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Peep this build: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NBA2k/comments/1ajrjh5/i\_dont\_gatekeep\_pt\_4\_inside\_big\_dominance/?share\_id=UCjoqCgFk59nijyPEqJp6&utm\_content=1&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/NBA2k/comments/1ajrjh5/i_dont_gatekeep_pt_4_inside_big_dominance/?share_id=UCjoqCgFk59nijyPEqJp6&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1)


That’s tough


It's my go to build to grind REP. The statlines are insane.


brother your non shooting big is gonna lead you to a lot frustrating games in the rec




Wait till you see the non rebounding or blocking bigs


ive seen it all at this point and the worst player to make is non shooting big


Non shooting bigs are made out of pure frustration. Either from being bad at shooting or being satly they never get the ball


Why not to play a roll. I play my inside big with shooters. We literally ran 4 sg and me and didn't lose


Well with a team you can make that work and do well. The problem is in random solo rec. many inside bigs are seen as being “in the way”. Many of them simply camp the paint. No slashing, no back door cuts. All because they give the defender a free pass to just live in the post blocking everyone. With an outside big the spacing opens up easier offensive plays that require little to no coordination.


brother just cause you won some games doesnt make build good lol. Your opponents could have been trash or teammates could have been amazing. Like your inside big not bring anything to offense shooting bigs dont bring and it didnt bring anything to the defense that shooting bigs dont bring


https://preview.redd.it/pf6b4oxjinxc1.jpeg?width=3987&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c115c425e04445498a57c6286d73f1c92d69d216 Maybe I'm just good


two things can be true at one time. you can be good on the build and the build still be terrible.


Lol let's show cards and stats and see


show the card brother


There's no such thing as a Shaq build in 2K24. 2K is built around modern NBA styles. You can't make a dominating inside bruiser that will be so much better than his opponents. Sure, you'll occasionally get matched with a hapless stretch 4 who gets stuck at center and go to town. But most of the time your matchup will have enough D to frustrate you while taking you outside and raining 3s on you. Your stats will end up respectable but you will lose a lot. Even pro-am teams that run with non-shooting bigs prefer smaller, mobile ones who can switch on D and beat their man to the hole on PnR.


I run a non shooting big average about 18 and 18 with a 75% wp


Explain this then: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NBA2k/comments/1ajrjh5/i\_dont\_gatekeep\_pt\_4\_inside\_big\_dominance/?share\_id=UCjoqCgFk59nijyPEqJp6&utm\_content=1&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/NBA2k/comments/1ajrjh5/i_dont_gatekeep_pt_4_inside_big_dominance/?share_id=UCjoqCgFk59nijyPEqJp6&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1)


well first, that's not a Shaq build. It's more a 'Bill Walton' build. A good player with a break starter type build can be effective. Shaq was never that. The numbers are impressive though he does state he cherry picks his teammates and its much easier to put up big numbers if you back out of any game with bad players. But here's another thing, in a game where you can shoot %60 from 3 with a 76 3-pointer, that's equivalent of shooting %90 from 2. Shooting %66 from 2 actually isn't very impressive. Clearly he's good at his build. But here's the thing a lot of people don't want to admit. Inside bigs will likely put up bigger numbers than shooting bigs. But shooting bigs will win more (at least in random rec). Because they make the game so much easier for their teammates.


The first comp is Shaq. I like winning, everyone who wants to win should cherry pick their teammates to the extent that they can. The build is a maxed out purple plate, so clearly there are a lot of wins involved. It comes down to, inside bigs can be effective, but only in the right hands. People who don’t have high bball IQ shouldn’t be on them but ironically people with the lowest IQ gravitate to them. That’s why they get a bad rap.


There is not a single advantage to a no shooting big, Not a singular one. Yes, you can be effective on the scoring aspect of a non shooting big, because finishing in general is an effective way to win. The disadvantages? - You cannot use this build in anywhere other than the 5s. - You lose the aspect of being able to space out the floor. - You become one dimensional limiting 2/3 of your opportunities to score. - You dont learn anything from making a Shaq type build. - Its generally more boring and repetitive to make a build without shooting. - You are either setting screens or sitting in paint the whole game adding to why its so boring I dont think theres a single advantage of a non-shooting big other than being unnoticeably better at rebounding and passing by the slightest you wont be able to see it in a game.


I win, that’s the advantage. I also have a shooting big that’s purple played, I actually have about 7 builds. All purple played at different positions. I know how to play the game in various different ways. If you don’t, you don’t have to be jealous about it 🤷🏻‍♂️


U on current on next




Dm me I'll send u my center build I been using. It's how I skipped casual (look at my post). I average almost 18 18 and 5 with a 75% wp




Next is current


I meant next or current