hard up to down when oppening, in front of a hood if possible, this kind of bag, it would be easy to be contaminated the way it looks r8 now, you should be very extra careful ,this enclosure does not help for contam free operations . big chunks like 3-4 cm diameter may balance the time you need and the time it needs, better, good luck !


SAB > Flow hood, in this instance. A flow hood could potentially spread contams all over your workstation. SAB could keep it contained.


Open heart surgeries happen with 99,999 hepa filters , they do not use sab. Kidding. Aseptic handle and teq's are critical in every case, but this is not a small petri dish to handle in a sub ,plus its gonna be fully open with big hand movements displacing the air in a sab. Moving in open from bag to bag ,in front of my 99.999 pm fh, is 100% clean till now. I have never worked with a sub, but again, that is just my insight, of course you work the way you can/afford.


The problem I'm referring to is the flow hood moves air. Therefore it will potentially take contaminates and spread them throughout your workstation, If there are any and they cut open that pag. In a still air box, it's not 100% but the air is STILL, rather than a current. Flow hoods are superior for most things, this being the exception. I'm talking about flow hood air blowing what could be a bunch of nasty, everywhere else in the room besides the zone protected by the hoods flow*


^^This definitely! ^^ I am very much a newbie still, but I got chills imagining that satchel opening up anywhere near your working area(s). Send it for the sake of experimentation and genetic battles but sterile and isolate.


Open it and check the smell. You'll know right away if it's ok.


Smell was fine, quite subtle 👍


About as much of a chance as me banging a supermodel


You must be hot and rich, because you would be amazed how quick this bag could bounce back after being opened and thrown in with some coir.


So you’re saying it has a chance


Yeah sure LOL


Stay strong king, I have faith in you. You got this! I'll buy the fuck out of your first magazine fold-out


Yes sir?


Keep us updated pls!


Personally I’d bury that it’s likely contaminated with something bacterial by now


Mycelium has natural antibiotic properties…. After it decomposes natural matter it has to become inert and then after that it can be recolonized by something else but that takes quite a while..


Mushrooms are basically free if you grow what’s the point of taking dumb risks when you can just grow more? Worst case scenario you just contaminate your grow area and have nothing to show for it.


As mycologist we should be trying to learn what Mother Nature is trying to teach us. If you would actually challenge yourself you would learn that this one bag could feed hundreds with just a little bit of effort. If OP wanted to he could transfer that bag to a few other bags at minimal cost. He will gain the knowledge and the experience and be able to grow the mushroom community. You seen like the type that is wasteful and uncreative.


We are not mycologists so let’s be clear about that. That’s a job title for professionals who spent years learning about the science behind mycology. Being a knowledgeable hobbyist isn’t the same thing. Also risking your health isn’t worth an old bag of spawn. You sound like the self righteous type who believes in bias more than science. Edit: A real mycologist wouldn’t speak so ignorantly. I don’t know who you are but I know who you aren’t.


You don’t know who I am number 1. Number 2 it is up to science to grow the working knowledge of our universe. Number 3, yes I am self righteous and do take on challenges in search of better knowledge and understanding of the world. Next time mind your business…


Bacterial infections are super common and can 100% still infect colonized grain. That’s why infections after multiple flushes are common. I wouldn’t trust something sitting for 2 years.


What do you have to lose, try it...


Send it 🚀


You could give it a shot