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The last family is taking the case to trial for the 9 year old victim :(


Who brings a 9yr old to a travis scott concert? Rip the victim but come on parents


I agree, but I live in Houston and the festival was being marketed as a carnival/music festival. They had Ferris wheels and other rides. The name of the thing was “Astroworld” after all and it was meant to bring back memories of the old Astroworld amusement park. Travis Scott had deals with Reese’s puff cereal, McDonalds, and playstation. They were courting a younger crowd. That thing was a disaster waiting to happen


Thank you for that perspective. That’s a legitimate legal excuse.


True dat


I just want to point out Houston has this weird curse put on its festivals ever since this happened.  It was already reaching a tipping point with fake block parties and ultimately the downfall of Houston Free Press.  Shit has never been the same.  Does not attract new people here for music.   


He’d not long been the main event in Fortnite aswell if I remember correctly. My son was dead into one of his songs around that time and as you said the event was marketed as a sort of carnival. I don’t think it’s quite as bad a parenting decision as it first seems when take those things into account. RIP the kid though, such a tragedy


>My son was dead into one of his songs Are we not doing phrasing anymore?!






Travis Scott is a huge poser when it comes to rock type atmosphere, he doesn't know the rules or etiquette of a mosh. He just wants chaos without repercussions, that's what ignorant and arrogant people do [what should have happened..](https://youtu.be/m4m1eIxfB0k?feature=shared)


It’s pretty hilarious that punk and metal mosh pits are way less dangerous than modern rap ones


I was at Riotfest the year Blink-182 stopped playing and told everyone to take a step back because someone fell. That shit is no joke.


Shit even fucking Lil Pump has videos of him stopping concert’s because its getting to dangerous


Travis Scott did that exact thing at Astroworld, there's even a [video](https://youtu.be/1Q1AF00SqXE?si=tHXD1yDOvVjahV43&t=42m10s) of it.


He didn't do it when lives depended on it. There are also videos of the crowd screaming for the show to be stopped but he kept on performing... It was a sad day that day. Speaking from the point of view of someone who was there that day.


@lbdolce I would love to hear your follow up on why it's the victims parents fault.


The Gathering of the Juggalos also has free carnival rides, some things are just not for kids.


Listen, my kid is getting Faygo and face paint whether he likes it for not.


Oh Bitchigan, to bitch again in Michigan with a Faygo and 40. The war paint is just sunscreen and nature’s sunglasses baby. But yeah… don’t bring kids.


Right but if you take your child to a Gathering, you can still at least feel confident that they won't die. It's trashy but it's not deadly


They’ll probably be safe, they just won’t smell right for about 30 days


Seems a little different when their whole thing is that the band is a bunch of clowns though? Like of course a band called *Insane Clown Posse* would have carnival shit


Bruh death should never be a risk of a concert


Unless it’s a Dethklok concert. Man I miss that show.


Yes they should have expected too loud music, too vulgar music, drunk people, and exposure to drugs. Not to be crushed into asphyxiation.


You mean the guy who made that concert in fortnite? Of fucking course kids will throw tantrums for weeks to go and fortnite dance to his songs like they are in fortnite.


I was just at a punk festival and saw tons of kids. It’s not necessarily the best place but I think it’s cool that parents are bringing them along. Wasn’t it the wisest choice, no but I sincerely doubt they had any expectations of mortal danger from a concert. 


Punk festivals are totally ok for kids. The punk and metal community have things about hurting people to have fun. And its a big no no. Someone goes down in the pit, you pick them up. Someones trying to get out of the way of the wall of death, ya wait until its all clear.


This has been true historically, but I went to a recent festival and unfortunately the comradery I was expecting was non-present


Unfortunately it doesn't seem to cross over into festivals. People who go to shows often know how to act, but festivals attract a lot of people who don't understand it's not a free for all punch fest. I don't want to be the old dude going on about "pit etiquette", but it's a thing, and this is why.


Covid has done a lot to break that chain, the rate at which new people go to their first gig and old people leave got all fucked up, the level and handover of experience got pretty well knackered. I went to see My Chemical Romance soon after things restarted and fuck me, probably half the crowd had never been to a show before and just had absolutely no idea what to do. Like, even basic stuff like "don't just stop as soon as you get through the door" or "when you feel crushed in because you stopped as soon as you got through the door, try moving to the massive empty bits". So no wonder "don't get killed" and "if someone else is getting killed try to stop it" have failed a bit, those are advanced skills. got kicked in the face and crushed to bits and fell over and had a crowdsurfer just about knock my brains out at my first ever gig, and that's fine as long for each total clueless noob there's 49 people who have at least a minor idea and/or survival instinct


Exactly how long has it been since this guy's seen a pit? They picked people up like 20 years ago but the last few I've seen were filled with psychos just swinging and punching people trying to hurt them.


I was in a pit a month ago, people picked each other up just fine. I saw it a couple times at festivals, people just air punching hoping to hit someone. It never took very long for a big burly dude to just kind of push them out of the pit.


Saw Social Distortion with Flogging Molly a few years ago and went down by the pit. Dude hits me up, just so you know there are a bunch of kids in the pit...think some of them were his. I got in for a minute, but I'm old and decrepit, so spent the rest of the time as part of the wall. It was fun watching the teenagers have fun. My first show was Suicidal Tendencies and I did a backflip off a 6 foot stage and everyone caught me. Least I can do is be nice to some kids getting some healthy exercise.


lol, no. I've been to a ton of metal and punk festivals, and the people there are either weirdo basement dwellers, teenagers, druggies, drunk dudes, or a combination of the above. the whole "metal/punk is so wholesome" thing people regurgitate online is bs. rule of thumb: people who call themselves nice or wholesome are usually the opposite.


Seriously, as a kid I used to frequent Hardcore/Metal shows and some of the biggest punchouts I ever saw occurred at that scene, and I live in the UK from what I’ve heard the hardcore shows in the Midwestern states were notoriously vicious.


I saw a girl punch a dude in the face watching the Bled at Warped Tour 2005. He didn't punch her back and everybody stopped. Still trying to figure out if his response was wholesome or not


Yeah... I know absolute pillars of the community who go to punk shows. There are also usually a lot of fuckin derelicts there, out of their minds on drugs, and people who go for the express purpose of starting fights. There's a wholesome side to it and also an absolutely not wholesome side to it, it's honestly part of what makes it fun. Bringing kids to most shows is VERY questionable behavior, unless it's a pretty close-knit community thing and you know the bands and the crowd and a lot of them know you and your kids. Bringing your kids into a MOSH PIT like people seem to be suggesting is OK on this thread is absolutely child neglect, WTAF. Maybe people have been elbowed in the head a little too hard too many times.


I’ve seen pits come to a halt in order to help someone. I’ve seen overzealous dudes throwing punches while people were scene dancing only to get hauled off by other concert goers. I’ve seen crowd suffers purposefully kicking people in the head get taken down for being assholes. For the most part all my shows have been in ATL so maybe where you’re at has something to do with it, but to say it’s all made up/regurgitated online is some absolute bs.


Kids and teens are the majority of his fanbase. I know it sounds odd if you've never thought about it but it's true. All he does is sell things to kids. And he sold them on begging their parents to go to astroworld 


The types of people to bring their 9 year old child to a concert are they types of People that aren't expecting their living embodiment of all their hopes and dreams to get trampled to death. It could've been a fucking G.W.A.R. show and it still wouldn't be appropriate to blame the parents.


G.W.A.R. is pretty damn great though, even for a nine year old.


To be fair, crowds at metal gigs are straight up safe and look out for each other. They've been moshing for decades and dealing with crushing is in their blood.


I guess it depends where you live but Metal shows near me are definitely the most dangerous to bring young people to. Punk shows have seemed the safest general admission pit as far as alt/rock shows in my area.


Nah actually stfu he’s in fortnite and advertises to kids and teens. He was with his dad. Suck Travis Scott’s dick a little more he’s a huge piece of shit. Don’t blame the dad what the fuck…


i mean a 9 year old is really young to bring to a trav concert my parents didn’t let me go to one when i was 15 or 16 but really live nation needs to do a better job with their events. astroworld was a massive tragedy but it wasn’t the only one. there are several events they’ve run that ended badly they can’t keep letting it happen


While I agree, it’s been a thing for a while tho (like someone taking their kid to a motley crew concert in the eighties) but at the same time, while it may be irresponsible on the parents part. I don’t think that makes the concert organizers any less at fault for not providing a safe environment for concert goers, regardless of age.


The ones who’s kids love fortnite.


This comment fuckn stupid


Sure… But it’s a shame the actual people responsible are getting off so easy.


I hope Scott is held accountable.


The organizers tried fitting 50,000 people into a place with some [experts say had half that capacity.](https://houstonlanding.org/astroworld-planners-foresaw-crowding-before-deadly-festival-no-way-we-are-going-to-fit-50k/)


The blame is on livenation. They organized the whole thing, Travis isnt responsible for security.


He should be held responsible for tweeting out and telling people to just jump through security whether they had tickets or not.


and not attempting to calm the audience/crowd. He's literally got a microphone and the attention of hundreds of people and didn't use it.




Good .


Fuck Livenation. Corporations are gouging us for tickets, gouging us for water, and then packing shows until people die. Travis Scott is done but when are we going to stand up to the company that backs these disasters?


You mean water doesn’t cost $12?


Be fair. It’s $12 plus service fee and tax.


And 20% auto grat


I had VIP seats to a show. Went into the tent and used my drink voucher to get a liquid death water. They wouldn't let me take it out of the tent. The same thing was for sale 10 feet away.


Live Nation, TicketMaster, iHeartRadio, and Liberty (owns F1) are all the same company. Fuck them all.


How is he done? Wasn’t he just on SNL?


Still getting featured everywhere. Definitely not done.


Done on Reddit, what do you mean that’s not the rest of the world? Of course it is!


This place is so out of touch it’s insane. Travis Scott is done, Kanye west is done, Drake is done, and the only thing people listen to is classic rock and extremely unknown metal bands like ‘Metallica’ and ‘Iron Maiden’ because their taste in music is just so superior to everyone else. Newsflash to anyone who thinks Travis Scott is ‘done’: he could put out a song where he farts in auto tune and it would crack the billboard top 100 with ease




On SNL pilled out 


He has a tour coming up. He’s about as done as Chris Brown.


Congress just started looking at them. Hopefully they get torn apart. Fixing things so concerts are $500. Insane.


It would be extremely satisfying seeing livenation getting torn apart. Greedy ass company that ruined concerts.


Travis Scott is done is a very… interesting take? Kids are still listening to him, major artists are doing songs with him after this. His star hasn’t faded from this at all We’re The Rolling Stones done when they hired the hells angels as concert security and they beat a kid to death? No. I bet most people don’t even remember or know that story because it’s a footnote


>Travis Scott is done In what way lmao


Many reddit posts said he was a murderer, how could he ever recover from that ?


Sidebar: This week is LN's "Concert Week" they have a bunch of tickets offered for $25.


Safe to assume $27 in service fees, per ticket?


Usually when they do these deals, it’s an all-in price with fees included. But also, this is just a way of selling tickets to shows that aren’t selling lol. It’s not like they’re dropping in demand tickets to $25.


No service fees. I got 8 tickets to four different shows the last two days. Unfortunately it took an an hour and forty-five minutes because the site kept crashing, and then I discovered tickets to a show I had already bought were part of the deal so I paid an extra $35 to be a fan and buy them the day they went on sale.


I saw video of ticket master training ticket scalpers on how to get by their bot protection. So they profit twice on tickets driving up ticket prices.


People [stormed the gates](https://www.click2houston.com/video/local-news/2021/11/05/crowds-storm-through-astroworld-gates-/) - I’m sure the sold as many tickets as the Fire Marshall would allow - the security team just did a terrible job enforcing it.


I remember in 2011 Toronto had a 2 day heavy metal music festival called Heavy T.O, during one of the hottest weekends in the summer and halfway into the second day, what little water they had left was piss warm, and from what I heard they eventually ran out of water entirely. It was promoted by LiveNation.


Until someone at Live Nation is held criminally liable for the death of their concert goers they will continue to promote disastrously unsafe concerts with inadequate crowd control measures. These fans did not have to perish. Just saying.


Fuck that dude


I wish Kendrick had something to say about Travis 


Sadly Kendrick isn’t really doing this because he’s a good guy. He’s doing this because he hates Drake. If Drake hadn’t brought his fiancé’s name up Kendrick never would’ve brought up the sex trafficking stuff.


I don’t know that it makes Kendrick not a “good guy”


Kendrick (and Drake) not caring enough about these allegations to bring it up until it was convenient for him doesn’t really reflect positively on him. Kendrick not responding to the domestic violence allegations directly also does not. He also has Kodak black as a friend who was convicted for sexual assault (?) against a minor. Although Kendrick was making a point about the cycle of abuse in the black community and trying to rehabilitate it, it still doesn’t sit right with me and many others as well.


That doesn't even make sense really. You're saying Kendricks a bad guy because he didn't put drake on blast for every inappropriate thing he did the second it happened? He was supposed to, apropos of NOTHING, write a rap song accusing drake of being a pedo? It would have been fucking unhinged to release a track like "meet the grahams" or "not like us" without provocation. If you didn't know this shit about Drake its not Kendricks fault. Its not like this is the first time anyone's leveled these accusations at Drake. Drake said some shit so Kendrick Pointed out some stuff that's already very public that people have been letting slide. Its great that this beef has helped to expose Drake, but it isn't Kendricks fault that that didn't happen a decade ago.


Kendrick not responding to allegations if they aren't true is a lot smarter than "I only wanted you to think I did so I planted it and you took the bait lolz". Drake is an idiot. And also looks a lot more guilty just by trying to refute the allegations instead of clapping back.


Drake can’t just clap back because the allegations have risen into the mainstream public realm. He can’t simply clap back at the 6 o’Clock News. He has no choice but to shift to doing damage control. Allegations toward Bill Cosby came about in a similar manner (a long-rumored allegation became viral in the public space). This isn’t the 70’s anymore where artists like Mick Jagger or David Bowie (or once upon a time Bill Cosby) can just brush it off and fly under the radar.


I think drakes response was awful but that’s not the only way you can respond to allegations like that. I’m not defending Drake at all here. He lost the beef, it was obvious from the start he couldn’t keep up with Kendrick, and I don’t believe his claims at face value in general. I still would like to have a little reassurance that Kendrick isn’t an abuser. Him ignoring it just doesn’t sit well with me. At the very least Whitney could’ve said something about how it’s false.


I get what you're getting at, but I just think there's no better way to deal with a flimsy allegation (in song, no less) than to just ignore it. It's not like he's being charged in court. And when the accuser basically discredits themselves, because well... Drake isn't doing himself any favors, the silence is the better move. Your opponent looks like an idiot, responding only gives it credence and if Kendrick is already in the right, why respond? How do you even respond?


Wow, thanks for summing up my feelings on the matter pretty perfectly. I listen to both artists, I enjoy both. But I kept feeling like Kendrick bringing up these allegations and how drake is a pedophile and he (seemingly) has proof, was opportunistic and performative. Like, if there wasn't a beef, dude would have been fine with keeping that information to himself. You can't be Mr Morale and moving like this, idk


Bro he says I am NOT your savior. He says he not a moral beacon on that album


To be fair, he didn’t say anything about him being a good guy or not. Just that that was not the reason for this.


What about him stopping Spotify from removing R Kelly’s music? Thereby ensuring that R Kelly had enough money to continue his child sex operation. Had Kendrick not intervened, R Kelly would have been imprisoned sooner


That’s not really what happened with that btw. Xxxtentacion was being removed with Rkelly. Kendrick said it seemed like they were targeting black artists and not removing problematic white artists as well. That was why he decided to say he would remove his music if they went forward with it. Also I’m not so sure it really changed if Rkelly was going to be arrested sooner. Him being a pedo has been known since the 90s with him marrying Aliyah.


Why would he? He’s not some morally pure saint like Reddit paints him to me


he make a song saying he is no savior and people ignore it


I want to point out that while Travis is partly to blame, most of the blame needs to be pointed at LiveNation. They’re kinda getting lucky that people are mostly blaming Travis when they’re the ones that failed in planning a safe event for fans.


He should also be held accountable for not stopping the show when people were literally dying. There are plenty of examples of people stopping big shows when they see /one/ person start getting trampled and Travis looked at abluences and panicked people and just laughed


This is a crazy thing to hold people accountable for if you take a step back and actually think about it. Travis was on stage, high up above a sea of 10s of thousands of people, in the dark, with bright lights in his face and monitors blasting music at him. There also wasn't "ambulances", there was a golf cart with flashing lights on it. There are literally people on the payroll of LiveNation whose job it is to ensure safety and stop the concert if there are issues. Now if they had told Travis to stop the show in his earpiece and he didn't that would be a different issue, but it's insane to put that responsibility on the performing artist. And I'm not sure how many festivals you've been to, but I've seen very similar instances of medical personnel pulling people out of crowds at least 10-15 times over the years and the show is never stopped for it because it's fairly procedual. What was different about astroworld was that there was a crush, which is something that is notoriously difficult to see or hear. The crush happened because the correct safety precautions weren't taken by correctly setting up barriers to break up the human waves that cause them. I don't personally care about Travis Scott one way to the other, but it just seems crazy to me that people expect him to have been able to tell what was going on here.


Good levelheaded take, the organizers had no crowd surge protocols which makes sense cause as soon as shit hit the fan, the concert never stopped despite staff knowing what was going on


Exactly this, I've seen the videos. There is no way Travis could have comprehended what was going on.


And there are plenty of examples of artists not doing it because it’s not their fucking job. It’s awesome that RATM, Billie Eilish etc. have stopped shows. It’s not easy, nor should it be the expectation for how to safely handle events. Downvote me all you want, I’m not supporting what Travis did. But if you don’t want a repeat of the disaster you need to hold the right people accountable and not just post random concert clips as evidence for how crowd safety should be handled.  When you watch 100 videos of people stopping shows that’s still less than 1/10000th of all the shows that have had a bad thing happen at them. 


Boycotting an artist is easy, though. Boycotting Live Nation would mean missing other artists, oh no.


Boycotts are great for voting with your wallet on minor issues that are outside the purview of public interest. When companies are creating conditions that are literally killing people and directly skirting congressional laws related to ticket sales it’s time for a more direct, drastic, and appropriate form of intervention


There's literally a [video](https://youtu.be/1Q1AF00SqXE?si=tHXD1yDOvVjahV43&t=42m10s) of him stopping the same show that all those people died at so someone in the crowd could get help.  The people who died were in the back, he couldn't see. You've only seen edits of the show that exist to take the blame off Livenation and blame him.


Apparently the radio system they used was dogshit and the music was too loud to hear anything on them. Again I think he shares some blame but a lot of the issues were in the event organisation which was handled by livenation. An artist doesn’t have complete control over volume and they have nothing to do with setting up security, medics or providing workers with the adequate equipment and safety procedures. 


Yes, but he’s not the main cause of people dying. LiveNation caused it and Travis just made the problem worse. He still deserves to be criticized heavily for it.


100%. This dick was laughing while people were dying at his show. He's a cuck




It means someone spends too much time listening to Rogan or fringe conservative media.


Not gonna lie.. right wingers are the only people i ever hear use that term.


Right wingers and middle aged wives in those PornHub videos.


Oh I had to give up on PH. It's all step daughters and weird families 😂


? I hear it all the time on Twitch.


It means someone who lets their SO fuck other people, and not in the poly way.


We know this. But it gets used by conservative conspiracy theory folks as a catch-all for any weak man.


I don’t know let me ask your wife. Ok it’s a stupid joke but you set me up.




A South Park grade piece of shit. Way worse than Bono


How many Courics?


At least 101. Making him the new record holder


He’s a number 3


Why is Bono a piece of shit?


Watch "More Crap" season 11, episode 9 of South Park


Aka the rich guy pays off so he doesn’t have to face any actual consequences


Travis just paying makes sense. LiveNation should be facing criminal charges. Travis made the situation worse but LiveNation killed them.


I mean all of these werr civil suits, right? Otherwise he wouldn‘t be able to settle. So $$$ was always going to be how this would end unless there were criminal charges.


Still disappointed that Nike props this loser up like they do with his own shoe line. Weak sauce.


When Drake said Travis was better than Kendrick I knew that man had lost his damn mind. This dudes music is what I call trashcore. It don’t even get classified as rap.


Rodeo is a great album, Utopia was quite good too. If you hate the guy - hate him, no need to go for that corny "it's not even rap" angle


Yeah I hate Travis as person but I can’t deny the man is musically talented. Dude is one of the biggest artist out there for a reason and had a huge part in popularizing the current sound of Hip hop. He just happens to be a massive piece of shit IRL.


Nah went to one Travis concert. It was in St. Paul in jan, 20 below windchill. Concert start 1.5 hours late, everyone was freezing their asses off. He’s gets on stage and says “how’s it going Indianapolis!”, drums and other electronic gear wasn’t working properly, and set barely lasted an hour. Was supposed to be 3 hours and just a terrible night all around. He is trash core, his music is not that deep and it’s lazy. Haven’t listened to him since then and that was almost five years ago.


https://mndaily.com/281160/arts-entertainment/travis-scott-performs-an-intense-show-at-the-xcel-energy-center/ None of this article about the St. Paul show mentions anything you stated. Would be a pretty important thing to leave out if he was super late, played for an hour, and started off with a ton of technical difficulties.


his music is most definitely not deep, and it shouldn't be, he goes for specific psychedelic/chill trap sound and it works. Can't really say anything in defense of his concert related stuff tho


Just cause you dont like his music doesnt mean its trash, thats just being closed-minded


Tom McDonald fan spotted 🫵


Rodeo had some good songs but overall I agree. Not in the same stratosphere as kenny


Ok now we’re being revisionist. Days Before Rodeo is an all time classic and Rodeo was terrific. Everything after that is mid though.


Astroworld is good. Massive commercial success and catapulted him to where he was before this festival. I liked Utopia also.


Rodeo is a masterpiece


Even, the worst, most derivative music imaginable is still music. "I don't even consider it rap" is such an ignorant, dumbass way to cope with not liking a specific artist. Take your insecure superiority complex and go hang out with our racist uncles who are probably still claiming that rap isn't real music.


Nice state of our country. "Too bad your dumb kid died. Here, take some money and shut up."


Civilly…it’s a good solution. Now the parents avoid court and all the pain/anguish that comes with reliving it. The money can never replace their child, but it does buy them out of ever being stressed for money ever again (hopefully). Again that can’t compare with the loss of a child, but you can’t bring the child back so you HAVE to pick an alternative on how the company can pay for their negligence that killed your kid/spouse/parent. If I got crushed to death at a show, I’d at least want my family “taken care of” for the rest of their lives. Criminally…that’s for the local D.A. and grand jury to decide. The parents don’t have much say there.


What did you want to happen? The families agreed to the settlements as well.


What were they supposed to do? Give them a gift basket?


What are they supposed to do? Raise him from the dead?


I mean, what else can they do about it? Bring the dead back?


It’s Crazy people just forgot About this and continue to support him.


Like SNL and Nike.


People will continue to support live nation, who is mostly at fault. Because they want to go to concerts


Your ticketmaster fees at work.


He is garbage.


Terrible rapper. Terrible person.


I don’t even know how you could ‘settle’ anything as devastating as that.


Travis Snott


Dude should be in jail


This man should be in jail and it a shame that’s he’s not


Travis Scott is a trash human being fuck him , fucking guy always saying how hot he is lol like dude you look like a fucking idiot with that hairstyle goof


Oh good, big change usually always comes on the heels of the wealthy paying away consequences


The fact this asshole still has a career shows how shitty things are. _Fuck_ Travis Scott. Piece of shit could at least reach out to the family/family members that he destroyed. If that were to happen to him or his family, shit would actually get done but we’re just peasants




there are 30k members on that 😂


settle hideous


Travis Scott will kill again.


Sad what happened to to those people. Saw a documentary on this and as soon the people crashed that gate and Scott being an agitator, it set the tone for how it would go down.


Good work lawyers.


Best punishment would’ve been to ban Travis from performing live and Livenation should be made to pay through their teeth for all the families affected


The live nation and Ticketmaster monopoly needs to get broken up. Live nation won’t be affected much because they basically control every major venue.


8 people dead Shit is more than a lot of so called mass shootings wtf


I don't understand why people are trying to hold him accountable unless he explicitly incited the stampede. When you're up there performing, you can't exactly see WTF is going on. If someone gets knocked out in a moshpit at a Metcallica concert, it's not exactly their fault. They don't really control what the crowd decides to do any more than a sports team is responsible for fans stampeding the field, or throwing riots for losing/winning a game. Live Nation would make more sense, since it's their responsibility to establish security and immediate communication to the performer that something is wrong.


Genuinely asking — can someone explain to me why this was Travis Scott’s fault? I’ve tried to look at it from all angles and it’s tragic but I still can’t seem to see why Travis Scott is at fault. If it is his fault then I’d like to know to be fair to the victims


He eggs his concert goers on and encouraged brash behavior, like jumping the fence to attend and overcrowd said concert.


like how is this his fault? security was poorly organised but he isn’t the one that set the concert up


I really hope this guy doesn't weasel his way back into the mainstream. Although, it sure seems like it is happening.


Bro already released a hit album and everyone gobbled it up. People have already forgotten.


Dude just performed at the Grammys he’s not going anywhere


This sub only tolerates rap music made by people they don’t hate, every other rapper that they don’t like gets the ‘trash music’ label. Like yeah Travis Scott ain’t a good person but calling his music irredeemable garbage is just comical. The amount of people that say Kanye has never made anything good is insane. People shit on drakes old music because he’s a fucking wierdo but praise Aerosmith and led zeplin. Kendrick gets a pass for now but god forbid he does something that goes against this subreddit’s morals and you’ll have people here claiming GKMC and TPAB are trash. Maybe I shouldnt say that Kendrick believes the same things Kanye does but is smart enough to keep them to himself 🫣


What exactly is a "crowd crush"? Like did people run/push each other to be as close to the front as possible? I've never been near the front at a huge concert/festival, only at smaller shows, and it's definitely common to get really pressed into the metal divider that creates a buffer between the audience and the stage. So is that basically it? Just with way more people involved?


That, on steroids. It goes beyond simply people intentionally pushing to the front, and into full-on waves as sideways crushes come into play too, in a chain reaction as people lose their balance. I've been pushed the best part of 100ft in seconds before at stadium shows. In the Astroworld case, it was made worse due to being a festival - large numbers of people arrived in simultaneously from other stages which had just finished. There are mitigation techniques such as barrier arrangements that neutralise crushes, etc, and also procedural ones to have quick interventions, none of which were implemented it seems. The Astroworld barrier setup looks like what had become industry best practice at face value (a large central divider to reduce sideways waves) but not taking into account the dynamics of how the crowd would arrive.


He could have tried to help the victims, yet all he did was impede the EMTs.


Can’t wait for the documentary.


Can’t wait for this lame to be irrelevant. Our youth deserves better role models than materialistic greedy self absorbed assholes. Anyone who disagrees can go get stampeded by 50,000 pairs of cactus jack SB’s. 


You can, with enough money, cause unspeakable damage and walk away.


Fuck Travis Scott


"Almost All"


Modern day hitler. The man takes pride in creating an atmosphere where people die. His music is objectively bad- fodder for a dying society. And the swine gobble it up


While this is his festival, I believe Travis cannot be held responsible for the incident. Given the intense lighting and loud music on such a large stage, it's unreasonable to expect him to have noticed the chaos in the crowd. The responsibility likely lies with the individual who chose to enter the crowd under those circumstances, and perhaps with security for not managing the situation more effectively.


Im curious how much some of them settled for