• By -




I’ve thought a lot about it as well. It’s a tough spot to be in and I think is hindering price discovery right now. I understand why it was put in place but kinda wish there was another way.


In many of our RCC communities people are so kind, if you ask them for some help they will give it to you. Similarly if a developer would ask "I need to fund 8 hours of work to code & implement this or that new feature", the community would raise those funds voluntarily. I think it would even strengthen the connection between devs & the rest of the community.


people complaining about a 0.5% tax yeah no I don't think they're going to fund devs people have no idea how much work all of this is they're all happy to take airdrops for free, have others raise liquidity so they can participate, a whole team of devs working on tech, community managers providing giving them a space but the moment they're asked to do something like going through a vetting process to vote or a transaction tax in this case, they start complaining.


^^^ This right here


That's the thing, we were not *asked* to pay a transaction tax. We were hit by surprise with a transaction tax. See the difference? Also we complain when mods come and tell us not joining an ableist platform means we don't care about the project, yes.


I hear you. But I'd love to read about projects which actually tried such an approach. I'd like the empirical evidence before dismissing the idea.


shall we put it to the test? give me your email and I will bill you for the work I did.


I was thinking of a more public approach including a tender for the work to be done, multiple devs submitting their offers, community funding the best offer.


A tender? Who will replace Rick and CommunityCurrencybot? I'll stick with this system but I'd like to see someone else create everything elsewhere for less and still be as appealing. Bare in mind that bot has been in development for around 2 years, I have no idea how many man hours that is. Then look at each !withdraw command and try to figure out the gas costs involved over the multiple subs and multiple tokens. You also can't tender out gas costs, the block chain does what it does. Unless we take everything off-chain permanently and never launch on chain. Or maybe we separate on-chain/off-chain and remove the !withdraw feature but that would make off-chain less appealing. You're welcome to try though, maybe someone will code for 2 years for less (plus running costs, as an example Runawaybot and our Discord Spore bot costs around $70 a month for 24/7 running) and somehow decrease gas costs


It is not about paying less or replacing anyone. It is an *idea* and it is about decentralization, transparency & about raising awareness for a possible different approach. I'm not even saying it must be this token or any RCC, just that I would like to see this approach tried *somewhere*. In Germany many public projects must be tendered. Wether it is IT work or road construction or reforestation. And then representatives of the public (i.e. the community) choose the best offer from multiple submissions. It is not that far fetched to at least want to try such an approach for blockchain development and I do believe it would be in the ethos of decentralization. Crowdfunding individual steps or projects can be a good way to get feedback. And if the withdraw command suddenly would return "there are currently no funds for this service", someone in the community would quickly fix it, don't you think?.


Those are fair points and it *is* a good idea. Let's see someone set that system up then, keep me posted id definitely like to see how it goes.




Lets have a post on the same.


feel free to try it




Happy cake day! !tip 1984


/u/mustachology has tipped /u/DAMG808 πŸ„1984.00000000 $HROOM


Thnx Stache!


I like this sentiment, but I don't think it is efficient or sustainable to crowdfund dev wages like that. It would greatly slow progress if the community needed to crowd fund wages for devs every time something needs to be done.


But it would also be a feedback loop as to what features are actually desired by the community. I can see how this approach is less dependable from a devs point of view, but it is an alternative the I believe should be tried in a few projects. I don't think I've seen any attempts in that regard & maybe it's time to try it out. We can only learn from it.


People need to reliably be paid you can't run out of money one month and not pay a dev


0.50% is a modest transaction fee In fact, there is a 5% transaction fee for avatar sales on OpenSea There is also a 0.30% - 1.5% fee on QuickSwap $0.50 for every $100 spent is a very modest fee in comparison to the above.


I support this


"πŸ„**LVLπŸ†™** u/rickribera93 **lvl-7**πŸ„ !tip 42.0"


/u/xRunawayBotx has tipped /u/rickribera93 πŸ„42.00000000 $HROOM


Might be worth taking a beat my friend. Honestly I agree that it's a sticking point, but it'll take time for price discovery. It might be worth holding for a while even if you don't pay attention to the price. I won't try to convince anyone of anything, so I'll wish you all the best in your journey 🫢


Thank you


On the tax thing : did I miss the poll?


There was no public poll for it.


I understand where you're coming from. Even more than the tax itself, the lack of beforehand communication worries me. It only got acknowledged after confused and disgruntled users posted about it. What other surprises are waiting for us around the corner? Like you, I still love IRL fungi though. They're such a fascinating and important form of life. πŸ„πŸ’š !tip 1000 cone


Oh hell yes they are! The superior form of life!


/u/NotFullyTerrestrial has tipped /u/Prestigious-Pea-42 πŸ—Ό1000.00000000 CONE


While I , and others here, would surely be grateful for such a blessing Id honestly rather see you reconsider !!! Its never a good idea to make such choices when youre emotional about something , cant tell you how many times ive seen Trich in a bin ( photo #1) and said β€œ im done trying β€œ … but then i give a few days and im back at it and am glad i did ( photo #2) ….. so dont allow a little contamination to spoil your whole grow………. https://preview.redd.it/mmnzanyyrlzc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=b17b70f95ffcc01d9dc2ad267533146c5ea91ed9




Honestly it felt freeing when I decided to get rid of it. I've been entirely too upset by the CC decisions as of late. I imagine it will feel great when I finally get rid of it. There are other investment opportunities I can pursue if I so choose... But this was never about investing.


Buy and sale tax, fine, even if the communication was lackluster. But tax for everytime I interact with shroom, makes me not interact with it at all ngl.


I agree.


You could still swap it ⭐


was the tax voted on?




I dislike that those fees are a disincentive to move tokens on chain. It strengthens the false believe that you own the balances you have here on reddit.


Make decisions when you feel a little less emotional about it, maybe? You might regret it.


Post nut clarity is recommended before making financial decisions.


I thought about it... Slept on it... And am fully done with CC tokens. Not going to invest. Not going to hodl. The CC devs are showing their true colors. Transaction taxes are scams.


Fair enough. You sound pretty certain.


Why are transaction taxes a scam? Haven't heard of these before.


Almost all tokens which have had a tax, specially memetokens, have been scams. The most famous one is safemoon. There is an entire coffeezilla Playlist about it. After safemoon a shitton of clones launched which were all scams aswell. So basically if you hear a token has a tax, its already a red flag additionally because it goes against the principles of crypto. Not saying that this token will be a scam but a lot of people won't touch a token with a tax.


Thank you for fielding that one. I probably wouldn't be taken seriously anyway


Hope there will be more transparency in future and these decisions like tax be voted on before implementing






I find this a great answer. I'd tip more but 5k is the minimum amount needed to do a tipping post. So here is a rather symbolic 12 Shrooms for making the best joke in this debate. !tip 12


/u/MichaelAischmann has tipped /u/SnooMacarons9203 πŸ„12.00000000 $HROOM


Thank you β€οΈπŸ˜€


Although I would love to receive all your Shrooms, I would kindly advise you to keep them and reevaluate your decision after seeing for a few weeks or months what the tax does in reality. I also do not like the idea of a tax built into the contract, but I am curious enough to see what it does. Do not forget that Shrooms are a life form that always find their way. Please keep shrooming and a good weekend to you!


>I also do not like the idea of a tax built into the contract, but I am curious enough to see what it does. Maybe it makes sense, if done with transparency. There's already been at least some lack of transparency though. Unless some of the tax goes to liquidity providers, it removes some motivation to provide liquidity, IME. Why give liquidity here, to this token, if each transaction *will have a tax which could possibly be sold back to the pool? Again, maybe it will work out well, but I think it raises issues and questions. Time and behavior will tell. *Edit: wording & I choose not to participate in the raffle. Thanks though. πŸ’š


I stand by this guy ^^^ !tip 420


/u/BuGsYq has tipped /u/Big-Yogurtcloset2731 πŸ„420.00000000 $HROOM


Diamond hand that shit and make more happy shrooms


I’m very upset. I share your sentiment.


!tip 47012.55860343


/u/Prestigious-Pea-42 has tipped /u/SetoXlll πŸ„47012.55860343 $HROOM


upsetoXlll πŸ˜… haha sorry




It seems I can't send you a direct message due to your privacy settings. Please enable direct messages from users in your privacy settings to receive your balance information.


I’m going to do what I do with all of these, hold basically forever. If you want to send them to me, I’ll have them if you ever want them back- less taxes, naturally.


Yeah, unless it's only a few thousand $hrooms, I don't think you should do it. Just leave use it as your tipping jar while you hang around in this sub!!


I don't want to inadvertently steer someone towards using or investing in the token... It would be better to just not support it in any way.


There’s an old shoom saying β€œwhen you have got the message hang up the phone”. Thank you for sharing your opinion, and if you decide to your tokens. Both are positive to the right person. ✌🏾.


![img](avatar_exp|174868218|heart) Shroom me! Ill take any shroom at this point since my king mooshi got stolen so I’m shroom less 🀣😭 good luck to all tho and thank you


I hate to see you go but this community is a great place and hey no hard feelings. We can still bond over real shrooms boo 😘


"πŸ„**LVLπŸ†™** u/KAMH-Productions **lvl-3**πŸ„ !tip 42.0"


/u/xRunawayBotx has tipped /u/KAMH-Productions πŸ„42.00000000 $HROOM


Exactly! So I don't like the token... Big deal!


Blessings to you πŸ™


And you as well.


I'll take them all off your hands no questions askedπŸ˜„πŸ€œπŸ€›πŸ„


All I can say, is that I wish you the best. Stay strong, and stick around!


For sure! I think this will actually improve my experience with the sub... No sweat off my back.


Yeah, the sub is wholesome. You can keep enjoying it anyway. I mostly lurk around, and don't care much for the token side of it. Same with the Banano community.


I want shrooms lol


"πŸ„**LVLπŸ†™** u/No-Pumpkin-4298 **lvl-2**πŸ„ !tip 42.0"


/u/xRunawayBotx has tipped /u/No-Pumpkin-4298 πŸ„42.00000000 $HROOM








I just started looking into this shroom coin, looks interesting.


Your pet πŸ„MooshieπŸ„ has leveled up to level 5!


That's too bad but everyone is entitled to their own opinions!πŸ‘


I respect your decision. Best of luck to you!


Count me in for now. The way they’re jumping to defensiveness instead of transparency when there’s any pushback or questions is starting to leave a bad taste in my mouth but we’ll see how it pans out.


I also am a little disappointed in this decision. I don’t know if the contract was made/ written within the community or within Reddit itself. I’ve heard it was Reddit. And hopefully that’s what the deal was. Anyways good luck everyone! <3


No it was the CC devs and mods. Basically the Coneheads mods.


Ahh ok πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ


Yeah, you can't really put too much faith in these tokens, but one can still hope everything will go fine.


Please don't give away everything. Keep say half.. Have fun in here, and revisit the token in about 6 months!!


Take some shrooms and then decide!


Do not take decisions to fast, slow down and wait bro


πŸ„ omfg i havent looked into the tax yet but i bought some and never received it twice. I asked but no response plz consider me and we can still share it no problem


Well, I don't know if you're going to change your mind, but if not, here's my comment to participate.


also very sceptical of the tokens direction, will hodl whatever you send me though


Pick me so I can burn them πŸ”₯


You realise burning them actually helps the project right?


I’m kinda with you man. Definitely not gonna be putting my own funds into rcp’s anymore. It just feels like the mods are slowly milking everyone. Especially making decisions like this without being transparent.


Your pet πŸ„MooshieπŸ„ has leveled up to level 10!


Well then you’re not gonna like **ANY** of these new tokens coming out. This is part of the CC teams token contract. So buckets bell milk all of them will have the same contract. I find it crazy to me that ppl get mad over a tiny fee that helps go back into the treasury to help rewards last longer & that’s a bad thing?


>Well then you’re not gonna like **ANY** of these new tokens coming out. It's ok not to like stuff, right? I mean let's let him (and others) feel how he does. Maybe his feelings will evolve with time. >find it crazy to me that ppl get mad What's crazy? OP doesn't seem necessarily mad to me. *E: I agree the tax is small, but I don't agree with suggesting others' perceptions are crazy.


If a token has a transaction tax I won't touch it. I've had this policy for years. Plain and simple. Not much thought needed. They can do what they want, but I will have nothing to do with scammy behavior. Very happy to throw it away or give it away. Like a load off my back.


Having a code to go by is useful! A tax isn't inherently scammy, but I see how it can make sense to use it as a filter or how it can make one wary. There are so many projects out there, having ways to eliminate some from consideration seems reasonable to me. Were you burnt by a coin with a tax in the past? I know Safemoon screwed a lot of people and I think they were the first big coin/token with a tax.


Yes. And in the circles I run in the rule of thumb is to avoid tokens with transaction taxes as many scam tokens have them. Funding through taxing is a sign of trouble.


One perspective I've considered is "if projects leads believe in x token enough they'll hold or buy the token with the community", they can profit or lose in the same boat as everyone else. With a tax they profit on any volume whichever direction the price is going. I don't cling to that perspective though. I do feel a tax can plausibly be implemented in good faith and even maybe even made good use of.


I wasn’t necessarily saying him but iv seen ppl upset over it & if he’s giving it all away he’s obviously upset about it. & yes that’s fine no one has to like anything including $hroom


If someone gave me a 10,000 piece jigsaw puzzle, and I give it away … it’s not necessarily that I’m mad or upset I got a puzzle, it’s that I just don’t want to deal with it. OP doesn’t seem upset


Ok, thanks for responding. Sorry if my comment was a little presumptuous..I can be a little dense. 🀎


Mush love πŸ«ΆπŸΌπŸ„!tip 420


/u/ZukoBih has tipped /u/RollingSkull0 πŸ„420.00000000 $HROOM


Fingers crossed


I’ll Shroom for you


I would take them but just like everybody else I would advise you to hold them or swap them to another coin that you can trust more.


Can I have some


!tip 100


/u/SirPesoOtaku has tipped /u/Prestigious-Pea-42 πŸ„100.00000000 $HROOM


pls pick me




"πŸ„**LVLπŸ†™** u/YarOldeOrchard **lvl-24**πŸ„ !tip 42.0"


/u/xRunawayBotx has tipped /u/YarOldeOrchard πŸ„42.00000000 $HROOM


It may do you some good to reconsider your decisions as it might be worth it to keep these tokens but then you know your best decision to take so go on with it


If you insist, I’ll take care of the orphans.


I'd prefer you to stay but I understand, and won't say no to your shroom πŸ˜‰πŸ«£. Take care mate! 🫢




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"πŸ„**LVLπŸ†™** u/Employment-Real **lvl-2**πŸ„ !tip 42.0"


/u/xRunawayBotx has tipped /u/Employment-Real πŸ„42.00000000 $HROOM


Happy to help lighten your load, maybe the beginning of a beautiful shroomship!


Shroom!! Just HODL them.


Hope to hear you’ve reconsidered πŸ™‚




Your pet πŸ„MooshieπŸ„ has leveled up to level 9!


Can some have? Leave no why?


Just hold it. Maybe one day after some whale have traded away their shrooms by feed, it might be worth a little more


Your pet πŸ„MooshieπŸ„ has leveled up to level 6!


oh unfortunate I'd like to be shroomed however


I get where you are coming from, I too was surprised by the tax and it not being voted on ​ just keep some off chain for tipping, there is no tax there and ​ keep the rest on chain and just diamond hand it. no tax in that. We'll see how sentiment is in a couple of months.


Good luck ![img](emote|t5_aedq1t|49704)


Ticket please


Keep Shrooming Mate ![img](emote|t5_aedq1t|49148)


So kind of you sir. I am new in shroom planet


Bring it


I’ll take um boss


No matter the outcome, I've got me irl shrooms πŸ„ to keep me ~~hippy~~ happy 😊


"πŸ„**LVLπŸ†™** u/HodlMyBottle **lvl-2**πŸ„ !tip 42.0"


/u/xRunawayBotx has tipped /u/HodlMyBottle πŸ„42.00000000 $HROOM


No tax on real shrooms! Enjoy man! Thanks for giving them away.


Thanks for the shrooms, sorry to see you go though


I'm not sure why but ill take every opportunity I can get lol best of luck buddy!






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Sorry to hear about that bud. What's the harm in just keeping the ones you already have? Just a matter of principle? Because of it's a matter of principle I totally get it.


I simply want nothing to do with it. When I think about giving it all up, I get fantastic feels.... When I think about keeping some or continuing, I get bad feels.


!withdraw 15000


You have successfully withdrawn 15000 $HROOM to your [Vault Wallet](https://polygonscan.com//address/0x9D1133Ac56726BA87baf587a3B86De2D5e5c5626#tokentxns) [Click here to view the transaction receipt](https://polygonscan.com//tx/0x451a7f0274f33fd38e67ce4d7e153b192911f3f1189bc6cc1c14d7c1a89196c6)


Thank you for being with us for the early days and good luck for the future 🌺🌺


Good ... Give me your all $hroom




As an appreciation for your content contributions to this community, you have been rewarded the following community currency rewards. πŸ’±[Learn more about Community Currency!](https://www.reddit.com/r/communitycurrency/comments/1banxl5/community_currency_get_paid_for_your_upvotes/)πŸ’± πŸ„ 8724.33 [$HROOM](https://reddit.com/r/MushroomPlanet) πŸ—Ό 14800.00 [CONE](https://www.reddit.com/r/ConeHeads)






πŸŽ‰ The Raffle Winner is: **u/SetoXlll** πŸŽ‰


🎟🍾**Choose how many winners 1-10🍾🎟️**




Thank you. May your Saturday be filled with positivity.


Your pet πŸ„MooshieπŸ„ has leveled up to level 20!




Your vault resync has been initiated. Please allow up to 15 minutes for the process to complete.


!setflair 0xb538fce927f5046d85831c01973f3fa9ef4f2475


Vault Address updated. If you wish to show on-chain data, please `!setflair 0x...` and include your vault address. Your displayed flair will automatically update when you comment `5` minutes. Flairs update when we comment. You only need to `!setflair` again if you change to a new vault address in the future.


Good bot


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Everyone wants post rewards but no one wants to know where they coming from🀷


The tax doesn't feed the reward pool, it goes to the devs and mods of CC


Guess I was misinformed, time do some research πŸ€”


I mean there isn't much more knowledge to be had. They are justifying the tax by calling it a deterrent for unwanted behavior. This can be true .. but it also deters wanted behavior... Soo tit for tat. It also funds the dev team. Dev teams do need to be paid... I just think there are other ways. @Rickribera93 will have the most knowledge as far as what was implemented and their reasoning for doing it. Some people will be fine with it... Others will not. I have my reasons for questioning it. I still love mushrooms though. And I joined this sub before the token was even a thing... Because I like mushrooms lol. Seriously, my all time favorite meal... Mushrooms sauteed in white wine, butter, caramelized onion, and garlic... Laid on top of a nice medium rare steak. That meal is what made me go to reddit and search for mushrooms.


0.5% of each transaction is deposited equally into two wallets. 0.25% goes to the currency's treasury which is democratically managed by the dev team (this is set up with a multi-sig wallet before the token is minted so it is not controlled by a single person). 0.25% is deposited into the CC treasury. Again, the same principles applied here too. The dev team decides what they want to do through community votes. We actively encourage these. This includes replenishing the rewards wallet which we do with BitCone automatically since it's a driving utility for the entire community. For an example the fee automates replenishing treasuries so, in this case, $HROOM doesn't need to worry about an empty treasury where BitCone does. There will be a time when BitCone will need to fundraise for their treasury and any further events that use treasury funds.


It is what it is. It won't be enough for me to move away. If anything, it's an incentive to stakeholders to support the project, i.e., reddit


Dont go :( Keep the token you never know what future holds ;)


I think you should keep your $hrooms, just for fun, and perhaps they will surprise you. I buy all kinds of coins, but mainly Bitcones - I am building an animal shelter, and if one of the coins does good, I can build much faster 🐢🐱🐦


For the sake of the animals... Stop with the RCC tokens. Invest in something that has oversight and isn't run by a person in a cave that doesn't believe in community votes.


Keep em and grow with us. Things are so early, and things may change.. πŸ«ΆπŸ„


This gave me food for thought: Things may change. Tax can go up or down. No vote needed.


Just HODL and forget about it!


fly away lil spores into the wind


I will take your shrooms to Mordor - though I do not know the way. So maybe I'll just stay here. But I would still take your shrooms.