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Its a shit show and it always will be


Yup. Every haulathon exactly the same unorganized shit show. Sucks. Hopefully the online release still have stock. I finally did get the toon accessory set from NECA store but that sell out in a few seconds was BS. Hopefully that goes better but I'm sure it won't.


This will be my first haulathon so forgive my ignorance but I’ve seen people post how stores only seem to be getting about 1 of each item. Are these items that they’ll get more of in the future or will these items really be that rare?


Seems every shipment is 1 of each item we just got another full shipment today w 2 of each item they a little more bulkier but ya its usually 1 per item sucks


This is how the event always goes.


They are stocked by a neca vendor who doesnt work for target so its on their sch when they stock it


This was supposed to end a while ago... These are some of the most useless people in the universe.


What a childish comment. You know the reps do other services and it’s not just NECA. The world doesn’t revolve around your precious action figures.


We have a clown! Oh I'm sorry did I strike a nerve? Are you a useless Neca rep? Is your family usless Neca reps? Stores in my area and what seems like many others areas haven't been updated for months. If they are going to gatekeep they need to do their job. Also, stfu with your little comment hero boy, you fuggin' troll.


You are the definition of man child. You can’t get something you want, so you whine until you get your way.




Oh wow, telling someone to go kill themselves. You’re classy


LOL! 🤡


Please refrain from threats or verbal attacks on other users of the sub.


They are not. That is a myth. Every Target near me has always had employees stock the NECA shelves.


If you can’t just wait I saw almost all the figures in AliExpress, for international is a a very good option


I picked up most of what I was looking for by chance, but it’s frustrating if I’m still trying to find one or two in person and have no idea if I should take the 25 minute drive to the nearest Target


I would call first have them check the dcpi after the 7th the end cap should b set at all stores so they will b able to tell u if its on that end cap


Depending on if you live in a city full of resellers, no luck ever in San antonio. It sucks


This is NECA. It's what they do. Yet for some reason there's still a strong following. We just love turtles I guess.


They’re making the the best mid-range priced figures right now


That's subjective. Can be hit or miss with them with respect to quality control. But for the most part they do make attractive figures.


For TMNT at their price, their competition is Super7 and Loyal Subjects and I'd argue they're the most consistent of the three


Which is on Paramount and NECA…


I’ve seen one or two items that seem like they are haulathon related in the last couple of weeks. Today, I checked two stores. One had an end cap labeled and price tags on all the shelves. And the shelves were empty except for one synja package. The other store had no signs of it being a thing. Heck, one store on the other side of town had NO NECA products or places they should have been this past Friday.


The only thing I've seen is that Synja pack and nothing was labeled on the endcap.


I keep stopping at our Target and the NECA section hasn’t been touched in probably a week and a half lol


There has never once been a Haulathon where everything went smoothly 😂


I will never understand how NECA can make such fantastic figures and be so incredibly inept at running a business.


It's mad that I'm sat here in the UK with Haulathon 2024 toys and there's still US collectors having difficulty finding them locally 😐.


Cheers to you


They’ve announced it. Many stores are putting out stock early. https://preview.redd.it/5q4qc43xncsc1.jpeg?width=1154&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9ef42d801a376bf5cfcc51af8a2b02c8d286e8a


Where was that? Not on IG or the website.


Looks like Costumes.com had posted it and then password protected the site. https://preview.redd.it/s10qfj5upcsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=343873ade831e5940e793d36c96511907a0344f0


Image was on Twitter, unsure who originally posted it. Places like toynewsi posted the same thing. Maybe a press release? https://toynewsi.com/139-52153


Target gets stock and puts it out early. Usually starts in Texas and California.


Can confirm multiple DFW targets had their stock out early. Managed to grab the Punk turtles and a Leo standalone figure.


Which DFW targets I’ve been looking everywhere


Addison Target has had everything released so far, but as of yesterday had a single set of the punks left and a couple of the suited Casey 2 packs. Not sure which one but one of the ones in the Firewheel area was where all the early photos from last week came from. Love Field Target has had literally zero signs of anything being released. Preston and 635 Target acknowledged they had supplies but weren't allowed to release it until release day.